Last time, in the article "Throwing a pen and joining the army on a journey, achieving extraordinary achievements in pacifying the Western Regions", Ban Chao used his outstanding military talents and commanding skills to conquer Shanshan, Khotan and other countries for the imperi

2024/05/2300:25:33 history 1717

Like morning dew, it will be more painful every day.

Generosity should be treated with generosity, and sorrow will be unforgettable. How does

relieve worries? Only Dukang . ------- Cao Cao

said last time in the article "Pitching a pen and joining the army on a journey to conquer the Western Regions and making extraordinary achievements", Ban Chao used his outstanding military talents and commanding skills to serve the imperial court in the Western Regions campaign. Conquered Shanshan , Khotan and other countries.

Then, on the basis of summing up his experience, he took advantage of the conflicts between some countries in the Western Regions, wrote to the court, and proposed a battle plan to use barbarians to control barbarians, and formed Shanshan, Yutian, Shule, Kangju, and Kumi Waiting for the United Nations army, leading more than 10,000 troops, swept away other rebel countries, and thus surrendered Kucha and other countries.

However, there are still dozens of countries to be conquered.

This article will look at how Ban Chao set up the "Hongmen Banquet" and used strange tricks to make these traitors from the Western Regions surrender to the Han Dynasty .

Ban Chao (32-102 years), courtesy name Zhongsheng. A native of Pingling County, Fufeng County (now Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province).

The second son of Ban Biao, a famous military strategist, diplomat and historian in the Eastern Han Dynasty. His eldest brother, Ban Gu, and his younger sister, Ban Zhao, are also famous historians.

Last time, in the article

A "Hongmen Banquet" was held to frighten the enemy with cunning plans and surprise soldiers. In Chapter 4 and the first year (87), Zhong Zhong, who lived in Kang Juguo, finally convinced King Kangju and offered him to King Kangju after hard work. He borrowed troops to fight back to Shule Kingdom and occupied Zhenzhong City.

He also secretly colluded with King Qiuci and pretended to surrender to Banchao, hoping to eliminate the Han army in one fell swoop.

His plot has already been intercepted by Ban Chao, who is well aware of all Zhong's plans.

Zhong sent an envoy to "please surrender". Ban Chao pretended to be very happy, and readily agreed to all the "surrender" conditions and agreed on a "surrender" date.

Zhong was overjoyed, so he led the light cavalry to Banchao's camp as promised.

class prepared the "Hongmen Banquet" for Zhong early.

I saw the Han army camp, decorated with lanterns and colors, loud gongs and drums, dazzling flags, and fragrant wine. It was a lively and welcoming scene.

The guests and hosts sat down at the table according to the etiquette, greeted each other, and drank and chatted together. The atmosphere was warm and the friendship was strong.

The wine has passed three rounds, and the food has passed the five flavors. Just when the "guest" was getting drunk, Ban Chao suddenly gave an order, and the axe-hands who were ambushing behind the scenes swarmed up. In an instant, Zhong's head rolled to the ground, and the other followers were also killed. Seven More than ten people were killed on the spot. The South Road to the Western Region is now open.

In the second year, Ban Chao mobilized Khotan and other countries to form a team of more than 2,500 people and launched another attack on Yarkand.

Yarkand asked for help from the Kingdom of Kucha, and the King of Kucha sent General Zuo to mobilize 50,000 troops from Wensu, Gumo, Weitou and other countries for reinforcements.

Faced with the severe situation of being outnumbered and outnumbered, Ban Chao made another surprising move. He agreed with the King of Khotan that late that night, the King of Khotan would lead his army to the east, and Ban Chao would lead his army back to the west, creating the illusion of fleeing in fear of the enemy, and secretly releasing the prisoners and letting them go back.

After King Qiuci learned the information from the escaped prisoners, he was overjoyed and personally led more than a hundred cavalry to the west road to intercept Ban Chao. And ordered King Wensu to lead more than 80 cavalry to the east road to intercept King Khotan.

When Ban Chao saw that the enemy had been fooled, he ordered all the troops to turn around, go into battle lightly, and go straight towards the enemy.

At the time of rooster crow, with a shout, they went straight to the Shache Army camp.

The Shache army was suddenly in chaos and fled in all directions.

The Han and Yu coalition forces descended from the sky, like tigers entering a flock of sheep, killing the enemy troops until they howled like ghosts and wolves.

Kiuci and other countries saw that the situation was over, and each of them returned their troops.

In the summer of the second year of Yongyuan (90), Dayueshi Deputy Wang Xie led 70,000 troops to the east of Yue Congling (today's Pamir Plateau and the western section of Kunlun Mountains , Karakoram Mountains Southeast section) to attack Banchao.

The enemy army was coming fiercely, and the number of soldiers and horses far exceeded that of the Han army. The soldiers were very panicked. Ban Chao, however, was confident and calm, and comforted the soldiers by saying: " Yueshi has traveled a long distance across the green mountains, and the saddle and horse are tired, so the supplies will definitely not be able to keep up. Although they have many soldiers and horses, it is not terrible."We just need to hold on to the city, hide the food and grass, and not give the enemy a chance to take away a grain of food and grass. When they run out of food and grass, we will retreat without attacking. "

Deputy Wang Xie of the Dayue clan repeatedly led the army to attack the city, but the repeated battles were fruitless and exhausted.

