Chunmian doesn't know dawn, Chun is very sleepy! Just these 6 tricks to eliminate spring difficulty

2021/02/2807:06:02 health 1469

In the spring, the weather is getting warmer, and many people always feel tired, want to sleep, have difficulty getting up, lose energy, and feel weak. This is what we often say " ". Today we will talk about the causes of the "Spring Distress" and how to prevent and improve it!

Chunmian doesn't know dawn, Chun is very sleepy! Just these 6 tricks to eliminate spring difficulty - DayDayNews

What are the reasons for the "spring sleepiness"?

First, the human body has experienced a winter "hibernation". The contracted epidermal capillaries will gradually expand when the temperature warms in spring, the blood vessels become soft, the blood supply of the peripheral capillaries increases, and the blood flow of the blood vessels in the skin is filled up. The blood flow of the brain is relatively reduced in winter. At this time, the brain, especially the brainstem, is prone to hypoxia and ischemia . The excitatory stimulus information of the central nervous system is weakened, and the inhibitory function is relatively enhanced, so many people in the spring It is easy to yawn, feel fatigued, and want to sleep.

In fact, yawning is a kind of human physiological instinct. Yawning when sleep is insufficient and tired, is medically believed to be caused by cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, causing a protective reflex of the body, which is a form of deep breathing_ span2span . Yawning can expand the lungs, decrease the intracranial pressure, increase the venous return blood volume and output blood volume, thereby increasing the oxygen content in the blood, increasing the blood oxygen supply of the brain, improving the hypoxic state of the brain, and alleviating brain fatigue .

Therefore, it is normal for to yawn once or twice every one or two hours in spring . However, if the frequency is too high, accompanied by other symptoms such as fear of cold, memory loss, etc., it is necessary to pay attention to the possible causes of other diseases.

Chunmian doesn't know dawn, Chun is very sleepy! Just these 6 tricks to eliminate spring difficulty - DayDayNews

second,Spring sleepiness usually occurs in early spring. One of the main reasons is that during the transition from winter to spring, due to the lag in the adjustment of the biological clock, it cannot be consistent with the day and night changes in the increase in light time in spring. To put it simply, for example, in winter, you usually get up at 7 in the morning. In spring, the sun rises earlier than in winter. The sun wakes you up from sleep earlier. You may wake up at 6 o’clock, but your body’s biological clock has not yet It’s too late to "wake up", so I feel tired and sleepy. circadian body clock is mainly affected by external factors such as light, diet, behavior patterns and its own genes, of which light is the main external influence factor. Melatonin is the strongest biological clock signal of the human body, and sunlight exposure is the main way to regulate the rhythm of melatonin secretion .

Melatonin has the function of shortening the time of falling asleep and waking up, and improving the quality of sleep, thereby adjusting jet lag. Usually Melatonin level in the human body reaches its peak at 2~3 in the morning At this time the body enters a deep sleep state; The melatonin is metabolized and no longer plays the role of promoting sleep, so that the body really wakes up.

With the arrival of spring, dawn is getting earlier and earlier. This is a signal that nature urges people to wake up. However, due to the influence of winter, when waking up in the morning in early spring, a certain amount of melatonin often remains in the body, making the body sleepy. At the same time, light will also inhibit the secretion of melatonin to a certain extent, so that the body's biological clock gradually adjusts to a state of "correspondence between heaven and man". In addition, when I wake up in the morning, excitatory hormones such as serotonin are at a low level , which further aggravates the "spring sleepiness".

Chunmian doesn't know dawn, Chun is very sleepy! Just these 6 tricks to eliminate spring difficulty - DayDayNews

In addition, general spring sleepiness is a temporary physiological phenomenon caused by climate change, especially temperature rise.However, some severe spring sleepiness may be a symptom of some of the following diseases.

First, hypothyroidism patients will have symptoms similar to fatigue and lethargy . Hypothyroidism can also experience symptoms such as chills, low sweating, weight gain, slow movement, memory loss, unresponsiveness, dry and rough skin, hair loss, constipation, and anorexia. Some female patients also experience menorrhagia.

