①: My memory has been declining recently. I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, put on my backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile pho

2024/07/0200:44:33 funny 1592

①: Recently memory has declined . I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming.
changed his shoes, grabbed the keys, put on his backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The
lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile phone are in the backpack; the keys are in the hand.
Well, everything is in order.
Close the door and make sure it is locked.
was humming a song and walked to the elevator. The lady cleaning the corridor smiled at me: "This girl is so diligent. She gets up so early even if she doesn't work on weekends."

①: My memory has been declining recently. I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, put on my backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile pho - DayDayNews

②: I went to Xi'an a few days ago. . . . In the
car, a boy shouted: "Master, turn on the air conditioner!"
Before the driver spoke, another boy said: "Master, senior brother is right!"
At this time, another boy shouted: "Master, The second senior brother is right! "Everyone in the
car burst out laughing!

③: I went to buy soy milk the day before yesterday and asked how much it cost. The girl replied two yuan. I muttered that it used to be three yuan. The girl smiled slightly and said that the price had increased recently. I was stunned and said, okay, I want it. After two cups, I gave her twenty, and then she asked me for thirty-three. I was a little confused with the soy milk and the money. I wondered if she thought I gave her fifty? But it wasn't right. Then I whispered to the girl and told her that I wanted two cups. The girl blushed and hurriedly said sorry, and then gave me another cup. I decided to pursue her! Does anyone with experience in
know what it means?

①: My memory has been declining recently. I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, put on my backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile pho - DayDayNews

④: saw an aunt fall today and was about to help her.
The uncle stopped me and refused to let me help him. I looked at him dumbfounded. The uncle suddenly said: "I will help you." After taking two steps, he turned to me and said: "If you try to blackmail me, I will also lie down." "Down." Uncle
's tall back seemed to be shining with dazzling light.

⑤: A friend of mine is getting old and his family is relatively wealthy. His husband found a much younger mistress. When the first wife found out, she quietly collected evidence and led the police to arrest her and block her bed. She only received 5% of the family property, and then the first wife tried to get together with the third son’s father. As a result, she also received the certificate for the third son’s marriage! My wife has become a mother!

⑥: Late at night, my husband and I went to the barbecue stall upstairs to have skewers. A girl at the table next to
called her boyfriend with tears in her eyes. She didn't know what the other party said, but she heard the girl yelling into the phone: "If you don't pick me up in half an hour, I'll just pick you up." Passers-by, let’s go.” A man at another table next to him, who originally planned to pay and leave, sat down again, ordered two bottles of beer, and asked the boss to grill a few skewers of kidneys.

①: My memory has been declining recently. I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, put on my backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile pho - DayDayNews

⑦: There was a sudden power outage during the evening self-study in . My goddess was sitting next to me. I quickly went up to kiss her! What
didn't expect was that she didn't refuse but instead took the initiative to kiss me with her tongue.
We enjoy that feeling with each other!
feels so exciting.
called at this moment, and the man on her right was the one I was kissing! The
goddess lay on the table and didn't get up at all because she was afraid.
Looking at the eyes of my classmates, I almost want to jump off the building.

⑧: In the class, the teacher asked Xiao Ming: If a big egg touches a small egg, who will break it?
Xiao Ming: My heart is broken.
teacher: My heart is broken, whose heart is broken?
Xiao Ming: The heart of a hen.
teacher: Get out ~

①: My memory has been declining recently. I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, put on my backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile pho - DayDayNews

⑨: ’s colleague came back early from a business trip. Seeing his unhappy look, I asked him what’s wrong?
He said angrily: I tell you a truth, never go home early when you are on a business trip, it is conducive to marital harmony. . . .
Many marriages break up because one of them goes home early from a business trip.

⑩: Today I have a professional electrician internship exam. Before the exam, my classmate’s father said to my classmate: If you pass the exam, I will reward you with 200 yuan. If you fail, I will give it to you. 1000 RMB. The
student was a little excited and asked: Why are there only 1,000?
His father said: I will give you 1,000 yuan to buy a plane ticket home...

①: My memory has been declining recently. I got up in the morning to go to work and finished grooming. I put on my shoes, grabbed my keys, put on my backpack, then stood at the door and checked the note. The lights are turned off; the gas is turned off; wallet, ID, and mobile pho - DayDayNews

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