During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t

2024/06/0218:15:32 food 1429

Xiaoshu is a relatively important solar term in midsummer.

"Small heat stroke, mild heat stroke, to prevent heat stroke" . During this period of hot weather, we must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat a reasonable diet to prepare for the upcoming dog days of summer.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

It will be a mild summer tomorrow. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious to get rid of dryness and help you spend the summer. Not only is it delicious, it is also a good seasonal ingredient. Let’s take a look at .

water 3 fresh

1. Lotus seeds

" The lotus leaves touching the sky are infinitely green , and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are uniquely red" .

Lotus can not only be viewed , but also lotus leaves , lotus seeds , lotus roots can be eaten . Lotus leaf tea can lose weight remove greasiness , and lotus seeds can calm the mind . Have a bowl when the weather is hot. The refreshing lotus seed soup instantly eliminated half of the heat.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Recommended practice: [Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup]

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Prepare a handful of lotus seeds and an appropriate amount of lily and soak them in warm water until soft.

Core the lotus seeds to remove the bitter taste, and wash them with clean water after processing. Peel the red dates and cut them in the middle. Remove the hard roots of the soaked white fungus and tear them into small pieces. Then clean the white fungus and red dates together and set aside.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Put all the raw materials that have just been processed into a casserole, sprinkle in a handful of rock sugar, cover the pot, first heat it up to high heat, then turn to medium heat and simmer for 40 minutes to fully stew out the collagen of the white fungus.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

After 40 minutes, the soup will look crystal clear and it will be ready. It is very simple.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

2. Wild rice

Wild rice is rarely eaten in the north, but it is a aquatic plant that is very common in the south. Also called "high bamboo shoots", they really look like spring bamboo shoots with tall tips, white, tender and juicy. It is rich in a variety of amino acids, which can relieve heat and phlegm and quench thirst.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Recommended practice: [ Stir-fried wild rice with meat ]

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Prepare two wild rice stalks, peel off the skin, clean them, cut them into diamond-shaped slices, and place them in a basin for later use.

Remove the seeds from the red pepper and cut into rhombus-shaped slices; peel the pork belly and cut into thin slices; cut the garlic into thin slices; cut the ginger into rhombus-shaped slices; cut the green onions into minced pieces and set aside.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Blanch the wild rice and red pepper. Boil water in a pot. After the water boils, add wild rice and red pepper slices, blanch for about 1 minute, remove, rinse with water and drain.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the pork belly and start stir-frying. Fry the pork belly until white and translucent, and stir out the lard. Stir-fry for about 2 minutes, then add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in the dark soy sauce and stir-fry for a few times. Pour in the wild rice, add cooking wine, and stir-fry for a while.

Add sugar, pepper, and light soy sauce, stir-fry for a while, then add salt. Once the salt is dissolved, take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Okay, this simple and delicious wild rice stir-fried pork is ready.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

3. Cress

A vegetable that grows by the water, but is easily ignored. The vegetable stalk is very small, it is empty inside, the leaves are also relatively small, , and water celery has a strong fragrance. Fried meat or scrambled eggs, are all very dishes that are both nutritious and delicious.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Recommended method: [Fried mushrooms and cress]

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Prepare four mushrooms, clean them and cut them into slices. A handful of celery, cleaned and cut into celery segments. Cut the garlic into slices, break the scallions into diced green onions, cut the ginger into slices, and cut the red pepper into shreds.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Blanch the mushrooms, celery and red pepper shreds and . Boil water in a pot and add 2 grams of salt. When the water is almost boiling, pour the mushrooms into the pot. After the water boils, add the celery and blanch them together.

After blanch the celery until it is raw, add shredded red peppers. Do not blanch the red peppers for too long. Pour out the water together and set aside.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Heat oil in a pot, add onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry. After stir-fry until fragrant, add celery, shiitake mushrooms and red pepper shreds and stir-fry together. Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, and 5 grams of cooking wine, and add a little water to better dissolve the seasoning.

After stir-frying for a few times, pour in a little water starch. Pour in the water starch to better integrate the seasonings and ingredients, stir-fry evenly, and then take it out of the pot and put it on a plate.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Meat 3 Fresh

1. Monopterus eel

There is a folk saying "Small Heat eel competes with ginseng" , because in the Slight Heat season, eel is the most plump.

The humidity in summer is heavy. For people with heavy humidity, it has the effect of "treating winter diseases in summer".

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Recommended practice: [Slime-roasted eel slices]

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Prepare the eel, remove the internal organs and clean it. Use a knife to smash the bones on the back, which can not only remove the fish bones easily, but also make the fish meat looser and more tender.

Remove the bones as cleanly as possible to avoid piercing your mouth when eating, and finally cut the eel meat into segments.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Marinate the eel, sprinkle it with an appropriate amount of salt and rub it for a few minutes to remove the blood stains. Add a handful of flour and continue to knead. Use the adsorption force of the flour to fully remove the mucus on it, and then wash it several times with clean water.

After washing, add salt, pepper and cooking wine, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews.Cut some garnishes, slice onions to add flavor, and cut green and red peppers into slices to match the color. Cut some more ginger slices, garlic slices and green onions and put them together.

