As the phone rang, Yang Xiong was shocked, thinking that his phone was not on silent, but when he looked at the phone screen, there was no caller ID! The man on the bed picked up the phone, and damn, his phone's ringtone turned out to be Just like myself, they all used the Indian

2024/07/0111:36:33 story 1949

9. Start the punishment

As the phone rang, Yang Xiong was shocked. He thought his phone was not muted, but when he looked at the phone screen, there was no caller ID!

The man on the bed answered the phone. Damn it, his phone's ringtone was the same as mine, using the Indian song "Eagle Song."

"Well, it's me. Okay, tell me, what?" The man jumped out of bed with this question.

"Okay, okay, I know!" The man hurriedly hung up the phone and said eagerly to Lu Xiaojing, who was naked on the bed: "Quickly put on your clothes and leave quickly, the city leaders are on this floor..."

Yang Xiong sat down after going to work At the desk, he was lost in thought.

is introverted and even a little cowardly, but that doesn't mean he has no temper. Lu Xiaojing cuckolded him again and again: It’s okay not to do the housework, and forget about the children. Now she wants to lend the family money to her lover, and her mother is sick but doesn’t pay a penny. It’s really Think of yourself as Wu Dalang . If the tiger doesn't show off its power - you think of me as a sick cat!

I have some information about Lu Xiaojing's cheating. Now I need to find out the identity of the man. Next...

Mayor Zhuang's angry voice in the office interrupted his thoughts, and Zhao Haijun came out dejectedly. Yang Xiong looked at the documents on the table and compared them with the contents he had revised on the computer. He couldn't help but sigh: This Zhao Haijun graduated from the Chinese Department of Fudan University. The notices, plans and other documents he issued were worded with many wrong sentences, and his concepts were still stuck. I once kindly reminded him of what I learned in books, but what I got in return was a dismissive eye roll from him.

Zhuang Guodong was very dissatisfied and always asked Yang Xiong to revise or draft again. Due to

's mistakes in teamwork and lack of work ability, Zhuang Guodong had already planned to abandon this secretary.

Zhuang Guodong still had some thoughts. He planned to see his performance again. If it didn't work, he would ask him to take a temporary job at the street office below to get some training. After all, Zhao Haijun had been with him for so many years, so kicking him away would not sound good or look good.

Yang Xiong was called into the office again. Before he walked to Zhao Haijun's desk, he heard his dissatisfied muttering: "I don't support you here, I have my own place to support you. If I don't support you everywhere, I will go home. Anyway, so do I." Graduated from Fudan ..."

Today's young people, ability and attitude - well, those civil servants and career editors who are recruited every year must be young college students, but work ability, ability to do things and diplomas are simply not linked!

Yang Xiong shook his head and walked into the mayor's office.

Zhuang Guodong pondered for a while, picked up a document and said: "The bus company has submitted another report to apply for 15 million to purchase 20 buses, saying that there are not enough vehicles during peak periods and a large number of passengers will be stranded; the municipal government also applied for 30 million The city roads are being renovated and widened, saying that traffic is now congested; the traffic police team wants another 10 million, saying that ground traffic signs and symbols need to be repainted..."

He paused: "Money is needed everywhere, finances are tight, and the resulting The later maintenance costs are a lot of money!”

What Yang Xiong admires most is that Zhuang Guodong likes to discuss with himself whatever problems he has. He is not pretending to be superior, making people feel that his leadership ability is beyond yours. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, he should act according to the leader's intention. If something goes wrong, it is not the leader's fault, but that you understand the mistake or do not do your best enough. Nowadays, in every industry of ours, this phenomenon will exist to some extent. At that time, a wrong decision will lead the enterprise to the abyss.

When Song Haojie was managing, he had to do everything here personally, to the point where he had to ask for instructions on the direction of each table and the placement of each flower pot. This was probably a sign of taking over power.

Yang Xiong asked tentatively: "How about we do an investigation tomorrow?"

"Well, that's what I have in mind. Tomorrow you and I -" He frowned, "Call Xiao Zhao and we will conduct an on-site investigation!" "

In the early morning of the next day, just after a moderate rain, Zhuang Guodong, Yang Xiong, and Zhao Haijun came to the bus station.

It’s the rush hour for work now. People are crowded, people are crushing each other, and your feet are almost dangling in the air. As the mayor's secretary, Zhao Haijun no longer surrounded the mayor, but squeezed to the front with his briefcase on his back.

Yang Xiong couldn't help but frown. He couldn't say anything in front of the mayor, so he had to stand beside Zhuang Guodong and observe the passenger flow.

As the phone rang, Yang Xiong was shocked, thinking that his phone was not on silent, but when he looked at the phone screen, there was no caller ID! The man on the bed picked up the phone, and damn, his phone's ringtone turned out to be Just like myself, they all used the Indian - DayDayNews

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As expected, after changing to a few cars, Zhao Haijun was squeezed out of the car. By the time Zhuang Guodong and Yang Xiong got off the bus, Zhao Haijun was nowhere to be seen.

