Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly: "Comrades, the enemy is two-handed and two-footed just like us. There is nothing to be afraid of. He Long started his career with two kitchen knives, and

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On September 29, 1927, , under the maple tree in Sanwan Village, Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province, Red Army soldiers stood under the tree with their heads lowered.

The failure of several consecutive uprisings made them a little discouraged, and they all looked gloomy.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Comrades, the enemy is two-handed and two-legged like us. There is nothing to be afraid of. He Long started his career with two kitchen knives, and now he is also Become a military commander. We have nearly a thousand people, so what are we afraid of?"

After hearing these words, the soldiers suddenly raised their heads, and their morale increased obviously.

What the chairman doesn't know is that He Long, commander of the Twentieth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, has become a glorious Communist Party member.

Speaking of Mr. He’s journey to join the party, it can be said to have been full of twists and turns.

According to his recollection, he applied dozens of times before successfully joining the party.

What is even less known is that during the Nanchang Uprising, He Long, who was holding the baton, was actually a non-party person at the time.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

He Long

Why did He Long, who had already become the leader of the army, persist in joining the Communist Party?

And why was his road to joining the party so difficult?

All this starts from the beginning of He Long's revolutionary career...

Two kitchen knives for revolution

One noon in 1903, the sound of reading loudly came from the private school in Hongjiaguan, Sangzhi County, Hunan, and the children shook their heads. I followed my husband and recited ancient Chinese prose.

But the children in the back row were whispering and plotting something, and from time to time they glanced at a boy in the front row with his back straight.

After the class ended, the private school teacher closed the book with a "snap" and then said:

"Let's have lunch first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole classroom became active, and the teacher also took his belongings and left.

At this time, the children in the back row were carrying lunch boxes and swaggering to the front, led by the young master of the village landlord.

He raised his foot and kicked away the boy's deskmate, then sat down on the empty seat. Then he took out a gun from his waist and shot the boy on the ground directly under his seat.


The sound of gunfire was accompanied by the screams of the children. They were scared to death and hid in the corner.

Only the boy didn't frown. He just glanced at the young master, chuckled disdainfully, and took a big mouthful of rice.

This calm boy is seven-year-old He Long.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

He Long

The ancestors of the He family had a career in martial arts, and the family was originally relatively well off. However, He Long's grandfather sold off all the family property in order to build the Hongjiaguan Bridge in the village, leaving only a few acres of thin farmland in the hands of He's father.

Although the money was not passed down, the family tradition of martial arts was firmly passed down to He Long's generation.

He is proficient in wielding swords, boxing and sticks.

Not only that, he is also famous for his boldness in the village.

At that time, the He family was reduced to poor peasants, and it was common for landlords and gentry to come to ask for rent.

Whenever he saw that most of the food his family had worked so hard to grow had gone into the pockets of villains, He Long couldn't help but clenched his fists. Sometimes he couldn't bear it any more, so he gritted his teeth, swung his sickle and struck at the gang.

And he is not only standing up for his own family, he will stand up whenever he encounters poor people being bullied similarly.

But a young He Long's strength is really too little.

When the landlord's servant broke into the farmhouse with a native gun to steal grain, the sickle in his hand was so vulnerable.

And every resistance brings more severe retaliation.

This is why he was "provoked" by the landlord's son in school.

I saw that the farmers' surplus grain had doubled, but the landowners were getting richer and richer.

Under such circumstances, the private school teacher talked about monarchs and ministers all day long, which became what He Long hated the most.

Within a few years, natural disasters struck.

Hongjiaguan A flood made it even more difficult for the already poor He family to uncover the blame.

Of course, the family had no money to support He Long’s education.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Old photos of the caravan

In this regard, as a teenager, he did not hesitate at all. He borrowed a mule from a neighbor and followed the caravan to Sichuan and Hubei, making a living by transporting salt and selling medicine.

He is not tall and often has to rest on the bench to reach the goods on the back of the animal.

Ke He Long never complained about being tired, nor did he easily ask for help. He just carried it on day by day.

Not only that, He Long’s integrity and boldness have not been dulled by the hardships of life.

In the era when the feudal dynasty came to an end, officials and bandits had no boundaries.

Sometimes they work hard, but all their wages are withheld by the Salt Bureau, and they can’t get a penny.

finally got some money to support his family, and he still had to use it to honor the government officials or provide for the officers and soldiers guarding the city gate.

After all this, the money left in my hands cannot even cover food and clothing.

What’s even more hateful is that there are always people who are greedy.

