The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the

2024/07/0120:56:34 story 1571

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he must live in the mountains all year round. There are a lot of inconveniences on the mountain; secondly, the mountain is too dangerous and accidents may happen easily; thirdly, tree thieves often like to go there to steal trees, which can lead to disputes and even loss of life! Although the wages in the mountains are high, none of the men in the village are willing to suffer.

There was a lonely old man named Tang Xinghua in the village. He had been wandering around in the mountains and forests since he was a child. When he heard about this, he went to the village chief Chen Jianbing and asked him to go up the mountain to protect the forest. The village chief said that he was the most suitable candidate. He was a single man and had no family. He was familiar with the terrain and environment of the mountains and forests, and was in good health, so he agreed. The next day, Tang Xinghua took his daily necessities and went up the mountain...

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

Tang Xinghua was on patrol that day when he was startled by an unusual sound. , he immediately crawled forward with a shotgun to check. It turned out that a fox was chasing and biting a rabbit. After a few moments, the rabbit was caught alive by the fox. Tang Xinghua thought to himself: You can't take advantage of this fox! He picked up the shotgun, aimed at the fox, and shot. He heard two "bang bang" gunshots, and the fox immediately fell to the ground on its back. Tang Xinghua ran over happily and was about to bend down to pick it up when suddenly the fox jumped up and ran away. It turned out that it was just pretending to be dead!

Tang Xinghua had no time to reload the shotgun at this time, so he gave chase. Needless to say, a fox really couldn't outrun Tang Xinghua. Why do you say this? First, Tang Xinghua had built up good legs and feet by walking over mountains and ridges all day, and second, the fox couldn't run fast with a dead rabbit weighing seven or eight kilograms in its mouth.

When he reached the bottom, Tang Xinghua was about to catch up with the fox, but the guy suddenly disappeared. But Tang Xinghua had experience. He quickly lay down on the ground and listened with his ears to the ground, trying to identify the direction in which the fox was escaping. But what's strange today is that it's so quiet all around, there's no sound at all. Is this guy crazy? Tang Xinghua was just wondering, when suddenly there was a "plop" and something hit hard. Tang Xinghua took a look and saw that it was the fox, lying on its back and falling to the ground. Is

pretending to be dead again? Tang Xinghua hurriedly went up and caught the fox in his hands. But something strange happened. Tang Xinghua felt that the fox in his hand was filled with a biting cold air. What's going on? What's wrong with this guy? He screamed and let go of his hand involuntarily. Tang Xinghua looked around: Wasn't this guy running with a rabbit in his mouth? What about the rabbit? After searching for a long time, I found that the rabbit was stuck on the branch of a big tree. It seems that the fox climbed up the tree with the rabbit in its mouth, then fell out of the tree and fell unconscious.

But it is June now, where does the cold air on the fox come from?

Tang Xinghua was in a daze when an eagle flew from the sky. Seeing a dead rabbit on a tree branch, it rushed down like an arrow and stretched out its claws to catch it, but suddenly it screamed and flew away. Tang Xinghua felt strange. The eagle was obviously here to catch rabbits, but why did it inexplicably stop wanting them? He wanted to figure it out, but as soon as he got close to the tree, a cold air hit his face. This was nothing. When Tang Xinghua hugged the tree trunk and wanted to climb up to get the rabbit, it felt like he was holding a big ice cube, which made him shiver from the cold.

Only then did Tang Xinghua understand: the fox was knocked unconscious by the ice of this strange ice tree, and the eagle was also forced away by the coldness of this ice tree. He couldn't help but feel happy: Could this ice tree be the legendary "yin tree"?

I remember that the elders once said that this kind of "shade tree" is very rare. It grows under the shady slope in the deep stream and does not see the sun all year round. The shady tree is very fine and dense, and the tree body is cold. The tree is especially suitable for Make a coffin that will last for a hundred years and a thousand years. Because of this, this amazing tree was almost cut down many years ago.

Tang Xinghua never thought that he would be so lucky to encounter a rare treasure!

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

From then on, Tang Xinghua paid special attention to this "shady tree" and went to check it out every now and then, for fear of any accident happening.

