Can I eat eggs after gallbladder removal or biliary tract surgery?

2021/07/2720:00:44 health 2796

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We all know that biliary system plays an important role in human digestion. Therefore, people often ask such questions: After cholecystectomy or biliary tract surgery, the bile duct and gallbladder are damaged to a certain extent. Are there any points that need to be paid attention to in diet? Can eggs be eaten after cholecystectomy or biliary tract surgery?

Some patients eat eggs before surgery, which can induce cholecystitis, so they are afraid of encountering eggs. Even after removal, they never dare to eat; while some patients eat two or three at a time as usual before surgery It's okay, and I still eat after the operation. How can I do?

Can I eat eggs after gallbladder removal or biliary tract surgery? - DayDayNews

To understand the diet after biliary surgery, we must first understand the physiological role of the biliary tract.

The biliary system has the functions of secreting, storing, concentrating and transporting bile, and plays an important role in regulating the excretion of bile into the duodenum. The bile duct can transport bile to the gallbladder and duodenum, and the capillary duct plays an important role in regulating the flow and composition of bile. gallbladder can concentrate, store and discharge bile, and can also secrete mucus to protect the biliary mucosa from the erosion and dissolution of concentrated bile.

The gallbladder is cut and the bile is still there! Most people don’t know!

The gallbladder does not produce bile, it is just an organ for storing and concentrating bile. After the gallbladder is removed, the total amount of bile will not change. The bile is produced by the liver.

The physiological functions of bile are:

①Emulsified fat: bile salt combines with fat in food after entering the intestine to form water-soluble fat particles, which is beneficial to the absorption of intestinal mucosa.

②Promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamin : bile facilitates the absorption of fat, cholesterol and vitamins A, D, E, and K.

③Inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine and the production of endotoxin.

④ Stimulate intestinal peristalsis.

⑤ neutralize gastric acid .

In this case, what should I pay attention to when eating after cholecystectomy or biliary surgery?

The diet principle of the patient after the operation is: high calorie, high protein, high vitamin, low fat, easy to digest. In the early postoperative period, clear liquid food is mainly needed, such as rice soup, fruit juice, egg flower soup, etc.;

Liquids such as low-fat milk, soy milk, steamed eggs, etc. can be eaten for 1 to 2 days after surgery; semi-liquid diet can be gradually eaten afterwards For example: rice porridge, noodles, digestible vegetables, fruits, etc.; after that, you can eat general food, such as: rice, veggie steamed buns, veggie wontons, bread, steamed buns and so on.

Clinically, cholecystectomy must be performed with clear indications. Therefore, the removal is an abnormal gallbladder with disease, which is a gallbladder that has lost or decreased function. Therefore, most patients have no special symptoms after surgery. A small number of patients have a relatively normal gallbladder removed due to gallbladder adenoma, gallbladder polyp, and patients lose the original concentrated bile in the gallbladder. When eating a large amount of high-fat diet such as ribs, chicken, duck, fish, etc., concentrated The bile is gone, and some are just unconcentrated bile from the liver. Such bile has a relatively low titer, which leads to a short-term weakened ability to digest fat, and steatorrhea will occur. But generally it gets better over time.

Can I eat eggs after gallbladder removal or biliary tract surgery? - DayDayNews

Therefore, in the early stage after cholecystectomy or biliary tract surgery, a light diet should be given priority, and easy-to-digest foods should be selected to reduce fat intake.

In the early stage, it is necessary to strictly limit the intake of foods with high cholesterol content such as animal offal, egg yolk, squid, sardine , animal brain, fish eggs, and crab roe.

Use as little or no animal oil as possible, and use vegetable oil in moderation.

Mainly use steaming, stewing, and cold salad, and eat less stir-fried vegetables.Reduce the use of oil.

Do not eat spicy and irritating food, and do not drink alcohol, so as to reduce the adverse irritation to the biliary tract.

Although it is necessary to limit the intake of fat and cholesterol after surgery, it is mainly to prevent overload. A certain amount of fat is still necessary, because: first, some essential fatty acids are necessary for the human body, and will be deficient without eating; second, the total amount of bile produced by the liver remains the same after the gallbladder is removed, and the ability to digest fat Generally speaking, there is not much effect. The only change is that the efficient digestion ability has decreased in the short-term; third, the right amount of fat can also stimulate bile secretion, which helps to keep the bile duct unobstructed to a certain extent.

One month after the operation, although you should pursue a light diet, you must also strengthen the necessary nutritional supplements, which can increase the intake of lean meat, aquatic products, beans and other foods, and you can also drink milk.

Within 3 to 6 months after surgery, you should have small and frequent meals and regular and quantitative meals. On the basis of 3 meals a day, you can add a meal between breakfast, lunch, and lunch, including some fruits or snacks. Such a small amount of food for many times can reduce the burden on the digestive system and help avoid digestive disorders.

Can I eat eggs after gallbladder removal or biliary tract surgery? - DayDayNews

So, can you eat eggs after cholecystectomy or biliary tract surgery? Yes, but in moderation; eat, but step by step.