When they arrived in Enshi, Hubei, an officer and soldier guarding the city gate threatened them with a spear and asked them to hand over all their money, just like bandits.

Unable to bear it, He Long stood at the front of the team, grabbed the spear and pointed it at the throats of the officers and soldiers.

I saw veins popping up on his forehead, his red bloodshot eyes staring at the opponent, and he said gloomily:

"You can get money, but you can pay for your life."

Unexpectedly, the officers and soldiers were really frightened by him. , and calmly made way for the caravan to pass.

Since then, He Long has become a minor celebrity in the caravan, and everyone is willing to partner with him.

Such things happened one after another, and He Long gradually saw the world clearly.

The building is about to collapse, and the officers and soldiers are just a group of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong. When they encounter ruthless characters like him, they can't be tough at all. If they have soldiers and guns in their hands, they will not dare to act recklessly.

It was also from this time on that He Long determined to build his own team and create a better future for the working people.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

The Revolution of 1911 Uprising Army

In 1911, the gunshots of the Revolution of 1911 resounded across the land of China, and the Qing government fell to the ground.

He Long finally saw the torch of revolution, The Three People's Principles made him feel like a spring breeze, and he was determined to follow Sun Yat-sen in making revolution.

did what he said. He immediately returned to Hongjiaguan to contact people with lofty ideals and carry out anti-feudal revolutionary activities.

Because of the popularity he has accumulated since childhood, He Long responded almost instantly.

As long as the young adults in the village could hold a gun and wield a bat, all of them joined his revolutionary team.

Since then, the slogan "Follow He Long to make a revolution" has been shouted by the people of xiangxi for decades.

In 1914, under the introduction of Chen Tunan, a member of the Chinese Revolutionary Party, He Long officially joined the Chinese Revolutionary Party.

A year later, Cai E revolted in Yunnan, and the movement to challenge Yuan Huguo emerged.

At this time, He Long also accepted the instructions of the Revolutionary Party and prepared to organize local armed forces and revolt on the spot.

What made him embarrassed was that although he already had more than 20 teams of farmers, they didn't have a single gun.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

When He Long was at a loss, someone suddenly came to his door.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Cai E

At that time, the tax police of the Bamaoxi Salt Bureau had just obtained more than ten foreign guns, and they showed off their power all day long, carrying guns on their backs and swaggering through the market.

After hearing this, He Long's frown suddenly relaxed. He laughed heartily and waved his hand:

"Brothers, let's go get the guns!"

You must know that the caravan brothers suffered a lot when selling salt. These vicious tax policemen made things difficult for me, and a lot of hard-earned money went into their pockets.

Now that there is such an opportunity to settle old and new accounts together, everyone should strongly support it.

That night, He Long borrowed two kitchen knives from others, took more than 20 farmers, and walked towards the Salt Bureau in the dark.

When he got there, he knocked open the door with four people shoulder to shoulder.

In an instant, everyone rushed in, and the Salt Bureau suddenly became a mess.

Under the command of He Long, they first controlled the sentry, and then found the director who was hiding under the bed and shivering.

Before long, he grabbed the director's collar and pulled him out from under the bed, yelling:

"Where's the gun?"

The director's feet were shaking like a sieve, and he pointed tremblingly. Pointing to upstairs.

In the end, He Long successfully seized more than a dozen rifles, pistols and thousands of kilograms of salt.

Later, he ordered all the salt to be distributed to the poor, and then armed his team with these dozen guns.

Relying on these weapons and the good reputation gained along the way, more and more people joined He Long's team, and the peasant army of dozens of people gradually grew to the size of hundreds.

He also rose from a small boss to the commander of the Hunan Army Border Guard Force.

This is the story of "two kitchen knives making a revolution" told by Chairman Mao at the Sanwan Adaptation Conference.

But He Long, who is in a high position, is not happy at all.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Sun Yat-sen

He looked back on his days in the army, followed Sun Yat-sen for several years of revolution, and finally overthrew the Qing government, and then came another Yuan Shikai.

Now that "Yuan Datou" is dead, the whole country is still in disarray.

Warlords from all walks of life support their troops and respect themselves, but the people still have a good meal but not a good meal.

He Long couldn't understand why every time justice fought, the final result was unsatisfactory.

It wasn't until 1920 that a friend came to visit, and he began to find the answer to the question...

Taking off his leather shoes and wearing straw sandals

In 1920, He Long led his troops to Taoyuan, Changde, Hunan, to take charge of the defense of the lower reaches of the Yuanshui River.

