In the hot summer, the breeze blowing from time to time is refreshing. Li Xiaoyao got off the train, stood on the street, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sigh.

2024/07/0113:51:36 story 1339

In the hot summer, the breeze blowing from time to time is refreshing. Li Xiaoyao got off the train, stood on the street, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sigh. - DayDayNews

Chapter 1 Crisp, fragrant and soft

In the hot summer, the breeze blowing from time to time is refreshing.

Li Xiaoyao got off the train, stood on the street, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's so fragrant and soft..." Finally we arrived at Haining City . It's really too big here and there are so many beauties!

"Rogue! It's all your fault!"

He opened his eyes, but found that there was a pretty good woman standing in front of him, wearing an OL uniform and a black hip skirt , with a pair of slender legs exposed. , smooth as jade, especially the buttons of the lace shirt in front of her body seem to be unable to hold up at all...

Isn't this the beautiful woman who said she bought fake tickets just now?

The beauty glared at Li Xiaoyao fiercely. If she hadn't seen how tall and powerful the beggar was, she would have used her pink palms to serve his face.

Li Xiaoyao was helpless and thought to himself that he was just sighing that the crispy wind was fragrant and soft, and he did not say that she looked soft and smelled good. After all, he had never touched it, so who knew the authenticity of it.

Originally, I wanted to remind this woman that she was in the wrong car, but before she could say anything, she blamed herself a lot.

is so good-looking, but has no brains. This woman really deserves to be punished by life, otherwise she may suffer big losses in the future.

Thinking about it again, it is quite comfortable to have a beautiful woman who is full of fragrance and so beautiful along the way.

Therefore, Li Xiaoyao happily gave up his seat to her in the spirit of helping others.

At this time, Lin Yutong had already left quickly.

As she walked, she gritted her teeth and thought to herself that she was really unlucky today to meet such a weirdo!

It turns out that I got on the wrong bus, but that scoundrel didn't tell me, causing me to miss a very important invitation. When I called just now, the other party told me that I didn't need to go, and that I was already discussing cooperation with another company. .

Lin Yutong was so angry that even if he was the scoundrel, there was still room for redemption if he told himself.

Or if you look twice and find that you are on the wrong bus, you can get off at the next stop and make up for it.

But Lin Yutong closed her eyes to rest because she was stared at by this smelly beggar, and never paid attention to the direction of her journey.

"Hey, beauty, ask for directions, you know Qing..." Li Xiaoyao shouted towards Lin Yutong's back.

"I don't know, don't follow me!" Lin Yutong was stunned for half a second, clenched her fist, and continued walking forward.

Li Xiaoyao scratched his head and said to himself: "I don't know where it is without saying anything. Sure enough, beautiful women are very good at lying."

The crowd was bustling and they were in a hurry.

Li Xiaoyao smiled and continued walking forward.

On the road, anyone who saw this young man wearing big shorts and a red vest, carrying a broken straw hat, and carrying a large sack would take a second look.

Beggars are seen a lot, but beggars with such strength are really rare. His skin is all bronze, and his tendons are shining when he walks. He is carrying the sack on his shoulders, which looks to be at least three hundred pounds. !

Li Xiaoyao didn't care about the strange looks around him. Life in the mountains was hard, so this dress was considered his best. If it weren't for going out, he would still be reluctant to wear it. There was also a large sack he was carrying, which was But they are all treasures that have been brought down from the mountain through hard work.

However, this time I went down to the mountain to pay for my crime, so I had to quickly go to the Qingyu Building to find the rightful owner.

Senior Sister is also true. Just because she happened to run into the lake to practice holding her breath in the water when the senior sisters were taking a bath, and had a little friction with their proud figures, she actually kicked herself down the mountain on the same day.

also threatened that he would not be allowed to go back if he did not complete the task. What a fuss!

Li Xiaoyao still doesn't understand why his junior sister, who has always loved him, got so angry this time. He remembers that the last time he played a mouth-to-mouth game with his junior senior sister, he didn't see her so angry.

walked to the roadside, and unexpectedly met the beautiful woman just now. It was definitely fate!

"It's really long!" Li Xiaoyao lowered his head and looked at Lin Yutong's back from bottom to top, and felt very happy. The legs of this long-legged sister are even worse than those of the senior sister!

"Want to take a car? Beauty? Cheaper than a taxi!"

"Go to Qingyu Building, please hurry up." Lin Yutong saw a black car on the roadside, and the driver was soliciting customers.

Lin Yutong knew that this was a black car and hesitated for a moment, but she really didn't want to stay here for another minute, so she got on the car directly.

She was confused and didn't know how to go back and explain today's events to the president. She felt that she was really having Mercury retrograde recently.

Li Xiaoyao carried his heavy burden, scratched his head, and thought to himself that this sister with beautiful legs was also going to Qingyu Building, and he happened to be on the way...

A moment later, a black car stopped in front of Lin Yutong.

After Lin Yutong confirmed the license plate number, he opened the passenger door and got into the car.

The black Mercedes-Benz sedan drove forward slowly.

The corner of Li Xiaoyao's mouth curled up into a smile. As long as he followed this car, he would reach his destination.

He quickly put the big burden on his shoulders, and then chased after him.

The speed of the car became faster. Li Xiaoyao wiped his sweat while working hard to catch up.


A few minutes later, he took a few breaths, hurriedly took out a gourd from the big bag, opened the lid, and drank a few sips.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to catch up, Li Xiaoyao had no choice but to put away his gourd, do a run-up, then jumped up, stepped on the roofs of several cars, and flew forward for a while.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry!"

"Borrow it, borrow it!"

For a time, the brakes kept coming, and the traffic in a small section suddenly became chaotic.

Many cars stopped, and the driver opened the door and got out of the car. Road rage had not yet been committed, but he was dumbfounded!

Pedestrians on the roadside also looked sideways, their eyes almost falling out of surprise.

I saw a huge package moving at an inhuman speed on the roadside!

In the distant sky, the setting sun is like blood!

"Oh my god, this kid is crazy!"

"Run so fast? Jump so high? What two powerful kidneys!"

"Asshole! Look at these two big footprints on the Lamborghini I just bought. , don’t run! Pay money...”

Li Xiaoyao doesn’t know why this car is driving so fast, why is he rushing to reincarnate! If I hadn't been used to being chased and beaten by the master's wife in the mountains, I might not have been able to keep up.

Haining is a first-tier big city. During the evening rush hour, it gradually became congested.

Li Xiaoyao ran for more than ten kilometers and finally was able to stop and rest for a while.