Eggs are relatively nutritious. For patients who have not induced cholecystitis or cholangitis from eating eggs before surgery, they can resume eating 3~5 days after surgery. Generally, starting from half, egg white and egg yolk can be eaten. Eat together, gradually transition 1-2 a day, pay attention to not one meal; for people who eat eggs before surgery to induce pain, you can generally resume eating eggs slowly after surgery, and it is recommended to start from 1/3, 1/2, The gradual transition from 2/3 to the whole egg can start from eating custard, or it is easy to measure.

It should be reminded that for patients after cholecystectomy, the removal of the gallbladder is not everything. If a large amount of greasy food or a large meal is eaten, it will also lead to acute cholangitis of and even acute pancreatitis. In the future, we still need to pay attention to the diet: eat regularly, avoid full meals, and focus on light meals.Patients undergoing biliary tract surgery due to diseases such as intrahepatic bile duct stones, biliary tract tumors , etc., should also follow the above principles.





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Can I eat eggs after gallbladder removal or biliary tract surgery? - DayDayNews

Shi Baomin

Tongji Hospital Affiliated Professor of General Surgery, Ph.

Good at

General Surgery Diagnosis and treatment of various intractable diseases, especially benign and malignant tumors of hepatobiliary pancreas and spleen, various types of cholelithiasis, portal hypertension surgical treatment and gastrointestinal hepatobiliary surgery Minimally invasive surgical treatment of disease.

Brief introduction

General Surgery Department of Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University ( Hepatobiliary Surgery ) Chief physician, professor, and doctoral supervisor. In 2000, he graduated from Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a doctorate degree. From 2007 to 2008, the China Scholarship Council fully funded him as a visiting scholar at the Humboldt University Charite School of Medicine in Germany, and obtained a German medical doctorate.

is mainly engaged in the basic and clinical research of general surgery, especially good at hepatobiliary, pancreatic and splenic surgery and its minimally invasive surgery. For hepatobiliary and pancreatic and digestive tract tumors, complicated intra- and extrahepatic bile duct stones, surgical treatment of portal hypertension, and minimally invasive surgical techniques.As a senior visiting scholar, he studied under Professor Neuhaus, a famous foreign scientist and president of the European Surgery Society in Germany. Carry out all kinds of large-scale, complex and minimally invasive surgical operations on the abdomen. Thousands of operations have been performed, featuring small trauma, low complications, quick recovery, and good long-term clinical effects.

In recent years, we have successively carried out duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection, pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy, spleen-preserving pancreatic body and tail resection, precise hemibiliary or segmental resection, partial hepatectomy Splenectomy, extended radical resection of gallbladder cancer combined with partial hepatectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy, and extended radical resection of hilar cholangiocarcinoma combined with hemihepatectomy have won the recognition of colleagues at home and abroad. The patient's praise.

Laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery technology can be skillfully applied to various hepatobiliary, pancreatic, splenic and gastrointestinal surgical operations. He has accumulated rich experience in laparoscopic hepatectomy, pancreatic tumor resection, laparoscopic choledochectomy and stone removal, laparoscopic splenectomy and splenectomy. Single-port minimally invasive surgical operations such as transumbilical single-port cholecystectomy and liver cyst resection have also been carried out. Not only the effect is quick, but the scar is small or no scar at the same time, which achieves a better cosmetic effect after the operation.

has undertaken 10 projects including National Natural Science Foundation . He has participated in international conferences in Europe, America and other countries for many times and spoke at the conference. Won a number of third prizes at the provincial and ministerial level. More than 100 papers have been published at home and abroad, and more than 20 journals have been included in SCI. The editor-in-chief of 2 monographs, the deputy editor-in-chief of 2 and participated in the editing of 10 monographs. The English monograph "Liver cancer: new research" was published by NOVA Press in the United States.

Served as a member of the Experimental and Translational Medicine Group of the Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, a deputy chairman of the Biliary Tumor Committee of the Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association, an evaluation expert of the International Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, a member of the Shanghai General Surgery Specialty Committee, and Shanghai General Surgery Member of the Biliary Surgery Group of the Professional Committee, member of the Shanghai General Surgery Quality Control Expert Committee, member of the Shanghai Oncologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, member of the Shanghai General Surgery Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, standing member of the Shanghai Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Surgery Committee, Shanghai Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Deputy Leader of the Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Surgery Group of the Surgical Committee, Shanghai Medical Association Expert of the 4th Medical Malpractice Appraisal Committee, Deputy Leader of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatology Group of the Oncology Committee of the Chinese Microcirculation Society, Medical Technology Committee of the Chinese Hospital Association Hepatobiliary and pancreatic tumor expert group leader, member of the Biliary Injury Professional Committee of the Digital Branch of China Research Hospital Association, reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, editorial board member of "World Journal of Gastroenterology", "World Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology",Editorial board member of "International Journal of Surgery", " Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery ", "Chinese Journal of Modern General Surgery", "Chinese Medical Journal (English Edition)", etc.

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