In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly.

2021/11/2720:56:02 history 2400


On the National Day of 2019, the movie " Me and My Motherland " was very popular among the people. There is a story in the film. The scientific researcher Gao Yuan fell in love with a female intellectual, but they did not stay together for the scientific research of the motherland. In the parade celebrating the atomic bombing, they stared at each other for a lifetime.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian and Xu Luxi

This story touched countless viewers, but what many people don't know is that the scientific researchers in the story have prototypes. He is the main person in charge of nuclear weapons research, Deng Jiaxian. He remained anonymous for 28 years for the cause of nuclear weapons in New China. Even his wife Xu Luxi didn't know the real situation. The couple also performed a touching love story.

Going around, Xu Luxi loves Deng Jiaxian

Speaking of the story between Deng Jiaxian and Xu Luxi, we must start with their family.

Deng Jiaxian was born in a scholarly family. His father was the famous Chinese master Deng Yizhe . Under the influence of his father, Deng Jiaxian received a good education.

At that time, Deng Yizhe lived in a courtyard house in Peking, and Peking University Law Professor Xu Deheng was very close to their residence. Xu Deheng and his wife often visited Deng Yizhe’s house to express their feelings about the country and the people. The old couple looked at the smart Deng Jiaxian very much, and they affectionately called him "Deng Kid".

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian's father Deng Yizhe

In July 1937, the Japanese launched a large-scale attack on Peking, and Peking, Tianjin and other places fell one after another. Deng Yizhe was ill and was unable to travel long distances. The whole family stayed in Peking. The Japanese bullied the Chinese proudly on Chinese soil, and Deng Jiaxian was very angry.

In early 1940, Deng Jiaxian, who was studying at Beiping Zhicheng Middle School, angrily stepped on the Japanese flag .This matter has aroused the attention of the whole school. After the principal learned about it, he personally found Deng Jiaxian’s father Deng Yizhe, and said to him: “This matter will definitely be told to the Japanese by traitors. Now your situation is very dangerous. You should let your children go out and hide.”

After listening to the principal’s advice, Deng Yizhe and his family fled to Yunnan. After arriving in Yunnan, Deng Jiaxian insisted on studying and successfully admitted to Southwest Associated University . With the ideal of saving the country and the hatred of the invaders, he embarked on the path of pursuing science.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

The Japanese army was arrogant on Chinese soil

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Deng Jiaxian and his family returned to Peking. He came to Peking University as a teaching assistant. At this time, Xu Luxi was admitted to Peking University .

Xu Luxi chose to study medicine at Peking University. Since there were very few girls who chose to study medicine at the time, many people suspected that Xu Luxi must have been affected by the family. But after many exams, Xu Luxi's results are always among the best, and everyone recognized this girl who looks very weak.

Deng Jiaxian taught physics at Peking University. He lectured very carefully, and Xu Luxi also studied very seriously. The two people had a very good impression of each other, but Xu Luxi, who was in school, did not establish a relationship with Deng Jiaxian.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Photos of Deng Jiaxian in his youth

Deng Jiaxian has the ambition of saving the country through science. He wants to make greater contributions to the development of the country, so he chose to continue his studies. He went to the United States to study for a Ph.D. and completed a related thesis, successfully graduating from school.

Deng Jiaxian only had his motherland in his heart. On the ninth day after he received his degree, he took the initiative to abandon his superior life in the United States, returned to China, and started his magnificent career.

At that time, Deng Jiaxian's sister Deng Zhongxian and Xu's family were neighbors. Deng Jiaxian often came to eat at her sister's house, so he and Xu Luxi also met frequently. As the age grows, the two people gradually develop a good feeling in the process of getting along.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian did a PhD in the United States

1953,With the blessing of everyone, the two walked into the palace of marriage. The wedding scene is very simple, only candies and some small wedding cakes helped Xu Luxi make the love of this life.

Respect as a guest, love and affection

Deng Jiaxian is different from other scientists. As long as he has free time, he will take his wife to concerts and watch Peking opera performances. The life of the two married is very sweet. Soon, they gave birth to two children and lived very happily.

After Deng Jiaxian became a father, he took his child's temper to the extreme.

Just when his daughter had just learned to call him father, Deng Jia had to let his daughter scream. During the development of children, Deng Jiaxian not only taught them to call them fathers, but also taught them to use different adjectives to describe themselves.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian's family

Looking at Deng Jiaxian, Xu Luxi's face overflowed with a happy smile. In her eyes, although her husband has become a father, he is still just like a child. No grown-up adults.

At that time, Deng Jiaxian lived in the first dormitory building just built, only one kilometer away from their office area. Once, Deng Jiaxian suddenly worked overtime until late at night. When he came back, he saw his son and daughter hugging each other, sitting on the stairs outside the room and falling asleep.