On the horizon, the last trace of the sunset gradually faded away.

Night fell lightly, and there was a smell of earth in the air, a bit like a sign of rain.

In the black car, the driver was dark and fat. He looked at the co-pilot from time to time. This beautiful woman with outstanding figure was ready to come out where the seat belt was. It made people's blood rush. He couldn't help it. .

"Miss, that's what you do, right? How much does it cost per night?"

Chapter 2 Beauty in trouble

Lin Yutong was in a daze, almost falling asleep. When he heard this voice, he subconsciously stayed awake.


"Hey, it's nothing. Where do you work?"

Lin Yutong was stunned for a moment and said: "It's in Qingyu Building."

"It doesn't look like it. I thought she was a stewardess model or something. , What are you doing at work with such a good figure? Jiangcheng has held several auto shows recently, and I have been receiving models. I heard that some models even work part-time and make money. "

"No, no, I am just an ordinary office worker."

The fat black driver had a weird smile on his face and thought to himself: "You are not a good person. If you don't want the money, then don't blame me for ruining it!"

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. The village in the city at home was being demolished, and there was no shortage of money at all, so I ran a dark car just for fun.

"Miss, this car will probably be stuck for a while. It's hot. Please drink some water."

Lin Yutong did feel a little thirsty and took it. Unexpectedly, the fat man took it back and unscrewed it before handing it over. In front of him, he said with a smile on his face: "I'll unscrew it for you."

Lin Yutong nodded, took a sip, and said: "Thank you, master."

"Hey, come on, you can go, you can rest for a while. "We'll be there soon!" The fat man saw the car in front of him moving, held the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator.

Lin Yutong suddenly looked out the window and the scene became blurry, and she felt dizzy.

"Master, stop the car, I feel uncomfortable..." But before she could finish speaking, her whole body lost strength.

Lin Yutong's heart skipped a beat. She thought of the previous news about a single girl being persecuted while riding in a black car, and she couldn't sit still.

The more she looked at the driver, the less he looked like a good person. She immediately quietly touched the cell phone in her bag and wanted to call the police for help.

Lin Yutong did not dare to take out her mobile phone. While observing the driver, she wanted to call the police.

At this moment, the driver suddenly turned his head, looked at him with a ferocious and lewd smile, snatched Gang's cell phone away, and threw it out the window.

"Young lady, you are smart enough."

"What do you want to do? I, I just called the police. The police will definitely come to save me!"

"Hahaha, don't be naive. I'll be there when they come." It's over, just let me control you, brother, I will definitely make you feel comfortable as hell!"

Lin Yutong's face suddenly changed. Looking at the powerful driver, his heart was beating wildly, as if his body had been hollowed out, and his whole body was nervous. To the extreme, layers of fragrant sweat seeped out from that smooth and white skin.

She was scared to death and desperately wanted to open the car doors and windows.

KA KA KA! Click, click, click! Click, click, click!

But the car doors and windows have long been locked.

At this moment, Lin Yutong only felt that it was really sad to be born in this world. Why did he meet so many bad people in this world?

Her breathing became more and more rapid as she lay on the chair in the car.

The fragrant sweat soaked her thin shirt.

But the driver looked over, and the evil look on his face became even stronger, as if he wanted to swallow himself in one gulp. Yes, he was even more excited, and he couldn't wait to peel this delicious lamb alive right now.


Endless despair!

Lin Yutong's heartbeat was so fast that she had never felt it before, and then suddenly, as if everything in the world stopped, she twisted her neck and fainted.


Li Xiaoyao watched the black car start to leave again, and continued to follow it. Good guy, the speed is faster this time!

ran for about twenty minutes before he stopped. He was as tired as a dog.

Under the night, the surrounding environment gives people a somewhat desolate feeling.

Li Xiaoyao frowned and stood in front of the half-demolished red brick wall with a big bag on his shoulders. He scratched his head and wondered, isn't it a building? Why is it so shabby?

At this moment, not far away, the fat black driver with a gold chain as thick as his thumb came out of the car and quickly opened the passenger door.

"Come on, dear! Brother, I will make you want to die!"

The black-armed driver looked at Lin Yutong, who was unconscious on the co-pilot, breathing quickly and with a blushing face, and was already a little impatient.

Three times five divided by two, he carried Lin Yutong out and closed the car with his foot.

This trick is really tried and true. After taking the medicine I bought from a special channel, I will definitely turn into a little prodigal later. Then I will videotape it and send it to her mobile phone. Seeing how proactive this woman is, Absolutely no trouble.

wanted to find myself, but it was also because it was so exciting and had endless aftertaste!

The evil thoughts in the fat man's heart came one after another, and he didn't notice at all that there was a young man with bright eyes standing not far behind him.

Li Xiaoyao was stunned when he saw this scene. He had long thought that this woman would suffer a big loss because of her big breasts and lack of brains. He didn't expect that she would get into trouble so quickly.

"Do you want to save me?"

"This beautiful-legged sister has such a bad temper, what if she thinks I am an accomplice?"

"Hey, what a bad luck, what a chivalrous heart I was born with!"

Li Xiaoyao carried it The heavy baggage carefully followed the fat driver into a small red brick courtyard.

In the yard, the fat black man carried Lin Yutong and walked directly into the middle room, turned on the light, then put her on the bed and rubbed her hands.

Lin Yutong's face had already turned as hot as red clouds. She slowly opened her eyes and was startled.

It was as if all the strength in her body had been drained away. Although she was conscious, she could not even lift her hands.

There seemed to be a demon raging in her delicate body. An indescribable feeling filled her whole body. Her legs were tightly together, and her whole body was grinding uncontrollably.

"What's going on? What's going on?! Where is this!" At this moment, she felt extremely fearful in her heart.

"Hey, do you feel that it is getting softer and softer? Later you will beg me, brother, to love you so much! Hahahaha!"

Lin Yutong could hear that this was the driver's voice, and she immediately realized , his current dangerous situation.

In her mind, she thought of the sensational incident of a young girl being murdered in a car rental a while ago...

"Don't come over! Don't come over!" She shouted in her heart, but her vocal cords seemed to have lost their function, and she could only make a small and soft hum. .

"I can't wait any longer, brother, I'm going to love you right away!" The fat black driver showed a lustful look on his face and took off his shirt at once, revealing his big belly that he had practiced for many years.

Lin Yutong looked at all this vaguely, with only one thought in her mind. She could not let her pure and pure body be insulted even if she died. But now, she didn't even have the strength to bite her tongue and commit suicide.

