Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation?

2024/06/2113:31:33 regimen 1963

Don't underestimate defecation. Is there cancer in the body?. Defecation is sometimes very important. Alarm . I guess many people won't believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation?

In fact, the digestive tract involves many parts, including, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, etc. No matter where there is a problem, the digestive tract will be affected, and digestion and absorption will be affected. If there is an abnormality, the body's excretion - stool, will naturally also become abnormal.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

Bowel cancer magnifying glass. Tumor formation and growth 3D illustration

So, what are the characteristics in the stool that indicate that bowel cancer may have arrived?

First, the stool is black

The stool of normal people should be yellow-brown. Once the color of the stool turns black, be sure to beware of the emergence of colorectal cancer.

This is mostly due to the serious damage to the intestinal tract during the occurrence of colorectal cancer, which leads to the occurrence of bleeding. Once the blood is oxidized, the excrement will naturally appear black, which is related to the increased iron content in the feces.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

Second, diarrhea and constipation alternate

If patients with colorectal cancer find abnormal defecation during defecation, they should be more vigilant. Especially for patients who often have alternating constipation and diarrhea, they should be highly vigilant about the possibility of colorectal cancer. Once the function of the small intestine is damaged, symptoms of diarrhea will occur.

If small intestinal stenosis or obstruction is found, it is difficult to excrete feces, and constipation usually occurs. If you have frequent diarrhea and constipation in a short period of time, and the two occur alternately, you need to be highly vigilant about colorectal cancer.

Third, irregular bowel movements

Many patients with colorectal cancer will experience sudden changes in their bowel habits, such as a gradual increase in the number of bowel movements, frequent constipation, and diarrhea. If this happens frequently, you should be alert to the occurrence of colorectal cancer.

Intestinal cancer is very similar to lung cancer. In the early stages of the disease, there are actually no obvious symptoms. This is why once you get intestinal cancer, it has reached an advanced stage. Therefore, once the above three clues appear in the body, it is best to seek medical treatment in time and intervene in time.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

Who are the high-risk groups for colorectal cancer?

Category 1: People with a family history of colorectal cancer

Clinical data show that 60% of patients with colorectal cancer have a family history, and if they are in a high-three-high environment, carcinogens can spread at will;

Category 2: People with long-term constipation

Many people with irregular lifestyles and people with long-term constipation are at high risk of colorectal cancer;

The third category: people with gastrointestinal diseases

For example, large intestinal polyps , schistosomiasis , etc., although it seems It's common, but it increases the risk of bowel cancer.

Clinical data shows that if colorectal cancer can be detected in time and seek medical treatment in time, the chance of being cured can reach 90%. However, for patients with colorectal cancer detected later, the five-year survival ratewill be as low as 10%. .

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

There are no early warning signs of colorectal cancer, but there are 5 changes in the body that may be signs of colorectal cancer that cannot be ignored.

However, because early colorectal cancer does not show any obvious symptoms, the patient was already in the middle and late stages when he was discovered, and his condition was very stubborn. But there are actually some early signs. If caught in time, colorectal cancer can be prevented from continuing to develop.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews. Changes in defecation habits:

Symptoms include increased bowel movements, diarrhea, and constipation as the earliest manifestations, which are often abnormal signals of colorectal cancer.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews. Changes in stool characteristics:

There will be blood, pus, and mucus in the stool, which means mucus, pus, and blood in the stool. Once it appears, you should also be alert to the signs of colorectal cancer.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews. Abdominal pain:

Most of the colorectal tumors that cause abdominal pain are in the middle and late stages, and the abdominal pain of colorectal cancer mostly occurs in the right abdomen. When there is unexplained persistent pain in the right abdomen, the possibility of colorectal cancer should be highly suspected!

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews, Abdominal mass

Under normal circumstances, if you feel an abdominal mass, especially a mass on the right abdomen, you should conduct a B-ultrasound preliminary screening in time, and perform colonoscopy if necessary. ; Obstruction usually occurs in the late stages of colorectal cancer, and is usually caused by abdominal distension or cramping.

Once the above signals appear, be sure to seek medical treatment in time to eliminate the risk of colorectal cancer.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

Clinically, colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor disease with a high incidence of . If not treated in time, it will not only cause the patient abdominal pain, weight loss, anemia, etc., but if it develops to a later stage, It can also damage other organs, such as the liver, lungs, etc. In severe cases, it can even lead to direct death due to the metastasis of cancer cells.

To prevent colorectal cancer, you must do these “3 things” to stay away from colorectal cancer!

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews, adjust the diet structure

The diet structure is mainly to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which can not only promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation, but also prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer to a certain extent.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews, get checked in time

After the age of 35, a colonoscopy every 1-2 years can increase the detection rate of early bowel cancer.

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews

Don’t underestimate defecation. Whether there is cancer in the body, defecation is sometimes a very important alarm. I think many people will not believe it: Is this a bit too alarmist? How can you tell whether there is cancer in your body through defecation? - DayDayNews. Stomach problems should be treated in time

Although there is not enough evidence to prove the relationship between stomach problems and colorectal cancer, to a certain extent, stomach problems are also inducements of colorectal cancer. Timely treatment of stomach problems can also prevent colorectal cancer to a certain extent The occurrence of cancer

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