Now is a good time to treat bronchitis in winter and summer

2021/07/2720:01:03 health 2294

bronchitis refers to non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchus and surrounding tissues. The main symptoms are cough, sputum, and wheezing. bronchitis can be divided into acute and chronic according to the course of the disease. If acute bronchitis is not treated in time, it will cause recurrent episodes and eventually progress to chronic bronchitis. may even develop into if the patient delays treatment. Obstructive emphysema , Pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary heart disease pose a greater threat to the health and life safety of patients.

Now is a good time to treat bronchitis in winter and summer - DayDayNews

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For the "winter disease" such as chronic bronchitis, taking advantage of the high temperature in summer and abundant yang in the body, using methods of strengthening the body and curing the root cause can be very effective. It adjusts the balance of yin and yang in the human body, removes the scum in the body, nourishes the loss of yang, enhances the body's immune function, and achieves the purpose of reducing the incidence of chronic bronchitis in winter.

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Chinese medicine does not have the name of bronchitis. According to the clinical symptoms of the patient, it is classified as "cough", " asthma syndrome", " lung distension," The disease is caused by external evils and internal injuries of the seven emotions. The external evils cause lung failure, and the internal organs cause dysfunction. Although the cause of lies in the lungs, we still need to start from the whole. adopts the treatment principle of invigorating the spleen and kidney, and regulating the liver. In summer, acupoint application , medicine pots, acupuncture and other non-drug therapies are used to strengthen the body and eliminate evil and promote blood circulation. Network, straighten out the effect of Qi machine.

acupoint application

acupoint application has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine treatment.The book was written in the " Zhang Shiyitong" in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. It is recorded in the use of white mustard seed, asarum, yanhusuo, kansui to powder, add span, musk, The honey is adjusted into a paste and applied to acupoints such as lungs, ointment blindness, and Bailao to treat cold asthma. After the 1980s, acupoint application therapy has been widely used in clinical medicine in my country, and it has played a good therapeutic effect in chronic bronchitis and asthma and other diseases.

Now is a good time to treat bronchitis in winter and summer - DayDayNews

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Among them, sanfu paste is the most widely used, and it has a good therapeutic effect on many chronic diseases. Modern studies have confirmed that sanfu paste can regulate the immunity of patients and is an important method in the treatment of bronchitis in Chinese medicine.

cupping therapy

cupping therapy is a method derived from cupping therapy. The medicine cup treatment is usually stimulated with medicinal liquid on the local or meridian points, which can regulate the overall function of the body, so as to achieve the effects of regulating yin and yang, dredging the meridians , promoting blood circulation, removing stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain. Modern studies have confirmed that medicine cup treatment can promote the release of histamine and other substances in the body, which can enhance the body's immunity and has a better conditioning effect for patients with bronchitis.

Now is a good time to treat bronchitis in winter and summer - DayDayNews

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Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture has a long history of application in Chinese medicine treatment.It can be traced back to " internal classics ". It has developed to modern times and has formed a more systematic treatment method, which has been promoted and applied in clinical medicine. Acupuncture and moxibustion can regain the flow of blocked meridians and restore normal functions. It has the effects of , promoting qi and blood circulation , and reconciling yin and yang. Modern medicine has found that acupuncture treatment can regulate the function of the nerve-endocrine-immune system, and has a good therapeutic effect on a variety of diseases. It is especially suitable for patients with bronchitis to regulate the body.

Now is a good time to treat bronchitis in winter and summer - DayDayNews

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Author: Wang Zhibin, Nanchong County People’s Hospital, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province

The article is selected from "Family Medicine • Selecting Medicine for Doctors" July 2021


Now is a good time to treat bronchitis in winter and summer - DayDayNews


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