Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health.

2021/10/1501:07:03 lose 819

In the old days when food was inadequate, everyone ate big pots of rice. People who eat fast seem to have an advantage, can eat more, and fill up their stomachs easily.

With the rapid development of the country, people do not have to worry about not having enough food, but are more concerned about how to eat healthily. This is especially true for people who lose weight. Not only the ingredients must be healthy, but must also consider the speed of eating.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

Many people on the Internet say that eating too fast is not good for digestion, and it is easy to gain weight. There is also research showing that people who eat fast are 4.4 times more likely to get fat than those who eat normally when the food is not much different and the calorie level is not much different.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

Why does this happen? Today we will find out!

Why eat fast and get fat

1. Delay the perception of "satisfaction" signal

Normally, our brains start with eating to feeling full The message takes about 20 minutes. When you eat too fast and gobble up, the amount of food you eat is not controlled by the brain, but can only be sensed by the mechanoreceptors of the stomach; if the food enters the stomach too quickly and in large quantities, the stomach will quickly swell up, overload it, and you will feel it. To fullness. When your brain receives the signal that you are full, your food intake has significantly exceeded your body's needs, and you have over-eaten this meal .

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

If you eat too much, you will consume more calories than you consume, which will lead to excess calories and fat accumulation.

2. Eat less chewing, and you will feel more hungry.

Studies have shown that for the same amount of food, chews less frequently and eats quickly, and you will feel hungry more easily. The stronger your hunger, the more likely you will be impulsive and eat more when you see high-calorie foods, and you will be more likely to gain weight.

and eating too fast can easily cause the food to be swallowed before being fully chewed. Many nutrients are difficult to be absorbed by the body without adequate chewing, including some nutrients involved in metabolism.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

If this is the case for a long time, it is likely to lack the necessary nutrients. may even hinder the normal metabolism of fat and affect the efficiency of weight loss.

3. It increases the burden on the digestive system and is prone to indigestion. Chewing, the burden on the digestive system will increase during the digestion process, and indigestion will occur, which will lead to constipation.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

Once constipation occurs, food residues and garbage can not be discharged in the body, which is very detrimental to weight loss. Besides,

Eating too fast can also increase the risk of chronic diseases and increase the risk of cancer.

So how to eat is the most correct choice?

The right way to eat

1. Cultivate the awareness of chewing slowly

_strong It takes 10 minutes or even 5 minutes to complete the meal, which is a very wrong way to eat. Be sure to eat slowly, even during very stressful working hours, please allow to set aside 20-30 minutes for chewing slowly, and silently remind yourself "eat slowly, chew slowly, chew slowly. ..", so that the brain has enough time to receive the signal that you are "full".

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

2. Eat more crude fiber foods

Crude fiber foods will make us unknowingly increase the frequency of chewing, such as broccoli, mushrooms, celery, miscellaneous grains, brown rice Wait, these crude fiber foods not only help us increase the frequency of chewing, but also increase our feeling of fullness slows down the emptying speed of food in the stomach, thereby maintaining a longer-term fullness, which is not easy Feel hunger, thereby reducing food intake.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

3. Adjust the order of eating

Many people’s eating order is in order to get a quick feeling of fullness.The staple food is placed in the front position, which will cause us to consume too much staple food, the nutrition is not balanced, and it is easier to gain weight.

recommends that everyone’s eating order is soup-vegetables-protein (meat)-staple food ; after adjusting the eating order, the calorie intake of the food will be reduced by half, increasing the feeling of fullness and increasing the loss. Lipid efficiency.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

4. Standardize eating habits

There are many people who are used to chasing TV dramas while eating or watching their mobile Weibo, such as "fan drama", "fan variety show" and so on. Or you can deal with work while eating. These are not good habits to eat. It is easy to be distracted by other things. If you forget to chew more, you will swallow your dates round and unknowingly, speeding up your eating speed. Therefore, when we eat, we should put down our phones, enjoy the food, and remind ourselves to chew slowly.

Don’t eat too fast. Not only will you gain weight easily, but it will also endanger your health. - DayDayNews

Diet is the most important thing during the weight loss period. Not only what you eat and how much you eat are important, but you must also control your eating speed. Slowly tasting food is a kind of enjoyment. Quickly, with the patience to chew slowly, you will naturally be happy to lose weight!


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