But it seems that I just called the police to customer service, but it was of no use at all.

Until now, I haven’t seen anyone coming to save me at all.

I cried out that the sky was not working, and the earth and the earth were not responding. The fear in my heart reached the extreme, and I couldn't help but shed tears.

Thinking of what was going to happen next, Lin Yutong was so ashamed and angry that she had to close her eyes and cry!

is finished! All is lost!

My whole life will be ruined!

has some bad thoughts in his heart, and despair is not enough to describe it.

"Little beauty, brother is here!" The fat black man looked at the beautiful lamb in front of him and was about to pounce on it immediately.


At this moment, there was a loud noise at the door.

The fat man suddenly became nervous. He looked back and saw a fist emerging from the door for some reason.

Immediately afterwards, the door was as fragile as cardboard and was pulled out.

"Who is it!" He shouted subconsciously to embolden himself.

"Let go of that woman, come at me, bah! Let me come!" Li Xiaoyao walked in, put his big baggage on the ground, and glared at the fat black man domineeringly.

The fat black man looked up and down and frowned. This guy looked like a beggar. Fortunately, he was not a policeman or something.

"Where did you come from, beggar? Get out of here!" The fat black driver suddenly regained his courage and shouted angrily.

Li Xiaoyao glanced at Lin Yutong and frowned slightly. There was something wrong with this woman. She looked like she had been poisoned by a love potion. She had to get treatment quickly, otherwise when he got rid of this fat man, she would entangle him and kill him. What to do as an antidote?

"My wife told me that after coming down from the mountain, I can only treat illnesses and save people, but not fight, because I am afraid that I will use too much force and beat people to death or maim them without any compensation. Get out now, and I will make an exception and spare you once!"

The fat black driver became angry, and his strong body suddenly blocked Li Xiaoyao's face, and said angrily: "Stinky beggar, what are you screaming about? You, this is my wife, take your dog eyes away from her, and then If you dare to take one more look, I'll dig out your eyes!"

Li Xiaoyao stared at Lin Yutong closely. The more he looked at her, the more he felt that she had a hot figure. Her waist was so soft that she was tightly pressed against it. The delicate body swaying slightly on her body really makes her eyes not want to leave.

"No matter how you look at this sister with beautiful legs, she is a good helper...a good helper in handling housework. She will not be your wife. You have recognized the wrong person. Get out of here! You are too late and I will not be polite!"

joke, Li Xiaoyao grew up among women, and he knows a lot about women!

Chapter 3 Hero Saves the Beauty

Lin Yutong's beautiful face had two tear stains hanging on it, full of pain. At this time, she was already very weak, her delicate body was getting softer and softer, and her body seemed to be controlled by something. , there is an inexplicable desire...

She obviously saw Li Xiaoyao. She hoped never to see this guy again before, but now, she extremely hopes that this guy can save her.

Li Xiaoyao's appearance in this house was undoubtedly Lin Yutong's life-saving straw.

Originally, her mood had fallen into the abyss, but at this moment, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope.

"Call the police, are you stupid!" Lin Yutong was anxious in her heart. She secretly scolded Li Xiaoyao for being too stupid. If he failed to act as a hero and was overpowered by the driver, wouldn't she be doomed again?

"Shit! Stinky beggar, if I don't take care of you, you will be in vain!" The fat black man raised his fist and slammed it towards Li Xiaoyao. He grinned and looked menacing.

Li Xiaoyao stood there with his hands folded and punched out, but he didn't look as violent as the fat black man, but a little light and airy.

"With this little strength, if you still want to play hero and save the beauty, go to hell!"

Lin Yutong looked at this scene, heartbroken, there was no hope!

thought he would be saved, but he didn't expect it would be like this.

Tears, once again unable to hold back, flowed out from her beautiful eyes.

accepted his fate!


At this moment, a crisp sound, like the sound of broken bones, came out.

A scene that surprised Lin Yutong happened. The fat black driver screamed and fell backwards heavily.

Li Xiaoyao showed a harmless smile and said lightly: "How is it? My little strength is still enough, right?"

The fat black driver's face was painful, and he was horrified. This guy obviously just hit it lightly. One punch, why? Why do I feel such a powerful force?

"You brat, you... who are you?!"

"Oh my god, how dare you speak so arrogantly after being beaten like this, I can't bear it!" Li Xiaoyao slapped him and shouted.


The fat black driver was thrown away all of a sudden. He was feeling dizzy. When he saw Li Xiaoyao walking up, he immediately knelt down and said, "Brother, I was wrong. Brother, I can't see Taishan. Please let me go." Go ahead!"

"That's true." Li Xiaoyao stretched out his hand, shook it, and said, "I've wasted so much effort, so I should give him some money." "


Fatty Black burst into tears in his heart! I feel so aggrieved to be beaten like this and still have to pay for it!

But fortunately, I just wanted money...

He touched his face and said bitterly: "Is it because I gave you the money and you let me go, and this woman, also gave it back to me."

Li Xiaoyao nodded with a smile. He nodded and said: "Of course, I, Li Xiaoyao, keep my word!"

Lin Yutong was shocked when he heard this. He was on edge, and now he was frightened. He didn't expect that this kid would not save him for money. I... I can tell at a glance that he is not a good person! Sure enough, he is also a scum!

There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind. It seems that today, he cannot escape the clutches...

The fat black man quickly took out his only cash from his pocket and offered it with both hands.

"Brother, I only have twenty yuan in cash, but..."

"Oh no! Insult me? It's only twenty yuan. You want to dominate this long-legged lady. It's impossible! Someone with this kind of quality needs at least two." "Hundred! But your grandma's legs!"

Li Xiaoyao grabbed the money and slapped it again. He was really angry.

Although Lin Yutong was weak, when he heard this, he almost rolled his eyes and fainted.

The fat black driver was caught off guard and was slapped twice by Li Xiaoyao, causing him to fall to the ground and vomit blood.

"Brother... can you send red envelopes on WeChat..."

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Li Xiaoyao gave him a few slaps with his backhand, and threw it up loudly, saying: "Send a red envelope? I won't receive it until the Chinese New Year. How dare you fool me!"

"I really have no cash. If you don't believe it, you can search it." Dude!"

"In that case..."

Li Xiaoyao sighed, looked at the fat black man and shook his head. After being beaten like this and not having any money, he probably really didn't lie to himself.

"Sun thief, you are very good at pretending to be competitive. You dress decently, but you are poorer than me! Be smarter next time!"


