Chapter 221 The loser becomes the bandit, I will do whatever you want! The moonlight shines through the window and falls on Leng Qiuxue's bed. Under the dim light, a figure stood quietly in front of her bed. Leng Qiuxue's wrist was being held tightly by the opponent, and the smal

2024/06/2913:49:33 story 1794

Chapter 221 The loser becomes the bandit, I will do whatever you want!

The moonlight passed through the window and fell on Leng Qiuxue's bed.

Under the dim light, a figure was standing quietly in front of her bed.

The wrist of Leng Qiuxue's bully Shuang Saixue was being held tightly by the opponent, and the small dagger stopped an inch in front of the figure's chest.

"Ye... Ye Ye! When did you come back?"

Leng Qiuxue was a little confused. She never expected that it would be Ye Xiao.

Moreover, she was also very shocked, because just now, she was just lying on the bed and not sleeping.

can be said to be completely awake, but in this state, she didn't even notice that someone came into the room!

If Ye Xiao had just killed her, she would definitely be on the road to death by now.

"When? It's today. Why, you've been out for two days and you don't recognize me anymore?" Ye Xiao smiled lightly, and then his eyes fell on the dagger in her hand, "You are so vigilant enough. Are you still sleeping with a knife? "

"Well, I have been sleeping like this for all these years, and now is the time, of course I have to be more careful." Leng Qiuxue said, then withdrew her hand and hesitated. After that, put the dagger next to the pillow.

"That makes sense. The blade of a knife licks blood. It's normal to use a knife to defend yourself while sleeping. Were you going to bed just now? Don't you take off your clothes when you sleep? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Ye Xiao's gaze, It fell on Leng Qiuxue, who was wearing nothing but a coat, sweater and jeans.

But even so, the curves of her body are very obvious, especially under this slightly hazy moonlight, they are very attractive.

"Well...I..." Leng Qiuxue's words came to her lips, but she couldn't say them out.

Ye Xiao suddenly slapped his forehead and said: "I remember that when you came, you came empty-handed and didn't bring a change of clothes... No, it's been two days, and you didn't buy any? "

"Well... I originally wanted to buy it, but when things came to a close, I forgot about it..." Leng Qiuxue said along with the words.

"This is easy, I'll have someone buy you two." Ye Xiao chuckled.

"That's... no need, I'll go by myself, it's inconvenient." Leng Qiuxue said with a red face, "By the way, Master Ye, are you looking for something to do with me when you come here so late?"

Ye Xiao's eyes fell. He stood on her body and said with a smile: "Nothing, I just came over here to see if you are used to living here and whether you can sleep."

"Thank you, Master Ye, for your concern, I..." Very good." Leng Qiuxue said.

"Well, speaking of it, it's a bit difficult for a beautiful woman like you to live with such a group of grown men."

Chapter 221 The loser becomes the bandit, I will do whatever you want! The moonlight shines through the window and falls on Leng Qiuxue's bed. Under the dim light, a figure stood quietly in front of her bed. Leng Qiuxue's wrist was being held tightly by the opponent, and the smal - DayDayNews

After finishing her words, Ye Xiao's hand fell on her face and squeezed it gently. . Leng Qiuxue stiffened and originally wanted to avoid it, but in the end she held back, and even stretched out her hand to hold Ye Xiao's hand and slowly slid down.

"Master Ye, I said when I came here that after I come here, I will be Master Ye's. I can do whatever I want..."

Ye Xiao's hand fell on her neck. After that, Leng Qiuxue's face turned red.

Her body was very sensitive, and she had never had such contact with a man. The smell of Ye Xiao's body seemed to have a great attraction for her. She immediately fell softly into Ye Xiao's arms. It twisted like a snake and burrowed into Ye Xiao's arms.

The hot temperature from the beautiful woman's body passed through her skin and into Ye Xiao's body.

A pair of lotus arms had already hooked Ye Xiao's neck, and the whole body was pressed tightly against him. Then with a twist of the waist, Ye Xiao was pushed back on the bed.

At the same time, Ye Xiao's mouth was also blocked by hers.

Leng Qiuxue was like an octopus, tightly wrapped around Ye Xiao's body.

Her hand struggled exaggeratedly, and soon, her fingertips came into contact with the dagger that had just been placed on the pillow.

But at this moment, Ye Xiao's voice sounded in her ears.

"Yunxi Du asked you to come here to kill me, right?"


Leng Qiuxue's movements stopped abruptly.

She was still breathing, her face was still red, and her eyes showed an incredible look.

Ye Xiao's hand reached into her clothes and roamed on the smooth back, while continuing to say lightly: "Once I die, Gao Tianlang will definitely not be Yunxi Poison's opponent."

"So, Yunxi Poison's purpose , not only the village in the city, but also the Hongmeng Chamber of Commerce and even Tianhai Pavilion are in his plan, right?"

Ye Xiao's words made Leng Qiuxue completely shocked and panicked.

Obviously, Ye Xiao guessed it right.

Moreover, relying on Yun Xidu's understanding of Shen Xiaoxian, he might have guessed that Shen Xiaoxian's life was not long, so his goal was to unify the entire underground world of Rongcheng.

The significance of this is very great.

Rongcheng is the center of the entire southwest province.

unified the underground world here, which is equivalent to controlling the underground world of the entire southwest province!

Is this the ambition of Yunxi Poison?

In other words, is there someone else behind Yunxi Poison?

However, these are obviously not important anymore.

Chapter 221 The loser becomes the bandit, I will do whatever you want! The moonlight shines through the window and falls on Leng Qiuxue's bed. Under the dim light, a figure stood quietly in front of her bed. Leng Qiuxue's wrist was being held tightly by the opponent, and the smal - DayDayNews

Ye Xiao originally just wanted to come back here, buy a few hills, buy a few acres of land, build a house, and live a happy life with his sisters.

He had previously thought that the location of this urban village was very good.

Who would have thought that so many things would be involved.

" did you know?" Leng Qiuxue's fiery body gradually cooled down, and her body became stiff again.

After all, her hand did not dare to touch the dagger so close at hand.

"If my prediction is correct, after Yunxi Poison robbed the Hongmeng Chamber of Commerce for more than a dozen places, there will be no more moves, right?"

Leng Qiuxue: "..."

What Ye Xiao said was not wrong.

Yunxi Poison, which was originally gaining momentum, suddenly stopped moving after catching the Hongmeng Chamber of Commerce off guard.

This gave the Hongmeng Chamber of Commerce some time to breathe.

However, this also made Leng Qiuxue very puzzled.

"By the way, if you want to use your dagger to kill me, I advise you not to have this idea."

Leng Qiuxue: "..."

She knew that her action this time was considered a thorough one. Failed.

"You already knew that I didn't come here sincerely, why did you still leave me here?" Leng Qiuxue said dejectedly.

Ye Xiao chuckled: "How can I bear to push out a beauty when she comes to my door? I am not an eunuch ."

"Okay! What are you going to do?" Leng Qiuxue simply raised her upper body and talked to Ye Xiao like this Their eyes met, "The loser is the bandit, I'll do whatever you want!"

Just now, she naively thought that her plan was going to succeed.

Who knew that he was being played by Ye Xiao from the beginning to the end.

Ye Xiao looked at the beautiful girl close at hand and smiled: "What should I do? This is a problem..."

Chapter 221 The loser becomes the bandit, I will do whatever you want! The moonlight shines through the window and falls on Leng Qiuxue's bed. Under the dim light, a figure stood quietly in front of her bed. Leng Qiuxue's wrist was being held tightly by the opponent, and the smal - DayDayNews

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