At that time, Wang Xiaoer had been working at Renhe Primary School for almost a year. There was no shuttle bus in Renhe at that time, and Renhe was dozens of miles away from Wang Xiaoer’s home, Ximen Old Bridge. There were only two other ways to go to Renhe or go home, besides wa

2024/06/3023:04:33 story 1520

Wang Xiaoer's first love letter that was truly written by Wang Xiaoer himself was written by Wang Xiaoer when he was in Renhe. At that time, Wang Xiaoer had been working at Renhe Primary School for almost a year. There was no shuttle bus in Renhe at that time, and Renhe was dozens of miles away from Wang Xiaoer’s home, Ximen Old Bridge. There were only two other ways to go to Renhe or go home, besides walking directly. Method: The first method is to go to Hong Kong and take the shuttle bus to Taoyuan , then walk for about two hours to Renhe Elementary School, and then walk for about two hours home to Taoyuan, and then take the bus to Chengguan; the second method is to take a haulage coal vehicles. Both methods have their own disadvantages. The first method has very strict time requirements. You must arrive at the boarding point before the shuttle bus passes by. At that time, there is no guarantee of the arrival of the shuttle bus, so most of the time it is a matter of luck. If you get on it, sit down. If you don't touch it, you'll have to walk. As for the second method, you must bring a bottle of wine to the driver's house one day in advance to have a drink with him. It is only reliable to take his car the next day. Otherwise, people walking in the same direction the next day will stop and ask you where you are going. Most of the people traveling in the same direction will fly away, leaving you coughing in the dust. Wang Xiaoer and several other young people working at Renhe Primary School each tried their best to save money and buy a bicycle of their own. Wang Xiaoer has the support of his family, so he buys the best bicycle, a permanent weighted bicycle, while most of his friends are Feige or other miscellaneous brands. With bicycles, this is a great convenience for Wang Xiaoer and the others. In addition to riding home to work, they can also use the rear rack to drag vegetables, etc. This is Wang Xiaoer's first letter that is truly written by himself. love letter.

Wang Xiaoer and others can't avoid a place called Luoquan Ding when they go to work or home. Whether they go to school or go home, they have to take a rest here when they ride bicycles. At that time, there were only about a dozen families in Luoquanding, most of whom were local farmers. They lived along the coal road from Huawo to Chengguan. Most of the houses were short, but there was a relatively wide courtyard in front of each house. In addition to parking some simple farm tools, a lot of coal will also be piled. At that time, there was a small grain station here, with four or five staff members responsible for collecting rural public grain surplus and selling rationed grain and oil to residents in the Renhe area. Of course Wang Xiaoer and his friends also bought grain and oil here. After they got their bicycles, they would use their rest time to buy grain and oil and put them on the back rack to take home or to school.

Riding a bicycle to and from get off work was already a great thing in Renhe at that time. It was very beautiful and very prestigious, so they often rang the bell very loudly when they went from village to village, and there were often students or other children following them. Run behind them, push the car behind them when going uphill, and ride a good ride downhill. Of course, I prefer to learn to ride occasionally on flat roads or in a wider courtyard. Wang Xiaoer also enjoys this, which not only saves the energy of going uphill, but also keeps in touch with teachers and students, and sometimes they can have a meal and a few glasses of wine, so they like to ride their bicycles no matter what. The top of the circle is their favorite place to hang out.

In the eyes of Wang Xiaoer, Luoquanding is a place with stories. There is a weirdo who is famous throughout Renhe Township. Wang Xiaoer still remembers two interesting things about him: The first thing is Regarding hitchhiking, it is said that this weirdo has his own special tricks for hitchhiking. He always stops strangers from out of town, and every time he cleans up the car cleanly, then holds a chicken to stop the car. After stopping the car, he will He politely told the driver that he was in an emergency and needed to go into the city. He asked the driver to help him. He had nothing to thank him for, so he thanked the driver with the chicken in his arms. After the driver agreed to take him, he would use Refusing to sit in the driver's cab for various reasons, he would sit behind the coal truck and wait quietly for the truck to drive away while saying thank you. After a hundred meters of driving, he would release the chicken in his hand and then smile and watch his chicken run back quickly. On the way home, he would yell and gesture at the glass behind the cab. Then when he arrived at the destination, he would sincerely apologize to the driver and invite him to his home again and again.The second thing is about treating guests. The weirdo often invites people to his home. It is said that some people do come to the weirdo's home. As soon as the guests arrive at the courtyard, he will shout loudly to his wife to arrange the arrangements quickly. His voice is so loud that it is said that the entire family will be entertained. The whole village can hear it. His wife will consciously start to light a fire to cook. At this time, he will loudly say that he has eaten too much rice in the past few days and will eat corn rice on the hour. Later, his wife will make a lot of noise in the kitchen. There was a loud scraping sound on the jar, and he would yell loudly, "Damn old lady, the fat and meat these days haven't killed you yet, so order some vegetarian sauerkraut and eat corn rice to make it more comfortable." After starting to eat, he will definitely Invite guests to sit on the same bench with him, and he will take up two-thirds of the bench. After three glasses of wine, he will find an opportunity to stand up inadvertently, causing the guest to almost fall, but he will quickly stop him. The guest supported me, and without listening to my friend's explanation, he said loudly, "Your drinking capacity is too bad. You will get drunk after just a few glasses of wine. Come on, I will help you go back." Then he helped the guest out. Wang Xiaoer really wanted to get to know this weirdo, so he wanted to ask around when he was in Luoquan Ding, but he didn't meet the weirdo. He finally learned a situation. A little girl was assigned to the grain station. It was said that she was a little bit taller. It was so beautiful that Wang Xiaoer's seemingly calm heart became turbulent again.