On this day, Tang Xinghua went to see the shade tree again. As he walked along, he suddenly noticed something was wrong: Why was the grass on the ground tilted here and there, with traces of being stepped on? At first, Tang Xinghua thought it was the traces of wild beasts. After walking for a while, he found two more cigarette butts. He became nervous: If he was really a human, what were he doing in the mountains and forests? Could it be that he came here for this shady tree? Tang Xinghua couldn't help but quicken his pace.

When he was still a hundred meters away from the shade tree, a large net was suddenly cast from above Tang Xinghua's head. Before Tang Xinghua could react, he was already caught in the big net and lifted up in the air. His first thought was: Someone has entered the mountain, and he definitely won't be a good person.

Sure enough, two people jumped down from the tree. Tang Xinghua took a closer look and saw that they were Daquan and Heiwa from the village. He didn't know that these two guys came for this shade tree today. I don't know which life of cultivation gave them the blessing. Not long ago, they discovered this shade tree when they went hunting in the mountains. They have been plotting to cut it down since they returned. Daquan is an old mountain bandit. He knows that as long as he moves his ax, the echo in the mountains will be very loud, and the sound of chopping will definitely spread far and wide, alerting Tang Xinghua, so he and Heiwa came up with this trick to subdue Tang Xinghua first.

They came prepared today!

Daquan and Heiwa triumphantly danced around Tang Xinghua and shouted: Brother Tang, don't worry, when we cut down the shade tree, we will come and let you go!

Tang Xinghua sneered "hehe": How capable do you think you are? I think you are simply dreaming in broad daylight, what a beautiful thought! As soon as Tang Xinghua finished speaking, Daquan and Heiwa suddenly screamed like "wow wow wow" and disappeared. What's going on with

? It turned out that Tang Xinghua's shade tree had been cut down and a trap had been dug around it. Daquan and Heiwa thought they had subdued Tang Xinghua, danced happily, and fell into the trap.

Tang Xinghua quickly took out the knife he carried with him, cut the net covering himself and escaped. Then he chopped a mountain vine nearby and put down the trap. He asked Daquan and Heiwa to climb up along the vine and held it with a shotgun. They walked down the mountain.

Seeing the cooked duck fly away, how could Daquan and Heiwa be willing to do so? Hei Wa smiled hypocritically and said to Tang Xinghua: Brother Tang, fellow villagers, just show your respect! As he spoke, he took out a wad of bills from his pocket and handed it over.

Tang Xinghua stared angrily: Do you want to bribe me? Open your eyes and see who I, Tang Xinghua, am? Keep this money for yourself and go to the police station to pay the fine!

Hei Wa's eyes were spinning wildly. He wanted to wait for an opportunity to escape, but he was afraid of the shotgun in Tang Xinghua's hand, so he had no choice but to continue walking forward, but in his heart he was desperately thinking about how to get Tang Xinghua's shotgun. Suddenly, he stumbled and fell to the ground. He said he had a sprained foot and had to be carried by Tang Xinghua. Tang Xinghua was not stupid either. He knew that Hei Wa was causing trouble and ignored him even though he was crying to the sky and the earth.

After struggling for about an hour, Heiwa still refused to leave. Tang Xinghua really lost his patience and finally shouted: If you keep pretending, I will shoot you. As he spoke, he shook the shotgun loudly.

When Hei Wa heard this, he simply lay on the ground like a mangy dog ​​and couldn't get up. He kept shouting: If you have the guts, shoot me, I'm not afraid!

Tang Xinghua burst into flames, pressed his index finger on the trigger, and the gun went off with a "boom".

In fact, Tang Xinghua's shot was just to scare Hei Wa. The gun was aimed at the ground. Tang Xinghua wanted Ma Zhuo to go on the road obediently, but he didn't expect that this was just the trick of Hei Wa. Because the shotgun has a single shot, it requires one round of ammunition to be fired. Hei Wa is an old bandit, and he understands.

Tang Xinghua was also stunned for a moment. As soon as the gun rang out, he knew that he had fallen into Hei Wa's trick. He quickly reloaded the ammunition, but before he had time, Hei Wa suddenly jumped up like a civet cat. Losing no opportunity, they rushed towards Tang Xinghua. The two of them pushed Tang Xinghua to the ground and tied him up tightly with vines.Later, when I thought about it, I still felt uneasy, so I simply tied Tang Xinghua tightly to a big tree with mountain vines, then turned around and left, boldly cutting down the shade tree.

