Temperature > 35℃ Sunshine > 12 hours Humidity > 80% Xi'an has been experiencing high temperatures recently. Temperatures around 40℃ not only make people feel uncomfortable, but can also easily cause dizziness, nausea and other heat stroke symptoms. Compared with physical heatstr

2024/06/1821:28:33 psychological 1447
Temperature > 35℃ Sunshine > 12 hours Humidity > 80% Xi'an has been experiencing high temperatures recently. Temperatures around 40℃ not only make people feel uncomfortable, but can also easily cause dizziness, nausea and other heat stroke symptoms. Compared with physical heatstr - DayDayNews

Temperature > 35℃

Sunshine > 12 hours

Humidity > 80%

Xi'an has been experiencing high temperatures recently. Temperatures around 40℃ not only make people feel uncomfortable, but can also easily cause dizziness, nausea and other heat stroke symptoms. Compared with physical heatstroke, where various emotions such as "weakness," "lack of energy," and "boring" haunt people, this kind of psychological heatstroke is even more maddening.

10% of people will suffer from psychological heat stroke.

Abnormal emotions, moods and behaviors will occur.

‘Psychological heat stroke’ may be a new term for some people. Medical psychological research shows that people's emotions, mood, and behaviors are related to seasonal changes. In the hot summer, about 10% of people will have abnormalities in mood, mood, and behavior. This is "psychological heatstroke," which is medically called " Summer Affective Disorder'. "Professor Chen Yunchun, chief physician of the Psychiatry Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, said that under sustained high temperatures, in addition to physical discomfort, it will also have an impact on people's emotions, such as irritability and inability to control emotions. , negative emotions will worsen after a period of time, etc.

Especially in a long-term high temperature situation, sleep will also be changed. For example, if the temperature is too high, it is too hot to sleep, and people cannot stand it if they turn on the air conditioner for a long time. I can't get a full night's sleep, so I feel groggy when I wake up in the morning. I always feel that I haven't had enough sleep, and it's difficult for my energy to return to its optimal state.

Chen Yunchun said that hot weather can also lead to a general decrease in people's appetite. Coupled with poor sleep quality and sweating, it will affect the electrolyte metabolism in the body, thereby affecting the brain's neural activity, causing abnormalities in people's emotions and behaviors, such as excessive emotional behavior or stress-like states. In addition, the weather is getting worse. When it's hot, you'll sweat all over if you don't move, let alone exercise, so many people are reluctant to go out for exercise. People who have the habit of walking or jogging on weekdays also stay at home. If you stay indoors for a long time, you will easily suffer from "psychological heat stroke" ". For example, if office workers stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time and the air is not circulated, they are more likely to suffer from bad mood and depression.

research shows that when the temperature exceeds 35℃, the sunshine exceeds 12 hours, and the humidity is higher than 80%, The impact of meteorological conditions on the emotional regulation center of the human body's hypothalamus is significantly enhanced, and the proportion of "psychological heatstroke" and physiological heatstroke will rise sharply. Therefore, when a person suddenly becomes irritable, loses his temper, is in a low mood, etc. Be wary of "psychological heat stroke"!

Adjust your emotions in midsummer.

Create a "psychological air conditioner"

"Psychological heat stroke" mainly manifests as emotional instability and somatic reactions, which in turn lead to abnormal emotions and behaviors. and physical discomfort. In mild cases, it can cause disharmony in interpersonal relationships and cause unnecessary troubles; in severe cases, frequent anger and emotional instability can aggravate the original physical diseases (such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases ), thus causing some Unexpected crisis events, such as high blood pressure , heart disease, gastric ulcer and other diseases, so in the midsummer season, you should make necessary adjustments to your emotions to prevent the occurrence of "psychological heatstroke"

