As the saying goes, "a land of water and soil nourishes a people." In the vast land of China, the natural and geographical conditions of different places are quite different. Therefore, the food culture of different places is also different. Of course, the same is true for liquor

2024/07/0214:15:32 food 1485

As the saying goes, "A land of water and soil nourishes a people." In the vast land of China, the natural geographical conditions of various places are quite different, so the food culture of different places is also different.

Of course, the same goes for liquor. The brewing techniques are the same, but due to different geographical conditions, the taste of the brewed wine is also different.

As the saying goes,

Many wine lovers should know a liquor called Zhenjiu , which used the raw materials, technology, and even the same brewing team of Moutai, but Due to differences in geographical conditions, the final brewed wine is different from Moutai.

Therefore, wines from different provinces basically have their own characteristics. This is also a major reason why liquor is divided into many flavors.

Among them, rice-flavor liquor is a representative liquor in Guangxi. Although Guangxi is a coastal province, its presence has always been relatively low. Naturally, many people know very little about Guangxi’s liquor.

In fact, there are 3 such liquors in Guangxi, each of which They are all grain wines, and the quality is very good. However, after leaving Guangxi, they are regarded as "bad wines" by other provinces. See if you have tasted

1, Xiangshan Wine

As the saying goes,

. This wine is the rice-flavor liquor in China. A major representative of the company uses pure Rhizopus Xiaoqu and the traditional semi-liquid and semi-solid small altar and ground vat technology for fermentation, and then places it in clay pots for storage. After aging for a long time, the quality and taste are very good. Good

On the other hand, its price is also relatively cheap, so it is also welcomed by a large number of people in the market.

2 Guilin Sanhua Wine

As the saying goes,

This wine is a classic representative of China's rice-flavored liquor. Not only in Guangxi has a certain reputation even outside the province. It is said that this wine originated from the Song Dynasty, which shows that it has a long history. The reason why it is called Sanhua Wine is because it needs to be brewed three times. During the process, you can also see the even appearance of hops

If you have the opportunity to go to Guilin, you can try

3 and Tianlongquan wine

Compared with the above two wines, Tianlongquan wine may be relatively less famous because of its raw materials High-quality rice is used, and the brewed wine has a sweet taste and a long aftertaste

As the saying goes,

Compared with other liquors, a major feature of this wine is that the alcohol content is generally lower

Its refreshing series is between 22 and 25 degrees, and its Taozang series is between 22 and 25 degrees. At 30 to 39 degrees, even the highest Yun series is only 42 degrees.

Because of its relatively low degree and excellent quality, it has won the love of many people.

Although rice-flavor liquor has also bloomed in the history of liquor brilliance, but with the prosperity of Moutai in recent years, the sauce-flavor type has begun to receive more and more attention and love from people

As the saying goes,

Many people also fell in love with this flavor after tasting sauce-flavor liquor , but as The representative of Maotai-flavor liquor Moutai , because of its high price, ordinary people do not have the spending power

Can those who fall in love with Maotai-flavor liquor just stare at it? In fact, there are many cost-effective Maotai-flavor liquors on the market, such as this Lai Zhengheng

As the saying goes,

which is from the same hometown as Moutai. Its name also comes from the founder of Lai Maotai . It uses local advantageous glutinous sorghum as raw material. , the brewed wine has a soft taste, full of sauce flavor, and a long-lasting aftertaste.

Finally, I don’t know if you prefer rice-flavored liquor or sauce-flavored liquor. You can also leave a message to share

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