During the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Dr. Li in the village.

2024/07/0210:29:34 story 1226

During the years of the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked, because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and were dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Mr. Li in the village.

Langzhong Li and his son Li Song are not only skilled in medicine, but also kind-hearted. They are trying their best to save those patients. Li Song's wife, Langzhong's daughter and son-in-law also rushed over to help.

However, they have never seen this kind of disease and cannot cure it. They can only try their best to prolong their lives. Li Langzhong’s wife Xiuhui carried a basket on her back early in the morning and held a small hoe in her hand. According to her husband Li Langzhong’s instructions, He was told to go to the mountains to collect herbs.

During the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Dr. Li in the village. - DayDayNews

Although she had been collecting medicines for many years, she felt very heavy at this time because she sympathized with the patients and also felt sorry for her husband and children. She earnestly hoped that the medicines she collected could help those patients.

Xiuhui was a little tired after a busy morning, so she came to a gentle place in the mountains to sit and rest for a while. At this time, she could see her own village at the foot of the mountain, and even her own home, which was her third home. .

As the saying goes, "A woman has two families." Before she gets married, she has her mother's family, and after she gets married, she has her husband's family. But Xiuhui has three families. After seeing the second family, Xiuhui slowly turned her eyes towards Dozens of Miles. Looking in the direction of the county seat outside.

Because there was her first home and her ex-husband’s second home. Although twenty years had passed, the past events appeared in her mind one by one, and Xiuhui could not help but shed tears.

Suddenly, her thoughts were broken, because she heard a rustling sound coming from the grass behind her, and a cold wind blew over, making her shiver.

Xiuhui suddenly felt an ominous feeling. When she turned around and followed the sound and looked into the grass, her legs and feet were so frightened that she saw a white snake seven or eight feet long, crawling towards her with its head held high. Come over.

Fortunately, the white snake did not crawl very fast. Xiuhui was so frightened that she stood up and ran down the mountain, but the white snake quickly ran over and blocked the way.

As the saying goes, "If you panic, you will never choose the road." Xiuhui had no choice but to turn around and run in another direction. However, no matter how Xiuhui ran, she would be stopped by the white snake. Xiuhui, who was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, could only risk running towards the mountains.

As she ran, she shouted for help, hoping to meet a woodcutter or hunter, but no one responded to her. Xiuhui couldn't help but cry secretly, was she going to die in the mountains?

Suddenly, Xiuhui slipped and rolled down the hillside. Then she felt her body sinking. She found herself falling into a cave. The light in the cave was very dark. Although the white snake was freed, what should she do next?

Xiuhui looked around and found a trace of light not far away. Xiuhui ran over quickly. She was surprised to find that the light came from an open stone door. Could there be someone living here?

Xiuhui tiptoed towards the stone door. She suddenly felt a cold wind coming from the stone door. Xiuhui couldn't help but poked her head and looked inside the door. Xiuhui was surprised and happy at the same time.

Because the stone cave looks like a room with an oil lamp lit inside. There is a man sitting cross-legged in the cave. However, his head is lowered and his appearance cannot be clearly seen. But judging from his appearance, he is a man. Could it be that he is an expert from outside the world? Practicing here?

"Who are you? Why are you here? I accidentally fell into the cave, could you please take me out?" Xiuhui asked tentatively, but the sitting man did not react at all.

Could it be that he is not an expert in spiritual practice, but a person who, like himself, fell into a hole and encountered unexpected events? Xiuhui immediately felt that things were not as optimistic as she imagined.

Xiuhui walked up to the man and shouted a few more times, but the man still didn't respond. Xiuhui subconsciously checked the man's breath and found that the man's breath was weak. Xiuhui pushed the man, hoping to wake him up.

But even though she pushed gently, the man suddenly fell to the ground. Xiuhui had been with her husband as a doctor for many years and knew some simple medical skills, so she quickly felt the man's pulse .

She was surprised to find that the man's pulse was the same as that of the patient at the foot of the mountain. Not only that, when Xiuhui saw the man's appearance clearly, she felt that he looked very familiar.

Xiu Hui thought for a moment and suddenly felt dizzy because the man looked exactly like her husband Liu Congjin who had died for twenty years. Is he not dead yet, is he still alive?