Ban Chao had expected that they would run out of food and grass, so he took advantage of the enemy's request for help from the Kucha Kingdom and sent a powerful force. They ambush the enemy on their way to Kucha in advance and intercept them.

The deputy king of Dayuezhi sent troops to Kucha to exchange for food and grass. In front of them, the Han army rushed into the enemy's formation, fighting hand to hand, and in a short time, they wiped out the Yuezhi army.

Ban Chao sent people to give the heads to Xie Da. Out of fear, they immediately sent envoys to apologize to Ban Chao, and asked for a way out of their lives, and were willing to make peace with the Han Dynasty. In the third year of Yongyuan (91), Qiuci, Gumo, Wensu and other countries all surrendered to the Han Dynasty. Ban Chao was appointed as the Protector of the Western Regions and stationed in Tagan City of Kucha; The Three Kingdoms of Yuli and Yuli have not yet surrendered, because they had killed Chen Mu, the protector of the Western Regions, and were afraid.

Last time, in the article

The two countries had set up a "Hongmen Banquet" to suppress the Three Kingdoms again.

In the autumn of the sixth year of Yongyuan (94), Ban Chao mobilized. The troops of the eight kingdoms including Qiuci and Shanshan totaled more than 70,000 people and attacked Yanqi, Weixu and Yuli. When the

army entered the boundary of Yuli, Ban Chao sent an envoy to inform the three kingdoms: "The generals who came here want to pacify the three kingdoms. That is to say, if you want to correct your mistakes and do good, you should send a noble person to greet you. The reward should be given to the prince and returned immediately after the work is completed. Now I give Wangcai five hundred horses. "

Wang Guang of Yanqi played a trick. He first sent his subordinate Zuojiang Beijianzhi to see Ban Chao with beef, wine and other items to find out the truth before making the next plan.

His subordinates persuaded Ban Chao to simply kill Beijianzhi , but Ban Chao did not agree. He was thinking about how to take the long term to catch the big fish.

Ban Chao first severely reprimanded Beijianzhi, and then angrily reprimanded Guang Bu for coming to greet him in person, and then let him go. When Yanqi Wang Guang saw that Beijianzhi had returned safe and sound, he took his heart to heart and personally led the leaders to Yuli to greet Ban Chao and presented precious gifts.

However, Yanqi Wang Guang had no sincerity in joining the Han Dynasty. As soon as he returned to the country, he ordered the demolition of the bridges on the choke points of Yanqi Kingdom in an attempt to prevent Ban Chao's troops from entering the country.

However, Yanqi Wang Guang underestimated Ban Chao, and he already knew the path of Yanqi Kingdom. , immediately led his men to bypass the border line from other places and set up camp at a place twenty miles away from the royal city.

Yanqi Wang Guang never even dreamed that Ban Chao would arrive in front of him so quickly.

He was very scared and panicked, but he did not want to sit still and wait for death, so he planned with his subordinates to lead the people to escape into the mountains to protect themselves.

Yuanmeng, the Zuohou of Yanqi Kingdom, had stayed in Luoyang as a hostage. The Chao Dynasty knew very well, so they secretly sent people to inform Ban Chao. In order to confuse the nobles of Yanqi State and create conditions for the next deployment, Ban Chao shouted deceitful when he saw the people coming, and ordered them to be executed immediately.

Last time, in the article

San At the "Hongmen Banquet", all the countries in the Western Regions served Han

Ban Chao sent invitations to the kings of the three countries, asking them to lead their ministers to attend the banquet, and promised to increase the rewards.

Because Ban Chao killed the envoys of Yuan Meng , he won. Therefore, 30 people including Yuli Wang Shen, Yanqi Wang Guang and his left general Beijianzhi believed it and gladly accepted the invitation to come to the banquet.

However, King Weixu seemed to smell something and did not dare to come; The Prime Minister of Yanqi State, Feijiu, and others fled into Puleihai.

Although not all the "guests" came, the banquet was held as scheduled.

The guests and hosts sat down in order, mingled with each other, and drank happily.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Ban Chao's face suddenly changed, and he angrily scolded King Yanqi and others: "Why didn't King Weixu come? Why did they run away?" After saying that, he ordered the left and right, and led Yanqi, Wang Guang and others. , Yuli Wang Shen and others were captured, and they were taken to the old city where Chen Mu, the governor of the Western Regions, was martyred and beheaded.

Some of the kings and ministers were beheaded, and some fled. Naturally, the country was in chaos. Ban Chao "beheaded more than 5,000 people and captured more than 300,000 horses, livestock, cattle and sheep because of his plundering.

He established Yuan Meng as King of Yanqi.

From then on, more than 50 countries in the Western Regions all surrendered to the Han Dynasty.

Ban Chao joined the army and guarded the Western Regions for 31 years. With his superhuman intelligence and outstanding military ability, he created military and diplomatic miracles one after another

In August of the 14th year of Yongyuan (102), he was already seventy years old. Ban Chao returned to Luoyang. Due to long-term battles, he became ill from fatigue and contracted various diseases. He suddenly died in September of that year at the age of 71.


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