Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure.

2024/06/2506:06:32 regimen 1168

56-year-old Uncle Li has been suffering from hypertension for 8 years. Since he was diagnosed with hypertension , the doctor told him to take medicine on time, otherwise it will be difficult to control his blood pressure smoothly. Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before, and he also believed that was a medicine and a poison, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

The doctor told him before that the direct cause of high blood pressure is the hardening of arteries. He thought: If the blood vessels are softened, the blood pressure will return to normal? Just do it, and then I found a folk remedy somewhere that said eating onions regularly can soften blood vessels, so I started eating onions three meals a day...

I believe that in daily life, there are many people like Uncle Li. There is atherosclerosis, and eating onions is used to soften blood vessels. Not only onions, but also some other so-called "magic recipes" , but can these methods really soften blood vessels? And what happened to those people who used "wonderful recipes" to soften blood vessels for a long time?

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

Today, the doctor will explain it all to you at once. Be sure to read it carefully, it may be of great help to you.

What happened to the people who used these 4 "wonderful recipes" to "soften blood vessels"?

When it comes to softening blood vessels, there are quite a few so-called "wonderful recipes". Doctors have heard of the following four methods the most. Below, doctors will reveal them to you one by one and tell you whether these methods of "softening blood vessels" are feasible. .

1. Eating onions "softens blood vessels"

Everyone should be familiar with onions, and many people should have eaten them. Raw onions are rich in nutrients and also have good therapeutic effects. For example, onions can be used to sterilize . Eating them raw can kill some bacteria in the mouth and have the effect of preventing colds ; and they also Contains a large number of vitamins, which can anti-aging . But when it comes to softening blood vessels, can it really be done?

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

In fact, the substances contained in onions can indeed dilate blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity to a certain extent, and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. But for atherosclerosis that has already formed, eating onions cannot reverse it. Therefore, it cannot soften blood vessels. Even if it is used to reduce blood viscosity, needs to be eaten in large quantities to reach , which is obviously not possible for ordinary people.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

Of course, it is not recommended to eat a lot of onions, because eating too much onions will damage the gastric mucosa, and lead to a series of gastrointestinal diseases, which is not worth the gain. So, if you like to eat, eat a little every day, but don’t eat a lot.

2. Drinking red wine “softens blood vessels”

Speaking of red wine, many people only drink it on dates or important banquets. But some people use it to soften blood vessels. They believe that there is a substance called " tannin " in red wine, which has the effect of softening blood vessels, so they think that regular drinking of red wine has the effect of softening blood vessels.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

In fact, when red wine is drunk into the body, it will be quickly absorbed by the digestive tract and eventually converted into amino acids for use by the body, making it difficult for "tannin" to exert its effect of softening blood vessels in the human body. This view is wrong and has low credibility.

Although red wine is made from grapes, it still contains a certain amount of alcohol. If you drink red wine for a long time, it will damage blood vessels, thereby increasing the risk of atherosclerosis. At the same time, according to research in the authoritative medical journal "The Lancet", no matter how much alcohol you drink, it will harm your body, and the safest amount of alcohol is zero.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

3. Drinking vinegar "softens blood vessels"

Many people think that vinegar can soften blood vessels because the acetic acid in it is at work. But in fact, the vinegar you drink will first be diluted and decomposed in the stomach, and then enter the small intestine and finally be excreted with body fluids. It cannot be absorbed into the blood, so it cannot soften blood vessels and resist atherosclerosis. .

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

In fact, in terms of acidity, gastric acid is much more acidic than acetic acid. If you think that acidic substances can soften blood vessels, then the body's own gastric acid can remove hardened plaques on its own and then soften blood vessels. Why do you need to ingest it from the outside world? Therefore, this method is also unreliable.

Vinegar is a commonly used condiment in households. Its main function is to season in cooking. There is no experimental proof that it has the effect of softening blood vessels and reducing atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, those who develop atherosclerosis should follow the doctor's advice and do not blindly drink vinegar to avoid damage to the oral cavity and esophageal mucosa.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

4. Taking health care products "softens blood vessels"

Nowadays, as soon as you turn on your mobile phone, you will be flooded with advertisements, many of which lack some health care products that "can soften blood vessels", what oils, what extracts, what ABCDEFG, etc. All kinds of English stuff. In fact, these ingredients are extracts of some foods. Although they have certain benefits, they have been exaggerated by some businesses.

Moreover, for regular health products, their active ingredients are generally limited, and they cannot play the role of treating diseases at all. If atherosclerosis does occur, taking health supplements alone cannot change the state of blood vessels. Timely treatment is the right choice.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

Therefore, the above methods of "softening blood vessels" are all unscientific . There is no way to soften blood vessels. If you want good blood vessel quality, active maintenance is the key.

