Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum?

2020/02/2902:56:17 health 2185

liver is the only organ that does not feel pain. If you do not pay attention to maintenance and add a series of bad habits such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc., once there is a problem, it will be too late.

Chinese medicine believes that tea is the most commonly used substance for nourishing the liver and clearing the liver and detoxification.

Sacred Medicine for Nourishing Liver-Chrysanthemum

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Chrysanthemum tea

In Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum is a common medicinal material for clearing liver and improving eyesight. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: the nature is sweet, slightly cold, has the effect of dispelling wind and heat, calming the liver and improving eyesight. Studies have found that: Fetal chrysanthemum and Gong chrysanthemum have a very high content of flavonoids. Flavonoids are strong antioxidants, which can effectively scavenge oxygen free radicals and exert their antioxidant capacity. Z15z is very suitable for people who often stay up late and work under pressure.

Chrysanthemum tea

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Chrysanthemum tea

Efficacy : Chrysanthemum has a very good effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, improving eyesight, clearing liver and anti-inflammatory, etc. It has a very good effect on the treatment of high blood pressure, headache and damage caused by overworked eyes.

   Chinese medicine health-preserving tea formula: After a daily meal, use five or six chrysanthemum flowers to make a drink to quench thirst and promote body fluid. Long-term use can prevent and treat high blood pressure, migraine, acute conjunctivitis, etc., and can resist aging and maintain facial appearance. Add a little honey when brewing, the taste will be better.

Chrysanthemum wolfberry tea

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Chrysanthemum wolfberry tea

Efficacy: relieves the liver and relieves depression, clears the liver and improves eyesight

also has a good effect on alleviating eye fatigue, soak a cup every day, and the cloudy eyes can also become clear and clean! If you insist on drinking for a period of time, you will feel that your eyes will no longer dry easily, and your liver will feel a lot easier, and you will not get angry easily. The symptoms of liver qi stagnation and hyperactive liver fire will also be well relieved.

In order to give full play to the role of tea "clearing the liver and protecting the liver", cassia seed, chrysanthemum, wolfberry and other three medicinal ingredients are made into tea. Nourishing the liver and relieving depression, soothing the nerves, helping sleep, and clearing the liver and improving eyesight are better.

Another reason why chrysanthemum is called the "sage" medicine for nourishing the liver is that chrysanthemums are almost versatile. The roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits of many vegetations can be used to make tea with chrysanthemums.

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Natural liver holy medicine-chrysanthemum

chrysanthemum + honeysuckle: effect-clearing away heat and detoxification

chrysanthemum + red dates: effect-replenishing qi and blood, clearing toxins

chrysanthemum + hawthorn: effect-beauty and skin beautification, defecation

chrysanthemum + Cassia Seed: Efficacy-Combing the liver to remove bad breath

Chrysanthemum + Lycium barbarum + Cassia seed: Efficacy-Clearing the liver and improving eyesight, moisturizing the intestines and laxatives, invigorating the liver and kidney, improving eyesight and lungs

Chrysanthemum + wolfberry + cassia seed + honeysuckle + burdock root + hanging Flower: Efficacy-freckle nourishing liver and bad breath, nourishing vitality

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Chrysanthemum + Rose: Efficacy-protecting liver and improving eyesight, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Chrysanthemum + wolfberry + Codonopsis: Efficacy-nourishing kidney and liver, nourishing blood and moisturizing lung

Not to mention all the examples. If you have the following problems, you should treat your liver better. Chrysanthemum tea is a must for your health.

1. people who often stay up late and work overtime, get angry, etc.;

2. liver qi stagnation, and the liver meridian does not run smoothly;

3. people who often have dry eyes and pain;

4.zz people with decreased memory, insomnia, and irritability;

2. People with rough skin, obesity, insomnia and dreaminess;

6. people who often play with mobile phones and computers.

Therefore, for good health and good skin, no insomnia and no puffiness, we must learn to maintain the liver in time .

Traditional Chinese medicine health preservation is the most common in traditional Chinese medicine health preservation. Compared with western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is easier to treat the cause. Chinese medicine is often used to make tea and drink. Each kind of Chinese medicine tea has different effects, and it has the effect of relieving and curing diseases. Moreover, there are some Chinese herbal health teas available all year round. Here are a few Chinese herbal health teas.

Nourishing the liver is nourishing life. What kind of scented tea should be matched with chrysanthemum? - DayDayNews

Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

  1, Chinese wolfberry tea

   Efficacy: Chinese wolfberry has nourishing kidney, nourishing liver and eyesight, nourishing lungsDry function. It can lower blood pressure, lower fat and prevent arteriosclerosis. It has health care and treatment functions for dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, and memory loss caused by liver and kidney deficiency. It is especially suitable for eye fatigue caused by long-term computer use.

   Chinese medicine health-preserving tea formula: only a dozen medlars are required for preparation, and it is brewed frequently with heated water.