One day, Chen Nantu suddenly visited and brought a new friend Fang Hanru.

When old friends get together, there is naturally a lot to talk about.

He Long asked his men to buy a chicken and two kilograms of aged wine from a fellow villager's house, and the three of them talked for a whole night.

Chen Tunan talked enthusiastically about the "anarchism" he believed in.

But He Long, who was sitting opposite, frowned when he heard this. He knew clearly that

the biggest problem in China now is that there is no strong backbone. Several forces work on their own and seek their own interests, so the country will become what it is today. It looks like it is falling apart. This kind of doctrine is just empty talk and harming the country.

He shook his head silently, turned to look at Fang Hanru, poured him a glass of wine, and asked:

"Mr. Fang, what do you think?"

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Russian October Revolution Oil Painting

Fang Hanru took a sip of the wine and said with a smile :

"I think Marxism is the path suitable for China. The October Revolution is a precedent."

"Marxism? Why do you say that, sir?"

He Long became interested after hearing this and asked him to elaborate.

Then, Fang Hanru introduced him to the Russian October Revolution and socialism.

He Long's eyes lit up when he heard that the Russian Communist Party led the workers to overthrow the feudal monarchy and let the peasants become masters. Isn't this what he is pursuing?

He immediately asked Fang Hanru:

"Is there really a political party that realizes communism and socialism in the world?"

"Yes, the Communist International ."

Fang Hanru looked at him firmly and replied.

Ever since this night, He Long has been looking forward to the emergence of such a political party in China.

Unfortunately, when the CCP was secretly established in Shanghai in 1921, He Long was leading his troops in fierce battles with warlords in Hunan, Sichuan and Guizhou, and knew nothing about it.

During this period, He Long led his troops to participate in dozens of battles, large and small, but the domestic situation still did not change at all.

drove away a group of warlords, and the victorious party took over the land and became the new warlord.

He Long was bored and distressed. He said to Liu Dawu, who had been his friend for many years:

"Sun Yat-sen's intentions are just, but the problem is that he simply relies on the warlords. These people are mothers if they have breasts, and sooner or later they will be unreliable. "

Seeing the situation getting worse day by day, He Long was worried.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

He Long

It was not until 1926, when He Long led his troops to join the National Revolutionary Army of the Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation and was appointed commander of the 1st Division of the 9th Army that he had the opportunity to truly come into contact with the Communist Party.

At that time, Zhou Yiqun, a member of the Communist Party of China, was appointed to the 9th Army as the director of the Division Political Department.

The two hit it off, He Long held his hand tightly and said excitedly:

"Thanks to your father-in-law's relief food, our army has survived today."

It turns out that two years ago, He Long led his troops to station in Zhouyi Qun's hometown, Tongren County, Guizhou Province, was experiencing a shortage of military pay for his troops, but he was strict in running the army and would rather go hungry than bother the people.

After Zhou Yiqun's father-in-law learned about it, he personally brought dozens of loads of millet to find it, and the army was able to overcome the difficulty.

To this day, He Long still remembers that Zhou’s father-in-law once proudly said:

“You are the second team I have ever seen that did not harm the common people.

And this first team was my son-in-law Zhou Yiqun’s team, which was also composed of The leader of the Communist Party, Zhou Enlai, personally led it. "

He Long also learned at that time that China already had its own Communist Party.

From then on, he had been looking forward to meeting the Communists.

Now that his wish has come true, he can't hide his excitement.

In the following days, He Long saw with his own eyes the capabilities of the Communist Party.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

He Long

As we all know, He Long's troops were developed from relatives and fellow villagers.

Therefore, the cohesion of the entire army mostly comes from respect for him, and it is more of a kind of moral justice.

But since Zhou Yiqun did political work, the spirit of the Ninth Army took on a new look, and the army began to have strict discipline.

This inevitably made He Long look at him with admiration.

In addition, while chatting with Zhou Yiqun, he also gained a deeper understanding of Marxism and the Communist Party of China.

The next day, He Long pulled Zhou Yiqun aside, straightened his clothes, and said seriously:

"Old Zhou, after some comparison, the Communist Party is better. I want to join the Communist Party, but I don't know if that is possible? I have no education. I had no choice but to apply verbally."

Zhou Yiqun paused, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, not knowing how to speak.

He Long's character and sincerity can be trusted.

It was just that there were regulations within the party at that time, which prohibited the recruitment of senior officers into the party within friendly forces.

He Long, as the division commander of the Ninth Army of the National Revolutionary Army, naturally does not meet the requirements for joining the party.

