Many patients passively take some "stable" drugs with "large side effects" to treat insomnia, which often leads to more and more sleep-aid drugs. The more they take, the worse the effect.

2024/05/2306:01:32 regimen 1274

Many patients with depression suffer from insomnia. Due to many objective reasons, patients did not receive a standardized treatment plan. Many patients passively take some "stable" drugs with "large side effects" to treat insomnia, which often leads to more and more sleep-aid drugs. The more they take, the worse the effect. In the end, he lost control of his emotions and his mental state deteriorated from bad to worse. Regarding the relationship between depression, and insomnia, the editor will share with you my three points of understanding.

Many patients passively take some

1. Insomnia is one of the typical symptoms of primary depression

As we all know, the core symptoms of depression include: low mood, loss of interest, and lack of pleasure; in terms of psychological symptoms, there will be anxiety, self-blame, and suicidal thoughts. , inattention, memory loss , helplessness, hopelessness, etc. In addition to the above symptoms, patients with depression also have many physical symptoms (sleep/appetite/sexual dysfunction/chronic pain, etc.)

Insomnia is one of the most common physical symptoms of patients with depression, and many outpatient depression patients complain of insomnia. Come to see a doctor. Insomnia in patients with depression is mainly manifested in four aspects: difficulty falling asleep ; light sleep or many dreams; early rising; sleep loss (in the eyes of outsiders, the patient is obviously asleep, but he believes that he is not sleeping). Among them, difficulty falling asleep is the most common, and most patients cannot fall asleep for more than 1 hour. Waking up early (more than 2-3 hours earlier than usual) is the most typical symptom of primary depression.

Another group of patients with special depression show increased sleep during the day and drowsiness. Some research results suggest that these patients are at higher risk of developing bipolar disorder .

Many patients passively take some

2. The first symptom of depression patients is insomnia.

Since a large amount of insomnia is one of the symptoms of depression, drugs and methods that improve depression should be used first when treating such patients with depression. Regarding the order of symptom improvement in patients with depression, according to my experience, sleep is the first symptom to be improved, followed by anxiety and depression, and finally physical anxiety and discomfort, such as body pain, chest tightness, sweating, etc. The sleep effect can predict the treatment effect; on the other hand, if a patient with depression relapses into insomnia symptoms after being cured, it may be a sign of recurrence of depression and must be taken seriously. For most patients who adhere to a sufficient course of treatment, insomnia disappears after the depression is cured.

3. Can "Diazepam" be used and how to use it?

Many patients passively take some

The diazepam mentioned here is a drug, medically known as "benzodiazepines", including the names that many insomnia patients are familiar with: diazepam/ estazolam / lorazepam / alprazolam / oxazepam / clonazepam etc. Can these medicines be used? Of course

works! For short-term insomnia, it is okay to temporarily use half a tablet to treat it, which can improve your work efficiency the next day without worrying about addiction. However, when you find that you have had insomnia for more than two weeks or need to take Stable Sleep for a week, it is recommended that you see a doctor in time to analyze the causes of insomnia and find suitable methods and drugs.

Many patients passively take some

Why do doctors give diazepam to patients with depression?

Many patients with depression doubt that they can do without diazepam. Then why did the doctor prescribe diazepam to me? In fact, in addition to improving sleep, stabilization is another specialty of quickly anti-anxiety. For many patients with depression who are accompanied by anxiety, doctors use diazepam to help them relieve their physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety as quickly as possible. When the antidepressant takes effect, the doctor will advise the patient to adjust the dose of Valium until it is no longer needed. Clinically, diazepam is generally used for no more than 4-6 weeks! This is why patients with depression must follow the doctor’s advice every 1-2 weeks in the early stages of treatment.

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