Summer vacation is here. Whether it is online learning or online gaming and entertainment, children can easily overuse their eyes. Vision health is a worry for almost every parent. Visual health should be paid attention to as early as possible. Ophthalmologists recommend that par

2024/06/2920:00:32 regimen 1025

Summer vacation is here. Whether it is online learning or online games and entertainment, children can easily overuse their eyes. Vision health is a worry for almost every parent. Visual health should be paid attention to as early as possible. Ophthalmologists recommend that parents establish visual health files for their children as early as possible.

Summer vacation is here. Whether it is online learning or online gaming and entertainment, children can easily overuse their eyes. Vision health is a worry for almost every parent. Visual health should be paid attention to as early as possible. Ophthalmologists recommend that par - DayDayNews

1. What is a visual health profile?

The visual health file is to record the development process of the eyeball, that is, regularly record the corneal curvature, eye axis, cycloplegia and micropupil refraction results, intraocular pressure , height and other indicators, and continuously track the development of children's eyeballs and bodies. Condition.

Generally, you can start creating files when you are three years old.

2. Why should we create a visual profile for our children?

With the development of the information age, children's early or excessive exposure to electronic products, heavy learning tasks, and long-term lack of outdoor activities have led to more and more children with myopia. The age at which myopia occurs is getting younger and younger, and myopia develops more quickly. faster and faster. At present, myopia in children and adolescents in my country is high in incidence and younger in age. The establishment of visual health records for children and adolescents can prevent, detect and control myopia early.

▶By monitoring the child's eye axis, vision and degree, timely and targeted measures can be taken to prevent myopia.

▶Check for eye diseases in a timely manner, and perform routine eye examinations on children to detect possible eye diseases in children as early as possible.

▶Detect refractive abnormalities in children as early as possible, such as high hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism and amblyopia, etc., and take targeted treatment measures.

Summer vacation is here. Whether it is online learning or online gaming and entertainment, children can easily overuse their eyes. Vision health is a worry for almost every parent. Visual health should be paid attention to as early as possible. Ophthalmologists recommend that par - DayDayNews

3. What symptoms should we pay attention to?

1, Dry eyes Itchy eyes

Long-term use of electronic products can reduce the blinking frequency and excessive evaporation of tears, which can easily lead to the symptoms of dry eyes, itchy eyes and itchy eyes. In addition, spring is the season of high incidence of allergic conjunctivitis, and similar symptoms may also occur.

Dry eye syndrome and conjunctivitis can also affect each other, aggravating symptoms. In addition, similar symptoms will occur in trichiasis and other eyelid and ocular surface diseases.

2, blurred vision

For children, blurred vision is often caused by myopia, deepening myopia or other refractive errors problems. Establishing a visual health file and regularly checking the changes in refractive status can provide accurate and individualized eye health management. .

3, eye pain headache

If you look at electronic products for a long time, you will have eye pain and headache symptoms, which can be relieved after resting. It is common in visual fatigue or other visual dysfunction. In addition to reasonable eye habits, intraocular pressure, fundus and visual function examinations should also be carried out to help clarify the cause of the disease.

In addition, if the symptoms are severe and accompanied by blurred vision or nausea and vomiting, you should seek medical attention immediately. All in all, specific problems should be solved on a case-by-case basis, and never buy any medicines and use them on your own!

Summer vacation is here. Whether it is online learning or online gaming and entertainment, children can easily overuse their eyes. Vision health is a worry for almost every parent. Visual health should be paid attention to as early as possible. Ophthalmologists recommend that par - DayDayNews

Written by: Chen Ying

Editor: Han Connie

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