Zhou Hei Ya, who was once "popular", why is business bleak now? Now finally know

2019/10/1814:55:07 food 1320

Our Chinese culture has a long history, and our Chinese food culture is rich and colorful, and each place in China has its own local snacks, and the same kind of ingredients can be made different through the craftsmanship of our Chinese chefs Taste of cuisine. Take chicken, for example. In daily life, there may be stewed chicken, fried chicken, fried chicken or Kung Pao chicken. No matter how you cook it, it is very delicious. In daily life, for example, some animals of poultry, we may also separate them for cooking, such as duck necks, duck legs, duck heads, etc., and there are many ways to do it. In daily life, there are also many snack bars that specialize in ducks, and now there are more brands of such snack bars, such as Zhou Hei Ya Jue Wei Duck Neck, Wuhan Jiujiu Duck Neck, Jingwu Duck Neck and so on. These snack bars are also selling duck necks, but the most popular one is Zhou Hei Ya. There are often long lines at the door before him. I don’t know if you like to eat duck necks in your daily life. Have you noticed such a phenomenon. Zhou Hei Ya, who was once all the rage, has a bleak business now. What is the reason? Next, let's take a look with the editor.

Zhou Hei Ya, who was once

Zhou Hei Ya is a snack bar. Its main food is duck neck, duck gizzards, duck intestines and duck wings. I believe In daily life, many people should have seen a snack bar like Zhou Hei Ya, and you can smell a very fragrant scent wafting from this shop from a distance, so many people who love these snacks are often greedy. Drooling, so when passing by this store, I believe many people will stop and buy some, so especially the Zhou Hei Ya store opened in some crowded places, the business is generally very hot, especially like this Such as railway stations and bus stations, business in these places is extremely hot.

Have you noticed such a problem? Now Zhou Hei Ya's business has become increasingly bleak, so what is the reason? In fact, because of the rise of other ducks, Zhou Hei Ya was established in 1997. It was much earlier than other duck chains, so he became famous very early, so this is the reason why his business has been very hot, but With the rise of many other duck chains in recent years, Zhou Hei Ya's business has gradually become less popular.

Zhou Hei Ya, who was once

Next, let’s take a look at the things in Zhou Hei Ya Restaurant. Many people think that the snacks in Zhou Hei Ya Restaurant taste delicious. They are all very fragrant, but his snacks in Zhou Hei Ya Restaurant do not have his own unique characteristics. Therefore, many people taste it because of impulse or because of the smell, but few people will say that they will buy a second time. Slowly this reduces passenger traffic.

Zhou Hei Ya, who was once

And now many people do not choose to go to Zhou Hei Ya, another reason is because of the rise of other chain duck shops, and other There are also more varieties in the duck shop, and the flavors are now becoming more diverse. Slowly, many people think that the price of Zhou Hei Ya is a bit more expensive and there are fewer varieties, so many people would rather choose other shops For example, if you buy a box of duck necks in other stores, you may only buy half of it in Zhou Hei Ya Store. Over time, people will choose a cheaper duck store, and the taste is similar. of.

Don't know in daily life, do you like to eat the products in Zhou Hei Ya? Do you have any other disagreements with the editor's statement? Please leave a message in the comment area below.

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