I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont

2024/06/1807:10:33 regimen 1819

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hot pot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being boiled. Yes, and the nutrients contained in baby cabbage are also relatively rich.

Because baby cabbage is not a traditional vegetable, but a relatively new vegetable in recent years, there are many opinions about baby cabbage. For example, some people have heard that baby cabbage contains formaldehyde . If you eat it often, It can easily cause harm to the body. Is there any basis for this statement? You might as well come and take a look.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

Baby cabbage may contain formaldehyde?

The reason why there is a saying that baby cabbage contains formaldehyde is because people find that the baby cabbage eaten in restaurants looks very fresh, as if it has just been picked from the field.

We know that baby cabbage is purchased by restaurants and then washed before being served to the table. It cannot be just picked from the fields. Why do these baby cabbages look so fresh? Therefore, people speculate that formaldehyde may be added.

Baby cabbage itself has no harmful substances, but the shelf life of this kind of food is relatively short. In addition, during transportation and sales, it may not be stored correctly at all, so it is easy to deteriorate.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

Therefore, in order to extend the shelf life and reduce costs, some businesses use formaldehyde to soak or spray formaldehyde.

So baby cabbage does contain formaldehyde. This does not mean that baby cabbage cannot be eaten, because the processing process of baby cabbage in restaurants outside is opaque, and we cannot judge whether the merchant has thoroughly cleaned it.

Therefore, if you want to eat frog vegetables, it is recommended that you buy them yourself and process them thoroughly. Such baby vegetables will be more reliable to eat.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

What are the benefits of eating some baby cabbage in moderation?

  • Nourishing the stomach

Stomach health is a problem that many people are very concerned about, but nowadays many people have gastrointestinal diseases.

For those who have poor stomach function, it is very necessary to actively adjust and improve their diet. You can consider trying some baby cabbage, which may have the effect of protecting the stomach to a certain extent.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

  • Diuretic

Affected by certain factors, many people may experience poor internal operation of the body, which will also affect the smooth discharge of harmful substances.

At this time, you can also consider eating some baby cabbage in moderation. It may have a diuretic effect to a certain extent, help reduce the burden on the body, and is also good for maintaining health and maintaining body functions.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

  • Laxative

If constipation occurs, it must be adjusted and improved in time to avoid increasing the burden on the intestines, and may even increase the risk of anorectal diseases.

If you want to improve constipation, in addition to eating bananas, baby cabbage is also a very good choice. It contains a certain amount of fiber that helps accelerate gastrointestinal motility after entering the human body.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

In summary, eating some baby cabbage in moderation has certain benefits, but it must be thoroughly processed before eating to prevent harmful substances from entering the human body. In addition to baby cabbage, some other vegetables may also bring health benefits to the body. If it poses a threat, you might as well come and take a look. I hope you don’t eat by mistake.

Doctor: Eating too much of these vegetables may also threaten your health.

. Uncooked legumes and vegetables

Such as kidney beans, beans and lentils, etc. are all legumes. You must have heard similar statements, such as power. Exporting it may seriously damage the body and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Legumes and vegetables are rich in saponins. After these substances enter the human body, they may indeed have a certain impact on gastrointestinal health. Therefore, from a health perspective, I hope everyone eats PTO. If you are worried about not cooking it properly, , you can also blanch it before.

. Tomatoes that are not fully ripe

Tomatoes are a kind of food that we often eat in our daily lives. They can not only be eaten directly, but can also be used for cooking. Eating tomatoes in moderation has many benefits, such as beautifying and protecting blood vessels.

But if you buy tomatoes that are not fully ripe, do not eat them, because the tomatoes are not fully ripe and may contain solanine . This substance has certain toxins and can easily put a burden on the body if eaten regularly. and impact.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

. Fungus soaked for a long time

Although fungus is an offensive food, people also treat this food as vegetables in daily life. The nutrients contained in fungus are also very rich, and should be taken in properly. After ingestion, it can also bring certain benefits to the human body.

It is not recommended to eat fungus that has been soaked for a long time, because soaking the fungus for too long will cause the loss of nutrients in the later stage, and may even produce harmful substances, such as rice enzymes. This ingredient may cause damage to the body.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

. Zucchini that heats too fast

Zucchini is also a vegetable with a good taste and very high nutritional value. When many people are active for a long time, they may have to wait until the oil is hot before adding the zucchini.

In this case, it may cause the heating speed to be too fast and produce some harmful ingredients. Therefore, for the sake of health, I hope everyone should cook the zucchini correctly when eating it.

I believe everyone should be very familiar with food like baby cabbage. For example, when some young people nowadays go to eat hot pot or spicy hotpot, they often order a portion of baby cabbage because it tastes very good after being rinsed and blanched. , and the nutrients cont - DayDayNews

Do you have anything else to add about the precautions for eating vegetables? Welcome to leave a comment below.

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