So Zhou Yiqun decided to report the matter to his superiors first. He could only say to He Long tactfully:

"Our party warmly welcomes you, but you have to undergo more severe tests to join our party organization. I hope we can Fighting side by side. "

In this way, Mr. He's first application to join the party came to nothing.

Fortunately, everyone is on the same front, and even if they cannot join the party, they can still fight side by side.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Zhou Yiqun

In 1927, He Long was promoted to commander of the 20th Army of the National Revolutionary Army with his outstanding military exploits.

On April 12 of the same year, Chiang Kai-shek launched a counter-revolutionary coup, and this line of life and death was cut off by him.

The generals of the Northern Expeditionary Army were all faced with the problem of choosing sides.

Compared with the poor Communist Party, the "glossy" Kuomintang has become the choice of most people.

Generals from all walks of life have implemented the policy of "purging the Communist Party" within their jurisdiction, or "sending the Communist Party out of the country as gifts".

However, He Long, who is stationed in Wuhan, has no intention of collaborating.

Chiang Kai-shek sent people to win over him, and specially sent him a set of gorgeous military uniforms and leather shoes. He promised to make him a member of the Kuomintang Central Committee, Chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee , and also presented him with a large ocean-going building in Nanjing.

He Long cleared the soot and without even raising his eyelids, he said, "We have different political views" and threw the stranger out together with his military uniform and leather shoes.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Chiang Kai-shek

Then, He Long found Zhou Yiqun and said firmly:

"All Communists working in my army should not leave. Continue to work with confidence and boldness. I am absolutely responsible for safety."

At the same time, Wuhan Three Towns Posted the "Regulations on Recruitment of Students and Engineers in the Twentieth Army of the National Revolutionary Army", announcing that all aspiring young people are eligible to sign up and can join the Twentieth Army if they pass the exam.

In this way, Communist Party members and progressive young people can enter the 20th Army through reasonable and legal channels, and no one can make mistakes.

Huang Lin, Tang Jitian, Chen Geng, Fan Changjiang and other Communists who were "courtesy sent out" by other troops were all "courtesy welcomed" into the 20th Army and held important positions.

During this period, the Twentieth Army's offices in Wuchang and Hankou became reliable strongholds to protect Communist Party members.

In addition, He Long also personally received Zhu De, who was "gifted" from Nanchang , and sent troops to safely escort Zhu De and the sick Liu Shaoqi to Jiujiang .

These righteous deeds of his have attracted great attention from the Communist Party.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Zhou Enlai

On July 1, 1927, accompanied by Zhou Yiqun, Zhou Enlai, then member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made a special trip to visit He Long.

Zhou Enlai held He Long's hand and said gratefully:

"The wind is strong, we admire you very much."

He Long immediately said:

"I don't deserve the admiration. I have always pursued something that can make the workers and peasants live a good life." Political parties."

Then he invited Zhou Enlai to the table and handed him the tea himself.

That night, Zhou Enlai analyzed the situation at hand for him.

"Now that the Northern Expedition has been victorious, it is a critical moment. Wang, Jiang and others are rebelling in the name of Mr. Sun at this time, which shows that they put rights before national interests. In such a leader It is impossible for the working people to stand up in their hands."

He Long nodded frequently, his eyes shining, admiring Zhou Enlai's foresight.

Early the next morning, he found Zhou Yiqun again and asked about joining the party:

"What Mr. Zhou said last night played a decisive role in raising my proletarian consciousness. I want to apply to join the Communist Party again."

Zhou Yiqun shot He patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Commander He, the door of the Communist Party is open. If you pass the test, someone will take the initiative to find you."

It didn't take long before He Long ushered in the big test to join the party.

joined the Communist Party as he wished. On July 15, 1927, Wang Jingwei implemented the "division of the Communist Party" in Wuhan, and Hanning merged.

He Long ordered people to hang the military flags of the Twentieth Army at the entrances of major trade unions and farmers' associations where Communists gathered, and sent heavy troops to guard them to resolutely prevent the reactionaries from raiding them.

Within two days, Tan Pingshan, member of the Provisional Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China , met with He Long and told him that the party was preparing to launch the Wuchang Uprising in Nanchang and hoped that the Twelfth Army would join the insurrectionary army.

He Long slapped his chest and said excitedly:

"Agree! This has been done a long time ago. Thank you to the Party Central Committee for trusting me. I have only one sentence. I completely obey the party's command."

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Tan Pingshan

July 27 of the same year , the entire 20th Army was concentrated in Nanchang.