After a while, the sound of "dong dong dong" chopping trees was heard one after another, and each sound seemed to hit Tang Xinghua's heart! Tang Xinghua was so worried, but there was nothing he could do, his hands and feet were still tied up! Tang Xinghua was really regretful and blamed himself for not being cruel and tying up Heiwa and the others first.

Just when Tang Xinghua was completely despairing, suddenly there was a sound of "rustling" footsteps in the forest, and soon a wolf jumped out and rushed towards Tang Xinghua. But what's amazing is that the wolf didn't come to eat Tang Xinghua. It pounced on him and tore off the mountain vines that bound him with its mouth.

It turns out that this wolf was raised by Tang Xinghua.

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

People are raising wolves. Isn’t this nonsense? It turns out that when Tang Xinghua liked to wander around in the mountains, he always took a dog with him. The dog was very obedient to him. But for a while, Tang Xinghua lived in the mountains at night, and the dog suddenly became extremely irritable. . Tang Xinghua found it very strange. When he paid attention, he finally discovered that the dog was mating with a male wolf, and later gave birth to a pup, that is, the wolf. Unfortunately, the dog accidentally fell to death while crossing a mountain stream. It was Tang Xinghua who fed the wolf bite by bite and gave it a nice name, "Flying Tiger." When Feihu grew up, he was built like his father, tall and powerful, and had a personality like his mother. He was well-behaved and smart. Tang Xinghua took him wherever he liked. Like his mother, he became Tang Xinghua's right-hand man.

According to the previous rules, they patrolled the mountain every day, Feihu went east, Tang Xinghua went west, and finally they met at Guitiao Cliff. Feihu arrived at Guitiaoya today. He waited and saw no sign of Tang Xinghua, so he sniffed all the way to find him, and then he rescued Tang Xinghua.

Tang Xinghua patted Feihu on the head gratefully, and then led Feihu angrily to find Daquan and Heiwa to settle accounts.

At this moment, the two tree thieves Daquan and Heiwa had already chopped down the Yin tree and were peeling and chopping branches, planning to carry it down the mountain. Tang Xinghua whistled angrily, and Feihu immediately "hooted" after receiving the order. The ground rushed forward. Feihu was a wolf after all. Daquan and Heiwa were frightened by its aura. They didn't dare to resist, so they had no choice but to capture it obediently.

Tang Xinghua escorted them to the foot of the mountain, and then asked Feihu to continue escorting them to the police station. Feihu used to do escort work, and everyone at the police station knew him. Tang Xinghua was worried that the shady tree on the mountain had been cut down. He was afraid that someone would steal it, so he immediately cut it into several pieces and carried it back to the shack.

Until the evening, Tang Xinghua was still busy. Feihu came back with a note in his mouth written by the director of the police station to Tang Xinghua, saying: The prey has been received and will be dealt with strictly. Please rest assured. That night, Tang Xinghua stewed a pot of meat bones and rewarded Feihu.

Since then, the mountain has been quiet for a while.

At noon that day, Tang Xinghua had lunch and lit the pot leisurely. He was enjoying the smoke when suddenly there was a cry from the dense forest. No, here comes the tree thief again! Tang Xinghua quickly put the tobacco bag away from his waist and hurriedly followed the sound. He saw a person in the distance, tied to a tree by a thick mountain vine, crying for his father and mother!

Tang Xinghua was not sure what was going on, so he accelerated his pace. When he got closer and took a closer look, he realized that the situation was even more urgent: the tied man could no longer speak, his breathing was rapid, his eyes were bulging, and his bones were rattling. If he didn't cut off the vines, he would be strangled to death.

Tang Xinghua drew out his machete and raised his hand to chop it down. Suddenly, the mountain vine suddenly bounced up and swept towards him. If not for Tang Xinghua's agility, he would have been hit. Afterwards, he rescued the stranger and brought him back to the shack. Bai Laosan took a closer look at this uninvited guest. He had high-end travel shoes and a white sun hat. He had thin skin and tender flesh. He didn't look like a tree robber at first glance.Tang Xinghua was wondering when suddenly a person burst into the door. Tang Xinghua was shocked: Village chief, why are you here?

The village chief ignored Tang Xinghua. Seeing that the person was still unconscious, he rushed towards him and hugged him, shouting and screaming. Tang Xinghua was confused and didn't know what the relationship between the village chief and this man was.

