She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of "routine loans" to viciously and insidiously

2024/07/0209:47:33 history 1558

She is a notorious female gang boss born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female college graduates, but secretly she sets up a series of " routine loan ", viciously and insidiously destroying countless families, and will never drain them of their last penny. give up. So, who is this female gang boss? What has she done? What is the final outcome? Like it, today we will tell the story of Yang Chunyan , a female gangster born in the 90s.

She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of

In 1991, Yang Chunyan was born in an ordinary family in Chaohu , Anhui Province. Different from those gangsters who had been naughty and mischievous since childhood, Yang Chunyan was very sensible when she was a child. She never asked her parents for anything beyond her capabilities. Every day she was not When I am studying, I am helping my family with some chores within my ability. The parents are very pleased to see their daughter being so sensible. They adopted a free-range approach and gave Yang Chunyan as much personal space as possible for her to study.

When Yang Chunyan grew up, she lived up to her parents' expectations. She was admitted to a good university. In college, Yang Chunyan still studied and lived diligently every day as she did when she was a child, and never caused trouble to her parents and teachers. A few years later, Yang Chunyan successfully graduated and came to Shanghai to pursue her dream amidst the sound of blessings.

In a prosperous big city, it is not easy to find your favorite job, but it is still easy to find a job that can make a living. Soon, Yang Chunyan came to a loan company and started collection work. After working at

for a while, Yang Chunyan discovered that this company was actually not that formal. Companies often ask people to borrow money through various methods. After the loan was released, the debt was doubled crazily through various operations. Relying on this method, the company can be said to have made a lot of money.

Yang Chunyan was tempted when she saw how profitable this model was. She worked hard to learn the process, trying to figure out how this business worked. Soon, she figured out the trick.

After mastering the so-called rules, Yang Chunyan was no longer satisfied with being a wage earner. She decided that she would also open such a company to make a lot of money.

However, starting a company is not just a matter of talk. At this time, Yang Chunyan only had this idea and did not have the ability to realize it. However, the addition of colleagues Shen Quantao and Zhang Yunlei gave Yang Chunyan hope. After learning about Yang Chunyan's idea, Shen Quantao and Zhang Yunlei said that they had the same intention and it was better for them to work together as a partnership.

She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of

With the help of her peers, Yang Chunyan made up her mind to open a company of her own. So she quit her job and, together with two others, used all her savings as start-up capital to start a business. After their efforts, the company was officially opened.

At this time, if Yang Chunyan could run the company diligently and do regular business, she might have a bright future. But money is fatal to people's corrosion. Faced with the huge temptation of interests, Yang Chunyan failed to keep her heart, and she began to gradually transform into a devil.

In the beginning, Yang Chunyan set the interest rate very low in order to attract business. But even so, not many people came to her to borrow money. In order to find customers, Yang Chunyan either made sales calls in the store or handed out flyers on the streets every day. With her efforts, more people borrowed money.

Yang Chunyan is very pleased to see the company improving little by little. However, before Yang Chunyan could be happy for a few days, new troubles came to her door. The main income of Yang Chunyan's company is interest. People borrow money and repay it with interest, so that the company can make money. If the borrower refuses to pay back the money after taking it, the company will inevitably suffer losses. Unfortunately, many of the borrowers Yang Chunyan encountered were old people who were prepared not to repay the money. In order to get money from these people, Yang Chunyan tried her best.

At first, she and her employees would go door-to-door to collect debts, but with little success. Later, under the advice of Shen Quantao and Shen Quantao, Yang Chunyan decided to outsource the matter and find a professional debt collector to help her collect money. From this moment on, Yang Chunyan embarked on a dark path.

2. The cruel gangster who runs Chaohu is actually a beautiful graduate student born in the 1990s. What exactly is going on? After the company

was opened, many accounts could not be collected. In order to solve this problem, Yang Chunyan found a local gang that looked after people and asked them to help her recover her debts. Those who can associate with the underworld are basically people who do not follow principles and have no bottom line. In order to get their money back, they dare to use any dirty tricks. Under their operation, the money Yang Chunyan lent was quickly returned.

