Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply "Sanfu Tie", so much so that some people equate "winter disease and summer treatment" with "Sanfu Tie". But

2024/06/2721:34:32 regimen 1519

Tomorrow will enter the first day of autumn. At this time of the year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to post " Three Days Poster ", so much so that some people have drawn " Treat Winter Diseases in Summer " and "Three Days Poster". equal sign. But which diseases are considered winter diseases? Why do winter diseases need to be treated in the summer? Who cannot wear Sanfu stickers? These answers are prepared for you today!

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that winter diseases mainly refer to diseases that are prone to attack or worsen when the human body is invaded by cold air. Common ones include repeated colds, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, rhinitis, arthritis, etc. These diseases are obviously seasonal, worsening in autumn and winter, and lessening in summer.

Winter disease has two major characteristics:

  • Patients usually have a constitution of yang deficiency. It usually manifests as pale complexion, sensitivity to cold, cold limbs, and spontaneous sweating.
  • Disease symptoms are aggravated by cold. For example, 80% of asthma patients have yang deficiency constitution . After winter, the degree of coughing and wheezing increases significantly.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

In midsummer, the human body's yang energy will reach its highest point in the year. When the outside world is hot and sunny, the cold evil, phlegm and dampness hiding in the body, which are the root causes of the disease, are most likely to be driven out. If we don't get rid of the accumulated cold in summer, when the autumn wind comes and the cold outside returns, we will be trapped internally and externally again.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

In summer, the human body's qi and blood flow are strong, and medicines are most easily absorbed, while Dog Days is the time of the year when yang energy is strongest. Applying therapy at this time is the easiest to restore and support the body's yang energy and strengthen the defense function. Improve the body's resistance.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

During the dog days of summer, the temperature and humidity of human skin are the highest, Qi and blood tend to the body surface, and the pores are the most open. At this time, Chinese medicines that are suitable for the condition, natural, and have the functions of penetrating and warming are selected. After processing, they are mixed thoroughly with concoction and applied on the acupuncture points of the human body. The applied medicines can easily penetrate into the acupuncture points and meridians through the skin to achieve the effect. .

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

The first day of each volt is the best time to apply it. If you miss this day, you need to apply it on the following days corresponding to the second and third volts. Apply once every 10 days, preferably 3 times in a row, which is a course of treatment, and apply continuously for 3 years.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

Clinically, acupoint patching (i.e. Sanfu patching) is the most common method of treating winter diseases in summer. In addition, there are acupuncture, moxibustion, physical therapy, massage, soaking, and oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine that warms and nourishes yang energy. and food.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

Sanfu patching generally chooses Tanzhong in front of the body (located at the midpoint of the line connecting the two nipples), Tianjian (located in the center of the suprasternal fossa), and the Dazhui in the back (located in the depression under the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra). ), Feiyang (located on the back, two fingers below the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra) and other points.


  • Asthma patients choose Tiantu and Feiyu;
  • Rhinitis patients choose Dazhui and Feiyu;
  • Chronic bronchitis patients choose Tanzhong and Feiyu.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

Patients need to go to the hospital for consultation before the dog days come to see if they are suitable.

The following people should not wear Sanfu patches:

  • Patients in the acute febrile stage of infectious diseases;
  • Patients who are extremely sensitive to patching drugs or suffering from contact dermatitis;
  • Those who have local skin ulcers at the acupoints where they are applied;
  • Pregnant women , children under 3 years old.

Tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. At this time of year, there is an endless stream of patients going to major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to apply

First, use pungent and dry foods with caution to prevent yin damage. Cinnamon, Chinese prickly ash, anise, fennel, mutton and fresh longan, lychee, etc. should be eaten with caution. Second, avoid taking a large amount of cold food to prevent damage to Yang Qi. The third is Be careful to eat a lot of fatty, sweet and greasy food to prevent damp heat evil.

Source: Life Times WeChat account

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