How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice

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Downward Dog Pose is one of the most recognizable poses in Western yoga. Downward Dog Pose is usually called Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit. It is an indispensable posture when you practice and is especially important for correct learning. Downward dog pose is a key posture because many other postures start from here. It provides a solid foundation for any yoga sequence and is a perfect independent posture because it positively affects your entire body. Push-ups are an inverted three-dimensional style, which has many advantages. In addition to being an upside-down, the lower dog can also be used as a resting position in your practice. The benefits of

down dog pose

down dog pose is one of the most beneficial yoga poses. "Down Dog Pose" can not only make obvious changes in your body, but also make you feel better mentally, allowing you and the people around you to live a better life. This pose provides a complete body stretch, while lengthening and strengthening your bones and muscles.

Body benefits: Improve blood circulation, improve digestion, relieve back pain, relieve neck pain and/or migraine, strengthen shoulders, back, arms and legs, stretch spine, shoulders, back, arms, legs, hamstrings, Calves, hands and feet, regulate stomach and arms, increase bone density, and increase energy.

The benefits of the mind: it can reduce stress, reduce anxiety, relieve insomnia, change perspective when you look at things upside down literally, improve your mood by delivering more oxygen to the brain, improve concentration and awareness, and promote patient.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

How to do Downward Dog

1. At the beginning, the limbs should be on the ground, the wrists should be inline, and the shoulders and toes should be bent.

2, when exhaling, keep your hips up and back and straighten your legs.

3. Let your arms participate, and remember to keep your shoulders away from your ears.

4. Use your core and legs to lift through the kneecaps.

5. Use your heel to step on. If you feel nervous, "step on" your foot back and forth.

6. This is just a general method of operation. Below, we will enter how to warm up this pose and some modifications you can make.

warms up for the Downward Dog

There are many poses you can do before entering the Downward Dog. These positions will gently warm your muscles.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

1. The flat

starts from the ground on all fours and puts your hands under your shoulders in a straight line with your wrists. Step back into the tablet one step at a time. Use your core muscles to adjust the pelvis. You want to form a straight line with your body, so make sure your hips are not tilted or raised.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

2. The standing forward folding

starts from the mountain pose and feels slightly separated. Put your hands on your hips and start to hinge forward, keeping your back straight. Depending on your flexibility, allow your arms to float on the ground, your ankles, or your calves.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

3. On the dog

start to lie head down on the ground, do not roll up your toes. Place your hands flat on the ground on both sides of your body, and your fingertips lightly fall behind your shoulders. When exhaling, leave the upper body completely off the ground, straighten your arms, and lower your shoulders. When you do this, press your feet on the mat and lift your thighs, knees, and calves off the ground. Let your eyes float upward, through your chest.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

4. Cat and cow

in a neutral posture, with all four feet on the ground, with or without toes. When you inhale, your abdomen sinks and your back arches, raising your eyes to enter cow pose. When you exhale, hollow out your belly, wrap your back, lower your gaze, and become a cat. Repeat these two actions for a few rounds.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

5. Legs up against the wall

For complete beginners, this may seem more advanced, but this is a good posture to exercise the core strength and arm strength required for the down dog pose, while the wall Support is really helpful. First place your hands a few feet away from the wall (she explained in the video above how to check the correct distance) Slowly put your feet on the wall and start walking along the wall until your feet are in a straight line with your hips and you are forming an "L" shape. Your legs should be straight and your hands should be directly under your shoulders. It may be better to practice it with an observer for the first few times until you feel comfortable practicing it.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

Mistakes when doing Downward Dog

People make various mistakes when facing dogs. Most people make the same mistakes, and they usually...

1. Your hands are not shoulder-width apart: Your hands are too close to cause shoulder cramps. Your goal is to create space between your shoulders.

2. The distance between your feet is not the same as the width of your hips: Just like you want to separate your shoulders, you are also trying to create space between your hips.

3. Fingers are too tight: Fingers too tight will increase the pressure on the wrist.

4. Lock your knees: Locking your knees and elbows will make your joints very rough, and it will also make you stiff and difficult to maintain balance.

5. Elbow lock: Same as above.

6, sagging shoulders: This will put too much pressure on your neck and spine.

7. Tension your neck: This will cause tension rather than relieve it.

8. The heel is lifted too high: it causes imbalance and cannot stretch the legs properly.

9. Don't focus on your core: When you don't focus on your core-you bring all the tension and stress to other parts of your body.

10. Forgetting to breathe: This sounds silly, but making sure you take a long and deep breath can help you focus when you release stress and tension. Beginner modification for

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

Downward Dog:

is the same as most yoga poses, if you are a beginner, injured or pregnant, you can make some modifications. This posture should feel good. You should feel comfortable stretching all over.

1. You can use blocks under your hand: Putting blocks under your hand will help support your wrist.

2. Use a rolled-up cushion under the heel: If the heel is raised too much, it can provide more support to the heel and also help you stretch further.

3. Bend your knees as much as possible: If you find that your hamstrings and calves are tight, bending your knees can help reduce this pressure.

4. If you are pregnant and start to feel dizzy or lightheaded: Open your knees and sink into the child's position, and use a cushion under your chest or forehead to lift your abdomen away from the cushion. Always consult with your doctor about how safe a pregnant dog is for you and your baby.

5. If your wrist is injured, please place a rollable cushion under your hand and heel.

6. Enter the dolphin: Lower the forearm and keep the tailbone high-if the wrist is painful, lowering the forearm is a good choice.

7. If you feel squeezing or crunching in your shoulders or neck: press your shoulders down and away from your ears, as this will start to lengthen your spine.

How to do Downward Dog? If you don’t know these, yoga for these years is considered a waste of practice - DayDayNews

Alignment skills to improve the down dog style

baby style:

press the palms and toes into the mat.

lift your tailbone and knees to the sky, and then start to straighten your arms and legs.

The knees and elbows should be bent gently.

Put your head down on the mat so that it is just between the elbow/upper arm.

Lengthen your spine and neck-leave space between each vertebra.

Place your eyes on a single position between and behind your knees.

attracts your core-move your belly button up and back.

press your heel down-even if they never touch the pad (comrades, I'm watching you).

After posing, check your body and make sure your posture.

Keep your hands shoulder-width apart-or wider.

feet are the width of the hips-or wider.

spread out your fingers.

breathing-I know this sounds silly, but many people forget to breathe. Make sure you breathe long, slowly, deliberately and deeply both inside and outside your nose. Try to focus on moving the breath to the space between the shoulder blades.

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