He slapped the fat man, and the fat man fell down immediately. His face was as swollen as a pig's head, and he murmured: "Didn't I say I won't hit him if I pay him..."

Lin Yutong watched Li Xiaoyao walking towards him. , and became scared. This guy didn’t look like a good person. He had just left the wolf’s mouth and was sent into the tiger’s mouth. What to do, what to do...

Li Xiaoyao walked to the earthen bed and helped her up, saying: " "Ahem, sister with beautiful legs, are you okay?"

Lin Yutong was so nervous that her delicate body softened and she fell directly into Li Xiaoyao's arms.

Sure enough, she has a good figure and is full of elasticity everywhere. Li Xiaoyao squeezed it inadvertently. The feeling was so wonderful, just treat it as the money to save you!

He picked up Lin Yutong's soft waist and carried him on his back.

Lin Yutong's body was delicate and soft, and two delicate arms suddenly hung around Li Xiaoyao's neck.

Li Xiaoyao was embarrassed. After all, he was still a passionate young man. At this moment, Lin Yutong's whole body was pressed against him, and his back was full of tenderness. He was swaying when he felt uncomfortable!

Speaking of which, this woman is so soft and touching! As expected, I don’t want to give in to Senior Sister!

After taking a strong sniff of Lin Yutong's scent, Li Xiaoyao knew that his guess was correct. This woman had been given a love potion. Fortunately, she fainted. Otherwise, if she had an attack at this time, she might have...

He He scratched his head, he had to find a place to detoxify her, otherwise he would be in trouble.

Without thinking much, he picked up his oversized baggage and walked directly out.

After going out, he left the red brick house that was almost demolished and walked directly towards a street not far away.

looked up and saw that there was a staircase in the street with a signboard that said "affordable hotel".

You can't just take off her clothes in the street. It would be better to find a room.

Li Xiaoyao hugged the delicate body he was carrying and hugged her a little tighter. He didn't know why his hands were so soft, but he couldn't care less and walked in directly.

Outside the door, a group of people watched this scene and whispered.

"Oh my god, there is such an operation! Six six six! It's incredible!"

"This stinky beggar is quite good at playing. I don't know where I got such a good thing by picking up corpses. It's really cool." Ah..."

"I probably found it at the door of the bar. I just called the police. Let's wait for the police to come..."

In the narrow stairs, several pink light boxes emitted a coquettish light.

Chapter 4 Little Gift

After Li Xiaoyao arrived on the second floor, he saw a small fence, inside which sat a woman in her forties with glamorous makeup, playing with her mobile phone.

"Auntie, how much does it cost to stay in the hotel?"

"One hundred and fifty for the night."

"So expensive!"

The aunt looked up and was shocked when she saw Li Xiaoyao's appearance, and said: "This is still expensive. It’s expensive. Every inch of land in Haining is expensive. This is the cheapest in the whole street. I see you are quite handsome. I’ll give you a small gift at most. Otherwise, why don’t you go to the Lijing Hotel on the opposite street corner?”

She looked at it? Looking at Lin Yutong lying on the sack, this girl has such a good figure, she must be a good product. This guy doesn't know where he got it, so he is weird.

Li Xiaoyao touched his pocket. He lost the money he just got in order to save this girl. He should collect some interest later...

"The third room on the left, kick the door and go in. This is safe. Chewing gum is a special little gift."

Li Xiaoyao looked at the square plastic foil item in his hand and frowned. It seemed like he had eaten chewing gum when he was a child.

"Is there any mistake in giving chewing gum to the room?"

The aunt looked at Li Xiaoyao and said: "It's ultra-thin, it must be right."

"Well, thank you!"

He was not wordy, and threw it down with fists in his hands. After saying a few words, he put the "chewing gum" in his pocket, shouldered the sack and the woman, kicked open the door and walked in.

A damp, musty smell lingers around.

Li Xiaoyao looked at this broken room, thinking that he would make do with it and save the people first.

He put down the sack, picked up the flushed Lin Yutong, and threw her on the bed.

Take a look at it, she is really charming, especially this proud figure, which is even better than the senior sister's...

At this moment, Lin Yutong's toxicity has taken effect, and she looks a little delirious, lying on the bed, The fight started.

Those two slender legs are swinging back and forth in various postures, which is simply sinful!

Li Xiaoyao touched her chin, swallowed, and really rushed forward to help her detoxify the charm drug in a natural way.

But after all, he still has a conscience. At most, he can wait a while, cure this little girl, and try her size on his own to see if it is similar to that of his senior sister.

has been poisoned for a while. For now, the only way is to use the Guigu Shenzhen to help her get rid of the poison!

"Girl, I am going to take off your clothes now. This is all to help you detoxify. If you don't object within three seconds, then I will treat it as your consent. One, two, three, okay, let's start!" "

Li Xiaoyao really couldn't bear to do it, but it was just to save people, there was no other way.

He lifted Lin Yutong's legs and laid her flat.

Immediately, he suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart and prepared to turn the woman over.

He looked down and was horrified, God, this is not a joke!

Lin Yutong was carried away by the properties of the medicine. She bent down and hugged her arms without knowing why...

Li Xiaoyao shivered. If this continues, he will definitely catch fire!

No, no, now is not the time to engage in nonsense. This is going to cost lives.

Let’s get down to business!

Li Xiaoyao immediately reached out to lift Lin Yutong, turned her over, and then gently patted her fair and smooth back.


Looking at this woman, Li Xiaoyao became uneasy and felt that it would be great if he could marry such a wife in the future.

Lin Yutong, who turned over, was still not honest at all. He was in a state of grinding together. It was really troublesome!

Chapter 5 Ward Rounds

Li Xiaoyao looked at Lin Yutong like this and quickly held her head down to prevent him from seeing too much.

"Girl, it's a good thing that I met Yushu Linfeng, who is handsome and unrestrained, but I act like a gentleman. Otherwise, any man who sees this scene will probably not do anything good!"

While praising himself in his heart, he reached into the sack and took out a wrapped cloth roll.

After opening the cloth roll, there is a row of black needles.

This black needle is the Xuan Ming Needle that was refined by the Master’s wife with great difficulty. It is several times more effective than ordinary silver needles. Li Xiaoyao also got it just before going down the mountain. When he used it for the first time, he was a little excited.

Lin Yutong was not deeply poisoned, so she could use low-level poison extraction techniques to remove the toxins. If she had to wait a little longer, she might really have to sacrifice her body.

Li Xiaoyao made a pinching motion with his thumb and index finger, but if he looked carefully from above, he found that his fingers did not touch the black needle at all.

carefully controlled the Xuan Ming Needle. Li Xiaoyao injected power into the needle according to the arrangement recorded in the poison extraction technique, and then controlled its fall.

