How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people

2020/06/1801:25:37 lose 2380

Muscle gain may be the reason why many male friends choose to exercise. Who doesn't want to have strong muscles? However, there are always some very thin friends, or the legendary lean physique, but hard training can not get the desired results! I hope this article can give some encouragement and advice to thin people who want to grow stronger.

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

About thin

There are many reasons for being thin, because there are many reasons for being thin and not growing in Life, work and rest, digestive system, etc., but I think that if you don’t gain weight, it can be boiled down to the four words "不Absorption ". If you are a thin, picky eater and eat less, then you can’t blame others for being thin, but if you are a thin, appetite, your absorption is definitely not very good.

Ok, so let’s not talk about how to be strong, just say what you should do if you want to get fat? Anyway, there is definitely no panacea that will make you fat right after taking it, right? You can choose to see the doctor why the absorption is not good. Basically, the conclusion to you is nothing more than some conditioning methods or prescribing some traditional Chinese medicines. The effect varies from person to person. It is different, because this is not a disease. According to my opinion, if you want to completely change your thin status, there are only two ways: One is to eat! The other is to practice!

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

The advantages and disadvantages of thin people

How to eat and how to practice Let’s talk about it later, let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of thin people. The reason why thin people are thin is because of less fat. , Body fat is low, so it can be seen at a glance whether it is bone or meat across the skin. What is the advantage? Yes! It is because the sebum is thin, so the muscle line is obvious after a little training. All thin compatriots, lift your clothes and see if there are faint abdominal muscles on your belly? This is because you don’t have any meat on your belly, so you can tell even if you don’t practice it!

These lines are the envious of many fitness seniors for many years! You see people in the gym who are on treadmills, spinning bikes, and sweating hard every day in order to lose sebum and make themselves thin Or the lines are more obvious. If you are thin, then congratulations you can skip this step. You must know that the process of reducing fat is more painful than gaining muscle..

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

Naturally the disadvantage is needless to say, of course, it is "you can't get fat no matter how you eat, and you won't be strong if you train." This is indeed a disadvantage of thin people. Chong dimension is faster, and you can only achieve the effect of others if you put in more effort. If you are born with low sebum lines, good absorption, and fast dimensionality, then you are a fitness wizard! Don’t be anxious, be down-to-earth, and use your own advantages!

Summary One sentence is: fat people envy thin lines, thin people envy fat dimensions.

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

How to eat

What I said next, It can be said that the knowledge of eating is greater than "practice". There is a saying in fitness called "三分练七分吃" , which also explains the importance of eating (here I explain, I I'm just talking about some of my own personal opinions, please bear with me if there is something wrong)

1. How do you want to eat? How to eat

Regarding the eating of thin people, I think the first point is that you must be able to eat. Some people say, are you nonsense, what should I do if I have a small appetite? Or I eat a lot. I don't care what your previous situation is. If you want to change or gain muscle, you must keep up with your mouth. You must know that your appetite can grow a little bit. As for what you want to eat, my opinion is: What do you want to eat? I know what I said is very taboo in fitness. Fitness is very particular about eating, but I think for thin people, at the beginning, you can eat whatever you want! Fried, dessert, come if you want! As long as you can eat more! Because you don’t like long Fat! So you fully mobilize your appetite! After eating more day by day, your appetite will gradually increase, But! After you find the rhythm in the later exercise, you must slowly regulate to scientific fitness Eating habits go up!

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

2. Combine exercise and eating.

This should not be difficult to understand, don’t think I’ll get fat first before going to fitness! How can you let it absorb if you eat so much without exercising? How can you grow meat if you don’t absorb it? How can you continue to eat more? So if you plan to start metamorphosing, then don't separate eating and training, it's best to do it simultaneously.

3. Eat more protein content after exercise.

This is the essence of eating. In fact, the principle of exercise is to tear the muscles, and then rely on the nutrients and proteins you eat to refill the muscles with , so No matter what you usually eat, the meal after training! Be sure to be high in protein! Egg white, beef, prawns, fish, milk, make it up! (If you want to eat eggs, remember to eat up to 2 whole Eating too much egg and egg yolk is bad for your health. You can distribute the remaining egg yolk to your family. Or feed your pets or stray cats and dogs)

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

4. You can consider eating protein powder.

Its role is to supplement protein. It is the same as eating beef egg white after a meal. The recommendation for protein powder is to drink it during or after training. You don’t need to drink it when you are not practicing. And I don’t recommend buying it when you’re just learning to exercise. It’s best to find the rhythm of exercise after one to two months of exercise. The effect will be better. The method of application is very simple. You can use milk, water, or ice cubes.

