In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend

2024/06/2215:49:32 history 1828

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of US imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteer troops to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war depends not only on the soldiers on the front line. The bloody battle, the correct command of the party and state leaders, and important factors such as materials, weapons and equipment, and food. For this reason, the China Federation to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea launched a vigorous patriotic convention movement.

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

The Patriotic Pact Movement launched in 1951 was a massive and extensive mass movement that was creatively carried out by the people during the 1919 War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and was widely launched by the party and the government. It started during the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and ended with the end of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. Although it was short-lived, it played an important role at the time.

The Patriotic Pact Movement was a movement to support the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea with the main content of donating, increasing production, and saving money. It played a major role in strengthening our country's national defense, increasing industrial and agricultural production, maintaining price stability, and improving work efficiency.

In order to support the soldiers who sacrificed their lives and shed blood on the front, people across the country lived frugally. During the Patriotic Pact activities, a total of donations of more than 5.5 trillion yuan were purchased, 3,710 fighter jets were provided, and more than 5.6 million yuan of combat materials were provided. tons, laying a solid material foundation for victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

In that era of scarcity, the common people tightened their belts and sold iron to support the country. It can be said that this war was not only a victory for the volunteers, but also a victory for the entire Chinese people. When the United States was fighting against imperialism, first-aid medicines containing flour appeared on the front battlefields. After many soldiers used these first-aid medicines that had gone through untold hardships to transport from the rear, not only were they ineffective, they actually increased infections. The soldier who was originally only slightly injured died in the hospital after using medicine.

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

So what exactly is going on, and why didn’t the people in the hospital say anything about it?

Profiteer Wang Kangnian and Li Yinting

After the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea began, logistical support has always been a key point of difficulty. The longer the front line is stretched, the more difficult it is to provide logistics, especially under the bombardment of the US emperor's aircraft and artillery, every transportation of supplies is extremely difficult. , many soldiers died in the logistics transportation, but what Mr. Peng did not expect was that the precious medicines these soldiers exchanged for their lives would kill the injured soldiers at the front.

And the culprits of all this are Wang Kangnian and Li Yinting.

Wang Kangnian was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 1924. He came to Shanghai at the age of 17 and worked as a radio reporter at Daya Radio, a commercial radio station in Shanghai. Since the content broadcast every day was commercial advertisements, Wang Kangnian also started doing business. During this period, he got married. Because his father-in-law was a patrolman in the public concession, Wang Kangnian opened a grocery store in the student building of Tibet Road . With the help of his father-in-law, the business was not bad.

After that, Western medicine in Shanghai exploded, so he started to develop Western medicine. However, at this time, the supply of Western medicine in Shanghai exceeded the demand. Cash must be used to approve the medicine, but he did not have that much capital at all, and even his father-in-law could not help. Seeing the white money flowing into other people's pockets every day, Wang Kangnian thought about it day and night, and finally came up with a way to make money with nothing.

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

He renovated his Daxikang Pharmacy. On the opening day, firecrackers went off and there was a huge crowd. He received a lot of deposits on the same day. However, he did not use the money to purchase goods, but squandered it all. That's it. He made his first fortune in life by buying and selling short.

However, when the delivery time came, Wang Kangnian could not deliver the medicine, and merchants who quickly demanded payment for the goods surrounded his pharmacy, and he also got into a lawsuit.

But New China saved Wang Kangnian.

After Shanghai was liberated, as the state vigorously supported small and medium-sized self-employed businesses, and with the mediation of the industrial and commercial departments and the New Pharmaceutical Association, Wang Kangnian converted all the seized Yan Guangjun drugs into debt and resumed business as a debt-based operation.However, his business style of short-selling, short-selling, and opportunism has not changed, and he has intensified it, setting his sights on the country's pockets.

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

In November 1951, the Volunteer Army Logistics Department went to Shanghai to purchase urgently needed medicines. Wang Kangnian clearly had no goods, but he collected the payment to win the business. However, he did not purchase medicines and equipment according to the order. Instead, he gave some idle medical equipment and auxiliary medicines to After joining the Volunteer Army, he took 300 million in payment and continued to start a speculative business. When a clerk found out that he was shoddy, he sneered and said: "It's okay. Under the American planes and cannons, these medicines can't reach the front line. People will find out."

In selling drugs and medical equipment to 37 state agencies, Wang Kangnian corrupted 85 state workers by paying bribes, soliciting prostitutes, etc. The amount of bribes was more than 20,000 yuan. After defrauding the deposit, he cut corners, passed off inferior materials, and passed off inferior goods as high quality. .

Coincidentally, Wuhan capitalists Li Yinting and Wang Kangnian are also the same breed.

Capitalist After Li Yinting took over the production of first-aid kits for the Volunteer Army, he replaced 10,000 kilograms of good cotton provided by the Volunteer Army with waste cotton, and there were even about 1,000 kilograms of rotten cotton. In order to save money, he also ordered his employees to go to the streets to After picking up cotton from the trash can, these first-aid kits, which were basically unsterilized, were sent to the front line. Many soldiers were forced to have their limbs amputated or even died in rear hospitals after using first-aid kits that contained a large number of bacteria.

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

Mr. Peng was furious

At first, the doctors at the rear hospital had no idea why the soldiers who were originally slightly injured suddenly deteriorated. But as more and more soldiers got worse, the doctors also found out the truth. However, faced with these Everyone has chosen to remain silent about the medical supplies that have been sent through great hardships from China, because they know that it is not easier than it is for them at home, and these supplies must have been transported to the front line out of necessity.

It wasn’t until Mr. Peng came to the hospital to visit the injured soldiers that he got a shocking truth from the soldiers’ mouths. Looking at these soldiers fighting bloody battles on the battlefield, Mr. Peng furiously said on the spot: “Assholes, our soldiers We were fighting to the death with the enemy on the front line, but they were opportunistically opportunistic in the rear!"

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

So General Peng handed over the task of commanding the volunteers to the deputy commander, and he personally brought the inferior medical kit back to the country to meet Chairman Mao. When Chairman Mao saw it, While looking at these "life-saving medicines" from the volunteers, he was speechless for a long time. He never expected that some people would act so boldly and shamelessly. Could it be that their consciences were eaten by dogs.

Chairman Mao immediately sent a telegram to the General Logistics Department to thoroughly investigate the matter, and these speculative wolves must be brought to justice.

It didn't take long for Wang Kangnian, Li Yinting and others to be arrested. At the same time, a group of corrupt officials were also arrested.

In 1951, in order to oppose the hegemony of U.S. imperialism and maintain peace and stability on our northeastern border, the party and state leaders made a decisive decision to send volunteers to support the Korean battlefield. However, the outcome of a war does not only depend  - DayDayNews

On February 28, 1953, the Shanghai People's Court made a judgment on the case: "Wang Kangnian was sentenced to death for three crimes including bribery, tax evasion, and theft of state property. He will be executed immediately!" Li Yinting was sentenced to death in 1952. Sentenced to death.

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