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

Who is this person? The director of the town's electrical pipe station is named Zhou Zhilong, nicknamed "Zhou Earthworm". He came up to the mountain today, nominally to provide electricity for the village and to ask the village chief to pick out telegraph poles, but in fact he came here for Yinmu. How did Zhou Earthworm know that there was a Yin tree on the mountain? It turned out to be Hei Wa, and I don’t know when it was leaked to Zhou Earthworm. However, Zhou Earthworm was a thief and was afraid of being deceived by Hei Wa, so he went up the mountain today to check the authenticity. Unexpectedly, he almost became a feast for a trap.

But Tang Xinghua was kept in the dark! Hearing that Zhou Earthworm personally came to provide electricity for the village, he was overjoyed and quickly packed a table of game. Zhou Earthworm was shocked. There were pheasants, , hares, wild goats . The table was full. Zhou Earthworm asked: Tang Xinghua, how did you save so much game in the summer? Tang Xinghua said naively: I have a refrigerator!

The village chief took over: Nonsense, the village has not yet received electricity, how come you have a refrigerator?

Tang Xinghua said: Really, I have a natural refrigerator. I am a turtle bastard to lie to you.

Zhou Earthworm thought: Let’s go and take a look at your natural refrigerator!

Tang Xinghua quickly stopped: Forget it, forget it, stop reading and eat quickly.

The more Tang Xinghua tried to evade, the more closely Zhou Earthworm pursued him: No, no, I have to open my eyes no matter what.

Seeing that he couldn't push it away, Tang Xinghua had to stand up and said, "Okay, I'll show it to you, but don't think it's unlucky." With that said, he led Zhou Earthworm and the village chief to the cave behind the shack.

Tang Xinghua knew how to be a carpenter, and he had actually made a coffin from the felled shade tree, and stored all the game in the coffin. Zhou Earthworm didn't care what was auspicious or unlucky. He was so anxious that he stretched his head into the coffin, and the slightest coolness immediately refreshed his spleen and moisturized his lungs. He understood in his heart that this must be the Yin wood coffin made of Yin tree. It seemed that Hei Wa was not lying!

But how can I get the Yin Coffin?

Zhou Earthworm pulled the village chief outside the cave and murmured a few words. The village chief turned around and said to Tang Xinghua: Brother Tang, you see, our village is finally going to have electricity. It all depends on Director Zhou to smooth the relationship. I think Director Zhou really likes this thing.

Before the village chief could finish his words, Tang Xinghua sullen and said nothing. He turned back and took out his shotgun, and shot the bird on the tree. He hit and cursed: You night owls, if you dare to scream again, I'll kill you. Off your skin!

He didn't think anything of it, and Zhou Earthworm didn't even eat anything, so he went down the mountain wiltingly.

Tang Xinghua didn't sleep well all night. Early the next morning, he had just gotten up when he saw the village chief coming with a grimace, saying that the village's electricity business was in trouble, and the reason was the Yin coffin.

In fact, the village chief didn't know that Tang Xinghua was not reluctant to leave the coffin. This shade tree was originally the property of the collective. Tang Xinghua was good at carpentry. He used his free time watching the mountains to lay down the coffin. He would later sell it at a good price and use it to provide electricity for the village! Over the years, the village has repeatedly clamored to provide electricity, and the villagers have raised funds for this, but which time has it been done? I thought there was hope that Zhou Earthworm would take action in person, but who would have thought that he would ask for it as soon as he saw Yin Coffin. Such a greedy person would have no chance of pocketing the village's electricity supply money. Tang Xinghua couldn't trust Zhou Earthworm!

Tang Xinghua thought for a long time and said: Well, if you ask Zhou Earthworm to come again, we can't give it to him in vain, right?

Hey, isn’t it just money? There are plenty of earthworms around! The village chief relaxed when he saw Tang Xinghua and went down the mountain happily.

A day later, the village chief accompanied Zhou Earthworm. Zhou Earthworm readily took out three thousand yuan, and Tang Xinghua threw it on the table without counting it.

Tang Xinghua said: Director Zhou, it is not easy to go to the mountains. Let me go hunting with you. If you are lucky, you might even be able to catch dragons, phoenixes and rabbits!

Dragon and Phoenix Rabbit, what is Dragon and Phoenix Rabbit? Zhou Earthworm asked enthusiastically.