But twenty years have passed, why is he still so young? Could it be that he is his son Liu Renqing? Xiuhui held her breath, looked at the birthmark on the man's neck, and burst into tears. Could it be that the reunion was actually a farewell?

Xiu Hui called her son heartbreakingly, hoping to wake him up. However, at this moment, perhaps her shouting voice disturbed something in the corner of the house, because Xiu Hui discovered that there was a sound coming from the corner of the house.

Xiuhui was shocked to find that it was the White Snake. Wasn't the White Snake getting rid of it? Why does it still appear here? But when Xiuhui saw the white snake clearly, she found that the white snake in the room was much larger than the one in front.

Could it be that the disappearance of the man at the foot of the mountain and those suffering from strange diseases are really caused by monsters? Although Xiuhui was scared and wanted to run away, she reunited with her son. She had not fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother in the past twenty years, how could she abandon him again?

It turns out that Xiuhui was born into a wealthy family in a town. She was not only beautiful, but also well-educated. More than 20 years ago, she married Liu Congjin from the county town. The two loved each other and had a son named Liu Renqing.

After Liu Renqing was full moon, Xiuhui took her husband and son back to her parents' home to visit her parents. However, when the family of three went home and passed through the woods on a hillside, they encountered robbers.

For the sake of his wife and children, Liu Congjin asked his maids and servants to protect Xiuhui and run away with her son. Poor Xiuhui watched helplessly as her husband Liu Congjin died under the knife of the robbers. How could the robbers let Xiuhui go?

Xiuhui knew that if she was caught, her son would definitely not survive, and her reputation would be ruined, so she ran for her life desperately, but she was a woman after all, with a child in her arms, how could she outrun the robbers?

Soon the maids and servants were also killed. For the sake of her son, Xiuhui hid the sleeping child in the bushes and ran in another direction. She wanted to lure the robbers away, but was still caught by the robbers and took her away. The cottage.

was going to be forced to marry the leading robber that night. Xiuhui decided to risk her life to keep her reputation, so during the bridal chamber, while the rope around her body was untied, Xiuhui hit the wall of the house and was killed on the spot. Dead.

The robbers felt unlucky and ordered people to carry Xiuhui to the mountains overnight and throw them away to feed the poisonous snakes and beasts. However, Xiuhui's life should not be cut off. Firstly, she was not dead at that time. Secondly, she encountered someone who rushed back from the county town in the early morning. Li Langzhong in the family.

Although Langzhong Li was married, his wife died young and he only had a two-year-old son, Li Song. Seeing that Xiuhui was unconscious but not dead, Langzhong took Xiuhui back with the help of his companions. Home.

During the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Dr. Li in the village. - DayDayNews

Under the treatment of Li Langzhong, Xiuhui woke up a few days later, but because she was frightened and hit her head, she lost her memory, so she stayed to take care of Li Langzhong and his son.

As the saying goes, "love grows over time". Langzhong Li was considerate and caring to Xiuhui. A year later, they got married. Later, they became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

However, the severe pain during her delivery allowed Xiuhui to miraculously recover her memory. However, this memory plunged Xiuhui into infinite grief.

Because her original husband is dead and the life or death of her only son is uncertain. The most terrible thing is that she has the experience of being taken into the village by robbers. In that era of honor and honor, a woman has such an experience, no matter what the situation is. is fatal.

So Xiuhui could not and did not dare to go to her husband's family and her natal family, not to mention that she was already married to Mr. Li and had a daughter, so Xiuhui could only silently bury all the pain in her heart.

However, all this was discovered by Li Langzhong, who was thoughtful and deeply in love with Xiuhui. Xiuhui told Li Langzhong the truth. Li Langzhong admired Xiuhui even more and loved the ill-fated woman beside him.

Time can heal many inner wounds. Twenty years have passed. Although Xiuhui has come out of her grief, she will still think of the past and silently pray for her son Liu Renqing, hoping that he can live.

But when she saw her son Liu Renqing in front of her, he was dying. As the saying goes, "women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong." Xiuhui, full of tears, raised the hoe in her hand angrily.

Even though the white snake held its head high, opened its eyes wide, and looked at Xiuhui with a sigh of relief, Xiuhui still threw herself at the white snake regardless of her own safety. Even if she died, she still had to relieve the hatred in her heart. She didn't want to imagine Abandoning his son like that twenty years ago.

