We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa

2024/05/2202:57:32 regimen 1373

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason?

Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when the body is not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing waist pain.

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

So, what are the causes of back pain?

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews. Not practicing for a long time, and not warming up before practicing.

Due to no exercise for a long time, sudden exercise, and the muscles have not adapted yet, muscle soreness may occur: or not warming up before exercise, excessive stretching causes muscle pain.

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

Regardless of whether you have any exercise background, do not overstretch, and remember to warm up before exercising.

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews. Insufficient core strength or weak gluteal muscles

In some yoga movements, if core or gluteal muscle strength is insufficient , it will put excessive pressure on the lumbar spine, leading to low back pain.

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

You should usually strengthen core strength exercises and gluteal muscle exercises to avoid low back pain caused by waist compensation.

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews. Forward bending postures do not rotate the pelvis.

When doing forward bending postures, the spine is not extended enough and the lumbar spine is folded forward, changing the normal curvature of the lumbar spine, causing low back pain. This is a mistake that most people make.

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

The correct forward bend should be rotating the pelvis forward, and then folding the hips forward after the lumbar spine is sufficiently extended.

    . The lumbar spine is not extended in backbending postures

    When doing backbending asanas, most people’s entire spine is not extended and they bend directly from the lumbar spine, causing excessive compression of the lumbar spine and causing low back pain.

    We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

    When doing backbending asanas, you should first extend the spine to allow enough space between the vertebrae. Not only the backbending of the lumbar spine, but also the backbending of the thoracic spine needs to be extended.

  • . The thoracic spine is not flexible enough in twisting poses

    When doing twisting poses, if the thoracic spine is not flexible enough, in order to deepen the pose, the lumbar spine will overwork, resulting in low back pain.

    We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

    You usually need to practice more flexibility of the thoracic spine and use the thoracic spine for twisting to avoid overuse of the lumbar spine.

  • simple postures to relieve lower back discomfort

    We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews1

    Baby pose

    We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

    • Kneel on both knees, big toes together
    • Sit your buttocks toward your heels, and extend your arms
    • Put your forehead against the ground and keep your back relaxed
    • Relax your shoulders and stay for 1-2 minutes

    We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews2

    Cobra pose

    We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

    • Lying in a prone position, extend the legs backwards in order
    • Place the palms of both hands on both sides of the shoulders
    • Elbows are as wide as the shoulders, push the forearms to the ground
    • Raise the head, lift the chest upward, and extend the lumbar spine
    • Shoulders away from ears, stay 1-2 minutes
    • We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews3

      Plank style

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

      • Enter in an inclined plank position, align your wrists with your shoulders
      • Straighten your arms, push your chest up
      • Tighten your core, Tuck your tailbone inward
      • Push your heels far away and stay for 8-10 breaths

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews4

      Needle eye style

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

      • Lie on your back on the mat Face, bend your legs and lift your knees
      • Place your right ankle on the front of your left thigh
      • Hold your hands around the back of your left thigh
      • Abduct your right knee, and keep your left thigh close to your body
      • Maintain the normal curvature of your lumbar spine
      • Stay for 1-2 minutes and switch to the other side

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews5

      Happy baby pose

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

      • Lying on your back, with your legs bent and knees close to your abdomen
      • Open your legs slightly wider than your hips
      • Hold the outside of your soles with both hands
      • Your calves are vertical to the ground, and your thighs are close to your chest Cavity
      • Place the back of the waist against the solid pad surface, stay for 1-2 minutes

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews6

      Bridge position

      We all know that yoga can relieve waist discomfort, but some people experience back pain when practicing yoga. What is the reason? Many people, especially beginners, will forcefully practice when their bodies are not ready, or practice in the wrong way, thus causing lower back pa - DayDayNews

      • Lie on your back, Put your hands on both sides of your body
      • Legs hip-width apart
      • Bend your knees and heels close to your hips
      • Exhale, curl your tailbone, lift your buttocks upwards
      • Lift your chest upwards, press your shoulders down
      • 5can Place bricks under your buttocks and stay there for 1-2 minutes

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