# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said: "Who knows whether you are a good guy or a bad guy? You are not allowed to enter?" The buddy said angrily: "Wait a minute.

2024/06/2503:10:32 funny 1103

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

I went down the stairs and the uncle was confused.

4. I don’t want to be fat anymore, how can I lose weight without exercising?

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

How can I lose weight if I don’t want to exercise?

4. Because of my poor grades, the class teacher yelled at me: Apart from being handsome and having a few bad guys at home, you are useless! At this time, the principal heard it at the door and hurriedly came over to reprimand the head teacher: How can you, as a teacher, treat students like this? Besides, his father is the majority shareholder of my school! You go back and write a 10,000-word review!

5. How can you coax a girl with sweet words, but how can you coax a rich woman?

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

6. My wife always likes to warn me not to find a lover by crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. This makes me very angry because she never uses the third trick.

7. When I was in high school, I was the only one in the class with a smartphone. During class, I would cover my face and take out my phone to secretly play , Need for Speed, and . My female deskmate also wanted to play, but insisted on grabbing my phone. After playing for ten minutes, the teacher discovered this guy, and my phone was confiscated. The reason was: this guy was too into the game while playing, and his body It will swing left and right as the car turns, and the body will tilt inertially when braking or accelerating. Especially that ferocious face, as if he had really crashed the car, hey...

8. The first time my boyfriend came to my house, my mother put on her mink coat. Boyfriend: Auntie, how much did you buy this for? My mother: Qiqi’s father bought it for me. It cost more than 7,000. She said it was good mink . Good-for-nothing boyfriend: Auntie, uncle was fooled. This is rabbit skin. My hometown specializes in making fur. I can feel it with my eyes closed. Rabbit skin is the least valuable. It only costs a few hundred yuan in our place. thing. My dad was smoking silently on the side...

9. This design is really terrible

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

Designers come out and get beaten!

10. Now you don’t have to worry about peeing outside.

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

11. This is the legendary egg. Yellow bar [face covering]

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

12. These shoes Yao Ming are too big to wear

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

13. A couple was chatting, and the man said: "Daughter-in-law, I I dreamed about God yesterday, and he said he could grant me a wish. I said I wanted world peace and no war, but he said it was too difficult, so let’s change to another one, so I took out your photo and said it makes this person beautiful and gentle. , God thought for a while and said let’s talk about world peace! "

14. Sure enough, parents are true love, but children are accidents!

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

15. If you meet Mr. Ma for one minute, how can you make him remember you?

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

16. To help with the college entrance examination, wearing a cheongsam means success, and what does hanging a banana mean?

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

17. In the elevator, a mother and her son came in. The little one was only two or three years old. He was quite cute. His mother is also very good-looking. The child is making trouble eating ice cream. Maybe his mother won't let him eat it! So he said to the child:

"Don't eat too much ice cream, or you will become ugly in the future."

The child was silent, maybe he was scared!

At this time, the child turned to look at me and said, "Uncle, did you eat a lot of ice cream when you were a child?"

Oh my god, this child is not cute at all.

18. My husband’s surname is “Diao”, what should the child be named?

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

19. This copycat is so awesome!

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

20. If I were in high school, I would have solved this question in minutes, but I can’t do it now.

# funny大奖# 1. A buddy wanted to enter a high-end community, but was stopped by the security guard at the door. He refused to let in. The security guard said:

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