The next day, accompanied by Tan Pingshan, Zhou Enlai personally came to the headquarters of the 20th Army on Zigu Road and elaborated on the plan of the Nanchang Uprising. After

finished speaking, he suddenly stood up, straightened his hat, and looked at He Long with a serious expression.

He Long also stood up consciously and looked over without knowing why.

Before he could ask questions, Zhou Enlai spoke in a deep voice:

"Comrade He Long, the first order the Communist Party of China gives you is to appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the rebel army!"

Hearing this, He Long's eyes suddenly widened, and the look on his face The surprise is evident.

was stunned for a while, as if he remembered something. The smile on his face disappeared, he lowered his eyes, sighed, and said hesitantly:

"But I haven't joined the party yet..."

Tan Pingshan saw a generation of fierce generals revealed. With such a lonely look, he couldn't help but joke:

"Lao He, if you want to be the commander-in-chief, you must join the Communist Party. You can't do it without joining the party."

This sentence simply spoke to He Long's heart. He turned his head and looked at Tan. Pingshan:

"I have applied several times, and now I am applying to join the party again. Can you be my recommender?"

Tan Pingshan readily agreed.

With his wish fulfilled, the next thing He Long has to do is to submit a satisfactory answer sheet.

htmlIn the pre-war mobilization meeting on July 30, He Long stood on the stage, looking at the soldiers below with burning eyes, threw away the cattail leaf fan in his hand, and his loud voice echoed throughout the army.

"Everyone knows that the Kuomintang has betrayed the revolution and is dead. Today we will raise the revolutionary flag again, oppose the reactionary government, and overthrow Chiang Kai-shek!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers raised their arms together and shouted in unison. Call:

"Oppose the reactionary government and overthrow Chiang Kai-shek!"

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

Nanchang Uprising Oil Painting

html At four o'clock in the morning on August 1, with three gunshots, the Nanchang Uprising broke out. The insurrectionary army led by the Communist Party of China launched an armed campaign against the reactionaries of the Revolutionary Party. First shot!

Soldiers of the 20th Army launched an attack on the defenders at the old feudal government office, Dashiyuan Street and other places.

Ye Ting's 24th Division of the 11th Army launched an attack on the defenders of Songbai Lane Catholic Church, New Barracks and other places.

At the headquarters less than 200 meters away from the enemy, He Long and the leaders stood calmly in the hail of bullets, letting the bullets slip past their ears, and calmly directed the battle.

After four hours of fierce fighting, the flag of the rebel army was raised high on the top of Nanchang City.

Subsequently, the rebel army moved southward and marched towards Guangzhou.

He Long led his troops to occupy Ruijin City. During the rest of the army, he once again applied for party membership.

In the end, under the recommendation of Zhou Yiqun and Tan Pingshan, combined with He Long's years of loyalty to the party and his outstanding performance in the Nanchang Uprising, He Long's application for party membership was unanimously approved after discussion at the branch meeting.

And his swearing-in ceremony for joining the party was presided over by Zhou Enlai himself.

At the end of August, the scorching sun of early autumn cast a golden veil over the Ruijin earth.

On the banks of the Jinjiang River, the solemn " Internationale " came from a school classroom.

On the podium, two soldiers stood upright holding the party flag.

He Long was dressed in military uniform and resolutely raised his right fist to swear an oath to the party.

looked at the golden sickle among the bright red, and a drop of clear tears fell from his cheek.

Chairman Mao stepped up to the high platform in one stride. After scanning for a week, he cleared his throat and said loudly:

He Long

Thirty-one-year-old He Long finally realized his greatest long-cherished wish in this life.


Regarding Mr. He’s experience of joining the Party, there have been many rumors among the people. He himself once said:

“Some materials say that I sought the Party seventy times, but I can’t remember clearly. There was not seventy times. I’m afraid. There must be dozens of times! "

But no matter what, from Hongjiaguan to Ruijin, from caravan personnel to Chinese Communist Party members, He Long proved his determination to stand with the working people with the greatest sincerity.

In the war years, he, who was already a military commander, could have enjoyed the fine clothes and food in peace, but he was unwilling to step on the backs of the working people, so he resolutely threw away his leather shoes and put on straw sandals to make revolution.

’s courage and spirit are worth learning from each of us!


Beijing branch life: "The Trilogy of Marshal He Long's Joining the Party"

Inheritance: "He Long's Road to Joining the Party"

Extensive Party History: "Pursuing the Truth and Following the Party Wholeheartedly - A Record of He Long's Joining the Party After》

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