It's strange to say that if the huge white snake wanted to hurt Xiuhui, it could be said that it would be effortless. However, the white snake seemed to be shocked by Xiuhui's behavior just now when she hugged her son and cried heartbrokenly, and it did not hurt Xiuhui at all. The meaning of wisdom.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Xiuhui swung the hoe and hit the white snake. Her hands were numb from the shock. At the same time, she was also a little confused as to why the white snake didn't move at all, didn't retreat, and didn't hurt herself. Could it be that she had wrongly blamed the white snake? ?

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, and the white snake seemed to come out of its daze, opened its big mouth, and pounced directly on Xiuhui. Xiuhui had no time to escape, so she could only close her eyes and wait for her fate.

Before long, another white snake appeared in the stone house and pushed away the white snake that was about to hurt Xiuhui. The scene in front of her made Xiuhui at a loss. There were two white snakes in the room, one wanted to hurt herself, and the other To save yourself, what is their relationship?

Although Xiuhui ran away, her son was there and she did not leave the stone house. The fight between the two white snakes was not so fierce, but the white snake that saved her was quickly at a disadvantage. When the larger white snake opened its mouth and bit into The smaller white snake.

The smaller white snake shed tears as big as beans. In the quiet stone house, the sound of ticking could be heard. The larger white snake stopped its attack and stared at the white snake in front of it. Suddenly there was a gentle female voice. Passed out.

The voice came from the smaller white snake. She said softly: "My lord, wake up. Don't be stubborn and don't hurt anyone again, otherwise you will be in danger.

What's more, this woman in front of us is our benefactor. She once saved us, and the one lying on the ground is her son. Have you forgotten the pain of losing our son? "How can we bear to separate mother and son?"

The bigger white snake slowly lowered his head and lay on the ground. The smaller white snake also lay down and licked the head of the larger white snake with its snake tongue, as if it was very intimate.

Why was Xiuhui suddenly able to hear their conversation? When had she saved the White Snake couple? Did Lady White Snake force Xiuhui into the cave so that Xiuhui could meet her son? But how did she know that her son was in the cave?

Although Xiuhui doesn't understand all this, she knows one thing very well, that is, her son Liu Renqing must have been harmed by Mr. White Snake. Even the inexplicable disappearance of the man in the village and the strange disease in the villagers are very likely to be related to Mr. White Snake.

Thinking of this, Xiuhui saw that the White Snake couple would not hurt her, so she ran over quickly, knelt on the ground and said with tears: "Snake Fairy, do you really know me? How have I ever saved you? No matter what, I hope you will I can save my son. I don’t want to lose him again. "Xiu Hui, don’t worry. Your son’s life is not in danger. As for you not knowing me now, it’s normal because we can’t transform into humans now. You Do you remember that you helped a couple more than 20 years ago?" Lady White Snake's words reminded Xiu Hui of the past.

At that time, Xiuhui was not married yet. She was the daughter of a wealthy businessman in the town. One afternoon, she and her maid were admiring flowers in the back garden of their home. Suddenly, an injured young couple appeared in the yard. The man was handsome. The woman is very beautiful and does not look like a thief.

But the maid was worried that Miss Xiuhui would be harmed, and just wanted to call someone, but the couple fell to their knees and begged Xiuhui to save them. The kind-hearted Xiuhui immediately stopped the maid from calling someone and took the young couple back to her Xiulou , ask them what's going on?

The woman said: "We are foreigners and came to the town to visit relatives. We never expected to encounter bullies and be chased by them, so we had no choice but to come here to escape. We also asked the lady to help us to avoid the limelight, and then we would leave on our own." "

During the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Dr. Li in the village. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda." Just as Xiuhui was about to take out the external and internal wound medicine prepared in the embroidery building and give it to the two of them, a maid came to Xiuhui and said that the master and his wife wanted it. Seeing her, Xiuhui thought it was an ordinary thing and went to the hall.

I saw the town bully Lai San with a Taoist priest asking Xiuhui's parents if they had met a strange young couple. He also said that they were goblins. If they found out, tell him immediately to avoid getting into trouble. Upper body.