Looking at the steady stream of profits, Yang Chunyan's inner greed was successfully awakened, and she actually planned to make a fortune in this way. After

, she worked harder to win over customers and began to set traps for them to squeeze out every penny they had.

At that time, there was a clothing store on the commercial street that was about to close down. The owner, Ms. Li, was worried about being unable to pay next month's rent because of a lack of funds. At this time, a phone call solved her urgent need. On the other end of the phone was someone from Yang Chunyan's company, who promised to lend Ms. Li 8,000 yuan without any collateral, as long as she left some information. As for repayment, Ms. Li only needs to repay 400 yuan per week until the principal and interest are paid off.

She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of

Ms. Li, who was troubled by money, did not expect that this would be a routine. In her opinion, although the interest rate of this company is a bit high, it only costs 400 per month, which is not something she cannot afford. As long as we can survive the current crisis and when business picks up, the money will naturally be paid back. Therefore, Ms. Li quickly signed the contract and received the loan.

It is worth mentioning that Ms. Li's contract stated that she would borrow 8,000 yuan, but the actual money that came to her was only 6,000 yuan. The middle 2,000 yuan was withheld by Yang Chunyan's company in the name of handling fees. . However, Ms. Li, who was eager for money, couldn't care about so much at this time. She felt that two thousand was just two thousand, which was not a big sum of money. She could just pay it back when business slowed down.

After receiving the money, Ms. Li quickly paid the rent and continued to run the clothing store. Perhaps as luck would have it, her business actually improved. Countless people came in to look at the clothes every day. At the busiest time, Ms. Li didn't even bother to take a bite.

In such a busy situation, Ms. Li ignored the repayment time in the first week. By the time she remembered to repay the loan, she was already one day overdue. However, even though it was overdue, Ms. Li was not in a hurry. She thought that it would only be one day and she would be fine if she still got it. But she obviously underestimated Yang Chunyan's speed. After discovering that Ms. Li was overdue, Yang Chunyan immediately called and informed Ms. Li that she had breached the contract and needed to pay a high amount of liquidated damages as required.

Faced with Yang Chunyan's excessive demands, Ms. Li naturally refused to agree. She came to Yang Chunyan's company with the contract she signed at the time and wanted to ask for an explanation. As a result, after arriving here, not only did she not see Yang Chunyan's face, but she was trapped by a group of people. This group of people blocked her in a room for more than ten hours and kept forcing her to pay back the money. During these ten hours, they did not allow Ms. Li to drink or eat. Ms. Li was frightened by this group of people, and in the end, she had to grit her teeth and accept the liquidated damages. Although

accepted the debt, the liquidated damages were too high and Ms. Li was unable to raise so much money at the moment. She begged Yang Chunyan's people to give her a few days of grace. After Yang Chunyan learned of Ms. Li's request, she came over personally and told Ms. Li that it doesn't matter if she doesn't have money. I know a company not far from here. You can go to them to borrow money and pay it back to us. Then you can pay them back. Money will do.

After hearing Yang Chunyan's idea, Ms. Li was helpless and had no choice but to nod in agreement. In this way, after she borrowed money to pay off the debt, she fell into a new round of debt crisis. In order to make up for this funding gap, she had to borrow money from the companies recommended by Yang Chunyan many times. In this process of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, Ms. Li's debt snowball grew bigger and bigger, and eventually it reached as much as 720,000.

Looking at these sky-high debts, Ms. Li collapsed. All she really got was the more than 6,000 yuan, but now she owes a huge sum of 720,000 yuan. As a small business owner, how can she pay it off in her lifetime? ? Desperate Ms. Li decided that if she didn't return it, she wouldn't believe those people could eat her.

She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of

3. A beautiful graduate student born in the 1990s, her true identity is actually a local female gang boss. From a good girl to a beautiful snake, what is the final outcome of Yang Chunyan?

After Yang Chunyan found out that Ms. Li refused to repay the loan, she immediately called a group of gang members and asked them to handle the matter. These gangsters took their craziness to the extreme. They actually found Ms. Li's hometown, invited a funeral procession to sing for several days and nights, and made Ms. Li's grandmother seriously ill.