Deng Jiaxian was very self-blame. It turned out that because of his stress at work, he forgot about his wife who was not at home on night shift and had to open the door for his children. He hugged the two children to the bed with distress. He looked at the sleeping child and didn't know what to do for a while.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian took a photo with Xu Luxi's family

In normal times, when Deng Jia received his salary, the first thing he thought of was to buy some toys for his children, and he was about to buy a bicycle for the two children. , But when the bicycle was moved home, he found that the child was too young to be able to ride it.

In order to satisfy the children's wishes, he returned to the store and bought a big wooden rocking chair. He was very happy when he watched the children laugh in the rocking chair.

Deng Jiaxian: From now on, this family will have to rely on you.

One day in August 1958, Qian Sanqiang suddenly called Deng Jiaxian to his office and asked if Deng Jiaxian could participate in an extremely confidential job. After that, the two people talked for a long time in the office. After Deng Jia came out first, his expression was very serious.

That night, Deng Jia went home relatively late. His wife Xu Luxi noticed the expression on his face and asked about the situation.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Scientist Qian Sanqiang

Deng Jiaxian whispered: "I may have to transfer work."

Xu Luxi's face showed a puzzled expression, Deng Jiaxian said: "I don't know, and I can't talk about it. Where."

Xu Luxi worried about her husband, and asked quickly: "Then you give me a mailbox number, and I want to keep in touch with you."

Deng Jia first clung to his wife's hand and said, "This is not OK. From today, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take care of this family anymore, and I will rely on you in the future.”

Upon hearing what her husband said, Xu Luxi didn’t ask much. She knew in her heart that her husband was definitely going to do something to the country. A career of great significance, she expressed strong support for her husband's work.

Deng Jiaxian was silent for a while and said: "I'm going to do one thing, as long as this thing is done well, I will live a meaningful life in my life, and it is even worth dying for it."

Xu Luxi said firmly after hearing: "I support you."

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian was working

At the beginning of the development of the atomic bomb, Deng Jiaxian was mainly responsible for theoretical research. In order to obtain accurate data, Deng Jiaxian and other scientists often work day and night.

Once, Deng Jia worked until the early morning, and Deng Jia first returned home carefully. When he reached the door, he found that Xu Luxi's caring gaze was greeted.

At the stage of experimental physics research, Deng Jiaxian bids farewell to Xu Luxi,Went to the desolate Northwest to start a long research and experiment. Xu Luxi did not complain why her husband did not stay with her, but chose to support her husband's work as always.

Deng Jia would return home sometimes, and Xu Luxi never asked about her husband's work, but only talked to him about the things that happened in life.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian is at work

During this period of time when her husband is not with her, Xu Luxi alone provokes the burden of the whole family. She not only has to raise the children around her, but also take care of the parents of both parties. It was with Xu Luxi's support that Deng Jiaxian was able to devote himself to to conduct research.

In September 1964, at the time of the atomic bombing, Deng Jiaxian's mother was critically ill, and at the moment the old man wanted to see his son Deng Jiaxian most. Deng Jiaxian chose to stay in the Northwest for the sake of the country and the people. After the hospital leaders learned about it, they tried their best to extend the life of the old man and let her and her children meet for the last time.

On October 16, 1964, in the northwest region of China mushroom clouds rose into the sky. At this moment, China completely shocked the world. Deng Jiaxian was very pleased.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

China’s atomic bomb successfully exploded

Deng Jia thought that his mother was still waiting for him, so he anxiously took the ticket prepared in advance and hurried back. By the time he rushed to the hospital, his mother’s life was already here. At the last minute.

Deng Jiaxian held his mother's hand tightly, and cried loudly at her mother's name. The mother on the hospital bed moved her finger with difficulty, indicating that she already knew it.

China’s atomic bomb went into the sky, and Deng Jiaxian was happy. His mother passed away, and he felt very sad again. He wanted to tell his mother countless times that he had developed the atomic bomb, but he had to be loyal to his country. From ancient times to the present, loyalty and filial piety are difficult to balance. Deng Jiaxian's heart is very contradictory.

After the successful explosion of the atomic bomb, Deng Jiaxian actively responded to the party’s call.He led the original team to Lop Nur to start the development of the hydrogen bomb. In these long days, Xu Luxi always supported Deng Jiaxian as always.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian is speaking

Deng Jiaxian left his last words: Only the motherland and you can't live up to it

One day in 1979, scientific researchers conducted another nuclear test in accordance with the instructions of the organization. The parachute did not open, the nuclear bomb fell from the plane, and did not explode. It fell directly to the ground and shattered. Due to the high radioactivity of nuclear materials, more than 100 chemical defense forces were mobilized to search for them.

Deng Jiaxian knew the consequences of this incident in his heart. If the plutonium 239 invades the human body, the harm to people may be fatal, and even the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be repeated. He has been restless and decided to personally Look for.

