Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro

2024/06/2702:33:32 regimen 1598

Cancer As a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, it is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, no matter you are a rich man who is as rich as the enemy or a wealthy person. Poor ordinary people are likely to suffer from cancer. #爱乐health#

Even China’s top oncologist died of cancer. Doesn’t it sound very ironic? But the reality is happening in front of people. Hua Yiwei, my country's top oncologist, passed away in pain one year after suffering from cancer. His reflections before his death were impressive.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews1

Who is Hua Yiwei?

Hua Yiwei is a general surgeon at Beijing Military Region General Hospital, a famous medical expert, chief physician of the Military Region General Hospital, and a standing committee member of the Surgical Society of the Chinese Medical Association.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tract, breast , thyroid and other parts. Huayi Weicong has always adhered to the code of conduct of designing people's military doctors for 56 years, and has treated many patients with high medical skills and noble medical ethics. He has won the hearts of millions of patients.

was born in a medical family in Tianjin in March 1933. After graduating from Nankai in 1950, he was recommended to the Department of Pre-medicine of Yanjing University, Union Medical College. In 1998, Hua Yiwei retired and was once selected as the "Moving China" person of the year.

China's top oncologist suffered from cancer and died in pain one year later. His reflections before his death were thought-provoking

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

Hua Yiwei was influenced by his parents since he was a child, and he became a doctor under the influence of medical scientists. The Tangshan Earthquake, He has been seen in major tasks such as Haicheng disaster relief.

was such a touching person who helped many people get rid of the pain, but he finally passed away from a sudden cancer.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews2

In July 2005, stomach cancer quietly came to him.

In July 2005, Hua Yiwei felt that he had no appetite, and his stomach felt bloated even after taking two bites. With many years of medical experience, Hua Yiwei felt that his body There may have been a problem, and he was eventually diagnosed with late-stage gastric cancer after repeated examinations.

was treated through surgery. After Hua Yiwei had most of the gastrectomy, he also suffered from reflux and heartburn. He could not lie down and could only take semi-recumbent position .

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

In order to better control the spread of cancer, Hua Yiwei received intraperitoneal thermal chemotherapy at a frequency of 8 times a month. The 72-year-old man suffered greatly, but even this could not improve his condition.

Hua Yiwei suffered side effects of nausea, vomiting, and inability to eat after multiple rounds of chemotherapy. After a gastrointestinal angiogram, it was found that intestinal fluid and severe postoperative infection reactions had appeared in his intestines.

Because his condition was too serious, he could only fill his whole body with tubes and wait for the end of his life little by little in the ward.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

As time went by and the disease progressed, Hua Yi was unable to even talk or eat after being comforted. The blood he occasionally spurted stained the sheets red, and he finally ended his life in pain.

When he was dying, Hua Yiwei could say this: "I have done many operations before, but I have never experienced the pain of patients. I didn't expect that the situation would be so serious and the patient would be in such pain."

Huayi Wei also made a will before his death:

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews. I have never slacked off on any surgery in my life. The two patients I made the last appointment can no longer perform surgeries on them. Please help me express my apology to them.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews. I have never received a red envelope from a patient in my life. The red envelope that has not been returned for 9 years must be returned to the patient.

3. For cancer patients, the real cure is not medicine but confidence. You must believe in the doctor and yourself, the disease can be defeated.

4. I have never caused trouble to others in my life. My funeral arrangements must be simple. I will donate my body to the hospital for medical anatomy. I hope that gastric cancer can be conquered and patients will not suffer as much as me.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews3

Several processes that patients with advanced cancer will go through

(1) Prodromal stage

At this time, patients will have mild personality changes and behavioral abnormalities, nervousness or indifference, less talkative, disheveled, defecation anytime and anywhere, slurred speech, etc. When the patient's fingers are spread apart and tilted outwards, and the finger joints tremble or the shoulder joints tremble irregularly, it indicates that the patient's condition has further worsened.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

(2) Coma period

As the disease progresses, patients will also experience long-term drowsiness and coma, confusion, unclear speech, writing difficulties, abnormal behavior, time confusion, lethargy and coma, etc.

(3) The dying stage

The dying stage is also called the terminal stage. It is the main physiological manifestation of terminal cancer patients before death. Due to the extremely weakened function of vital organs, the patient is gradually approaching the death stage at this time.

Most patients will experience confusion and loss of consciousness at this time, various reflex nerves weaken and disappear, normal muscles disappear, heartbeat weakens, blood pressure drops, breathing is weak, and breathing is stopped.

Cancer, as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, is extremely harmful to human health. The occurrence of cancer is always unprepared. Everyone is equal before the disease, whether you are a rich man or a poor person. Ordinary people are likely to suffer fro - DayDayNews

(4) Clinical death stage

Clinical death stage is the clinical standard for judging death. During this process, the human central nervous system is suppressed and spreads to the cerebral cortex to the lower part of the cortex. The main clinical manifestations are complete heartbeat and breathing. Stop, various reflexes disappear, pupils are dilated, and life activities are weak. This process usually lasts 5 to 6 minutes.

(5) Biological death period

Biological death period generally refers to the cessation of life activities of organs, tissues, and cells throughout the body, also known as cell death. In the short term, it starts from the cerebral cortex, the entire central nervous system, and the metabolism of various organs of the body. The ability is weakened, irreversible changes occur, and the body cannot wake up.

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Recently, with a grateful heart, patients sent a banner and letter of commendation with the words "Exquisite medical skills are spread all over the world, and service enthusiasm warms people's hearts" to the Department of Thoracic and Urology of Feicheng Hospital of Shandong Heal - DayDayNews

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