One after another, six black needles were inserted into Lin Yutong's white and smooth back.

Li Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief and raised his sleeves to wipe the fine beads of sweat on his forehead. He had been working hard these past two days and didn't sleep very well. He was really feeling a little weak.

He looked at Lin Yutong, who had calmed down, and then lay down himself, ready to take a rest.

In fact, acupuncture is not that simple. It takes a lot of effort and energy. Li Xiaoyao concentrated for twenty minutes before completing this small project. Later, he only needed to stimulate the acupuncture points on her waist and she would be completely healed. .

After resting for a while, Li Xiaoyao looked sideways. Although Lin Yutong had her eyes closed, he could smell the faint fragrance on her body. Looking at her, she had a delicate body and soft curves, and beautiful things could not be hidden at all.

Li Xiaoyao admired it for a while, then got up, because the woman's complexion had returned to normal. If she stimulated the acupuncture points on her waist again, there should be no problem. He reached out and pulled out the black needle, then patted Lin Yutong's shoulder. Said: "Hey, Sister Long Legs, are you okay?"

It's strange that he hasn't woken up yet, it shouldn't be...

Li Xiaoyao thought, could it be that he was overly frightened and was still in a coma, otherwise he turned over her Come on, give her first aid measures such as artificial respiration and heart compression?

can be used!

Li Xiaoyao has always been a resolute person who does things without procrastination. After thinking about it, he started to take action.

Pressed hard a few times, and Li Xiaoyao took a deep breath intoxicated.

Just when he leaned over and kissed Lin Yutong's lips, suddenly there was a loud bang at the door.


"Don't move! Raise your hands!"

Li Xiaoyao turned around and saw a tall, uniformed policewoman standing at the door, glaring at him fiercely with her big beautiful eyes. A bit murderous.

"Hey, sister, are you calling me?"

Lu Xueqing shook her arm, continued to point the gun at Li Xiaoyao, looked up and down, and thought to herself, it must be right, the reporter said that this gangster was tall. Martha was old, but dressed like a beggar. After picking up an unconscious woman on the roadside, he took her to this small hotel.

"I am Lu Xueqing, the leader of the anti-pornography team of Jiangnan District Police Station. Stop your criminal behavior immediately and stay five meters away from the victim, otherwise I will shoot!"

Li Xiaoyao frowned and raised his hand from Lin Yutong. , said with a serious face: "Sister, you are mistaken, I didn't do anything bad, I was saving people!"

"Despicable and shameless! You thought you were doing artificial respiration!"

Lu Xueqing scolded He said this, feeling extremely angry. When he came in, this guy's hands were already on the victim's sensitive areas and he even kissed him. Now he actually said he was saving people. He was treating them as if they were mentally retarded.

Li Xiaoyao scratched his head and said with a smile: "Yes, that's right, it's artificial respiration. It's good if you know it!"


Lu Xueqing's face was cold, her fists were clenched, and her hand bones were rattling. ring.

She really has the desire to kill people. She has seen shameless people, but she has never seen such shameless people. She can tell such lies.

"You... damn it! Squat down!"

Li Xiaoyao frowned and looked at Lu Xueqing, confused. Since the policeman knew that he was doing artificial respiration, why did he still want to kill him? expression.

"I said, Sister, why are you being unreasonable? If you ask me to squat down, I will squat down. Wouldn't it be very shameful for me? Today is my first day in the city, and I will have to hang out in this thirty-mile radius from now on. It's okay, just leave. You're not needed here."

"You bastard, he pretends to be crazy and makes weird remarks. You must teach him a lesson!"

Lu Xueqing thought for a moment and said calmly: "Little Luban, handcuff him. Get up and take them back. I want to interrogate this vicious criminal in person! "

"Yes, Sister Xueqing." At this time, from the group of people behind Lu Xueqing, police officers who were shorter and had shorter legs came out. With a dumbfounded look on his face, he walked forward cautiously, took out a pair of handcuffs, and looked up at Li Xiaoyao, who was much taller than him.

"Brother, why don't you come back with us and talk..."

At this time, Li Xiaoyao saw that there were many people and had already pulled the quilt to cover Li Yutong's delicate body.

Lu Xueqing let out a breath of anger, looked at this useless intern, and said: "Lu Ban! All the errands are like you, why don't you just stop messing around, you are a coward! You guys should go up and help."

She looked behind her at the other two police officers. They nodded and walked up.

"Boy, don't move, otherwise you will suffer! "They were experienced and stepped forward to hold Li Xiaoyao's shoulders and put his hands behind his back.

"It's only my first day as an intern, and you asked me to arrest such a terrifying and ferocious gangster. I'm really aggrieved. ..." Lu Ban was about to burst into tears, feeling frantic in his heart. Then he mustered up the courage to take Li Xiaoyao's hand and wanted to help him put on the handcuffs.

Li Xiaoyao felt strange for a while. This was the first time that a man held his hand. It was so... It’s disgusting, don’t want it.

“That’s enough, you guys! "

His body suddenly shook. In an instant, the two people holding Li Xiaoyao's shoulders felt a numb pain in the tiger's mouth, and they let go of their hands unconsciously.

Li Xiaoyao threw Lu Ban away, and then glanced at He glanced at the woman on the bed and said calmly: "Let me say it again, you have arrested the wrong person. Things are not what you think. I am really saving people. This woman was drugged just now, and now I have detoxified her." . "

Chapter 6 Exploded

"As expected..." Lu Xueqing has always hated the kind of perverted perverts. She looked at Li Xiaoyao, suddenly stunned, and gritted her teeth and said: "What, scum! You actually gave her medicine! "

Li Xiaoyao is really about to cry. Will this hot beauty not listen to others?

"Hey, eldest sister, I say..."

Before Li Xiaoyao finished speaking to me, Lu Xueqing couldn't bear it and left. She came forward, put away the gun, put on her gloves, and picked up a square plastic package. She waved it in front of Li Xiaoyao twice and said, "Shut up! How dare you deny it? I have found all the evidence presented in court. Let’s see how you die in my hands this time! Damn pervert! "

Lu Ban shivered. He had never seen Sister Xue Qing so angry. Yesterday, he caught a lewd pervert on the bus. After leaving the interrogation room, he couldn't walk. He must have been miserable today too...

