"I usually ask you to eat less sugar cane and drink less alcohol, which is good for you. But you just don't listen and insist on insisting on this bad habit." "I regret it very much now. I should have eaten less food that harmed my liver in the first place. Otherwise, I wouldn't

2024/06/2317:42:33 regimen 1718

"I usually ask you to eat less sugar cane and drink less alcohol, which is good for you. But you just don't listen and insist on insisting on this bad habit." "I regret it very much now. I should have eaten less in the first place. It's something about the liver, otherwise I wouldn't be hospitalized now."

In the ward, Aunt Wang kept nagging Uncle Wang, always complaining that he didn't listen to her opinions, and it wasn't until today that she ended up with this result. The reason why Uncle Wang fell ill and was hospitalized had a lot to do with his usual eating habits.

Many doctors have said that these three sweets can easily damage the liver and should be eaten less. There are also two bitter things that you must eat more.

1. The importance of the liver

As we all know, the liver is an extremely important organ among our human organs. A healthy and stable liver, , will prevent problems with our body's metabolic function.

In our daily life and study, eating habits and lifestyle may cause certain dangers to the liver. For example, if you often stay up late playing games or taking a break, diseases in the liver will develop in the long run.

Therefore, everyone must pay attention to some bad reactions in daily life. When these situations suddenly occur, you should go to the hospital immediately for medical treatment. Especially for the following symptoms, you should pay more attention to the condition of your liver.

. Frequent itching of the skin and the appearance of spider nevus

For many people, itching of the skin may be caused by eating bad food or friction with clothing, and they do not take this situation to heart. In fact, this is a reminder that there is a problem in your liver. Especially the skin often itches inexplicably, and spider veins also appear.

This kind of spider nevus will appear in various parts of the body, especially on the arms and back. mainly appears in the form of red dots, and the capillaries around the red dots are very clearly visible.

It has been clinically proven that this kind of spider nevus will appear in 80% of patients, so if you find any, go to the hospital for examination immediately.

. Poor appetite

We all know that after any substance enters the human body, 90% of the substance will be transformed by the liver. If you are unable to eat, or if you feel nauseous after taking two sips of wine, it will remind you that there is a problem with your liver.

If this happens only once or twice, it is not a big deal. It is just because of eating something bad. . When this happens often, you need to go to the hospital for examination immediately and do not treat it as a trivial matter.

The focus is on checking stomach function and liver function. If any disease occurs, it can be treated promptly.

3. Changes in facial color

When there is a problem with the liver, you can judge whether a person is in a healthy condition by looking at the color of his face.

We all know that a healthy person's face is rosy. When the face starts to turn yellow or becomes gloomy, it can be concluded that there is a problem with the liver.

Dry mouth often occurs. Many people have experienced this situation, especially in winter, when they wake up in the morning, they will have obvious dry mouth and thirst. If this phenomenon of only occurs once or twice, it means that this is a very normal phenomenon.

Dry mouth is a situation that many people will encounter, especially in the northwest region due to the dry climate, dry mouth often occurs.

You can solve this problem by drinking water at this time, but if you are in a humid climate, you should pay attention to this situation if it happens again.

2. Eat less of the three sweets

For the health of the liver, eat less of the following three sweets.

. Ice cream

We all eat ice cream in order to cool down in the hot summer. This substance will bring a certain sense of coolness after entering the human body . However, this substance itself is a cold food, and long-term consumption will damage the health of the stomach.

At the same time, ice cream also contains a lot of sugar. When enters the human body, the sugar elements in it will increase the burden of liver metabolism and cause liver problems.

. Milk tea

Milk tea is also liked by many young people today, but this drink also contains a lot of sugar and other substances. The sugar broken down during digestion will irritate the gastrointestinal tract and increase the burden on the liver.

3. Cake

The same is true for cakes. The sugar decomposed during digestion will irritate the gastrointestinal tract and increase the burden on the liver. At the same time, it will also bring us the possibility of obesity.

3. Eat more of the two hardships

For the health of the liver, you should eat more of the following two hardships.

. Propolis

Propolis is a supplement that many people are taking today, and it contains great nutritional value. It can hinder the decomposition burden of sugar on the liver and can also remove toxins from the liver.

2. Bitter melon

Eating bitter melon can effectively eliminate toxins in the liver and improve the metabolic function of the liver.


In short, the liver is very important to the health of our human body. In daily life, you must develop a healthy eating style and living habits, and go to the hospital for regular check-ups.

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