Lai San has always coveted the beauty of his daughter Xiuhui, and she has been rejected by them many times to propose marriage. However, the Taoist priest said that for the sake of the safety of the family, Xiuhui's parents still summoned the family to ask whether they would take her in. stranger.

Everyone said they didn't find anything. Lai San said that he would ask Taoist priests to search around the house. In case the goblin transformed into another form and was invisible to the people in the house, it was not impossible, and the appearance of the goblin was not limited to Xiuhui's family. People's safety concerns the entire town.

Xiuhui's parents had no choice but to agree to the search, but there was no trace of the stranger. Lai San took the opportunity to say that they would go to Xiuhui's embroidery building to search. Firstly, Xiuhui knew that there was someone hiding in the embroidery building, and secondly, she hated the bully Lai San. .

So he immediately whispered to his parents: "Father, mother, I think Lai San clearly has bad intentions and wants to ruin my reputation. I will marry Mr. Liu from the county town next month. If Lai San goes to my embroidery house, How can I get married if the news spreads? Even if I get married, how can I deal with it?"

Xiuhui's parents thought their daughter was right and firmly disagreed with Lai San going to her daughter's embroidery house to search for someone, even though Lai San was a bully. , but he also knew that the Xiuhui family was not someone to be trifled with, so he had no choice but to leave in anger with the Taoist priest.

After Xiuhui saw Lai San leave, she hurried back to Xiulou to get medicine for the young couple to treat. They were grateful. In the evening, Xiuhui and the maid went to the kitchen to get some food for them. But when Xiuhui came back, There was no sign of the young couple.

"Were you the young couple back then? But why have you become white snakes now, and how can you talk? Why is my son Liu Renqing here? What is going on?" After hearing this, Xiuhui had many questions. Can't help but ask.

Lady White Snake said with tears: "It's a long story. Hundreds of years ago, we were ordinary white snakes in the mountains. I don't know which immortal passed by the mountains. We happened to crawl across his footprints and let us go.

Later, we were able to transform into human beings, but we never went to the human world, so as not to cause trouble. But God’s will, we gave birth to a son, and soon became seriously ill, and we could not cure it. As a last resort, we Use your cultivation power to turn him into a baby boy and take him to the county town for treatment.

But not long after we came down from the mountain, we met the bully Laisan who took the Taoist priests to the mountain to find things for cultivation, so that they could get the inner elixir and help them practice. Help Lai San prolong his life. When we were fighting with the Taoist priest, our son lost his protection and transformed into his original form. He was beaten to death by Lai San.

Our mana was limited and we were no match for the Taoist priest, so we had to run for our lives. The Taoist priest chased us all the way, but we just escaped. When we arrived near your house, we had no choice but to escape into your back garden. Fortunately, you helped us escape. In order not to harm you, we left overnight after our injuries improved.

But people are unpredictable, and the Taoist priest and Lai San were too cruel. , the magic circle set up at the intersection into the mountain, at first we fought and retreated to protect our son, but it was because we wanted to avenge our son and gave it a go.

But we are still unable to defeat the Taoist priests. As a result, our cultivation base is almost completely lost. We are about to die at the hands of the Taoist priests. Our inner elixir will be taken over by them. Suddenly, a fairy-like Taoist spirit comes. Chang appeared and saved us.

The Taoist priest turned out to be Lu Dongbin . It was his immortal energy that enlightened us. He is considered our master. Not only did he destroy the Taoist priest's skills, he also sent him and Lai San to the county government to bring him to justice, because They committed evil deeds and deceived people everywhere. They received the punishment they deserved, and we had to return to the mountains to practice.

Taoist Master Lu told us that we are destined to him, and that it is not easy for us to transform from ordinary white snakes into spiritual white snakes. However, the road to spiritual practice is full of disasters. Only by adhering to good intentions and refraining from doing evil can we achieve positive results. .

During the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Dr. Li in the village. - DayDayNews

It took us more than ten years to practice hard before we recovered, but we were still unable to transform into human form. We continued to have descendants in the mountains, but many children and tribesmen were captured by snake hunters. My husband was so angry that he accidentally became possessed. He began to hurt the snake catcher to help him practice.