Li Xiaoyao snorted, looked at the chewing gum given to him by the landlady in annoyance, and said: "Sister, it's just a piece of chewing gum. You think I'm scared when you want to give evidence in court? You want to bluff me, no way! "

Where did this monster come from! Lu Xueqing felt that her three views had been refreshed again. This is definitely the best!

She tore open the small packaging bag and handed it to Li Xiaoyao.

"You said It's chewing gum. Then you can eat it for me to see. If you can, blow some bubbles for me! "

Li Xiaoyao took a look at the pink gelatinous thing that popped out.

"I'm sorry, I was very good at chewing gum and blowing bubbles when I was a child, so it won't be a problem for me. "

" Then...please start your performance. "Lu Xueqing sneered lightly and said.

Li Xiaoyao snorted, picked it up, put it in with his mouth wide open, and then started chewing it.

Everyone was stunned on the spot, and several of Lu Xueqing's male colleagues unanimously agreed.

Lu Xueqing was stunned. She didn't expect that this weird thing could be eaten as soon as she said it.

Li Xiaoyao felt that the chewing gum was slippery in her mouth. It tastes like strawberry, but it's not sweet at all. It tastes much worse than what I had when I was a child.

Forget it, I'm just trying to prove my innocence. My opponent, this eldest sister just said that I have to let it go. Blow a bubble by yourself!

After chewing it for a few times, Li Xiaoyao started to blow it hard

"Oh! "

But after he tried hard for a few times, he found that he couldn't blow at all!

It was strange. He was very good at blowing before.

Everyone looked at Li Xiaoyao with petrified eyes. They didn't know what was wrong with him. He bent down and said An expression of exertion on the face.

"This kid dares to eat this, he is so anti-human!"

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen something like this..."

"Look, he can't be poisoned!"

Lu Xueqing was startled and said: "Spit it out quickly, you can't eat this thing."

Who would have thought that this guy would eat whatever he said. If he was really poisoned, he would be in trouble.

Li Xiaoyao stretched out his hand to block Lu Xueqing who was about to come up. He felt that the bubble was about to be blown out by him!

As a man, for the sake of dignity and innocence, you must not give up easily! Isn't

just blowing bubbles? What kind of! I am the most handsome man on Ziyang Mountain!

I would rather live standing than live being insulted!

Li Xiaoyao felt that what he was blowing was not the bubbles of chewing gum, but his own dignity as a man!

Finally, driven by an invisible belief, Li Xiaoyao's face cramped up from blowing. He slowly raised his waist, stared at the crowd, and spit out a pink bubble from his mouth, which grew bigger and bigger.

Everyone is looking at you!

exclaimed, then rang.

Lu Xueqing opened her mouth slightly, her whole body trembling with fear.

"Oh my god, there is such an operation!"

"This kid's lung capacity is incredible, he blows so much..."

"Poverty has limited my imagination. This kind of talent is almost as good as a giant panda." It's just as rare..."

Lu Xueqing's face turned dark. She opened her mouth to say something else, but the bubbles got bigger and bigger, almost sticking to her body. She quickly stepped back, her whole body in a sluggish state. .

"The best among the best! The scum among the scum!"

Forever! No! Word! abandoned!

"Li Xiaoyao, you are the only male on Ziyang Mountain. You can't even practice the ability to protect yourself. How will you protect your senior sisters and fellow juniors in the future? The most important thing in doing things is concentration and persistence. If you encounter some hardships, give up." , what kind of man is that?" Li Xiaoyao's mind resounded with the teacher's wife's teachings to him, and he became angry again.


Finally, the huge bubble couldn’t hold it anymore and burst!

Everyone heard this "bang" sound, as if they had been sleeping for a long time and were suddenly awakened.

"Ahem, bah!"

Li Xiaoyao felt his tongue was numb and immediately spit out the "chewing gum".

"Sister, I said it was chewing gum. Do you believe it? I remember that this thing has another name, bubble gum, but it can blow so big. This is the first time I have eaten it, but the taste is not sweet at all. After all, it is a gift. "Well, it's definitely not a good thing."

Lu Xueqing couldn't bear it anymore, and finally stepped forward and grabbed Li Xiaoyao's vest, saying: "You've gone too far, you pervert!" ! ”

Didn’t you agree that if you eat chewing gum, you will be innocent?

Li Xiaoyao looked at Lu Xueqing, who was more open-minded than reading a book. He lowered his head and saw that the policewoman's proud figure was pressed tightly against him, but something felt wrong...

"Sister, you are so angry, right? You asked me to eat and blow, and I did everything you asked. If you grab me again, I won't be polite!"

Lu Xueqing wanted to teach this guy a lesson now, so she grabbed his arm. He wanted to throw Li Xiaoyao over his shoulders and throw him to the ground, but he was shocked to find that this guy seemed to be stronger than an ox, and he couldn't shake him at all.

Li Xiaoyao could feel what the police officer wanted to do with him. In this case, he was not polite and directly grabbed Lu Xueqing's waist, lifted the clothes on her chest, threw her in a circle in the air, and let her go. Got to the other side.

"I said, with your little strength, do you still want to throw me down..."

The other people, seeing this, immediately stepped forward and took out their guns, pointing at Li Xiaoyao. This is no joke, this kid is a bit crazy. Datiao, if Lu Xueqing is hurt, it will be troublesome.

Li Xiaoyao felt a dangerous aura coming from him, and thought to himself that it would be better not to get into trouble. Although it was more than enough to deal with these people, and the possibility of injury was not high, this was the city after all. The master's wife said that there was no place like this in the city. There is freedom in the mountains. If I beat them, I guess I would really become a criminal or something.


Forgot the acupoints on the waist!

Li Xiaoyao was suddenly startled, then pulled out a black silver needle and rushed towards Lin Yutong again.

Several people saw this and thought he was going to hurt the victim again, so they immediately stepped forward to stop him.

Li Xiaoyao was suddenly stopped by several powerful guys.

Lin Yutong was close at hand, but something dangerous behind him was aimed at the back of his head.

"If you move again, I will beat you to death!"

"I have found the murder weapon, let's see how you die this time!" Lu Xueqing came up carefully, trying to snatch the needle from Li Xiaoyao's hand.

Li Xiaoyao thought no, the last healing process was necessary, otherwise the woman's acupuncture points would not be sealed: if she was exposed to the evil wind, something big would happen.

He gritted his teeth and threw the black silver needle into the sky. Lu Xueqing immediately jumped up and wanted to snatch it.

After all, Li Xiaoyao was being held down. He thought in a hurry, took off his shoes, stretched out his legs suddenly, caught the black needle between his two toes, retracted it, aimed at Lin Yutong's waist, and stepped on it.

is right on target!