Zhuang Guodong stood in the pavilion next to the green belt, frowning.

"Be careful -" Yang Xiong blocked in front of Zhuang Guodong. A Toyota Landco passed by the pavilion without slowing down, splashing large amounts of water all over Yang Xiong's body.

Zhuang Guodong's nose was so angry that he took out his phone and called the police. After making the call, he asked with concern: "You are already soaked. Can you go home and change your clothes?"

"It's okay. Children from rural areas are not so pampered." After answering, Yang Xiong observed the road carefully.

After observing the road conditions, Yang Xiong took Zhuang Guodong to the tree on the roadside and handed the mayor a cigarette. Zhuang Guodong took the cigarette and lit it without looking at it.

"If it doesn't work, give it to them. It's really crowded!"

"I suggest not using it yet. I just observed the passenger flow in the car. Nearly half of them were old men and old ladies. They were probably crowding to the mall to grab those special eggs. Vegetables, they all use senior cards, so they don't have to worry about it. "

" So what?" Zhuang Guodong looked at Yang Xiong with interest. Sure enough, he was right. He can keenly discover the root cause of any problem and come up with the best way to solve it.

"You can cancel the senior citizen card!"

"Isn't that bad?" Zhuang Guodong knew that as long as Chinese people get advantage, it is absolutely impossible to let them spit it out, and it will also lead to various problems.

Yang Xiong certainly knows this truth, so he explained: "You can change the strategy and change it to transportation subsidies for the elderly. A certain amount of financial subsidies are given to each person every year. If you take the bus, you will spend it. If you don't take the bus, the money will be in vain. In urban areas, There are about 60,000 elderly people in the city, and the annual subsidy of 200 yuan is only more than 12 million. It is much more cost-effective than buying a bus. More importantly, it saves the elderly people the cost of later maintenance, personnel wages, etc. Of course, I know how to save money, so I rarely go to the bus."

Zhuang Guodong's eyes lit up: "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Yang Xiong continued: "I just looked at the road conditions, and it's really bad. There is also a ground traffic separation line that is sprayed with a thick layer every year. Not only is it expensive, but it is also easy for cars to slip on rainy and snowy days. I just saw four cyclists. "I fell down on it."

Following the old rules, Yang Xiong proposed a correction method: "In recent years, colored asphalt has been introduced. When we renovate and pave the road, we can use different asphalt in different lanes, and use different asphalt in the middle. Isolation can reduce the cost of spraying, reduce visual fatigue when driving, and reduce the occurrence of accidents."

As the phone rang, Yang Xiong was shocked, thinking that his phone was not on silent, but when he looked at the phone screen, there was no caller ID! The man on the bed picked up the phone, and damn, his phone's ringtone turned out to be Just like myself, they all used the Indian - DayDayNews


Zhuang Guodong looked at Yang Xiong with great appreciation: What he discovered is really a treasure. I will recommend it to civil servants in the future. The selection of business staff does not necessarily require assessment of diploma or age, but priority should be given to those with ability to do things.

He solved three very complicated problems using two methods. It would be great if Xiao Zhao was half as capable as him.

Thinking of this, he realized that Zhao Haijun was not around.

Later, Yang Xiong's city underwent drastic traffic reconstruction. Using these two methods, the traffic pressure was greatly relieved, traffic accidents also dropped slightly, and the pressure on financial expenditures was eliminated. People from all over the country came to visit and follow suit. In particular, the urban roads with colored asphalt have become a beautiful scenery of the city.

Yang Xiong called Zhao Haijun, but it took him a long time to get through. Zhao Haijun cried on the phone: "I was on the No. 36 bus, here in the university town, and something happened..."

Yang Xiong was shocked: "Something happened? There was a car accident? "Without having time to ask for details, he quickly reported it to Zhuang Guodong, and the two took a taxi and rushed towards the university town.

On a No. 36 bus with double flashes three stops away from the university town, a female college student took a picture of Zhao Haijun with a mobile phone and said angrily: "Shameless things, borrow a school bag to buy them." Cover, touch my butt when you take the opportunity, I can't beat you up, I'll send you a message on Moments to kill you!"

When Zhuang Guodong and Yang Xiong opened the door, they saw Zhao Haijun being beaten with a bruised nose and face by a group of "indignation" righteous people. In aggrieved defense: "No, I didn't at all -"

Yang Xiong walked over quickly, handed Zhao Haijun a piece of paper, and asked him to wipe the blood on his face: "I am his colleague, what happened?"

Everyone Seven They kept talking: "He touched the little girl's butt." "He still doesn't admit it, so quibbling!"