Not only that, he also released snake venom , which caused many people to get sick. I couldn't stop him no matter how hard I tried to persuade him. Moreover, when he went crazy sometimes, he didn't even recognize me and would even hurt me. He regretted it afterwards. To save my husband who has been with me for hundreds of years.

I can only do my best to protect the people around me. Otherwise, based on what my husband did, I don’t know how many people will die in the surrounding mountain villages. I wanted to find Mr. Lu, but his whereabouts were erratic, and after I left, he was worried about me. The husband made an irreparable mistake.

I could only silently ask Director Lu for blessing in my heart. Maybe it was my sincerity that moved Director Lu, or maybe Director Lu knew our situation very well, and he sent a message to me saying that only true love in the world can bring my husband back from the devil's path.

You are the only person I know best in this world, so I thought of you. My husband-in-law and I originally wanted to go to you in human form to repay our kindness, but the situation was urgent and I had to find you.

So I found out your whereabouts after a long period of calculation, and the new man my husband-in-law captured was your son, so I forced you into a hole, hoping to take this opportunity to influence my husband-in-law and let him He found his way back and returned to the right path. "

Hearing this, Xiuhui sighed at Lady White Snake's sincerity and painstaking efforts towards her husband. Xiuhui quickly asked: "Snake Fairy, why is my son here? How do you plan to save him? Why can I only hear you speak but not your husband? "

Lady White Snake said: "When he wakes up, let him tell you personally about your son. As for why you heard me and couldn't hear my husband, I don't know, but I will save your son no matter what. To repay your life-saving grace back then. "

After saying that, smoke came out of Lady White Snake's mouth, and a white light came out from Lady White Snake's mouth. Xiuhui looked at a crystal clear bead, and slowly exposed most of it from her mouth. However, at this moment , Mr. White Snake suddenly knocked Mrs. White Snake aside.

Could Mr. White Snake have gone crazy again and really wanted to hurt his wife? However, Xiuhui thought wrong, and saw Mr. White Snake burst into tears, and suddenly there was a man's voice. Said: "Madam, we must save the benefactor's child, but let me do it, how can I bear to let you risk your life? "

" Sir, no, you have gone crazy. If you use the inner elixir, you may not be able to save your life. If you use my inner elixir to save people, maybe I still have a chance to survive. "Ms. White Snake shouted with tears in her eyes, but it was too late. White Snake had already vomited out the inner elixir with black impurities and saved Liu Renqing.

"Madam, remember to take my inner elixir and save the people at the foot of the mountain." She spoke just now Falling, Mr. White Snake fell to the ground, breathless, and his inner elixir floated into Lady White Snake's mouth.

Xiuhui's heart was extremely complicated. On the one hand, his son was rescued, but on the other hand, Lady White Snake had to spend a lot of time with her. Farewell to a century-old husband.

Although Liu Renqing woke up, he was completely weak at that time. He reluctantly sat up and saw the scene in the stone house. One of the two white snakes was still alive, and there was a woman standing next to him. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say .

After a while, he said to Xiuhui: "Auntie, why are you here? You saved us? It's not a good place to stay for a long time. You'd better run away for your life and leave me alone!"

Auntie? Although Xiuhui could understand what her son called her, but twenty years later, when she finally saw her son, she was addressed like this. She couldn't help but burst into tears. She didn't know where to start for a while.

"Auntie, did I say something wrong? Stop crying now, it's important to escape!" Seeing that Xiuhui had no intention of running away, Liu Renqing steeled himself to stand up and pulled Xiuhui to escape, but Liu Renqing couldn't get up.

On the one hand, the White Snake Lady on the side was crying for her lost husband, and on the other hand, she was lamenting that Xiuhui and her son met but did not recognize each other, but she was not in human form, and Liu Renqing did not understand all this.

However, at this moment, a Taoist priest with an immortal spirit appeared in the room, and a stream of immortal energy came. Xiuhui and Liu Renqing suddenly felt refreshed. Liu Renqing immediately stood up, and the one lying on the ground Lady White Snake suddenly transformed into a human form.

"Daozhang Lu, Master, please save my husband. We don't seek to achieve righteousness, we just want to be together forever!" Lady White Snake fell to her knees and kept kowtowing.