Tang Xinghua said: The dragon and phoenix rabbit is a specialty on Yinshan . It is big, has fresh meat and is delicious. It only mates and gives birth in this season, so you are here at the right time. If you can get an "original couple" Go back and stew it to eat, it will be a great supplement! "

These words scratched the itch of Zhou Earthworm. He immediately pulled Tang Xinghua up and started to leave.

The village chief also followed him out. Tang Xinghua said: Everyone is gone, who is looking at the coffin? The village chief thought about it, and then Stayed.

Tang Xinghua took Zhou Earthworm all the way to the depths of Yinshan Mountain. At first, the forest was not dense, and wild flowers bloomed on the roadside, and hundreds of birds sang. It was a beautiful scene of birds singing and flowers fragrant. But gradually, the road became more dangerous. It was also dense, and the sparse sunlight shined through the dense forest, making the ground look like white snow, and the howls of wild beasts could be heard from time to time. Zhou Earthworm looked at Tang Xinghua's face, which was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water. He gradually felt that something was wrong and said: Forget it. Let's go back, I have something to do.

Go back? Don't you want to make up for it?

Zhou Earthworm shook his head: No, no more!

Tang Xinghua sneered: "I don't want to make up for it." It was too late.

Zhou Earthworm knew he had been fooled and ran back. Tang Xinghua did not chase him, but reminded him: Did you mark the way when you came?

Zhou Earthworm had no choice but to stop and come back obediently. . At this moment, he became the meat on the chopping board, and it was up to him to stir-fry and fry.

After walking for a while, the forest was taller and denser, and the dead branches and leaves several feet thick made a loud crunching sound when stepped on. Afraid of encountering something like a poisonous snake, he held on to Tang Xinghua's clothes tightly.

After a while, the overwhelming sunlight came down, and Zhou Earthworm thought he was out of the dense forest, but it was only for a moment that he breathed a sigh of relief. My heart tightened again. What's going on? There was an abyss in front of me. Looking down, the deep stream was filled with mist and it was bottomless.

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

Zhou Earthworm asked in fear: Brother Tang, why did you bring me here?

At this time Tang Xinghua said: You see, this is the famous Ghost Leaping Cliff on Yinshan Mountain. There is a log on the mountain stream. It is a single-plank bridge leading to the opposite side of the stream. Walking past it is the place where dragons, phoenixes and rabbits often hang out.

Zhou Earthworms. Dare to cross, and you won't be able to move even if you wait.

Tang Xinghua said: Don't be afraid, I will tie a rope around your waist and tie the other end to the single-plank bridge. If you fall, the rope will protect you. , Tang Xinghua put the safety rope on Zhou Earthworm three times, and then walked over as if walking on flat ground.

Zhou Earthworm was in trouble: Let's go, the bottomless abyss is really chilling; however, Well, there was a dark forest behind him, and there was no way to turn back. After hesitating for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and climbed onto the single-plank bridge.

Zhou Earthworm was dizzy, so he simply sat down and straddled the bridge with his legs between his legs. His hands grasped both sides desperately, and his body moved forward like a big earthworm. After a while, the clothes on his chest were torn, and the delicate skin was so painful.

Seeing that it was almost over, Zhou Earthworm straightened up and took a breath. At this moment, the single-plank bridge suddenly moved on its own. Zhou Earthworm was caught off guard and fell down the mountain stream in a flash. Thanks to the rope tied around his waist. But in this case, his whole body was hanging in the air. The wind in the mountain stream was so strong that the rope was swaying, so Earthworm Zhou played a "swing" on the mountain stream.

In fact, Tang Xinghua had thought of this method last night. Originally, there were stones stuck on both sides of the single-plank bridge to prevent the bridge from rotating. Now Tang Xinghua quietly removed a piece, and the bridge naturally shook.

Zhou Earthworm's face turned pale with fright, and he kept shouting "Help". Tang Xinghua stared and said: Help? You think beautifully! He waved the machete that was shining brightly in his hand. Tang Xinghua was about to cut off the rope. Zhou Earthworm completely lost his usual arrogance at this time and begged his grandfather and grandma to ask Tang Xinghua to spare him as soon as possible.

Tang Xinghua asked: Do you still want to be in a coffin?

Tang Xinghua’s head shook like a rattle : No more, no more, even if you kill me, you don’t want it.