5. Multi-meal system.

The principle is very simple, three meals a day changed to five meals, but after all, everyone is not a bodybuilding professional, they have their own work and work, this can not be forced, eat as much as possible Right! For example, eat some whole wheat bread or drink some milk before exercising, but don't eat too much, or it will affect the effect of exercise.

Summary: In fact, for thin people, eating is really important. The general summary is : Try to eat more and more while exercising, and the method is not limited , You can eat delicious food every day, and eat what you want, but you must eat something high in protein for the meal after exercise. When your appetite gradually grows, your appetite becomes larger, the exercise is regular, you find the rhythm, and start Standardize your diet and move closer to scientific fitness recipes.

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

Four: How to practice

may have talked about the place you most want to see, before I go into details, let me make some suggestions: (for thin people)

1: Do less aerobics.

Treadmills and bicycles can warm up, but don’t sweat profusely. Sweating means that you are losing the muscles you have worked so hard to grow. If you love playing basketball and football, you can't let you give up these hobbies. In theory, these aerobic exercises will make you lose muscle.

2: muscles grow only after resting.

Some people like to train a place over and over again, practice the chest today, and practice the chest tomorrow. This is a big mistake. I said that the muscles are torn and then healed. In fact, long muscles It is the completion of the healing process. When you exercise, it is congestion rather than muscle growth. You are always tearing and tearing, and will not grow at all! Except for one muscle group: abdominal muscles. Only the abdominal muscles are that can be exercised every day, so after every part of exercise. Remember to let it rest for 2 to 3 days. Do not train one place repeatedly.

3: The basic theory of muscle gain: heavier weight, less repetition, and less intermittent.

As the name suggests, Only a heavy weight can increase muscle most effectively , remember! Therefore, it is very necessary to have a good friend to protect! If you don't have a friend to accompany you, don't be lazy, talk to the gym more, find more friends, and then find someone to help protect you during training.

For less repetition, it is best to control 8~12 movements. If you do more than 12 by yourself, well, it proves that the weight is lighter for you. If you do the heavy weight limit group, even if one is protected by someone, it will be better than if you touch the smaller one and do 20! So measure the number yourself. It doesn't matter if you control it at 8 to 12, or less! But pay attention to safety, someone must protect it.

It’s easy to understand. The rest time between each group is controlled at about one and a half minutes. . If you rest too long, it won't work.

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

4: Only concentrate on exercising 1 to 2 parts each time.

At the beginning of fitness, many people like to play around. There is no plan. This is wrong. It is best to practice one or two parts attentively. There are many exercise methods for each part. Do 4. There are only 5 movements, and each movement is done in 3 to 5 groups. When is doing each movement, it is better to go from low weight to heavy weight and then from heavy weight to low weight. is the process of trying to have an impact limit group for each action.

5: Make a training plan.

Practicing 5 rest 2 a week is a more scientific plan. Of course, you can also practice 6 rest 1, 4 rest 3, or even crazy 7 days! Make a plan. For example, what to practice today, what I practiced yesterday, does not conflict with today, how long I have not practiced, these issues should be thought out before training, rather than going to the gym to see the mood.

6: Keep taking pictures of yourself.

Don’t say this is narcissism, it is a very important process. It can record your changes. These changes are not identifiable by your naked eye every day. When you persist for a month, fast forward you every day. You can be pleasantly surprised to find your own changes when you take a picture of Zhang, which is especially helpful to increase your confidence!

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews


I hope everyone can help you after reading these words. In fact, fitness is very addictive, especially when I see myself After the change, no one is a natural male god. No matter fat or thin, you can have a good body through hard work. Exercise can bring you health and confidence. Finally, I hope everyone can have a good body through hard work. !

How should thin people eat and practice? The most comprehensive fitness program for lean people - DayDayNews

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