  2, honeysuckle tea

   Efficacy: Honeysuckle has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, soothing the throat, relieving heat and irritability; it can treat heat syndrome, diarrhea, flu, boils, swelling and poison. Acute and chronic tonsillitis, periodontitis and other diseases.

   Chinese medicine health-preserving tea formula: Choose 10 grams of honeysuckle when preparing, and make frequent drinking with boiling water.

 3, peppermint licorice tea

   Efficacy: It has the effects of relieving heat and summer, cooling and detoxification, sweating and relieving the skin, and it has good effects from headaches, red eyes, sore throat, wind-heat and cold.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: more than 10 pieces of fresh mint leaves, 5 grams of licorice, 5 grams of green tea, 10 grams of ginseng, 500 ml of boiling water. According to this ratio, after brewing for more than 10 minutes, filter out the residue, add appropriate amount of sugar, mix thoroughly and drink.

 4, safflower tea

   Efficacy: safflower, sweet, non-toxic, can pass men's blood, pass women's menstrual water, more blood flow, less nourish blood. Safflower and safflower seeds are rich in vitamins and bioactive ingredients, which can nourish blood, promote blood circulation, lower blood pressure, lower blood fat, inhibit thrombosis, and protect the heart.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: 5 grams each of safflower and sandalwood, 2 grams of green tea, 30 grams of brown sugar, brewed in boiling water, cover for 5 minutes and drink. One dose per day will make your skin clean and translucent. But be careful to drink less before going to bed to avoid excitement affecting sleep.

   5. Licorice tea

   Efficacy: It can cure wind and fire toothache, fire eyes, colds and coughs.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: take 10 grams of licorice, 5 grams of tea, 8 grams of salt, and 1000 ml of water. According to this ratio, boil the water first, then put the licorice, tea, and salt into the water and boil for about 10 minutes before drinking.

  6, lotus leaf licorice tea

  Efficacy: Clear heat and relieve heat. The health function of diuresis and thirst quenching.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: 100 grams of fresh lotus leaves, 5 grams of licorice, and 1000 ml of water. According to this ratio, first wash and chop the lotus leaves, boil the water, then put the licorice and lotus leaves in the water and boil for more than 10 minutes, filter out the lotus leaf residue, add sugar to drink.

  7. Water chestnut root tea

   Efficacy: It can clear away heat and resolve phlegm, promote body fluid and quench thirst, reduce blood pressure and diuresis.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: 100 grams of fresh water chestnuts, washed and chopped, 100 grams of fresh grass root, and 1000 ml of water. According to this ratio, boil the water first, put in the water chestnuts and grass roots, cook for about 20 minutes, remove the residue, add an appropriate amount of sugar, and drink.

   8. Tangerine peel and ginger tea

   Efficacy: It has the health care functions of quenching thirst and relieving heat, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, strengthening stomach and reducing food.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: 20 grams of dried tangerine peel, 10 grams of ginger slices, 5 grams of licorice, 5 grams of tea, and 1000 ml of water. According to this ratio, boil the water first, then put the tangerine peel, ginger slices, licorice and tea leaves, brew for about 10 minutes, remove the residue and drink.

  9. Ginseng tea

  Efficacy: It has the effect of replenishing vitality, soothing the nerves and promoting body fluid, and is a good product for nourishing qi.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: Put 5 grams of ginseng slices into a cup, pour it into boiling water and cover tightly. It can be drunk after 20 minutes. It can be soaked for 2-3 times until the slices are light and tasteless.

  10, rhubarb tea

  Efficacy: It has the effects of clearing away heat, detoxifying and purging. A small amount of drink daily can invigorate the stomach, help digestion, relieve stomach fire, increase appetite, reconcile qi and blood, strengthen physical fitness, prevent and treat diseases, and resist aging. Used for constipation, abdominal pain, red eyes, sore throat, sty, etc.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: Take 3-9 grams of raw rhubarb into a cup, brew with boiling water, cover and simmer for 10 minutes before taking. Drinking rhubarb for a long time can keep the stool smooth and reduce the reabsorption of toxic and harmful substances in the intestine.

  11, Ganoderma lucidum tea

   Efficacy: It not only replenishes the vital energy, but also strengthens the bones and muscles, which can maintain youthfulness, white and tender skin.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: 10 grams of Ganoderma lucidum, a little green tea. Cut Ganoderma lucidum into thin slices, brew with boiling water, and drink with green tea.

  12, skin care and beauty flower nectar

   Efficacy: rose tea   rose flower can cool blood, nourish the skin, and help improve dry skinThe role of. Because rose tea has a strong floral fragrance, it is also effective in treating bad breath.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: Rose tea also has the effect of helping digestion and reducing fat, so it can lose weight, and it is best to drink after meals.

  13, apple tea

  Efficacy: Apple tea has a miraculous effect on curing headaches.

   Chinese medicine health tea formula: cut an apple into thin slices, add water to simmer and remove the slag and use it as a tea. Drinking for ten consecutive days will be effective.

Thank you for reading. If you find it useful, please forward it to you who love and care. People, let us be "non-toxic and light", and we must persist in nourishing and protecting liver!

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