Tang Xinghua said: I forgive you for not wanting it.But to make your memory longer, just hang out on the swing for a while! After that, he walked away, leaving only the sound of Zhou Earthworm crying for his father and mother in the valley. Tang Xinghua did this for a purpose. It was not enough to let Zhou Earthworm leave the coffin. He had to suffer some old sins. Otherwise, even if he was released, he would not be able to provide electricity to the village honestly.

A few hours later, Tang Xinghua returned to Guitiao Cliff after completing his mountain tour, but before he even approached the single-plank bridge, he was already breaking out in a cold sweat! What's going on with

? The single-plank bridge was empty, and Zhou Earthworm was missing.

Could it be that Earthworm Zhou climbed up the single-plank bridge by pulling the rope and ran away? Tang Xinghua ran closer and took a closer look. His heart sank to the bottom of the stream: the rope on the single-plank bridge was broken into two pieces. Apparently the rope was overwhelmed and Zhou Earthworm fell into the abyss.

What should I do? Tang Xinghua was immediately confused. After much deliberation, he decided to go to the bottom of the stream to have a look first.

Finally got around the Ghost Leaping Cliff and arrived at the bottom of the stream. The strange thing was that Zhou Earthworm could not see any dead bodies or alive people. Could it be that when it fell, it was hung on a tree on the side of the cliff? He raised his head and looked carefully, but there was none. So you let the wild beast eat you? Tang Xinghua knew that he had caused a big disaster, and his legs were weak. He stumbled and ran back to the shack to find the village chief for advice.

But when he returned to the shack, he was even more dumbfounded: not only was the village chief missing, but the Yin coffin was also missing. Could it be that he was tricked by these two people? Just as he was running around in a hurry, suddenly Heiwa and his group came back from the hillside carrying the Yin coffin.

Monk Tang Xinghua Zhang Er was confused: What on earth is going on?

It turned out that Tang Xinghua led Zhou Earthworm to catch dragons, phoenixes and rabbits, leaving the village chief alone in the shack. At first, the village chief was a little complacent, thinking that he had finally convinced Tang Xinghua, but then the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Tang Xinghua was a famous "one-brained man" in the village. Even nine cows couldn't pull him back if he was sure of death. He would do whatever he said he would. What's up? The more he thought about it, the more strange it became, so he ran after him. But because they didn't know where Tang Xinghua and the others were going to find Dragon and Phoenix Rabbit, they had no choice but to wander around in the forest. Later, they heard Zhou Earthworm's cry and found Ghost Leaping Cliff all the way.

The village chief was too evil-minded. After he rescued Zhou Earthworm, he deliberately broke the rope, causing the illusion that Zhou Earthworm fell into the mountain stream. In this way, if Tang Xinghua goes down to the bottom of the stream where the ghost jumps off the cliff to find people, they can buy enough time to transport the Yin coffin away. Later facts proved that Tang Xinghua fell into their scheme.

Besides, after the village chief rescued Zhou Zhou Earthworm, he hurried back to the village and told Heiwa and his gang to go to the mountain to carry the Yin coffin. Hei Wa was frightened when he heard that he was asked to go up the mountain: "Village chief, Tang Xinghua's wolf...

wolf? The village chief said haha, don't worry, Tang Xinghua is leading the beast to grind under Guitiao Cliff. Hurry up and take the people!

Hei Wa then felt relieved and led a group of people up the mountain to the cave behind Tang Xinghua's shack. Hei Wa kept shouting: "Be gentle, be gentle, if you knock it." By the way, the director surnamed Zhou can't spare you.

The coffin is so gloomy, and the mountain road is rugged. It took a lot of effort for Heiwa and his group to just carry it to the halfway point of the mountain. They were walking forward when they suddenly turned sideways. Something rushed out of the thorn.

Tang Xinghua is a wolf that always appears unexpectedly at critical moments.

Heiwa shouted: Don't be afraid because of the crowd. , we have many people, kill it! He shouted and directed everyone to form a circle. Although Hei Wa was shouting, he had suffered from Fei Hu and did not dare to attack easily; Fei Hu was surrounded by enemies. They didn't dare to attack rashly. So, the two sides were in a stalemate.