Speaking of which, this woman’s waist is really soft.

"Okay, I'll go back with you. You take good care of this girl. When she wakes up, she will naturally tell you what good things I have done!" Li Xiaoyao snorted, and then put down his feet. He thought I thought maybe this woman had been frightened before, but she had completed all the treatment and would definitely wake up soon.

Chapter 7 Being Wrongfully Accused

Li Xiaoyao was a little angry. It was obvious that he had drawn a sword to help when there was an injustice, but now he was framed as a criminal. It hurt his heart!

Lu Xueqing finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he was willing to surrender. This scoundrel was so weird!

"Take it away!"

"This sack is mine too, remember to help me carry it away..."

She and several others escorted Li Xiaoyao away, pulled back the quilt, and saw the victim Lin Yutong's snow-white skin. There were actually two handprints, which made it even more certain that this guy was trying to rape the female victim.

The pants are still there, so he probably didn’t succeed in the end.

Lu Xueqing felt that she finally arrived in time. After helping Lin Yutong get dressed, she picked her up and took her out of the small hotel.

The two cars, flashing blue and red lights, left quickly.

Jiangnan District is located in the south of Haining, close to the port, but because it is an old city, it is not as prosperous as other parts of this magical city.

The office space of Jiangnan District Police Station is not large. It has been used since the 1990s and is preparing to be relocated, but the new office building has not yet been completed.

After entering the unit gate, there is a small courtyard.

"Don't push, don't push, I will leave by myself."

Li Xiaoyao got out of the car, looked at the two police officers escorting him, and said.

"Be honest, there is still so much nonsense here!"

Li Xiaoyao looked back and saw that Lu Xueqing also got out of the car. She looked angry, glared at herself, and walked up quickly.

"Little Lu Ban, take him to my exclusive interrogation room. I will be here soon!"

Lu Ban shivered, nodded, and said, "Sister Xueqing, where are you going?"

Lu Xueqing rolled her eyes at Lu Ban and said : "This kid is so dirty. I'm going to wash my hands and eyes. Do you have any questions?"

When she was helping Lin Yutong get dressed, she discovered that the resin product on the ground that prevents women from getting pregnant had not been taken away, so she had to use it. He picked it up with his hand and wrapped it in a tissue. The suspect's saliva DNA was on it, which can definitely be used as evidence.

"Oh, it's okay, Sister Xueqing, I'm waiting for you in the interrogation room."

Lu Ban looked at Lu Xueqing, was startled, and took Li Xiaoyao into a two-story building.

In the interrogation room, two male police officers finally worked together to carry the large sack inside.

"What is this thing? It's really heavy!"

"Yeah, brat, you didn't mean to trick us brothers, did you? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

"Forget it, Brother Guan, Let’s go drink tea. This kid is taken care of by Xue Qing, so we don’t need to bother him. Just save your energy. He will come out later and I promise to win a big prize..."

The two of them put down their things and left arm in arm.

Li Xiaoyao looked at the sack and breathed a sigh of relief. The treasure here cannot be lost.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"They are all my treasures." Li Xiaoyao looked at Lu Ban and said simply.

Lu Ban frowned and couldn't help but remind you: "When Sister Xueqing comes in later, you have to have a better attitude, otherwise you will suffer."

"She is not suffering enough. By the way, I remind you that this woman you I can't control her at all, so I'd better stop trying to catch her," Li Xiaoyao said lightly.

Lu Ban was stunned, looked at Li Xiaoyao, and said with a shocked expression: " did you know that I like Sister Xue Qing!"

"Women, I have come into contact with too many!" Li Xiaoyao snorted arrogantly. , jumped directly on the table, sat down cross-legged, and entered the state of breath regulation.

Lu Ban looked at Li Xiaoyao and was stunned, who is this?

The interrogation room became quiet.

Lu Ban waited for almost half an hour, feeling a little strange, and was about to go out to see the situation. As soon as he came together, the door of the interrogation room opened.

"Sister Xueqing, you are finally here."

Lu Xueqing's face was a little ugly, she held the folder and raised the cup and said: "It's nothing, Leader Zhou asked me to go there, chirping, by the way, that one just now Bastard..."

She looked closely and almost vomited blood out of anger.

Li Xiaoyao sat cross-legged on the table, seemingly sleeping, with a line of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

All it took was to put two fruit plates and a few sticks of incense in front of him!

"Xiao Luban, just let him be so presumptuous!"

"Sister Xueqing, this guy is so strong, I can't hold it down at all..."

"You... are so incompetent! Go out and guard the door, no one can come in." , and turn off the monitoring in this room. "

"Yes, Sister Xueqing!" Lu Ban looked strange, trembled, and then left.

Lu Xueqing cursed, walked forward, put down the folder and water glass, and pushed Li Xiaoyao hard.

"Scum, get off here!"

Li Xiaoyao was shaken and woke up, his head shaking back and forth as if it was equipped with a spring.

Due to the effect of inertia, the line of saliva from the corner of his mouth flew forward directly.

Lu Xueqing looked up and her face changed drastically. She wanted to retreat but it was too late. She could only let the disgusting spit finally fall on her lap...

"You... bastard! I can't spare you!"

The next moment, Li Xiaoyao felt the murderous aura and rushed toward him. He immediately jumped to the ground and said, "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings! I say eldest sister, impulsiveness is the devil! Calm down!"

Lu Xueqing had no idea. He rushed forward with scruples, but how could Li Xiaoyao surrender without restraint? Even though his hands were cuffed, he threw the opponent on the table and suppressed him fiercely.

Lu Xueqing's face turned crimson instantly, her upper body was pressed against the table, and this hateful guy actually did this to her...

The feeling of being unable to breathe instantly occupied this small room.

She tried to struggle, but found that the more she acted like this, the more and more embarrassed she became. Moreover, the rogue beggar behind her seemed to be extremely powerful, and she could not move at all.

"You... let me go immediately!" She was always a strong person, but she had no choice but to turn back with a blushing face.

"If you beg for mercy, I will let you go." Li Xiaoyao said.

what? beg for mercy?

Lu Xueqing was so aggrieved that she almost cried. This scoundrel beggar actually had to beg for mercy from him!


"In this case, I can't let you bully me in vain." Li Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Xueqing.

Lu Xueqing was stunned for a moment and became a little scared.

"You...what do you want to do? Help! Help!" She couldn't help it anymore and shouted loudly.

