Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping.

2024/06/3022:44:32 news 1774

Two dead female bodies were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping.

Based on the information she provided about Zhu Xiuping, the police went to Zhu Xiuping's home to investigate. Zhu Xiuping and another girl Huo Shaomei lived together. The two had a bad relationship and often quarreled.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews


And Huo Shaomei has been missing. Zeng Jiayuan They took hair samples from Zhu Xiuping's home for verification and found that the other female deceased was Huo Shaomei. But her face was disfigured, so no one could recognize her.

Zhu Xiuping and Huo Shaomei were both children in the orphanage. According to the nun's confession, they were both very well-behaved and often wrote to her. The police investigated the interpersonal relationship between Zhu Xiuping and Huo Shaomei and found a nightclub where there was a girl named Betty who had a close relationship with them. Zhu Xiuping and Huo Shaomei occasionally came to work part-time.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Old photos

Sister Fu revealed in the chat that there were four girls who had a good relationship with each other in the orphanage, Zhu Xiuping and Huo Shaomei, and there was another one they did not expect, who turned out to be Zhao Yongni, the former daughter of Zeng Jiaqiao. friend. The remaining girl was named Su Ying, but she died eight years ago. They had a very good relationship and were like sisters.

Zeng Jiayuan said it was unbelievable. Su Ying died unexpectedly eight years ago, and within a year now, Zhao Yongni, Zhu Xiuping, and Huo Shaomei were killed respectively, and their fingernails were also cut off fingernails . Is someone seeking revenge for Su Ying? Was Su Ying's death eight years ago really an accident, or was it man-made?

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Cao Zhirui was investigated

At this moment, someone suddenly went to Sister Fu's residence to steal things. They didn't steal anything, they just made a mess. Sister Fu was checking the lost items and found a photo of Su Ying and a man accidentally taken, and that man was the forensic doctor Cao Zhirui.

They asked Cao Zhirui to come back to assist in the investigation. Cao Zhirui was very calm, saying that he accidentally participated in the event and met Su Ying. Su Ying was very quiet. As they got along more, they gradually developed a mutual affection for each other, and then got together. Who would have expected that not long after, Su Ying died unexpectedly. At that time, both the medical examiner and the police had determined that it was an accident, so he didn't say anything.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Cao Zhirui denied it

Because there were blood stains of a second person on the body of the previous deceased, Nie Baoyan suggested that if Cao Zhirui wanted to prove his innocence, he could let the police test his DNA. After testing, the DNA was different, but Zeng Jiayuan always felt that there was still something wrong with Cao Zhirui. He saw in a medical journal that a paper written by Dr. Li stated that a person's DNA can be changed.

Zeng Jiayuan went to communicate with Dr. Paul Li and asked him if he had performed surgery on someone, and was that person's surname Cao? Dr. Li refused to explain, saying that doctors have professional ethics and cannot disclose the patient's condition. Zeng Jiayuan persuaded him that this man might be the murderer of several murders. Before Dr. Li could answer, he found that the brakes of the car were broken, and soon they crashed.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Xiao Tangcai found Nie Baoyan and Cao Zhirui together

The car exploded, but Dr. Li failed to rescue him and died on the spot. Zeng Jiayuan was lying unconscious in the hospital. The police suspected that Cao Zhirui might have killed Paul Li in order to conceal the truth. They asked Cao Zhirui to return to the police station again for investigation. When they asked if he had had his bone marrow replaced, Cao Zhirui said that he had blood cancer two years ago. After that, someone donated bone marrow, and he went to Australia to have his bone marrow replaced. I didn't want too many people to know about my condition, so I never spoke out.

The doctor who replaced the bone marrow was Paul Li. But the police had no evidence to prove that Cao Zhirui was the murderer, so they could only release Cao Zhirui. When Nie Baoyan saw Cao Zhirui being released, he comforted him, saying that it felt really bad to be regarded as a murderer, and that he had been misunderstood as a murderer before. So it felt really uncomfortable, and Cao Zhirui slowly let down his guard.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Nie Baoyan seduces Cao Zhirui

Cao Zhirui and Nie Baoyan are getting closer and closer, Cao Zhirui also bluntly expressed whether he still has a chance? The relationship between the two became closer and closer. Nie Baoyan and Cao Zhirui were seen dating many times. Everyone was angry and complained against Nie Baoyan even more. Xiao Tangcai happened to run into Cao Zhirui and Nie Baoyan on a date one day while shopping, so she went up and scolded Nie Baoyan, saying that she was actually with such a person, and it was Cao Zhirui who caused Zeng Jiayuan to lie unconscious in the hospital. Nie Baoyan spoke up to defend Cao Zhirui and left directly.