It was not possible to carry the coffin away. If Tang Xinghua came back at this time... Hei Wa broke out in a cold sweat. He thought of how his elders often used it. He said: The wolf is a tofu waist with a copper head and an iron tail. It seems that if you want to subdue this beast, you must first break its waist. Hei Wa asked everyone to find a way to attract Fei Hu's attention, and he went around Fei Hu. Behind the tiger, he was ready to take action himself.

Livestock are livestock after all. He didn't know it and thought Hei Wa was afraid and ran away.However, it was quite sensitive. At the critical moment, it heard the "whoosh" sound of a knife being slashed from behind. It instinctively bent down and rolled out more than ten feet away. Then it jumped up like lightning and made a beautiful stroke in the air. The arc of the ball happened to hit Hei Wa's crotch when it landed. This time, Hei Wa was in terrible condition. A large piece of meat was torn off from his thigh by Feihu, and blood immediately flowed out.

Seeing Feihu being so powerful, everyone was so frightened that they ran away. But they couldn't run away, they were all blocked by Feihu. There was no way, Feihu and his gang had to come back carrying the Yin coffin.

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

The Yin coffin was lost and found. Tang Xinghua was overjoyed. Feihu had made another great contribution!

Tang Xinghua grabbed Hei Wa and interrogated him with threats and threats. Only then did he realize that the village chief had directed everything. But the village chief actually put all the responsibility on Tang Xinghua. With a sad face, he came up the mountain and said to Tang Xinghua: Look at the good things you have done, our village's electricity business has been ruined, and why not just because of that Yincoffin.

village Before he finished speaking, Tang Xinghua jumped up: If you don't give me the coffin, your life will be saved!

The village chief's face also darkened: Tang Xinghua, don't glare at me, I'm begging you for the sake of my fellow villagers. You don’t even think about it, whose trees on the mountain belong to them? From the village! You are occupying collective property. Why should I do this? Am I not doing it to benefit the whole village?

When the village chief said this, the honest and honest Tang Xinghua was stunned: Yes, after all, this Yinmu belongs to the village, how can I be qualified to handle it alone? The village chief curried favor with the man surnamed Zhou in order to provide electricity in the village. Thinking of this, Tang Xinghua had no choice but to say: Okay, I'll hand over the Yin Coffin. But we have to make a deal in advance, and you have to take care of the electricity business for everyone.

The village chief immediately patted his chest and said, "You don't trust Zhou Earthworm, don't you trust me?" I am the village chief, where can I go? Guaranteed to be correct.

Just like that, the village chief finally asked the village chief to send someone to carry the Yin coffin to Zhou Earthworm.

Zhou Earthworm really kept his promise this time. Within a few days, we had some clues about how to handle the electricity supply. A month later, the poles for the electric wires were all ready.

But the strange thing is that when Tang Xinghua was patrolling the mountains that day, he heard the "bang bang bang" sound of felling again in the forest. He was wondering: Aren't the telephone poles already prepared? Why are there still people cutting them down? I looked over and saw Hei Wa again.

Tang Xinghua was so angry that he rushed up to argue with him, but Heiwa followed suit.

Tang Xinghua was anxious, grabbed his ax and said angrily: What do you mean? If you dare to move again, I will be rude to you.

Hei Wa said: What's your air? If you have the ability, go to Zhou Earthworm. Why don't you care if he kills you?

Tang Xinghua was angry and funny: Zhou Earthworm asked you to cut down trees to provide electricity and telephone poles for the village. Why should I care about him?

Heiwa sneered: How about a phone call? I'm afraid it goes into my own pocket again, right?

Hearing that there was something in Hei Wa’s words, Tang Xinghua asked what was going on. Hei Wa said: Come down the mountain and see for yourself and you will understand!

Could it be that Zhou Earthworm had fooled himself and the whole village?

Tang Xinghua went down the mountain that day. No matter what, not a single telegraph pole was erected in or outside the village, let alone wired. Tang Xinghua went to the village chief angrily. The village chief said: Don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Director Zhou said that the wooden telegraph poles were afraid of not being strong. Later, he made some plans and had to replace them with cement poles . He said that he was responsible for finding someone to sell the wood and not let it go to waste. This is what

turned out to be. But Tang Xinghua always felt uneasy. After a while, he went down the mountain specifically to see how the electricity supply in the village was doing. However, there was still not a single telephone pole erected.