Zhao Haijun was about to cry: "I didn't touch her butt at all!"

"You're still quibbling!" The little girl came up to beat her. He slapped him in the face and suddenly saw something in Zhao Haijun's tattered trousers: "Look, everyone, this grown man is wearing stockings! He is a pervert. Look, everyone, he is wearing stockings!!"

Zhao Haijun saw everyone The crowd came up to watch and began to comment. Some took out their mobile phones to take pictures. They couldn't help but curl up and cover themselves, and started to cry in despair.

Yang Xiong's mind was spinning rapidly: The little girl in front of him doesn't look very good. There are many pretty girls in the city government. They need to have good figures and good looks. Zhao Haijun is not interested in them either, and he rarely even talks to them. , and there was no physical contact. Could it be that he would touch this mediocre and pretty girl? Wear stockings? Does he have a transvestite? Although Yang Xiong knew that stockings originated from European aristocratic men's wear in the 16th century, they later evolved into women's products.

As the phone rang, Yang Xiong was shocked, thinking that his phone was not on silent, but when he looked at the phone screen, there was no caller ID! The man on the bed picked up the phone, and damn, his phone's ringtone turned out to be Just like myself, they all used the Indian - DayDayNews

(Internet picture infringement and deletion) French Emperor Louis XIII

He stepped forward to help Zhao Haijun, arranged his clothes, and said to the girl: "Have you ever seen him touch your buttocks with his hands? Or has someone else seen it?" He then He turned around and said to the onlookers: "Have any of you seen my colleague touch this girl's butt with your own eyes? We are going to call the police, can you testify?" Everyone was obedient and did not respond.

The girl was still confident: "I felt someone touching my butt, and he was right next to me. Who is he? Look at him wearing stockings, he must be a pervert..."

Yang Xiong said sternly: "Men wear stockings Is he a pervert? This is because my colleague has varicose veins, and wearing stockings is to prevent the disease from getting worse."

He turned to the driver and said, "Please drive to the nearest police station!"

At the police station, the police called the police. The two cameras clearly saw Zhao Haijun moving the armrest backwards to get out of the car. As the car braked, Zhao Haijun tilted, and the briefcase he was carrying pressed against the girl's butt...

The facts are before you, this is called Tang Yiming's girl said boldly: "I hope you understand my reaction, let's apologize to each other..."

However, the result of the processing has not yet come out. As Tang Yiming's circle of friends posted the previous incident and her friends forwarded it, Zhao Haijun's image spread to every corner of the city.

After the matter was settled, Zhao Haijun did not come to work for several days.

On the third day, the city's emergency response office called, the city's special patrol detachment also called, and the university security office also called, all pointing to one incident: Zhao Haijun from the city government was kidnapped at the university. A girl is taken as a hostage!

Zhuang Guodong and Yang Xiong both have big heads!

In the corner of the entrance to the university library, Zhao Haijun stared with blood-red eyes, his facial features twisted, waving a sharp knife more than ten centimeters in one hand, and tightly strangling a girl with the other hand. That girl was Tang Yiming who said he touched her buttocks on the bus!

The police were using loudspeakers to comfort her, and several snipers had already aimed their guns at her.

As the phone rang, Yang Xiong was shocked, thinking that his phone was not on silent, but when he looked at the phone screen, there was no caller ID! The man on the bed picked up the phone, and damn, his phone's ringtone turned out to be Just like myself, they all used the Indian - DayDayNews

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Zhao Haijun shouted hysterically: "Back off, all of you, back off!"

Tang Yiming was choked by him and couldn't breathe, and he struggled to shout: "Let go - me, let go ——"

Zhao Haijun stabbed her butt several times with a knife frantically, and blood flowed down Tang Yiming's thigh.

"Didn't you say I touched your butt? Didn't you let me die? I'll pierce your butt today!" After saying that, he stabbed her butt a few more times, and Tang Yiming groaned in pain.

He pointed the knife at everyone: "Don't men have privacy? Don't men have dignity?" As he said, he pointed the knife at Tang Yiming: "It's her! It's this woman who wantonly tramples on my dignity, slanders my personality, and spreads my She forced me to do this!"

then screamed: "I want her to die too!"

said, waving the sharp knife and stabbing Tang Yiming in the chest...

Special Police Captain With a wave of his hand: "Shoot -"

The tip of the knife just touched Tang Yiming's clothes. She screamed in fright, and a stream of urine mixed with blood flowed to the ground...

By the time Yang Xiong and Zhuang Guodong's cars stopped on campus, , a "bang" gunshot -

Zhao Haijun twitched in pain, his eyes had begun to blur, and he vaguely saw Yang Xiong walking over. He couldn't help but use all his strength: "Brother Yang, thank you, thank you..."

Yang Xiong didn't know what he was thanking him for.

…(To be continued)

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