The sound insulation of this room is very good, and the sound can be heard a little bit. Lu Ban listened at the door and felt that it was Sister Xueqing who was calling for help, but she seemed to have told her to guard the door just now, regardless of what she heard. Don't disturb her with any noise, and don't let others in...

If you don't listen to Sister Xueqing, the consequences will be serious.

Luban gritted his teeth, but still did not dare to open the door.

Lu Xueqing watched Li Xiaoyao put his index and middle fingers together and stretched them out. She changed from her previous heroic and ruthless appearance. She panicked like a little girl and almost burst into tears...

Chapter 8 Lessons

Li Xiaoyao decided Give this unreasonable woman a little lesson, tap her acupuncture points: make her laugh non-stop.

Lu Xueqing was afraid before she even took action.

"Wait a minute!"

"What else do you have to say."

Lu Xueqing is like this. There is really no way out but to compromise for the time being.

"I promise to let you go!"

Li Xiaoyao was startled for a moment, shook his head and said: "No!"

Lu Xueqing immediately panicked, thinking that it couldn't be this guy. Seeing how beautiful she was, she was going to use force here. Well...

Most people naturally do this, but this one in front of me is the best of the best. It seems that there is something wrong with his brain. If his innocence is stained, he will be finished!

"You... don't mess around!"

Li Xiaoyao saw that this woman Lu Xueqing seemed really scared, so he said: "It's right to let me go, but you just bullied me, you must apologize to me first! "

Lu Xueqing collapsed. What do you mean by bullying him... It's obvious that she has been bullied...

She cried for a while, Lu Xueqing bit her lips, and then said: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

Li Xiaoyao said: " This is not okay, you have to call me good brother, and then say sorry, your tone should be gentle, and there should be no murderous look in your eyes. Even if you feel uncomfortable, you have to pretend to be willing, otherwise I will take action. ."

Lu Xueqing's inner defenses had been broken. Feeling the discomfort of being pressed so closely all over her body, she decided to give it a try and make this guy look good after she got away.

"Okay, good brother... I'm sorry..."

"Be more sincere. . "

Lu Xueqing burst into tears, feeling ferocious inside, but on the outside she could only speak softly and said: "Good brother, yes, I'm sorry. "

Li Xiaoyao looked at Lu Xueqing like this, shook his head, and sighed: "You look so miserable, it's like I forced you to do it. Forget it, since you are willing to let me go, I won't embarrass you anymore. "

After he finished speaking, he let Lu Xueqing go.

"You bastard, don't move! "

Li Xiaoyao never expected that as soon as he let the woman go, she would point the gun at him.

"If you move again, I will shoot. I am not kidding. Based on what you just did to me, I absolutely have the right to fight violence with violence! "Lu Xueqing was just threatening him at that time.

Although Li Xiaoyao felt that the things in the woman's hands were full of threats, he was not afraid. He picked up a chair from beside him, walked forward with a smile, and said : "I said, you can fall out faster than turning over a book. "

Lu Xueqing was stunned. Is this guy really not afraid of death?

She stepped back step by step and soon reached the corner.

" take one more step and I will shoot..."

Li Xiaoyao suddenly took action , two fingers directly hit the acupuncture points on her arms.

"Ah! "Lu Xueqing lowered her hand as if she had no strength, and the thing in her hand fell directly.

"It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't understand how many methods I have to deal with women? "

There are so many senior sisters on the mountain, and none of them has been trained by him to be obedient. The woman in front of him is a bit aggressive, but it is nothing.

Li Xiaoyao put down the chair, held one hand on the wall, and naturally formed He formed a circle and trapped Lu Xueqing.

"Good brother, I just...was just joking with you. "

Are you kidding?

Li Xiaoyao looked harmless and said: "Well, my good brother, how about I also joke with you now? "

" Ah! "Lu Xueqing screamed in shock and wanted to escape from the gap immediately, but Li Xiaoyao gave her this chance.


Lu Xueqing's eyes were filled with stars, she didn't expect him to do this. She wanted to get up, but found that she It has been firmly held down.

"If you don't obey, you have to be taught a lesson. I used this trick when I taught my junior sister a lesson. "

This stinky gangster actually... actually hit himself...

"I'm going to kill you! "

" talks back? "

Li Xiaoyao really didn't understand. The people in this city were more stubborn than the others, and they seemed to have to be more ruthless.

He raised his hand, hit him again.

Lu Xueqing gritted her teeth, and her whole figure looked like Holding back a lot of bad breath, he finally screamed out

"You bastard, if I don't kill you, I'll take your last name!" "Lu Xueqing really wants to die now. She has never been so humiliated.

"Then before you kill me, I have to make enough progress.

Outside the door, a fat middle-aged man walked to the door and said, "Is Xiao Lu in there?" "

When Lu Ban saw it, he immediately saluted and said, "Yes, Inspector Lu arrested the person and came back for interrogation. "

" Humph! "

" Get out of the way! "

Lu Ban suddenly pulled the doorframe with both hands and said, "No, Sister Xueqing said, no one is allowed in." "

Zhou Yingxiong glared, pulled away the thin Lu Ban, and said: "Get away."

He twisted the door lock and found that it was locked inside. He turned around and glanced at the two subordinates behind him.

The two men understood immediately, rushed forward and knocked the door open.

But when everyone focused their eyes on the inside, When he looked at it, his eyes almost fell out.

What kind of operation is this...

Lu Xueqing was still lying on Li Xiaoyao's lap. She raised her head to see a group of people standing at the door staring at her, wanting to find him.

Seeing someone coming, Li Xiaoyao took his hand away from Lu Xueqing's body, and then the princess hugged her.

"Finally someone is here, if you don't come, I will." He was going to be tortured to death by this crazy woman. "

" put! open! I! "Lu Xueqing stared at Li Xiaoyao with a murderous look, and said harshly every word.

Li Xiaoyao immediately let go, shrugged, and said: "Just let it go. "


Lu Xueqing directly made close contact with the ground. The stupid people at the door were immediately startled and came to their senses.

"Have you checked clearly? When can I leave? They are all starving to death. Do you care about food? "Li Xiaoyao scratched his head and stood up without caring about the murderous figure on the ground.

Lu Xueqing no longer wanted to care about her image and grabbed Li Xiaoyao's neck.

"I'll strangle you to death! Stinking rogue! "

"Xiao Lu, stop! Don't mess around! "

Zhou Yingxiong waved his hand, and the two men behind him immediately stepped forward and finally pulled Lu Xueqing away.


The article was reprinted from the public account: Mu Feng Bookstore

to read the follow-up book search Name: Xiaoyao Shengyi in the city

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