Eczema popular science series 1: What vegetables should I eat for eczema? Which vegetables should not eat for eczema patients!

2020/04/1723:30:44 health 2936

The symptoms of eczema make people feel very uncomfortable in their lives. The physical pain is very large, and it will increase people's mental pain. Moreover, to a certain extent, daily diet can also affect the development of eczema symptoms, and sometimes it is easy to relapse. Eating more vegetables and fruits will help eczema. So what vegetables and fruits can babies with eczema eat?

Eczema popular science series 1: What vegetables should I eat for eczema? Which vegetables should not eat for eczema patients! - DayDayNews

1. What vegetables and fruits can eat for eczema

1: Can patients eat some fruits and vegetables Diuretic fruits, avoid eating some dry and irritable fruits. For example, for hot fruits such as durian, mango, longan, and lychee, patients can eat watermelon, grapes and other fruits that clear heat and promote dampness, which is very helpful for disease control.

2: Babies with eczema should avoid spicy, cold and other irritating foods. Some foods are eaten raw, such as green onions, garlic, and tomatoes, some fruits with shells are eaten raw, such as almonds, chestnuts, walnuts, and some fruits, such as peaches, grapes, lychees, bananas, pineapples, longans, mangoes, strawberries, etc.

Eczema popular science series 1: What vegetables should I eat for eczema? Which vegetables should not eat for eczema patients! - DayDayNews

3: Adjust nursing and feeding appropriately. Pigeon eggs, cod, animal liver meal, papaya, mango, pineapple and kiwi are allergic foods. The addition time should be postponed. After the eczema is relieved, try adding it little by little. If the baby is allergic to egg white, it can only produce egg yolk, or start with a small amount of protein, and then gradually increase. If you are allergic to breast milk, you can temporarily let the nanny eat less or skip milk, eggs and other foods.

2. What can not be eaten for eczema

1: Avoid allergenic foods. Such as fish, shrimp, crab, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, goose, pollen, etc. These foods should be completely banned.

2: Avoid spicy food. Do not eat spicy food, such as onions, garlic, ginger, chili, pepper, etc. It consumes yin and helps yang and should be avoided.

Eczema popular science series 1: What vegetables should I eat for eczema? Which vegetables should not eat for eczema patients! - DayDayNews

3. Avoid moist, bloody or greasy food. Chinese medicine believes that patients with skin eczema should avoid eating foods with wet hair, such as bamboo shoots, taro, beef, green onions, ginger, pears, garlic, and leeks. Foods with blood flow, such as arrows, pepper, etc. Angry food, such as lamb, lotus seeds, gorgon, etc.

Eczema is usually treated according to the patient's condition. Oral drugs are mainly anti-allergic, supplemented by external drugs. Eczema is closely related to allergies, so finding allergens is the key to treating eczema. Patients can be tested for sensitive sources in the hospital, or they can be carefully observed in life and pay attention to avoiding these factors.

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