"Sign your names and you will be divorced." This scene appeared in Shu Fei's mind, and her memory gradually blurred. She couldn't tell whether this scene had really happened before. Memory is like an unreliable child. Children will not deceive, they just think false scenes are so

2024/06/2513:25:33 story 1760

"Sign your names and you will be divorced."

This scene appeared in Shu Fei's mind, and her memory gradually blurred. She couldn't tell whether this scene really happened. Memory is like an unreliable child. Children will not deceive, they just think false scenes are so.

On the eve of Shu Fei's divorce from her husband Cheng Jie, Cheng Jie fell to his death.

htmlFor many years, Shu Fei has believed that her husband's death was caused by her insistence on divorce, so she suffered from mild depression.

Shu Fei's life was disrupted again when an overseas email was returned. This was a notice from Swiss Bank refusing to remit.

Shu Fei communicated with the Swiss Bank and obtained the right to use the account through cumbersome procedures.

Check the account balance, 1.4547 million .

took out the funds in the account and returned it to Cheng Jie's company before his death, fulfilling her husband's last wish. This is what she wants to do now. She couldn't figure out why her husband would seek death. Divorce was a normal thing, and he agreed happily.

Unless the husband’s death was not due to divorce?

This question made the decadent Shu Fei excited. She wanted to find out the real cause of her husband's death and clear her name. She wanted to prove that her husband did not fall because of divorce.

Cheng Jie was the financial director of Dahua Company during his lifetime.

Shu Fei made an appointment with Li Xianggan, the newly appointed general manager of Dahua, at Dada Cafe to communicate the details of Cheng Jie's previous work as the company's business secrets. Li Xianggan originally refused, but this might affect the recovery of US$1.45 million in funds, so he could only endure it. After all, there is no way to prove that the money does belong to the Dahua Company. Every time

makes a transaction with the US company IDK, IDK will transfer it from its subsidiary BACKwindow to a public account at Morgan Stanley Bank. This account at Morgan Stanley Bank makes regular transfers and remittances to the private account at Swiss Bank every six months for the purpose of paying labor fees. The account registration information of Morgan Stanley Bank is a listed company in the United States.

Dahua Company spent a long time to find out about , a listed labor service company in the United States, and notified Morgan Stanley Bank to freeze the bank account, but found that there was no money in it, and Morgan Stanley Bank wanted When I asked which account to send money to in a Swiss bank, I was informed that it was an anonymous account. This means that the Swiss bank account is an anonymous account and cannot be queried. The funds that caused the company's "loss" over the past decade cannot be recovered.

Cheng Jie was notified by an anti-money laundering investigation that he could not leave the country during his lifetime. Xiao Jing, a former partner of

Dahua Company, has gone to Switzerland . There is a need for doubt in large paintings. Cheng Jie has already communicated with Xiao Jing. Stealing the company's large profits over the years and depositing them in Swiss banks through so-called labor service companies in the United States for their later enjoyment. The relationship between Cheng Jie and Xiao Jing became the focus of Shu Fei's pursuit.

Shu Fei sat at Dada Cafe and ordered a cup of latte. She slowly opened her notebook and sorted through the information she had obtained. She found that the American labor service company was probably run by Cheng Jie and her former supervisor Xiao Jing. Their relationship was also ambiguous. plot.

Li Xianggan did not dare to comment on this ambiguous relationship. Shu Fei analyzed that Cheng Jie's suicide may not have been due to divorce, but to evade legal sanctions and protect Xiao Jing's overseas assets.

thought of this. Shu Fei felt a little inexplicably sick. So that's it, she thought angrily, it turns out that she has been deceived all along, it turns out that Cheng Jie has nothing to do with me, and is just a passerby. He betrayed her long ago, but I still foolishly thought that he was protecting something.

Just when the latte in Shu Fei's hand was bottoming out, she looked at the unmelted sugar cubes at the bottom of the cup and suddenly had the idea of ​​not wanting to return the 1.45 million US dollars. She will continue to look for her own evidence to prove the thoughts in her mind, to confirm or disprove them. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to calm herself down.

"I am going to keep this part of the funds for Dahua for the time being." Shu Fei's words made Li Xianggan across the table so excited that his tongue burned with coffee.

Shu Fei contacted Xiao Jing who was in Switzerland. After sending N messages but all of them came to nothing, she still continued to send messages without giving up.She revealed the things she had investigated about Xiao Jing and Cheng Jie to each other sentence by sentence, until it was announced that Cheng Jie had committed suicide out of fear of crime.

Xiao Jingcai couldn't help but reply to the message. The first sentence was, "Did Cheng Jie leave his Swiss bank account number and password?"

Shu Fei called the phone and the other party answered the call immediately.

"I did express to Cheng Jie that I wanted to come to Switzerland with me. After all, even if we arrive in Switzerland together, we will always have funds in the account in the following years without being discovered."

heard here , Shu Fei remembered and pressed the call recording button.

"Because these accounts are all paid by the labor service company, no one will find anything wrong. It is only natural that the company pays the labor service company. If people provide services, they should be paid. This is a legal company and pays taxes to the United States every year. "

" Even if we are not in Dahua Company, Dahua is still in decline. This has nothing to do with our behavior. On the contrary, Dahua will be more dangerous and decline faster if we terminate this payment relationship. Starting a new round of financing, this is a desperate struggle. "

" I never knew about Cheng Jie's death, thinking that there was a legal problem, and I have not received the transfer for more than 20 months. I inquired about the American labor service company. After checking the remittance records, I found out that the account had been changed to a Swiss bank. The balanced relationship was broken. Cheng Jie must have encountered a problem and was leaving a way out for himself or you. The news of his death should have been spread to the American company long ago. , all transfers are terminated, otherwise this payment should be continued until Dahua goes bankrupt. "It seems that Chengjie did not give up on you until his death. You completely abandoned him, and you are fully responsible for his death."

"One more thing, you have to return to me part of the funds that belong to the partnership between me and Cheng Jie. They are shared by us. It is illegal to have them in your account now." Xiao Jing said more and more. Anxious, it was obvious that he could not control his emotions.

"I don't agree." Shu Fei retorted, "How can you put the responsibility on me? It's obviously you, you are the one planning the Dahua fund. You are planning to leave me and betray me. No matter if he leaves or not Come on, I don’t believe what you are saying now, it’s all lies, unless you can prove it. "

" Chengjie’s death can prove it. I don’t live well in Switzerland, so if you don’t plan to take my money. Return it to me, please don't bother me again. Later, Cheng Jie did not transfer the money to the account we agreed on, but to a new account he opened separately. The money should be left to you, but he left it to you. It's a breach of contract and illegal. If you don't plan to give me the money, then I guarantee that you won't be able to withdraw a penny either in the United States or Switzerland. You can give it a try!" Xiao Jing said almost threateningly! , hung up the phone.

Shu Fei lit a cigarette to calm down. Assuming that Cheng Jie saves US$1.45 million for their adventure in the second half of their lives, this is indeed a number that can lead to a middle-class life. If he had not fallen from the building, this number might have been larger. What prompted him to give up?

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