Text | Gu Ziyu 01. I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can win a city. This shows how important it is for a person to learn to manage emotions. . Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological kn

2024/07/0300:22:32 psychological 1988

text | Gu Ziyu


I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can take down a city. It can be seen that learning to manage emotions is of great benefit to a person. How important.

Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological knowledge. After all, we live in an era where things are everywhere.

Going to school, getting a job, starting a family, and many problems from ourselves, our families, and society prevent us from truly relaxing.

When we cannot change the status quo, we can change ourselves, or we can work hard to adapt to the environment. This requires us to have a balanced mentality and the ability to heal ourselves.

Text | Gu Ziyu 01. I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can win a city. This shows how important it is for a person to learn to manage emotions. . Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological kn - DayDayNews

"Zimbardo General Psychology" was written by Zimbardo, a famous American psychologist, president of the American Psychological Association, and professor of psychology at Stanford University . It is known as "the image and voice of psychology." The book

has been defined as a landmark work since its publication. With the eager anticipation of countless psychology professionals and enthusiasts, the 8th edition has finally been published.

The reason why "Zimbardo's General Psychology" is so popular is that it is not only one of the most ideal general psychology textbooks, but also the best introductory book for the general public to learn and master psychological concepts. Some people say it is A psychology book that is better than a novel.

This is a large book. It feels like a big brick and requires two hands to pick it up. The content inside is more detailed and comprehensive, and all knowledge related to psychology can be found. The book

is divided into 14 chapters in total. Each chapter starts with an explanation of a core concept, followed by several key questions. There are experiments, images, and summaries. It is really suitable for ordinary psychology enthusiasts to learn and learn from.

From mind, behavior and psychological science to feeling and perception, learning and memory, thinking and Chile, normal consciousness, to motivation and emotion, personality and psychological disorders, to health and happiness, many aspects are explained in detail. , I feel like this is an encyclopedia that fully understands a person.

Text | Gu Ziyu 01. I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can win a city. This shows how important it is for a person to learn to manage emotions. . Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological kn - DayDayNews


In the chapter of motivation and emotion, motivation and emotion are analyzed in depth. At the same time, it also combines Maslow needs hierarchy theory to discuss physiological and psychological issues.

When facing the same event, everyone has different emotional reactions, just like everyone's personality traits, this reaction is obviously different in childhood.

The original " Marshmallow Experiment " created by Stanford University psychologists is a good proof:

You tell a group of 4-year-old children that if they can wait until you come back from doing errands, they will be rewarded with two pieces of candy; if they cannot Wait, then you can only get a piece of candy, you can have it now.

During the 15 to 20 minutes of waiting for the experiment, some children were trying their best to control themselves. They chose not to look at the marshmallows. Some children covered their eyes, and some lay on their arms, talking and singing to themselves. These brave children Got their two pieces of candy.

The more impulsive children grabbed the piece of candy they wanted within seconds of the staff member leaving the room.

And when these children were followed as they grew up, both through adolescence and into their 40s, the results of the marshmallow experiment were even more startling.

Children who are able to resist craving a marshmallow do better in all aspects of adolescence.

They become more independent, handle interpersonal relationships well, and are outstanding in dealing with difficulties and pressure.

Those children who succumb to temptation do not perform well in their teenage years. They have poor interpersonal relationships, are shy, stubborn, indecisive, not confident in themselves and do not trust others, and are easily irritated by setbacks.

Text | Gu Ziyu 01. I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can win a city. This shows how important it is for a person to learn to manage emotions. . Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological kn - DayDayNews


Psychologists believe that each person has different emotional reactions and will have different emotional intelligence performance, and emotional intelligence is derived from the combination of the four abilities.

Perception of emotions. The ability to detect and interpret one's own and other people's emotions.

Harnessing emotions. The ability to harness emotions to think and solve problems.

Understanding emotions. The ability to understand complex relationships between emotions, such as the relationship between sadness and anger, or two people having different emotional responses to the same event.

Manage emotions. The ability to regulate one's own emotions and influence the emotions of others.

Facts have proved that those with high emotional intelligence can not only mediate their own and other people's emotions well, but also control their own negative emotions, and find appropriate ways to express them even when impulsive.

Emotion is a special kind of motivation, which consists of four components: physiological arousal, cognitive interpretation, subjective feeling, and behavioral performance.

There are two emotional processing systems in the brain, one is a conscious slow response system, and the other is an unconscious fast response system. After reaching the cerebral cortex, it is associated with conscious processing. Some people behave calmly while others behave impulsively.

Everyone has his own emotional style, which also leads to different expressions of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is precisely a person's ability to prevent his emotions from losing control. The improvement of this ability makes it easier to be popular in social situations.

Text | Gu Ziyu 01. I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can win a city. This shows how important it is for a person to learn to manage emotions. . Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological kn - DayDayNews


In the chapter on psychological disorders, psychological disorders are comprehensively explained in detail from core concepts to key issues and experimental data.

analyzed the characteristics of mental illness in different states such as depression , bipolar disorder , anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, dissociation disorder, schizophrenia , and how to treat them.

I look very carefully at the aspect of depression. Because of the pressure of life, I always feel that I am a depressed patient , although I have not gone to the hospital for examination.

Based on the 10 self-test questions given in the book, I can assess whether I really have a tendency to suffer from depression.

Faced with the pressure in life, each of us will have more or less anxiety. We must learn to release our emotions and learn to heal ourselves, because we know ourselves best.

Text | Gu Ziyu 01. I often hear this saying: A person who can control bad emotions is more powerful than a person who can win a city. This shows how important it is for a person to learn to manage emotions. . Therefore, it is very necessary to properly learn some psychological kn - DayDayNews

Before, I saw many of my friends around me excited for owning a copy of "Zimbardo General Psychology". I thought it was a bit incredible. Isn't it just a psychology book? Is it so special?

When I held this tome with both hands, I couldn't help but praise it. This book is really worth owning. Whether you are a psychology professional or a general public, you must collect this book.

It is different from the boring psychology books you have read in the past. It is full of knowledge, stories and fun, which will attract you to keep reading.

If you want to correctly understand your own psychology and the psychology of others, start with this book "Zimbardo General Psychology". This one is enough.

THE END The picture comes from the Internet. Infringement and deletion of

About the author: Gu Ziyu, a freelance writer, shares good books and good stories with you.

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