Tang Xinghua went to the village chief again, and the village chief showed his cards: Alas, it was Director Zhou who was inexperienced. He originally wanted to sell those wooden poles at a high price, but ended up finding a self-employed business owner. Unexpectedly, he ran away with both the people and the wood...

Although Tang Xinghua was naive, he was not stupid. He understood that this was Zhou Earthworm's fault. On a dark and windy night, he quietly went to Earthworm's home in Zhouzhou, carrying a shotgun. The house was really grand, with a small building with white tiles and a tall black iron gate. However, the courtyard wall was too high, so it would take a while to get over it.But this is not a problem for Tang Xinghua. He usually walks over mountains and ridges as if he were walking on flat ground. What does a wall mean? He jumped up and slid down the other side of the wall like a civet cat.

The lights were on in the small building, and voices could be heard faintly. Tang Xinghua found it very strange. He had already inquired about it. Zhou Earthworm's wife worked in the county and his children also went to school in the county. Zhou Earthworm was usually the only one at home. Who was he talking to? Tang Xinghua looked in through the glass window and saw that Zhou Earthworm was drinking with the village chief!

The forest to the north of Tangshan Village in Huangji Town is the treasure of the village. Over the years, the forest has grown very lush. The village chief has always wanted to send someone to protect the forest, but forest protection is a hard job: First, he has to live in the - DayDayNews

Hey, it’s the middle of the night, why is the village chief here? Only the village chief Liu said: Director Wang, Tang Xinghua has come to see me several times to ask about the village's electricity supply. We must agree on the same story; he insists that the self-employed has deceived you. As for the money from selling the wood, I don’t want any of it, it’s all yours, just the coffin... Zhou Earthworm took over his words: Don’t worry! I thought about it, I am a public official, it is impossible for to bury . What do you want to do with that thing? It is better to take cash. The village chief said again: This is the principle, but it is best for us to be villains first and then gentlemen. The coffin must be stored with you first. If it takes a long time... Zhou Earthworm frowned and said: Look at your verbosity. Okay, let me write you a note from the head office, right? As he spoke, he stood up, found a pen and paper, and started writing.

Tang Xinghua was so angry outside the window that he wanted to rush in. He thought about it and held it back: No, the whole village must know about their dirty deal. Without turning around, he quietly slipped out of the hospital.

At dawn the next day, many villagers crowded into Zhou Earthworm's house. At this time, the village chief and Zhou Earthworm were still fast asleep, and the table was full of wine bottles staggering around.

When Zhou Earthworm saw so many people breaking into his home, he shouted sternly: What are you doing? Breaking into a house without permission is illegal!

Tang Xinghua walked up and asked: Is it illegal? We came in and neither stole nor robbed. We just came to discuss matters with you and the village chief. What's the law? We have to ask you, is taking advantage of others illegally? Is it illegal to use power for personal gain? As he said this, he searched the village chief's body for written documents and a bag full of money from under the bed where they slept.

The villagers were angry, and several young men with strong temperament rushed up and wanted to beat these two guys to death. Tang Xinghua waved his hand to stop them and said: Don't do it, there's no way to end it if they are broken, let's punish them using the old mountain people's methods!

Yes, use the old method! The crowd shook their fists and shouted.

What is the old method of mountain people? It means stuffing the evildoer into a coffin and parading him through the streets, which means cursing him to an early death! Tang Xinghua stuffed Zhou Earthworm and the village chief into the coffin and asked everyone to carry them into the street. Tang Xinghua found a gong from somewhere and knocked it as he walked: Come and see what happens to the village chief for cheating people!

The people in the town didn't know what was going on, so they crowded over to see what was going on.

It is strange to say that just as the parade reached the middle of the street, the weather that had been clear just now suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and it was dark for an instant. Then there was a "bang" and a thunder with lightning striking towards Yinguan, and only a "bang" was heard. There was a sound of the Yin coffin being smashed into pieces, and then all the villagers shouted: Zhou Earthworm and the village chief were struck by lightning! Everyone gathered around to see if Zhou Earthworm and the village chief were okay, but their clothes were burned completely and they were lying naked on the ground.

Later there was a legend: The Yin Coffin is a divine object. It uses the hands of thunder and lightning to expose the evildoers who have harmed the people naked in the broad daylight...

Later, there is a saying that even if you do bad things, you will not be punished. Let you go, as the so-called good and evil will eventually be rewarded!

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