Since it is burnt, it must be cooked quickly. Therefore, the ingredients for the bowl must be mixed with in advance. Add salt, sugar, MSG, chicken powder, pepper, cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, add dark soy sauce, mature vinegar, , and oyster sauce to the bowl, add a little water starch, and use clean water. Dissolve.

Everyone should pay attention to the color of the sauce, it must be orange.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Burn oil in the pot and the oil temperature is 40% hot. Pour the eel and green and red pepper slices into the pot, quickly oil for 10 seconds and pour out immediately. This step can not only make the eel and the ingredients mature quickly, increase the crispy taste, but also maintain the original color.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Leave the base oil in the pot, add onions, ginger, garlic and dried chilies, turn on low heat and sauté together until fragrant. Pour in the eel slices and green and red pepper slices and stir quickly over high heat. Then cook in the sauce, this step must be done quickly. Stir fry the eel fillets until the sauce is fully coated, then add the green onions and cook until fragrant, then remove from the pan immediately.

charred, charred, charred, the eel slices that have just come out of the pan must retain the charred texture, and stir-fry over high heat to prevent them from softening.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

2. Mandarin fish

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that its meat " can replenish fatigue, increase appetite, and replenish strength ", and is suitable for people with weak constitution and loss of appetite. The meat is tender and easy to digest, especially suitable for children and the elderly .

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Recommended practice: [Hunan smelly mandarin fish]

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Scrape the scales of the mandarin fish clean. Be careful when scraping. Do not get stuck by the spines on the back. The spines are poisonous.. Then cut open the belly of the fish and remove the internal organs and gills. Wash the blood from the fish and prepare it for marinating.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. First, mark both sides of the fish body with a knife to facilitate the flavoring. After processing, put it into a basin. Add salt, chicken powder, pepper, and stinky fermented bean curd, and crush with a spoon.

Then pour stinky fermented bean curd juice on the fish, and spread it evenly on both sides. Although the process is very smelly, the taste is as magical as stinky tofu. Cover with plastic wrap , seal and marinate for more than 4 hours.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Prepare an appropriate amount of garlic and cut it into minced garlic, two vitex strips , minced pickled pepper, a handful millet pepper , break it from the middle and chop it. Chop a few chili peppers as well. If you don’t like spicy food, you can omit the chili pepper .Take out the marinated mandarin fish and clean it before frying.

Heat oil in a pot. When the oil temperature is 50% hot, drain the mandarin fish and put it into the pot. You can use a pot lid to prevent hot oil from splashing out and causing burns. Fry on low heat, pour oil on the fish frequently, and flip it several times during this period.

Deep-fry the mandarin fish until golden brown and crispy, then take it out to control the oil.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Leave the base oil in the pot, add minced garlic and pickled pepper and stir-fry for a few times. Then add chopped green and red pepper, add bean paste and spicy sauce, continue to stir-fry until the red oil comes out, and stir-fry the sauce until fragrant. Then pour a little cooking wine along the edge of the pot to remove the fishy smell, and add the mandarin fish.

Turn the pan over to coat the mandarin fish evenly with the sauce. Add appropriate amount of water and turn to high heat and bring to a boil. Add Donggu soy sauce, light soy sauce, a little sugar to neutralize the spiciness, chicken powder, MSG, and pepper to taste. Reduce the juice over high heat and it's delicious.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

3. Duck meat

As the saying goes "eat duck meat to prevent bitter summer" , in a year, duck meat is most suitable to eat in summer. high protein low fat, nutritious, not dry and less greasy .

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

Recommended practice: [ old duck soup ]

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Prepare half a fresh old duck, remove the duck butt and duck toes, and then chop into small even pieces. Clean and prepare to pickle . Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, and 5 grams of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, mix well with your hands and marinate for 30 minutes to add flavor to the duck pieces.

Cut the radish into diamond-shaped slices, cut the pickled pepper into rings, and cut the ginger into slices and set aside.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Put the marinated duck meat into a pot of cold water and blanch it , pour in a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, boil the water and remove the foam in the pot, pour the duck meat out, rinse it with clean water and drain it for later use.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Heat a pan with cold oil, sprinkle in a few Sichuan peppercorns and sauté until fragrant, add pickled peppers and ginger slices and stir-fry together to create a spicy flavor.

Then pour in the drained duck meat, turn to medium heat and stir-fry for about 5 minutes, stir-fry the water in the duck meat . After you smell the meat aroma, add kimchi and stir-fry evenly. kimchi can not only remove the fishy smell, but also add a special fragrance to the duck meat.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews. Then put the duck meat in a casserole with boiling water , cook until the water boils again, then remove the foam in the pot, turn to low heat and simmer for 50 minutes.

After 50 minutes, pour the radish into the pot, add a little salt to taste, cover the pot and simmer for another 2 minutes, so that the fragrance of the radish can be integrated into the duck soup . A nutritious and delicious old duck soup is ready.

During this hot weather, you must not only prevent heatstroke, but also eat properly to prepare for the upcoming dog days. Tomorrow will be a slight summer heat. If you don’t need money, don’t forget to eat the “Six Fresh Foods in Water”. It’s delicious in season and nutritious t - DayDayNews

It’s going to be slightly hot tomorrow, don’t forget to eat “Six Fresh Foods in Water”, good seasonal ingredients, nutritious to eliminate dryness, and spend the summer comfortably.

(No. 1 Food Editor: Happy)

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