The butterfly effect is one of the top ten effects in psychology. It was proposed by American meteorologist Lorenz when explaining the air system theory: A butterfly's wings occasionally flapping in the Amazon may cause a fire in Texas two weeks later. tornado.

2024/07/0221:03:32 psychological 1174

1, Butterfly Effect

The butterfly effect is one of the top ten effects in psychology. It was proposed by American meteorologist Lorenz when explaining the air system theory: Amazon A butterfly's wings occasionally flap, and maybe it will disappear in two weeks. Will cause a tornado in Texas, USA. The meaning is: any small initial change will have an extremely huge impact after continuous amplification.

The butterfly effect is one of the top ten effects in psychology. It was proposed by American meteorologist Lorenz when explaining the air system theory: A butterfly's wings occasionally flapping in the Amazon may cause a fire in Texas two weeks later. tornado. - DayDayNews

2, The Crocodile Law

Its original meaning is to assume that a crocodile bites your foot. If you try to break free of your foot with your hands, the crocodile will bite your hand and foot at the same time. The more you struggle, the more you get bitten. So if the crocodile bites your foot, your only recourse is to sacrifice one of your feet. For example, in the stock market, the crocodile rule is: when you find that your transaction deviates from the direction of the market, you must stop the loss immediately without any delay or any luck.

3, catfish effect

Norwegians love to eat sardines , especially live fish. However, sardines are lazy by nature and do not like to exercise. The return journey is very long, so the caught sardines often die as soon as they return to the dock. Over time, people discovered that only one fisherman's sardines were always alive and vigorous, and he made more money than others. The fisherman kept the secret of his success until after his death, when people opened his fish tank and discovered that there was just one more catfish. Since catfish take fish as their main food, when sardines find this alien molecule, they will become nervous and swim faster. In this way, the sardines will return to the port alive. This is the so-called catfish effect. Enlightenment: The catfish effect is to adopt a means or measure to stimulate some companies to become active and enter the market to actively participate in competition, thereby activating companies in the same industry in the market.

4. Frog phenomenon

(1). Boiled frog in boiling water: When the frog is placed in a large boiling pot, the frog immediately jumps out like an electric shock and lands safely.

(2). Boiling a frog in warm water : When the frog is placed in a large pot filled with cold water and heated slowly, although the frog can feel the temperature changes outside, it does not jump out immediately due to inertia and waits until it feels the heat later. When it becomes unbearable, it's already too late. Enlightenment: Be prepared for danger in times of peace. A comfortable environment is the most dangerous moment. The lifestyle you are accustomed to may be your most dangerous lifestyle. Constantly innovate, break the old pattern, and believe that everything can be improved.

The butterfly effect is one of the top ten effects in psychology. It was proposed by American meteorologist Lorenz when explaining the air system theory: A butterfly's wings occasionally flapping in the Amazon may cause a fire in Texas two weeks later. tornado. - DayDayNews

5. Herd effect

A flock of sheep is a scattered organization. They usually rush left and right blindly when they are together, but once one sheep starts to move, the other sheep will rush forward without thinking, regardless of what is ahead. Wolf or there is better grass not far away. Therefore, the herd effect is a metaphor that people have a herd mentality.

The butterfly effect is one of the top ten effects in psychology. It was proposed by American meteorologist Lorenz when explaining the air system theory: A butterfly's wings occasionally flapping in the Amazon may cause a fire in Texas two weeks later. tornado. - DayDayNews

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