After learning about the situation in her hometown, Ms. Li was so anxious that she had no choice but to sell the shop and house to collect 720,000 yuan and give it to Yang Chunyan. At this point, Yang Chunyan was willing to let her go.

Six thousand yuan was exchanged for more than 700,000 yuan. Yang Chunyan was dazzled by this crazy profit. She began to search for money more intensively, and Mr. Tao became another unfortunate person.

Mr. Tao borrowed 10,000 yuan from Yang Chunyan's company because he was short of money. Likewise, after various handling fees, he only received a few thousand yuan. Afterwards, he repaid the money in accordance with the contract and it was never overdue. But Yang Chunyan, who was blinded by money, only wanted to get the money, regardless of whether the other party repaid the money normally.

One day, Mr. Tao suddenly received a phone call. The person on the other end of the phone told him that his repayment violated a certain clause in the contract and he needed to pay 20,000 yuan in liquidated damages. After receiving the call, Mr. Tao became angry and decided not to return the money.

But Yang Chunyan is not afraid that he will not pay it back. Yang Chunyan directly led several tough men to Mr. Tao's home and invited his two family members to sit in his company. After learning about his family's situation, Mr. Tao was shocked and frightened, so he hurriedly collected 20,000 yuan to send them away. But what Yang Chunyan wants is not the 20,000 yuan, but all of Mr. Tao's belongings. Under Yang Chunyan's coercion and inducement, Mr. Tao finally had to sign a huge repayment contract and empty his family's pockets to repay.

In addition to them, there was also Boss Wang, who ran a shop, who was also miserably harmed by Yang Chunyan and others. At that time, Boss Wang's shop was almost on the verge of bankruptcy due to lack of cash flow. At this critical moment, people from Yang Chunyan's gang gave him a sales call and told him that he could borrow money without mortgage. Desperate, Boss Wang immediately borrowed 80,000 yuan and repaid the money according to the contract.

However, less than a month later, Boss Wang was informed that the money he now owed had reached 350,000.

She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of

Boss Wang certainly did not agree with this statement, but when his parents who were still alive in his hometown were mourned in public, Boss Wang had to sell his house to repay the debt, and he has lived a renting life with no fixed abode ever since.

Later, Yang Chunyan set her sights on a boy with an intellectual disability. She used sweet words to trick boys into borrowing money, and then frantically increased the debt countless times. Although the boy has an intellectual disability, he still has some consciousness. After seeing that the matter was beyond his understanding, he immediately told his family about it.

There is only one grandfather in the boy's family. The grandfather has been frugal all his life and saved a house, which he plans to leave to his grandson as a place to stay. But Yang Chunyan sent people to the door and continued to use despicable methods to force the old man to sell the house and pay back the money. In the end, the poor grandfather and grandson were forced to lose their only home.

Relying on these shady means, Yang Chunyan made millions of ill-gotten gains in just two years. After she got rich, she began to take the postgraduate entrance examination and successfully became a graduate student in a university. After that, she continued to trick others crazily while reading. Under her instructions, those gangsters repeatedly bullied and harassed debtors. One debtor's wife was even about to give birth, and they forced her out of the house and lived on the streets.

As the old saying goes, good and evil will be rewarded in the end. After more than two years of madness, Yang Chunyan's evil deeds were exposed, and the iron fist of justice quickly fell.In the end, Yang Chunyan received 25 years of punishment.

She is a notorious female gangster born in the 1990s who will do anything to make money. On the surface, she portrays the intellectual image of female graduate students in colleges and universities, but secretly she sets up a series of

If Yang Chunyan had not let money corrupt her soul, but had gone to work in a down-to-earth manner, according to her learning ability, she would definitely have good results. However, Yang Chunyan indulged her inner greed and allowed herself to become a slave to money, which ultimately harmed herself and countless families. Such an ending is disappointing. In this regard, do you have anything to say in front of the screen? Please put your thoughts in the comment area.

Well, today’s story ends here. Friends who like it, don’t forget to like and follow. See you next time.

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