"High temperatures should be minimized. Working time, especially long working hours itself, will make your physical condition worse. "Chen Yunchun suggested that in addition to avoiding working in high temperatures and psychological heat stroke, you should also arrange appropriate rest, adjust the rhythm of life and relax appropriately through some useful activities, such as swimming and enjoying the cool air. There is also the need to properly regulate the temperature of the body, For example, through physical cooling , or eating cold drinks, fruits, adding more water, adding salt, etc. Of course, to prevent "psychological heatstroke", personal psychological adjustment is essential, such as through meditation, soothing exercise, and self-relaxation training. , find a cool space, and do some activities that bring you pleasure, you can also soothe your mind and relieve the impatience caused by high temperature. In short, since you cannot change the weather, you must learn to change your mood, adjust your mentality, and create a good mood for yourself. "Psychological air conditioner", when you encounter something unpleasant or unsatisfactory, blow the "wind" to calm yourself down and deal with things rationally, so that you can spend the hot summer smoothly and easily.Chinese Business News reporter Wu Jie

"Heat stroke first aid method"? Unbelievable!

Please accept these three dietary tips

The weather is so hot that some people feel unwell and even suffer from heatstroke symptoms. Some experts pointed out that there are misunderstandings in common "heat stroke first aid methods" such as pinching people's penis and self-medication. At the same time, in terms of diet, it is recommended to drink more water, eat reasonably, and avoid eating disorderly.

1. Pinch the person's middle is the same as pinching the thigh. Liangbaikai can't be "suffocating"

Can you pinch the person if you have a heat stroke? Experts warn that pinching people is "really useless." The fundamental cause of heat stroke is a serious imbalance in the balance between heat production and heat dissipation in the human body. Therefore, the first thing to do is to cool down and get away from the heat source. Pinch the person's middle only can stimulate pain, which is the same as pinching the thigh, and cannot be used for first aid. Especially for comatose patients, pinching may sometimes even cause aspiration and suffocation due to painful stimulation, but there is a potential risk of aggravating the condition.

In addition, after heat stroke in summer, reasonable hydration is effective for those who sweat a lot, but it is not recommended to drink a lot of cold water, because heavy sweating will be accompanied by the loss of electrolytes. If you just drink a lot of cold water at this time, it will cause the body to develop Dilutional hyponatremia may cause cerebral edema and coma in severe cases. Experts remind that when suffering from heat stroke, avoid drinking a large amount of cold water in one sip. Drink it in small amounts, multiple times, and drink it in divided mouths. Appropriate addition of salt will have better effects.

2. Do not self-medicate. Physical cooling is the first choice after heat stroke.

Some people think that heat stroke is just a matter of heat and just take antipyretics. Is this really the case? Experts said that this "heat" is not that "heat". The mechanism of heat stroke is different from the mechanism of body temperature increase caused by bacteria and viruses. The fever caused by heat stroke is because the heat dissipation center of the human body is blocked, causing heat to accumulate in the body and cannot pass through. Sweating dissipates heat, and antipyretics mainly use body sweating to achieve cooling purposes. Taking antipyretics after heat stroke will be counterproductive. Therefore, physical cooling is the first choice after heat stroke.

3. Drink more water, eat a light diet, and avoid eating and drinking

Experts recommend that you should follow three key points in your diet: drink more water, eat a light diet, and avoid eating and drinking.

First, drink more water. In hot weather, under normal circumstances, the daily water intake is 1500ml-1700ml. When sweating a lot, the daily water intake can be increased to 2000ml-3000ml. For workers exposed to the scorching sun, due to the large amount of sweat discharge, they can drink water containing sodium or salt. The salt content is preferably 0.15%-0.2%.

Second, eat lightly. In hot weather, the diet should be as light as possible, but it can be appropriately salty to supplement salt, except for patients with high blood pressure. In terms of staple food, in addition to the commonly eaten cereals, you can also drink vegetable porridge, millet porridge, black rice porridge, corn soup, etc. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, and you can drink vegetable soup, melon soup, etc. appropriately during meals.

Third, don’t eat or drink indiscriminately. In hot weather, alcoholic or high-sugar drinks will cause the body to lose more body fluids and are not suitable for drinking; also try to avoid drinking frozen drinks to avoid causing stomach cramps; for some patients who need to limit their fluid intake, the amount of water they drink Follow your doctor's advice and avoid drinking large amounts of water at one time. Zonghe

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