Blood vessels can only be protected, not softened.

Here, let’s first talk about what arteriosclerosis is. What we usually call vascular sclerosis is clinically called atherosclerosis. When blood vessels are damaged, especially under the influence of hypertension, diabetes , hyperlipidemia, smoking, drinking and other factors, it is easy for lipid deposition to occur, followed by a series of complex immune processes. React , and then form atherosclerotic plaque , making arteries harden.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

The lifespan of blood vessels is actually our lifespan. This sentence sounds a bit exaggerated, but it also makes sense. Cardiovascular blockage may lead to myocardial infarction ; cerebral blood vessel blockage may lead to cerebral infarction ; whether it is myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction, if it is aggressive and does not receive timely treatment, it is fatal. The existence of seriously threatens human health. So from this point of view: the life span of blood vessels is our life span !

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

And age is an independent factor of arteriosclerosis. The older you are, the more serious the degree of arteriosclerosis is. As we age, theoretically, our blood vessels will age. However, it may be more that there are differences in the aging speed. People of different ages have different aging conditions in their blood vessels..

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

Some people develop vascular sclerosis in their twenties and thirties, while some people maintain good blood vessel quality in their fifties and sixties. However, most people develop arteriosclerosis after middle age. Once blood vessels age, they cannot return to their previous normal state. Just like white hair cannot turn black naturally, wrinkles will not disappear automatically, and it is impossible for people to reverse growth .

Therefore, blood vessels cannot be softened by . The so-called "softening of blood vessels" is simply a bluff. If you don’t want your arteries to harden, daily protection is the key.

Arteriosclerosis is unreliable. Prevent arteriosclerosis scientifically. Do these two things.

In daily life, there are many ways to prevent arteriosclerosis. Today, the doctor will tell you about some of the more common methods.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

The first thing is to start from diet. It has been proven that high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia are the main factors inducing atherosclerosis, so preventing the emergence of the "three highs" is key . This requires us to have a reasonable diet in our daily life, and the diet must be balanced.Eat less greasy foods, such as animal fats and oils, and eat more fresh green vegetables and fruits.

Some people think that diet control means not eating any non-vegetarian food. Of course, this is wrong because it cannot guarantee the basic nutrients needed by the body. The human body needs a protein supplement every day, and most of the protein is obtained from meat. Therefore, you can eat it in moderation. However, the amount must be controlled.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

In addition, in daily diet, it is necessary to reduce salt intake . Excessive salt intake is also an important factor in inducing the formation of hypertension. Therefore, no matter your age or how heavy your taste is, the amount of salt you add every day must be limited. It is recommended that it be controlled below 6g per day.. You should also eat less pickled foods. Pickled foods also contain a lot of salt, and eating too much can be very harmful to the body.

While reducing salt intake, can supplement potassium in an appropriate amount . Excessive sodium salt will increase the risk of hypertension, and the corresponding intake of a certain amount of potassium salt food will be beneficial to the control of hypertension to a certain extent. Therefore, doctors recommend that friends with high blood pressure usually eat more fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, such as tangerines, oranges, bananas, etc.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

The second is reasonable exercise. As the saying goes, if movement never stops, life will never stop. Many people think that exercise is dispensable. In fact, reasonable exercise is the foundation of health. Doctors have said many times that exercise has obvious effects on the prevention and treatment of "three highs".

Exercise can make muscle tissue use more fatty acids, while reducing blood levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and improving lipid metabolism. Long-term exercise can also increase the number of insulin receptors in muscle tissue, improve the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, promote the transport and utilization of glucose by cells, and reduce blood sugar.

Recently, Uncle Li felt that his physical condition was much better than before. He also thought that the medicine was poisonous, so he stopped taking the medicine and decided to use folk remedies to control his blood pressure. - DayDayNews

However, exercise should be moderate, and you should choose the exercise that suits you based on your actual physical condition. It is recommended to start with low-intensity exercise first and then progress to step by step. Remember to warm up and before exercising to prevent accidents during exercise.

final summary

It is very important to keep blood vessels in good condition, but do not blindly believe in those so-called "softening blood vessels" methods. Only by choosing the correct and scientific method can you protect blood vessels from the root cause.

[Reference materials]:

[1] "Can drinking vinegar soften blood vessels?" Stop it! These methods are used to get twice the result with half the effort. Laboratory Medicine Network. 2020-12-01

[2] Cui Yuanyuan. Can drinking vinegar soften blood vessels? [J]. Family Medicine : Happy Health, 2018(11):1.

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