The nuclear test is located in a vast Gobi Desert. Where to find it has become a difficult problem before Deng Jiaxian. After judging a general direction, he got on a jeep to search for it, and finally in the Gobi. The scene of the nuclear bomb was found in the depths.

Deng Jia first worried about the safety of his entourage, so he asked them to park the car far away and said to them: "It's useless for you to go in." Then they were left to wait outside, and walked in alone.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Photo of Deng Jiaxian at the nuclear test site

He took the familiar eggshell fragments, and after confirming that there were no serious consequences, he walked out, and at the same time comforted the entourage that he was safe. But Deng Jiaxian knew in his heart that he was very likely to have been exposed to plutonium 239, which would have a very serious impact on his body.

A few days later, he returned to the Beijing Hospital for a comprehensive examination. The results of the examination showed that his urine contained strong radioactivity, the chromosomes in the white blood cells had been powdered, and the liver had also been damaged to a certain extent.

His wife Xu Luxi was very angry when she heard the news. In order to prevent his wife from worrying, Deng Jiaxian told his wife that he was only urinating abnormally. But Xu Luxi quickly understood the real situation, and she quarreled: "You did this, why did you have to take it up and take a look at it?"

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian took a photo with his wife Xu Luxi

Deng Jiaxian said: "I signed the test on the field. I must see what it looks like. If possible, I will continue to test in the future. At the same time, I also need to see how large its radiation area is."

Deng Jia first knew that there might not be much time left for him, so he decided to do something within his power for the party and the country in the remaining years. His wife Xu Luxi has always tried every means to restore her husband's body, but no matter what she does, Deng Jiaxian's body is aging faster and faster.

In 1985, Deng Jia was diagnosed with rectal cancer , and the hospital immediately performed an operation on him. After this operation, Deng Jiaxian's white blood cell was too low and could not be treated. On the advice of the doctor, he returned home for recuperation.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian

After being discharged from the hospital, Deng Jia first took his wife to the stall and temple to buy all kinds of delicious food, and enthusiastically told him what happened around him. Deng Jiaxian knew that he didn’t have much time, so he said to Xu Luxi: "Xixi, now I have two things that I have not finished yet, a proposal and a book."

in the last paragraph In time, Deng Jiaxian worked day and night and finally completed the "China's Ten-Year Nuclear Weapons Development Proposal." His wife Xu Luxi was very anxious, and she hated herself for not being able to help her husband in any way.

When Deng Jiaxian came home for the last time,He walked with his wife Xu Luxi to the family courtyard, Bayi Lake, etc. They sat down in the pavilion by the lake. Deng Jia looked at Xu Luxi's hair first, his eyes froze.

"Jiaxian, what are you looking at?"

"Your hair is longer, so it looks more beautiful."

At this time, there was a burst of singing from the lake: "I want to go There, there is no war, I want to go there, there is the fragrance of chrysanthemums, I want to go there, there is my good girl."

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Deng Jiaxian and Xu Luxi are in Xiangshan

In the morning, Deng Jiaxian and his wife came to Tiananmen Square. He tightly grasped his wife's hand and stood for a long time under the fluttering five-star red flag. Xu Luxi's eyes became ruddy, and she knew in her heart that her husband was reluctantly bidding farewell to the world.

On July 28, 1986, Deng Jiaxian was bleeding heavily. When he woke up from a coma for the last time, he said to Xu Luxi: "If there is an afterlife, I will still choose China, the nuclear weapons business, and you. The body is the country. This heart is for you. Only the motherland and you must not fail."

The tears on both sides of Xu Luxi's cheeks have already emerged. He did not expect that he had been separated from her husband for 28 years, less than a year after being together, and it would end up like this.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Xu Luxi accompanied Deng Jiaxian in Beijing Hospital

The next day, Deng Jiaxian passed away. Xu Luxi buried her next to her mother in accordance with the last wish left by her husband. Deng Jiaxian has devoted too much to the motherland in his life, but he has too little to accompany his family. He hopes to make up for it in this way.

After Deng Jiaxian passed away,The central leadership specifically asked Xu Luxi about the difficulties and requirements, but Xu Luxi said: "Please send experts from the medical team to check the health of the comrades at the base. Their lives are really difficult."

As soon as the condition was raised, everyone present shed tears.

In 1986, Deng Jiaxian became seriously ill. Before he died, his wife Xu Luxi cried bitterly. - DayDayNews

Xu Luxi in his later years

After Deng Jia left, Xu Luxi's residence has been kept as it was, because this house is full of traces of Deng Jiaxian's work and life. In 2019, Xu Luxi said in an interview in the small house: "I am 91 this year, if he is still there, it would be 95."

This year is the 35th anniversary of Deng Jiaxian's death. If he can see that he is strong today The motherland must be moved to tears. When you came, you were devastated. When you go, beautiful mountains and rivers. I have a national scholar, unparalleled in the world. This document is only given to great scientists like Deng Jiaxian.


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