Nie Baoyan and Cao Zhirui agreed to go home and make a candlelight dinner. Cao Zhirui originally wanted to go shopping with Nie Baoyan, but Nie Baoyan refused, saying that he could just go home and wait. Nie Baoyan did not go to buy groceries. It turned out that she went to the hospital to see Zeng Jiayuan. She knew that Zeng Jiayuan wanted to solve the case and catch the murderer. She said that she would definitely fulfill his wish.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Cao Zhirui was stabbed and hospitalized

And all this was seen by Cao Zhirui in the dark. Only then did Cao Zhirui understand that Nie Baoyan approached him to solve the case and prove that he was the murderer. Because Nie Baoyan found out at that time that a person's DNA can change, but there are three things that will not change, and one of them is sperm. That's why Nie Baoyan deliberately approached Cao Zhirui.

After the candlelight dinner, Cao Zhirui couldn't help but expose Nie Baoyan. Cao Zhirui still refused to admit that he was the murderer. Nie Baoyan stabbed Cao Zhirui with a knife in a hurry. The cells from Cao Zhirui's spleen were obtained to re-test the DNA. After the test, the DNA in Cao Zhirui's spleen was completely consistent with the murderer's DNA.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Su Ying and Cao Zhirui are secretly in love

This proves that he is the murderer. Cao Zhirui was detained by the police while lying in the ward, and slowly told the story between him and Su Ying. He and Su Ying were both introverts, and it was hard to find someone they loved. They were afraid that the orphanage would oppose them, so they kept communicating secretly.

Su Ying is always bullied by Zhu Xiuping and others because of her introverted personality. Su Ying has always been very tolerant. They were on a date that day, and Zhu Xiuping and the others came over. Su Ying asked him to leave first, fearing that they would find out. When Zhu Xiuping and others came up, they asked Su Ying where she had hidden the man, and they saw Cao Zhirui who had just left.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Su Ying

also said that she would tell Sister Fu about this matter. Su Ying was very scared and held them back and refused to let them leave. During a dispute between several people, Su Ying slipped and fell from the balcony and died accidentally. Zhu Xiuping and others ran away quickly when they saw that people were killed. All this was seen by Cao Zhirui who was driven back. Soon Sister Fu was led here by Zhu Xiuping and others and found Su Ying's body.

Cao Zhirui did not appear in court to testify against them. In the past few years, the more he thought about it, the more angry and unwilling he became, so he vowed to kill some of them. The first one is Zhao Yongni. By coincidence, Zhao Yongni is Zeng Jiaqiao's girlfriend, so he has a better chance of getting close to Zhao Yongni.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Zhu Xiuping Huo Shaomei Zhao Yongni questioned Su Ying

and then killed Zhu Xiuping and Huo Shaomei in turn. The reason for destroying Huo Shaomei's appearance was because Huo Shaomei destroyed Su Ying's face back then. He just retaliated with a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

In the end, Cao Zhirui did not accuse Nie Baoyan of stabbing him, saying that Zhu Xiuping and others were not good people, and since he had killed someone, he deserved it. If Su Ying had not died back then, maybe Cao Zhirui would have been a very happy person these years, and would not have turned into a devil because of the loss of his beloved.

Two female corpses were discovered in the suburbs. After the police released the information, no one came to claim the deceased. Until a Sister Fu came to the police station to report the case. After checking the missing persons, she recognized one of the deceased as Zhu Xiuping. - DayDayNews

Cao Zhirui witnessed Su Ying's tragic death

And Zhu Xiuping, Huo Shaomei, and Zhao Yongni killed Su Ying out of anger. Although it was unintentional, they had no regrets. It was true that they treated their friends since childhood like this. It's chilling. What's more, he is the person Su Ying loves deeply!

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