It also led to a high incidence of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is mainly characterized by high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to systemic problems such as the central nervous s

2024/06/1807:05:33 regimen 1498

◎ Science and Technology Daily Zhang Shuang comprehensive report


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It also led to a high incidence of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is mainly characterized by high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to systemic problems such as the central nervous s - DayDayNews

According to the media It is reported that many people have been diagnosed with heat stroke in Zhejiang, Sichuan and other places and there have been death cases

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It also led to a high incidence of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is mainly characterized by high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to systemic problems such as the central nervous s - DayDayNews

It also led to a high incidence of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is mainly characterized by high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to systemic problems such as the central nervous s - DayDayNews

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is also called severe heatstroke. The main manifestation is high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to central nervous system , muscle tissue, coagulation function , liver and kidney function, respiratory function, and cardiovascular function. Function and other systemic problems can easily lead to multiple organ failure, which is a very dangerous emergency.

The mortality rate of heat stroke is very high, reaching 40% to 50%. For people over 50 years old, the mortality rate even reaches about 70%.

It is reported that the scientific community was not clear about the mechanism of how high body temperature leads to organ damage and body death. In May of this year, Professor Lu Ben’s team from the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University published an article in Science magazine, revealing the important lethal mechanism of heat stroke. Studies have found that high body temperature induces excessive programmed cell death through the ZBP1 protein, leading to life-threatening disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and multi-organ damage. This research provides important ideas for the prevention and treatment of critical illnesses such as heat stroke.

Which groups are susceptible to heat stroke?

Heat stroke can be divided into exertional heat stroke and classic heat stroke. Exertional heat stroke is mainly caused by the imbalance of heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by high-intensity physical activity. It is common in healthy young people who exercise strenuously in summer, such as officers and soldiers, athletes, firefighters, construction workers, etc. who participate in summer training.

Classic heat stroke is more common in young people, pregnant women and the elderly and infirm , or in individuals with chronic underlying diseases or compromised immune function. It is usually caused by passive exposure to a thermal environment that causes the body to produce heat and Disease caused by heat dissipation imbalance.

It also led to a high incidence of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is mainly characterized by high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to systemic problems such as the central nervous s - DayDayNews

Picture source: Vision China

How to treat and prevent heat stroke?

According to Kong Wanquan, deputy director of the emergency department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wen Medical University, early detection and early treatment of heat stroke can make a completely different cure.

When a patient with heat stroke is found, the patient should be moved to a cool and ventilated place as soon as possible, then let him lie down, physically cool down, replenish water (salt water is best), etc. At the same time, call 120 for emergency treatment in a timely manner, and the treatment should not be stopped during the emergency treatment. .

It also led to a high incidence of heat stroke. Heat stroke, also known as severe heat stroke, is mainly characterized by high body temperature. High temperature causes body temperature regulation dysfunction, which in turn leads to systemic problems such as the central nervous s - DayDayNews

Picture source: Visual China

In addition, these practices are also very important for the prevention of different types of heat stroke↓↓

  • To prevent labor-type heat stroke, pay attention to protection when outdoor activities are necessary, and it is best to gradually adapt to it. process, avoid going directly from a cool area (such as an air-conditioned room) to a hot outdoor area. At the same time, pay attention to replenishing water and salt, or sports drinks containing electrolytes.
  • To prevent classic heat stroke, you need to control the ambient temperature, add or remove clothing in a timely manner, and drink more water; you must be careful not to leave children alone in small spaces such as cars.

Source: Science and Technology Daily is compiled from China News Network, Wenzhou Daily, Popular Science China, Xinhuanet, China Science Journal, etc.

Editor: Zhang Qiqi

Review: Yue Liang

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