Although Xiuhui and Liu Renqing have never seen Lu Dongbin, they have seen the statue of Lu Dongbin enshrined in it and seen it in the portrait. When they saw Lady White Snake calling him Taoist Master Lu, they immediately understood that the Taoist priest who came was Lu Dongbin.

Liu Renqing quickly saluted and said: "Taoist Master Lu, please get rid of the snake demon on the ground. Maybe he is still alive. He almost killed me and this aunt. Please save the people at the foot of the mountain."

" Auntie? She is your biological mother!" Daochang Lu and Lady White Snake said in unison. Liu Renqing was shocked. At this time, Xiuhui couldn't control it anymore and cried while holding Liu Renqing, "My "My son!"

Liu Renqing didn't know what to do for a while. Xiuhui told her experience with tears. Liu Renqing hugged her mother and cried non-stop. Lady White Snake beside her was also in tears, but she was also crying for her husband. Worry and plead with Taoist Master Lu.

"Give me your husband's inner elixir!" After finishing speaking, Taoist Master Lu took the inner elixir that Lady White Snake sent to her husband. With a wave of his hand, Taoist Master Lu made the inner elixir that had impurities become crystal clear, and Taoist Master Lu immediately took it. It was sent into the mouth of the white snake lying on the ground. The white snake husband woke up and transformed into a human form. The couple hugged each other and cried.

They begged Taoist Lu to save the people. Taoist Lu said to Xiuhui: "Although you have a rough life, you always have a kind heart. I will give you the fairy grass and take it back to save people. You have to persuade the villagers that everything has animism and don't abuse it again." Kill innocent people, so as not to hurt yourself."

Mr. and Mrs. White Snake, please follow me and practice well. After Lu Dongbin said that, he took the White Snake and his wife away. They said goodbye to Xiuhui and her son. On the way, Xiuhui asked her son Liu Renqing how he had been doing these years. Passed? Why does it appear here?

It turns out that Xiuhui's family of three encountered robbers. Passers-by saw them from a distance. Although they did not dare to come forward to save the people, they spread the news to the county town and reported it to the officials, Liu Renqing's grandparents and aunt. Knowing the only way Xiuhui and her family of three must take to get home, they went to the scene.

As a result, I saw Liu Congjin's body. While searching for Xiuhui's whereabouts, I found Liu Renqing who was dying in the grass and took him back.

"Qing'er, are your grandparents still alive? How good is your uncle and aunt to you? How have you been in these years? Will you get married..." On the way, Xiuhui had many questions to ask after a long separation. Reunion with son Liu Renqing.

Liu Renqing said with tears: "My grandparents have passed away. My uncle and aunt were very good to me. They took pity on me because I lost my parents when I was young. They treated me as if they were their own child and let me go to school. Although I am not particularly smart.

But I am very excited. Firstly, I want to repay my uncle and aunt for raising me, and secondly, I want to avenge my father. The most important thing is that no one has found your trace. I want to be able to find your whereabouts when I grow up.

During the Ming Dynasty, people in the villages near Cuiping Mountain were panicked because several strong men disappeared inexplicably, and many people were suffering from strange diseases and dying. The patients and their families crowded the courtyard of Dr. Li in the village. - DayDayNews

Later I was named on the gold medal list and became an official in the county. I often paid private visits incognito to inquire about your whereabouts. Recently I heard that something strange happened near Cuiping Mountain. I sent people there but couldn't find the reason. So I came here to find you. Whereabouts, secondly, I also want to find out what is the reason.

As a result, I was caught by a huge white snake and taken into the cave. It sucked my essence and I fainted. I never expected that I would be able to reunite with my mother when I woke up. Mom, after you save those people, will you go back with me? Let me honor you well. Your daughter-in-law and grandson will be very happy to see you!

Xiuhui waved her hand and said, "That's all. Mr. Li is very kind to me, and my two children are also very filial. After all, you should call him daddy. You also have an extra brother and sister. I will visit you." Daughter-in-law and grandson, but I want to continue living here. If you are filial to me, you can come and visit us often. "

" The child obeys! Liu Renqing finished speaking, and then hurried back to the village to save people with his mother in his arms.

(End of story)

Statement: This story aims to inherit folk art, persuade people to do good and abandon evil, and promote traditional virtues. It has nothing to do with feudal superstition. , thank you for reading, please like and leave your comments about the characters or plot in the story


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