Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it! "The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothi

2024/06/2713:07:32 food 1073

Introduction: I love sweating, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

"The smoke of firework in the world is the most soothing to ordinary people's hearts." Firewood, rice, oil and salt are the most ordinary, simple but can warm the tired body. Three meals a day and four seasons, food carrying the smoke of firework is the most soothing! No matter how tiring life is or how busy work is, don’t forget to stop and enjoy the moment of being healed by food~ Many times, when we enjoy delicious food, we also savor life... , minor summer heat and major summer heat, " Dog Days " are the days with the highest temperature and the most humid and sultry days of the year. There will also be an increase in "sauna day" models in various places. It is as hot as being in a steamer, with steaming on top and boiling on the bottom. When the weather is hot, people often lose their appetite and are not in good spirits. This is what people often call "bitter summer". At this time, we should pay attention to rest well and increase nutrition appropriately. The food should be light and easy to digest. Drink more water to replenish the body's water loss due to sweating. You can also add more soup and water to your daily table.

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

This soup is my family’s favorite in summer ~ water spinach and peanut soup, Water spinach is a very common vegetable in summer. Although it is cheap, its nutritional value is very high. It is a vegetable with "high potassium, high calcium and high dietary fiber". In summer Eating water spinach regularly can help replenish the potassium lost by the body due to excessive sweating. In addition, water spinach is a cold food, which has the effects of relieving heat and relieving heat, promoting metabolism, reducing internal heat, detoxifying and beautifying, and improving human immunity. Suitable for hot summer days, delicious and not irritating. Now I will share the specific method of making this soup. Friends who like it can refer to:

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

1. First take a handful of water spinach and remove the rotten leaves and older stems at the front, then rinse it several times and chop into small pieces for later use; then take a small plate. Wash the peanuts, smash them into pieces with a knife or mash them in a garlic mortar, then put them into a bowl for later use.

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

2. Add water to the pot. After the water boils, add a spoonful of salt (the salt is added to keep the water spinach green), then add the water spinach to blanch it. Do not blanch the water spinach for too long. After 30 seconds, drain it into cold water. , then drain the water and set aside.

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

3. Add oil to another pot. When the oil temperature is 5~6, add chopped peanuts and stir-fry. This step should be done slowly over low heat, because if the fire is too high, it is easy to fry the crushed peanuts and the soup will be bitter. , the taste is not good, add a large bowl of water after frying until fragrant, then turn to high heat and bring it to a boil.

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

4. After the pot is boiled, add water spinach. After boiling again, add a spoonful of salt, an appropriate amount of pepper and a little sesame oil. Stir evenly and then turn off the heat and serve. Because the water spinach has been blanched, don't cook it for too long. If it's too soft, it won't taste good.

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

A delicious and nutritious water spinach soup is ready. Taste the delicious and fragrant water spinach soup, which will leave you with endless aftertaste! When making water spinach soup, adding an appropriate amount of chopped peanuts will make the soup richer and more fragrant, making it especially delicious!

Introduction: God loves to sweat, so don’t be soft on this dish. It has extremely high potassium content. The soup is really delicious. It’s delicious but doesn’t make you angry. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to eat it!

days I love sweating, don’t be soft on water spinach, it has extremely high potassium content, the soup is really delicious, it tastes good but doesn’t make you angry, it’s a pity you don’t know how to eat it! I am Xiaofeng, an uncle born in the 1970s who walks in the sunshine looking for delicious food. If you like Xiaofeng’s sharing, please support Xiaofeng by forwarding + liking + collecting. See you in the next issue! Thanks for the support! Thank you for meeting me!

This article was originally created by Fengzi, a foodie. Welcome to follow and communicate with you so that everyone can benefit. If you are a threesome, you must have a teacher~

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