According to incomplete statistics, on average every 24 hours, there is a new "research result" linking common foods to cancer. If you tried to avoid all the foods that have been linked to cancer in various studies, you'd probably starve to death. Doctors suggest that the key to

2024/06/2321:08:33 regimen 1300

According to incomplete statistics, on average every 24 hours, there will be a new "research result" linking common foods to cancer. If you tried to avoid all the foods that have been linked to cancer in various studies, you'd probably starve to death. Doctors suggest that the key to preventing cancer is to control your mouth and avoid these three cancer-causing foods.

1. Barbecue food

According to incomplete statistics, on average every 24 hours, there is a new

When meat is grilled on an open fire, the oil will drip on the charcoal, producing carcinogenic compounds such as tetramethylbenzene, benzopyrene , polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , etc., which enter the digestive tract after being eaten and endanger human health. . Moreover, the oil smoke produced by barbecue will also enter the human respiratory tract. When these carcinogens accumulate in the human body to a certain extent, they can induce various cancers. Data show that women who often eat barbecue have a risk of breast cancer that is about 2 times higher than women who do not eat barbecue.

2. Puffed food

According to incomplete statistics, on average every 24 hours, there is a new

Puffed food is a snack we often eat, but it is also a cause of cancer. Puffed food contains heavy metals, which mainly come from various additives and the vaporization of metal tubes during high-temperature processing. Some puffed foods even contain hydrogenated oil . Long-term high temperature will produce a large amount of trans fatty acid , and excessive intake will harm human health.

recommends that adults eat puffed food occasionally, but children should not eat it, because heavy metals are difficult to metabolize and will remain in bones and blood. When it accumulates to a certain amount, it will damage children's nerves, hematopoietic , digestive system, etc., and even reduce their thinking and cognitive abilities. Clinically, there have been cases of children inducing gastric cancer by eating snacks as meals.

3. Fried food

According to incomplete statistics, on average every 24 hours, there is a new

Fried food with rice porridge, pancakes, fruit , Hu spicy soup , etc. are the favorite breakfasts of our people. But the oil used to fry these foods is generally " thousand boiling oil ". These oils have been used over and over again, subjected to repeated high temperatures, and contain large amounts of trans fatty acids. Long-term intake by the human body can easily lead to obesity, fatty liver , hyperlipidemia and other diseases, and even induce cancer.

In addition, poor lifestyle is an important factor in causing cancer, and they may also play a decisive role in the development of cancer. Therefore, it is best for everyone to strictly abide by the following points: maintain a normal weight, do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, and have a regular work and rest schedule.

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