What should we do in the face of depression?

2021/07/1521:23:45 psychological 268

In today's society under such great pressure, the word depression has gradually entered our side. Whether it is severe or mild, it affects our actual life to varying degrees.

What should we do in the face of depression? - DayDayNews

For children, they become autistic, silent, withdrawn, neglected, irritable, crying, and painful, which have accompanied their growth for many years. For adults, become inferior, not talkative, hopeless, cry secretly, commit suicide, be sluggish, suffer, be lonely, get angry, cry, run away, feel ashes, can't find the inner light, can't hold your head up Come on, you can't face yourself in the mirror.

For children, they are often neglected too much, lack of care, care, attention, forcing children to do things they are reluctant to do, and too much learning leads to excessive internal pressure, which cannot be released, and accumulates for a long time. I once said that the words and deeds of parents are the best education for children. Children need companionship, care, care, find out what they really like and be interested in, and nurture them slowly. Instead of demanding, beating, ignoring, and being indifferent. As a parent,

must lead by example, good words and deeds, and a good family atmosphere are the best education for children. Children are independent individuals, and we cannot force them to do things according to our ideas. In that case, we are selfish and not responsible for children.

Children also need dignity. As parents, we must not beat and scold our children in full view. The self-esteem of children is also self-esteem. We can't ignore the words and deeds of children. Let them express what they want to express, and let them cry when they want to cry. Children are naturally born, don't force them to do what they have to do, let their body and mind grow naturally, and don't overdo it. to interfere.

What should we do in the face of depression? - DayDayNews

Speaking of adults, let me talk about myself first.

I also had a difficult time. During that time, I lived without a fixed place, no money, all debts, a precarious job, a broken love, and a person in a strange city. One day I was in the hospital, standing on the window sill upstairs, there was a lot of snow outside at noon that day, I really wanted to jump off, and it ended like this. I just felt that there was nothing to be left behind, and no one cared about me. I made a desperate bet, but no one cared about it on the street. I felt that I was a failure.

When I was in college, I had a year to suppress my emotions. At that time, I foolishly thought that silence was a kind of silent growth, and I wanted to become mature. But after suppressing myself for a year, I found myself depressed and unhappy, as if someone owed me a lot of money, but I couldn't be happy, let alone laugh.

Rather than being depressed, it is actually more about closing one's heart, not wanting to talk or listening to others, like a state of self-protection. What we can't let go is more of our past self. We persistently want a result and want to change the result that has been formed in the past. We cannot accept it, we cannot let it go, we close the door of our heart, and we tightly circle and bind our spirit, and we will not let anyone pay attention.

In fact, many people have not talked to their friends or relatives, but it is not ideal. Maybe the other party has no patience to listen, or the other party has been suppressing their talk with their own opinions. Go talk to someone else.

However, we can't let go of our past selves. What we think we can't let go of is our past experiences, people and things in the past, but what we really can't let go of is our past selves. If we don't put our awareness, attention, and power into the moment, even if it's a small thing in front of us, we may be much better off.

What should we do in the face of depression? - DayDayNews

Furthermore, our inner views and ideas are not recognized, and are always denied by those around us, or those we think are close. Gradually, we do not know what we are suitable for, what we want to do, what we can do, and we are very confused. In this state, we still cannot escape the public consciousness or the judgment of others, and we are extremely depressed inside.

As adults, we have nowhere to put our souls, we don't know how to release our emotions, how to dissolve them. We often force ourselves for a little face. We care too much about other people's words, a look, and we pretend to be our true self.

We also want to make some improvements, both in ourselves and in our lives. But there are too many things on the Internet, which make us dazzled. After traveling through the Internet for a long time, we seem to lose ourselves even more and don't know what to do. We even spent a lot of money to sign up for courses, but we still couldn’t find where our true self was, or our inner beacon. We were panicked, afraid of being looked down upon, afraid of being told our own right and wrong behind our backs. , we are overly surprised by people and things in the material world.

What should we do in the face of depression? - DayDayNews

First of all, for adults, it is very possible to change existing lives. If you can't change it, accept it and accept everything in the moment, because acceptance is the beginning of real change. To resist is to deny one's ability to create and change. This has been mentioned many times in the previous articles. If the family members do not understand, just private message me.

Furthermore, we can heal ourselves emotionally, physically, and in our thoughts and thoughts, practice awareness, jump out of old thinking, and observe the ego of the moment, this is not the real self, it is passed by the past. The other self that is firmly bound by thinking experience, we must understand and see this matter clearly.

I have talked about emotions many times. Try to use Vipassana when practicing awareness to let emotions dissolve. Sometimes we find that it is not very effective to vent through extreme emotions, but we do not completely deny, shout, write on paper, and release emotions through these external vents. It can be done in moderation, but it is more important to practice awareness, and it is more effective to eliminate inner emotions through introspection.

Then, try to minimize watching entertainment videos on your mobile phone and computer, including those funny clips. In this way, it can only be said that the inner emotions are temporarily suppressed, but in fact it does not play a practical role. On the contrary, it may let the emotions continue to accumulate, and finally there will be a big explosion.

What should we do in the face of depression? - DayDayNews

In the adult world, depression is nothing more than love, wealth, fame, and profit. In fact, in one sentence, it can be said that it is caused by not being able to obtain it and being too attached to it. This kind of inaccessibility is often established in external substances. Because blind comparisons and judgments are all based on human desires. However, all of this is becoming the past and accumulating the future.

We need to draw a cutting line at the moment, this side is past, the other side outside this line is blank, which means what kind of life we ​​want to live, how to start, right now For a moment, think calmly and seriously about the step you are about to take. Don't be afraid of time, time has meaning only because of our existence.

We are changing every moment, what we can't let go of has become the past, it has become a passing image, but there is an illusion in our minds, and there are some lingering images.

As long as we practice awareness, pay attention to every little thing in the present moment, and look inside these pictures of nothingness, we can jump out of the ego's restraint and control over us. All the negative emotions we think are only temporary, as long as we slowly practice awareness, we will surely let all the products of those negative emotions dissolve by themselves.

What should we do in the face of depression? - DayDayNews

Finally, I still want to say a word to all the family members:

will have infinite power at the moment when you absolutely believe in yourself!

Best wishes.

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