Second, patients with chronic diseases such as , hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc. , they still yawn constantly after they are relieved of spring sleepiness and lack of sleep. It may be that cerebral arteriosclerosis is getting worse and the inner diameter of blood vessels is getting smaller and smaller. , Causing chronic ischemia and hypoxia of the brain tissue, this time should be paid enough attention. According to clinical reports, 80% of stroke patients yawn continuously 5 to 10 days before the onset.

Third, The impact of cardiovascular disease . Almost one-fifth of the blood pumped by the heart is used by the brain tissue. Therefore, if you are always unable to sleep during the day, you should be alert to the occurrence or aggravation of cardiovascular disease.

Fourth, the impact of sleep apnea syndrome. Generally, the sleepiness of spring sleepiness can be relieved to a more awake state after 5~10 minutes, but if it occurs several times a day or more, should be alert to sleep breathing disorders such as sleep apnea syndrome . Such patients are prone to drowsiness, fatigue and drowsiness during the day. At night, the snoring sounds are loud and irregular, intermittent, high and low, and even apnea. At this time, attention should be paid to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Chunmian doesn't know dawn, Chun is very sleepy! Just these 6 tricks to eliminate spring difficulty - DayDayNews

In addition, bad eating habits are also related to spring sleepiness. For example, vegetarians are prone to iron deficiency, which is an important nutrient required by the human body.It can help the body transport oxygen to all parts of the body, If iron is deficient in the diet, it is easy to get sleepy in the afternoon . A large amount of high-sugar, high-fat processed foods can also cause sleepiness in the human body . Processed foods usually contain less fiber and more sugars. Excess sugars can cause energy metabolism disorders; excessive intake of fried foods requires more energy for the digestive system to process the fats in it, which will also make you dizzy. Sleepy. Chunkun is also related to vitamin B1 deficiency , vitamin B1 has the function of maintaining the nervous system and normal energy metabolism. If vitamin B1 is lacking, the functioning of the nervous system, especially the brain, will slack.

Ways to alleviate spring sleepiness

1. When you are sleepy, you can stretch your waist and stretch your limbs squat 10 times and rotate your hips 10 times, which can accelerate blood circulation in the body and improve the brain The oxygen supply can relieve drowsiness.

2. Eat more in your diet. Fresh foods rich in B vitamins, dietary fiber and iron , such as wheat germ, pork liver, carrots, shepherd’s purse, pakchoi, spinach, rape, walnuts, and soybeans Wait. Adding some onions, ginger, garlic and other condiments when cooking also has the effect of removing dampness and promoting blood circulation. You can also eat bitter and spicy food, or make a cup of tea to relieve sleepiness.

3. In spring , get more sunshine in the morning and in the morning ,The blue light in the sunlight at this time is relatively high, which can promote the secretion of serotonin and other excitatory hormones in the human body, inhibit melatonin, and keep the brain awake. Avoid staying up late, ensure adequate sleep, go to bed early and get up early, even if you go to bed late occasionally, don't sleep in the next morning, so that your brain can clearly receive the signals of "day" and "night". At the same time, appropriate amount of aerobic exercise, such as climbing, hiking, outing; quit smoking, limit alcohol, and maintain a good attitude.

4. General continuous study or work hard16strong for one hour, you should relax for 5~10 minutes . In this short few minutes, you can moderately stretch, listen to some music, etc., at least move your eyes away from the book or computer, and look up outside to see the distant scenery; or add some colorful and colorful indoors. The vigorous ornaments, flowers and plants make people feel more energetic. When you are sleepy, you can smell the scent of cooling oil and toilet water to get rid of sleepiness.

5. Everyday listen to more beautiful and lively, exciting music , or enjoy cross talk, sketches, and excitement. You can also wash your face with cold water to increase the excitement of the nervous system, thereby alleviating spring sleepiness.

6, insist on head massage every morning and evening , can eliminate brain sleepiness. The method is as follows: Use the fingers of both hands to massage 10 times from front to back and from the middle to both sides; then scratch back and forth 3 times in a short distance; finally, gently massage 5 times.

Chunmian doesn't know dawn, Chun is very sleepy! Just these 6 tricks to eliminate spring difficulty - DayDayNews

Spring sleepiness is an adaptive physiological manifestation of the body, which is short-lived. This can be done by adjusting work and rest, diet and exercise. However, fatigue caused by disease must first treat the primary disease.


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