During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking

2024/06/2922:26:32 story 1582

During the period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman pulling the boat. Stopping at the river bank, a way to make money suddenly came into his mind.

Zhu Dachang thought that he could build a docking pier here, and charge fees as long as there were ships passing by and docked. In this way, he might be able to make a lot of money. Then he told the nearby villagers about this, and wanted everyone to build this together. The dock, however, the villagers who were accustomed to laziness were unwilling to take action at all.

Since the villagers could not be mobilized, Zhu Dachang decided to build it himself. He borrowed some money from his neighbors and hired some craftsmen to build the cargo dock. At first, there were not many ships passing the dock, and Zhu Dachang's income was also very little. , later the freight industry gradually prospered, and more and more ships docked at the dock. Zhu Dachang also made a lot of money and paid off the villagers' debts.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking  - DayDayNews

During this period, Zhu Dachang also extended the inn here and other public facilities to meet people's basic needs.

Not long after, Zhu Dachang married Yi Pinxue, the most beautiful local beauty, through the introduction of a matchmaker. Both his port and his wife were envied by everyone.

After that, the villagers went to Zhu Dachang’s house one after another, intending to get some benefits from him. Some villagers even directly proposed that the port should be owned by the villagers, not just Zhu Dachang. Of course, Zhu Dachang could not let the country he had worked so hard to share with everyone. , so some friction occurred between the two parties.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking  - DayDayNews

At this moment, an accident happened to Zhu Dachang and his wife. On this day, they were preparing to transport goods to other places. When the boat reached the middle of the river, water suddenly leaked in the boat. They sank quickly. Zhu Dachang and his wife all fell into the water. In order to let his wife survive, , Zhu Dachang had no choice but to use all his strength to lift his wife out of the water, while he could only gradually sink to the bottom.

After the incident, his wife Yi Pinxue survived. She sent several boats to the river to search for her husband's body. She searched for four days and found no sign of her husband. She was heartbroken. At this juncture, the villagers asked her to hand over the ownership of the port. Yi Pinxue could not compete with so many villagers, so she finally had to hand over the entire port.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking  - DayDayNews

From then on, Yi Pinxue moved to a corner of the village and made a living by fishing every day. Because she was good-looking and a widow, there were many bachelor men who coveted her beauty. One of them was her neighbor. A wretched old man with silver hair, Yi Pinxue would get goosebumps when she saw him. Of course, she couldn't be with him.

However, this old man kept pestering her all day long. At first he would give her some good things, but later, seeing that Yi Pinxue was not polite, he began to use extremely despicable means to force her to be with him.

On this day, Yi Pinxue, who was fishing by the river, was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around and saw that it was the old man. The old man showed a weird smile and motioned for Yi Pinxue to follow him. Of course, Yi Pinxue refused. , and then was dragged into the grass by the old man. Just as the old man was unbuttoning his clothes and preparing to do something, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking  - DayDayNews

The old man was startled, and then turned his head and took a look. This sight frightened him out of his wits. He saw that the person who came had the same face as Zhu Dachang, but the other person was obviously not a human being anymore, but a animal in the river. The drowned water ghost .

At this time, Yi Pinxue clapped her hands and said happily: "Don't blame me, you threw yourself into the trap and did it yourself!"

The water ghost slowly walked up to the old man, and then dragged the old man into the water. Drowned.

It turns out that the shipwreck that day was not a simple accident. Behind it was a big conspiracy planned by the villagers. Someone wanted to kill Zhu Dachang. After Zhu Dachang died, he became a water ghost, and unlike other water ghosts, he could not be reincarnated and could only stay in the river for life after life.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking  - DayDayNews

And Yi Pinxue discovered him, so she often used fishing as an excuse to go to the river to see Zhu Dachang.

In the next few days, people died one after another in the village, and their deaths were extremely miserable. This made the people in the village suspect that there was a monster in the village, so they hired a Taoist priest to do it.

The Taoist priest discovered that Zhu Dachang had turned into a water ghost, and was about to cast a spell to eliminate him. As a result, Yi Pinxue appeared. She stood in front of the water ghost and blocked the fatal blow for the water ghost. As a result, the Taoist priest wanted to completely eliminate the water ghost. , so he had to increase his strength and kill them both. In the end, Yi Pinxue and the water ghost sank to the bottom of the water together.

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a village surrounded by water on three sides in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There was a lively young man named Zhu Dachang in the village. When he was sixteen years old, he was playing by the river and suddenly saw a boatman docking  - DayDayNews

Just when the villagers sent away the Taoist priests and thought they had completely eliminated the water ghosts, someone suddenly died in the village. Someone saw that it was two water ghosts who came out to kill this time.

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