Whether it is treating diseases or maintaining health, following the laws of the body is the highest level. To do this, we must learn to understand what our body says. If it can be done, at a small level, it can reduce the fear of symptoms and avoid over-treatment; at a large lev

2024/06/2708:25:33 regimen 1921

Whether it is treating diseases or maintaining health, following the laws of the body is the highest level. To do this, we must learn to understand what our body says. If it can be done, at a small level, it can reduce the fear of symptoms and avoid over-treatment; at a large level, it can reduce the occurrence of "iatrogenic" and "drug-induced" diseases.

1. Sweating when you move

The body says: lack of oxygen

Some people sweat not because of heat. They don’t move much and are already sweating profusely. Such sweating is the body asking for help. It wants to tell you: "Lack of oxygen!"

The supply of oxygen in the body is completed by the cooperation of the heart and lungs. If the heart function is not good, it is easy to be hypoxic. For example, when coronary heart disease attacks, you will be sweating profusely. This is the inability of the heart to pump blood. resulting in hypoxia.

Recommendation: People who sweat excessively in summer can make their own "Shengmai Drink": 210 grams of American ginseng, 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, and 10 grams of Schisandra chinensis. American ginseng nourishes heart qi, Ophiopogon japonicus nourishes heart yin, and Schisandra chinensis is an astringent and helps reduce sweating.

2. Urinating after drinking

The body says: the fire power is insufficient

Even if you don’t sweat at ordinary times, the body is also "invisibly evaporating", and water is expelled out of the body through the skin. People with very strong bodies have high metabolic rates and strong firepower, and can take out more water through "senseless evaporation". On the contrary, people who are very weak are also very weak in "Insensible Evaporation". Frequent visits to the toilet are due to the fact that the only drainage channel is urination.

Recommendation: Frequent urination You can take "Shenling Baizhu Pills". The specialty of Atractylodes is to strengthen the spleen, transport and transform water and dampness. Especially fried Atractylodes has greater dryness, stronger ability to transport and transform water, and can better help the body use water.

3. Bad mood

The body says: Actually I am not feeling well.

The body and mind are integrated and influence each other. When you are in a bad mood, it may be that your body is telling you: "I don't feel well."

"Moaning for no reason" is often used to describe people looking for trouble when they have nothing to do. In fact, these people are not "disease-free", but their bodies are weak and cannot tolerate pain as well as when they were strong. They are "groaning" because of inexplicable pain.

Recommendation: I often recommend " Xiaojianzhong Granules " to women who are in poor health and have reached menopause . " Xiaojianzhong Decoction" warms the body and replenishes deficiency, soothes the internal organs and relieves internal stress. It does not blood deficiency and makes you feel happy.

4. Breathing out of breath

The body says: Liver stagnation

Some people often sigh deeply, and only feel comfortable after sighing. This is typical liver stagnation. The sigh of liver stagnation is the body's complaint: "It's aggrieved! Not happy!"

Whether it is physical or psychological grievances and constraints, it will cause liver stagnation. Therefore, otakus, ladies, etc., who are more introverted and prefer to sit quietly, are more likely to suffer from liver stagnation.

Recommendation: When you always want to sigh, in addition to taking some medicines to soothe the liver and relieve depression, such as "Jiawei Xiaoyao Pills" and "Chaihu Shugan Pills" to help clear the liver meridian, it is also best to take it every day Expand your chest in the sun.

5. Fat belly

The body says: It’s very cold here

The thickened fat in the abdomen is for heat preservation. The thicker the fat on the abdomen, the more serious a person’s internal coldness is. This kind of person is very likely to have Yang deficiency .

People with fat stomachs will have diarrhea immediately if they eat something cold or encounter cold wind. This is yang deficiency, specifically spleen and kidney yang deficiency . In addition to paying attention to diet and increasing exercise, you also need to take medication.

suggestion: There are two most representative drugs, one is " Fuzi Lizhong Pills " and the other is "Jingui Shenqi Pills". After taking the medicine, some people may feel that their belly is a little smaller. This is the result of the increase in the body's metabolic rate.

6. Menstrual disorders

The body says: It is advancing with the times

Some menstrual disorders are the body telling you that "endocrine is adjusting itself."

Some women suddenly stop menstruation due to a severe cold. This is because the body can predict that the original energy may not be enough to withstand the cold, so it will stop menstruation to save energy. The syndrome of menstrual disorders at this time is mostly "cold coagulation and blood stasis" in traditional Chinese medicine.

Recommendation: The most commonly used menstrual medication for cold coagulation and blood stasis is " Aifu Nuangong Pills ", which should generally be taken one week before menstruation. For blood deficiency, you can take " Bazhen Pills " and " Wuji Baifeng Pills " to help restore menstruation.

7. Yellow-faced Po

Body Saying: She Che Bao Shuai

"Yellow-faced Po" not only has a yellow complexion, but also has loose lines on her face. This is actually the body telling you that it is "sacrificing the body to protect the handsome" due to deficiency of qi and blood. The "blood" that determines the complexion and the "qi" that determines the expression are both insufficient.

The reason is not that they eat poorly, but that they do not have the ability to absorb nutrients. The symptoms of spleen deficiency need to be improved before the body can have the ability to produce hematopoiesis.

Recommendation: You can use raw astragalus 10g every day and brew it with boiling water instead of tea, and take 5 to 10g donkey hide gelatin. If you have the problem of greasy tongue coating, you can add 10g of tangerine peel to the astragalus tea to help change. wet.

8. white hair

The body says: there is no more food left

Why is life so good, but the nutrition of the hair is not supplied? The reason is simple, overusing your brain! When the body's nutrition cannot meet its needs, hair, a secondary body tissue, is naturally the first to be shed. Therefore, gray hair is your body telling you: there is no "surplus food"!

The graying of hair in older people may be due to the natural consumption of kidney essence. Young people are more likely to have premature graying of hair if they have blood heat and .

Recommendation: To avoid early graying of hair, you need to nourish your kidneys. To replenish the kidneys when the blood is hot, it is also necessary to clear away the deficiency heat. This brings us to a representative prescription: Erzhi Wan. Although they are both kidney-tonifying drugs, compared with " Liuwei Dihuang Pills ", "Erzhi Pill" has a better effect of nourishing yin and reducing fever.

9. Bone spurs Bone spurs

The body says: I want to maintain stability

The so-called bone spurs are just growths on the joints. They look like a protruding "thorn" under an X-ray. Why do good joints have such a thing? Because the joint is unstable.

Long bone spurs are actually the body's "compensation". If the problem of joint instability is not resolved, new bone spurs will grow out. The reason why modern people have high incidence of joint problems is because we seldom exercise our muscles and lack muscle strength, so we rely entirely on the joints to hold them up.

suggestion: How can we stabilize the joints from the root cause without causing bone spurs in the body? The first is to exercise the muscles. When the muscles are strong, they can share the pressure on the joints. But as you age, you can turn running into walking instead of high-intensity mountain climbing every day to moderately reduce the burden on your joints. This is saving money.

(Author: Tong Tong, Chinese medicine health expert )

Source: Health Times

Editor: Mirror

Review: Dou Jing

Whether it is treating diseases or maintaining health, following the laws of the body is the highest level. To do this, we must learn to understand what our body says. If it can be done, at a small level, it can reduce the fear of symptoms and avoid over-treatment; at a large lev - DayDayNews

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