Ms. Shi has been very busy at work recently. She goes into the office every morning and often doesn't leave until evening. She even has lunch and dinner in the office. As she was afraid of heat, she would turn on the air conditioner whenever she felt sweaty. As a result, her shou

2024/06/2317:55:33 regimen 1537

Ms. Shi has been very busy at work recently. She goes into the office every morning and often doesn’t leave until evening. She even has lunch and dinner in the office. As she was afraid of heat, she would turn on the air conditioner whenever she felt sweaty. As a result, her shoulder pain became more severe. Her left shoulder became a bit unresponsive, she had difficulty raising her hands, and the pain was obvious at night. "I heard from my friends that shoulder pain can be cured by exercising, but I tried to exercise for a few days, but the symptoms became worse and my work was affected." Finally, Ms. Shi couldn't bear it anymore and came to Dezhou City Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital . Find Yao Hongjie, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. After more than 10 days of treatment, she is now basically back to normal.

Ms. Shi has been very busy at work recently. She goes into the office every morning and often doesn't leave until evening. She even has lunch and dinner in the office. As she was afraid of heat, she would turn on the air conditioner whenever she felt sweaty. As a result, her shou - DayDayNews

According to Yao Hongjie, Ms. Shi suffers from " frozen shoulder ". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that frozen shoulder belongs to the category of " paralysis ". Cold and bad posture are the main causes, so it is also called " leaky shoulder syndrome " , because after the disease, the patient's shoulder joint becomes stiff and the movement is limited, as if it is frozen, so it is also called "frozen shoulder" and "shoulder coagulation syndrome". Its formation has a certain relationship with endocrine changes and vascular sclerosis in the elderly, but it is also closely related to young people who do not pay attention to the details of life.

"Currently, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and the difference is generally about ten degrees Celsius. In this situation of hot and cold, if you do not add clothes in time according to the weather changes, or if you stretch your shoulders and arms outside the quilt when sleeping at night, it will be very dangerous. It is easy to induce frozen shoulder due to cold shoulders. Then there are the bad postures that some workers who work at desks have developed for a long time. If they maintain the same posture for a long time, the corresponding muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bursae will continue to be squeezed and rubbed. If Without proper relief and relaxation, chronic strain will form over time, and inflammation will also occur. "Yao Hongjie said that the incidence of frozen shoulder is increasing among young adults. , This is mainly related to changes in work and lifestyle. "Frozen shoulder in young adults is mostly caused by chronic strain. Computer game fans, e-book fans, and mobile phone players are high-risk groups. However, acute injury can also cause frozen shoulder." One factor is, for example, when some people suddenly smash hard while playing badminton, the joints may exceed their adaptability under the sharp pull, causing acute injury. If not treated in time, it will eventually turn into chronic inflammation.”

However, Yao Hongjie also said. It is emphasized that shoulder pain does not necessarily mean frozen shoulder. The characteristics of shoulder pain due to frozen shoulder are that it is lighter during the day and worsens at night. It is lighter when exposed to heat and worsened by cold. It is heavier when raising the arm and lighter when putting it down. Due to pain, the normal movement of the arm is limited, which will greatly affect the patient's quality of life. Therefore, if the condition is serious, you should go to the hospital in time. After a period of treatment and moderate exercise, most patients can recover their shoulder joint function without leaving any sequelae.

"In many cases of frozen shoulder, the pain is mild and small in the early stage of the disease, manifesting as paroxysmal pain in a certain part. At this time, appropriate treatment methods can be used to recover in a short time and the patient's pain will be reduced. If the treatment opportunity is delayed, , As time goes by, the disease can gradually develop into widespread pain, which makes it difficult for some patients to fall asleep at night and form a 'shoulder carrying' phenomenon." Yao Hongjie said that once you become sick, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Under the guidance of scientific rehabilitation function exercises.

What preventive measures should be taken in daily work and life? Yao Hongjie offered several tips for the citizens. First, do more exercises that suit you to maintain the flexibility of your muscles and ligaments; second, pay attention to keeping warm, cold and moisture-proof. You can use hot compresses and hot baths to relieve pain; third, avoid sitting for long periods of time. Office workers should get up and move their shoulder joints every hour, and do not keep your arms in the same position for a long time.

Expert Profile

Ms. Shi has been very busy at work recently. She goes into the office every morning and often doesn't leave until evening. She even has lunch and dinner in the office. As she was afraid of heat, she would turn on the air conditioner whenever she felt sweaty. As a result, her shou - DayDayNews

Yao Hongjie

Deputy Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine.Specialized in the treatment of stroke sequelae (such as hemiplegia , aphasia , etc.), paraplegia, infantile paralysis, soft tissue contusions and sprains, heel spurs , tenosynovitis , cervical spine syndrome (head, neck, shoulders, back and intractable positioning pain, numbness in the upper limbs, limited neck movement, dizziness, etc.), intractable pain in the waist, lumbar disc herniation , sciatica , recuperation and health care for the elderly, etc.

Consultation time: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, third floor, East Campus, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

News source: Dezhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

News hotline: 0534—8017166

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