Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood

2021/09/1808:33:06 regimen 1509

Most patients with gout are carnivores. If you want to control uric acid, you must first limit the intake of purines from food. Various high-purine and medium-purine foods have become "big taboos." All kinds of purine-rich foods are usually big fish, big meat, delicacies and seafood; all kinds of foods with low purine content that can be eaten freely for gout patients, and usually vegetables, fruits, miscellaneous grains...

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

so In the public’s perception: The dietary regulation of patients with gout is "eating chafing vegetables, abstaining from meat, and abstaining from alcohol as a monk." There is some misunderstanding in this!

Not all meat, purines are high! Some meat can be eaten

"Mut and fishy foods are all high in purine" is like a female compatriot saying "men are not good things". It seems to cover the truth, but it is too absolute. Meaty food is the same as men, but there are still a few that are not "bad".

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

We call foods that contain more than 125mg of purines per 100g as high-purine foods. Check the food purine content table to see: most seafood, aquatic products, shellfish, animal offal, animal meat, etc. The purine content of meaty foods is not low! However, there are also a few "alien" with very low purine content, which are suitable for daily consumption of gout patients, as a ritual for fighting teeth (the Sichuan dialect means eating meat occasionally).

1 sea cucumber : 4.2mg/100g; the purine content is almost negligible, rich in essential amino acids of human , and low in fat and cholesterol. The only drawback may be expensive.

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

2 jellyfish : 9.3mg/100g; the purine content is very low,But it is rich in protein, trace elements, especially iodine, and jellyfish skin contains substances similar to the effect of acetylcholine , which can promote blood vessel dilation and help stabilize blood pressure.

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

3 Porcine blood: 11.8mg/100g; Porcine blood has good iron and blood supplement effects, and the substance of plasma protein is decomposed and has the effects of moisturizing and intestinal stimulating.

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

4 mandarin fish: 24mg/100g; mandarin fish is not only rich in protein and trace elements, but also rich in potassium , which helps patients to alkalinize urine and help excrete uric acid .

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

5 pigskin: 29.8mg/100g; pigskin is rich in vitamin A and collagen, it has the effects of nourishing yin and deficiencies, clearing heat and throat, and moisturizing the skin.

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

Not all vegetables, miscellaneous grains, people with gout can eat at will!

It can be seen from the food purine content table that most vegetables, fruits, and whole grains have low purine content, and are low in fat and calories, which are suitable for gout patients.

However, there are also several vegetarian dishes and whole grains, which may not be suitable for some people to eat in large quantities due to personal physical reasons.

1 Vegetables also have ultra-high purine

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

Don’t think that vegetables are all low-purine, absolutely safe foods.The purine content of pea tips ( 豆苗菜 ), asparagus, and soybean sprouts is as high as 500ug/100g; the purine content of laver and shiitake mushrooms is also more than 200ug/100g. Although the latest research proves that plant-based purines are less easily used by the human body than animal-derived purines, it is recommended that friends with higher uric acid levels and acute attacks of gout do not consume them as much as possible; they can be consumed in moderation when uric acid levels are at normal levels.

2 It is not recommended to eat more vegetables rich in oxalic acid

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

Patients with hyperuricemia are prone to accompany with uric acid stones, and it will also increase the chance of other types such as calcium oxalate stones . If you take a lot of oxalic acid, it is easier to increase the risk of uric acid mixed with calcium oxalate stones. Vegetables rich in oxalic acid, such as onions, water white, water spinach, spinach, amaranth, celery, bamboo shoots, edamame, etc., are not recommended to be consumed in large quantities; it is also recommended to blanch them in normal amounts. Cooking and eating.

3 Soy products are rich in protein, and people with renal insufficiency eat moderately

Soy beans and black beans also have high purine content. Controversy over beans and soy products has always existed. But the latest point of view is that the purines to which beans belong are also plant-based purines, which are not easily used by the human body; and although the purine content of beans is high, a large amount of purines have been lost in all kinds of soybean products after processing and production. Therefore, patients with gout can eat beans and soy products.

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

Although beans and soy products are edible, it is not recommended for those with renal insufficiency to consume too much. urate crystals quietly deposits in the kidneys, it will damage the kidney function when it exists for a long time, and those with renal insufficiency need to limit the intake of protein.And give priority to high-quality protein containing essential amino acids.

In the remission period, you can eat low-medium purine meat, otherwise it is prone to malnutrition

Gout is a metabolic disease, which cannot be cured but can be controlled. Therefore, diet is a problem that patients with gout need to pay attention to at all times. But it is not to say that gout patients will never have food for life. Some gout patients keep in mind the severe pain brought by the acute attack of gout, and regard the dietary principles in the acute phase as a classic law, and strictly enforce them during the remission phase. Over time, they will cause malnutrition, especially weight loss, physical labor, or . People with wasting disease will be more prone to this situation.

Can you only eat chaffy vegetables if you have gout? Doctor: Nonsense! You can eat pork, fish, and even seafood - DayDayNews

We recommend that patients with gout increase their nutrition during the remission period, choose some meat and freshwater fish with moderate purine content, and take the method of boiling and discarding the soup to increase the intake of high-quality protein and total energy intake Enter, subject to maintaining ideal weight.

Therefore, everything is divided into two. Patients with gout should combine restriction and deployment, and combine measures with their condition. It is necessary to control the progression of hyperuricemia or gout, and to avoid malnutrition. happened.


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