Are old people supposed to have an unpleasant "old person smell"? Xiao Li is going home for dinner today, and Lao Li is happily waiting for his daughter to come in. Unexpectedly, my daughter said as soon as she entered the door: "Dad, you smell so strong!" The little grandson als

2024/06/2321:11:32 regimen 1608

Old people should have an unpleasant "old person smell"?

Are old people supposed to have an unpleasant

Xiao Li is going home for dinner today, and Lao Li is happily waiting for his daughter to come in. Unexpectedly, my daughter said as soon as she entered the door: "Dad, you smell so strong!" The little grandson also covered his nose, hiding from his grandfather, and muttered: "Grandpa and grandma all smell good, but grandpa... smells bad... …”. Lao Li sighed in annoyance. No wonder the elderly people in the community avoided him, but what was puzzling was: why did he never smell anything on his body?

Are old people supposed to have an unpleasant

Some old people have an indescribable smell. How is this smell formed? Is there a way to eliminate it?

Source of odor

Normal skin aging, skin wrinkles increase

As people get older, the sebum will become significantly thinner, and the skin's moisture content will be significantly reduced, making it relatively dry. This physiological phenomenon will make the elderly's dander fall off very easily. The dander shed by the metabolism of the elderly will become a feast for mites and other bacteria. The various wastes produced by these pathogens during their growth and reproduction have a very unpleasant smell. Because the skin of the elderly has more wrinkles and is more likely to trap dirt and evil, this smell is more likely to appear.

Metabolism decreases and digestion ability weakens.

The physical condition of most elderly people is going downhill. The first organ to age is the intestines. The intestinal peristalsis ability decreases, and feces remains in the intestines and is not excreted smoothly. Food in the intestines accumulates for a long time, causing odor and causing bad breath through the mouth and nose.

If the elderly like to eat high-protein foods such as meat and seafood, but do not like to eat fruits and vegetables, they will be more likely to suffer from some digestive system diseases, ranging from bad breath to loss of appetite, bloating, constipation, etc.

A special smell, a signal of disease

Elderly people suffering from gingivitis , periodontitis , dental caries and other oral diseases, due to the reduction of their own oral gland secretion, the self-purification effect of the oral cavity is weakened, resulting in an imbalance in the oral environment. , harmful bacteria in the oral cavity breed and ferment in large quantities, which directly leads to oral odor, which can be manifested as rotten egg smell.

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases such as peptic ulcer , chronic gastritis , functional dyspepsia may have a sour smell.

Elderly people suffering from sinusitis , pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases may have a putrid smell.

If an elderly person with diabetes has a smell similar to rotten apples, he may be experiencing ketoacidosis .

Decreased self-care ability, sensory organs degeneration

The sense of smell and touch of the elderly may be degraded. When clothes are contaminated by excrement, sweat, and food residue, they cannot be detected and dealt with in time, which will lead to odor.

Decreased self-care ability will reduce the frequency of cleaning and hygiene such as brushing teeth and mouthwash, bathing and changing clothes, and normal odors cannot be removed in time, forming an "old person's smell".

Are old people supposed to have an unpleasant


Family Help

Due to olfactory fatigue, it is difficult for us to smell our own body odor. Therefore, it is a better way to have your children or wife by your side to remind you. Don't get "angry" because of family members' reminders. You must dare to face the problem head-on and solve it in time.

Develop healthy habits

Capable elderly people should maintain the good habits of brushing their teeth twice a day, changing underwear every day, changing clothes and pants regularly, and taking a bath.

Make an aging-friendly renovation of the bathroom at home, adding handrails, bathing stools, anti-slip mats , bathroom heaters , etc. If possible, you can purchase electric toothbrushes, water flossers, water heaters, etc. to facilitate the elderly to keep clean and hygienic.

Good eating and defecation habits

Drinking more water, especially a glass of warm water after getting up in the morning, is helpful to lubricate the intestines. Eat more fruits and vegetables, add appropriate amounts of whole grains to your staple food, use less garlic and other strong-smelling seasonings, and supplement protein in an appropriate amount.

It is best to develop the habit of regular defecation. Elderly people with constipation can use laxative according to the doctor's guidance while adjusting their diet. Pay attention to cleaning after defecation. You can choose to wash with water or wet toilet paper.

Are old people supposed to have an unpleasant


"Old smell" is not a normal phenomenon of aging, but a manifestation of the decline of physiological functions and self-care ability of the elderly, which needs to attract our attention and give more care to the elderly.

When an elderly person at home suddenly develops some abnormal "elderly smell", it is likely to be a symptom of certain diseases. The elderly person needs to be taken to a doctor as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences.

This article is reproduced from the public account: Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University Geriatric Health Park

Author: Li Ming Huang Yuelei

Are old people supposed to have an unpleasant

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