At that time, Wang Xiaoer had already come out of the fighting and killing in "Shaolin Temple". He fell in love with movies and TV shows such as "Romance on Lushan Mountain": against the background of beautiful scenery, the young male and female protagonists met and fell in love. After twists and turns, Shang Le was finally moved. After resolving the old grudges, the lovers finally got married. He felt that this chubby chubby girl from the grain station should be his magical companion. He could use his bicycle to carry her freely on this coal road, attracting envious looks from passers-by, so Wang Xiaoer borrowed I met this girl when I went to Luoquanding Grain Station to buy grain and oil or for other reasons. Wang Xiaoer felt that this girl was very kind to him. She would politely invite him to tea every time, and would even stay with him to eat before leaving. Wang Xiaoer felt that this girl could sit on the back rack of his bicycle, someone he could go to work with and go home with, so he wanted to chase her. But at this moment, he had graduated from the normal school, and he had several friends from the normal school. It was scattered in all directions and could not help him. Wang Xiaoer had to think of a way by himself. He stayed in the dormitory of Renhe Elementary School and racked his brains for nearly three weeks to write the first novel that was truly written by himself. A love letter.

The love letter is written, but how to get it into the hands of the girl becomes a problem. Wang Xiaoer is a typical sultry man. His uncle once gave him an accurate evaluation: A kid with a bag of pants will never achieve anything big. Wang Xiaoer can imagine many things, but if you ask him to do it, he dare not do anything. He has no courage to hand the letter directly to the girl and send it from the post office. He is also worried about the result of the previous letter and tearing up others. After all, he had done it before. After Wang Xiaoer sent the letter in the normal school, as long as there was a letter from that classmate, he would find a way to open it by the mailbox. Don't worry, his method is very dangerous. Simple, directly ruined. He never received a reply from the classmate. He always thought that it had been destroyed, so he did not dare to send it from the post office. He thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of a way to ask his colleagues to deliver it when the winter vacation was about to begin. So before the vacation, he bought a chicken, weighed some meat, and added some cold dishes he brought to Renhe from home. , invited someone to cook a very sumptuous dinner, and invited several colleagues to have a good meal and drink. Then solemnly entrust one of them to deliver the letter to the girl. Then came the holidays, and Wang Xiaoer spent a winter vacation waiting. School started, and Wang Xiaoer returned to Renhe. Wang Xiaoer felt that nothing had changed. When Wang Xiaoer arrived at Luoquanding Grain Station, he felt that nothing had changed. The girl still invited him to tea and dinner as usual, but Wang Xiaoer always felt that something was wrong, and the girl never let him ride in the backseat.Later, after drinking, Wang Xiaoer learned the news of the girl's engagement. Wang Xiaoer found it incomprehensible, so he asked someone to go to the grain station to find out the truth. The news came back that disappointed Wang Xiaoer. The engagement was on an iron plate. Regarding the nails, the love letter was never received. This time, the person who went there was the "wine master" who had been taking classes with Wang Xiaoer. After we came back, we drank a lot of wine together. We also went to the dormitory of the old man who brought the letter last time on a leisurely ride. After all the accusations, I found the heartfelt first love letter written by Wang Xiaoer himself on the bedside of this old man. But it didn't help. The old man drank two kilograms of wine the next day. Let me and the "bartender" have a drink and that's it.

After that, Wang Xiaoer also learned from an old man that in fact, this girl still knew what Wang Xiaoer meant, and she still liked Wang Xiaoer, at least a little better than her engaged partner, but she had always Before there was any news about Wang Xiaoer, the family mentioned it and that was it. Wang Xiaoer concluded that this was a love that ended before it even started, like a weirdo’s wine, no one has ever really drank it. Wang Xiaoer doesn't blame others, he can only say that his fate has not come yet.

At that time, Wang Xiaoer had been working at Renhe Primary School for almost a year. There was no shuttle bus in Renhe at that time, and Renhe was dozens of miles away from Wang Xiaoer’s home, Ximen Old Bridge. There were only two other ways to go to Renhe or go home, besides wa - DayDayNews

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