It’s cold, these 6 stews are "made", with soup and vegetables, hot, delicious and easy to make

2021/10/1120:16:02 food 1842

The temperature has dropped sharply recently, and the morning is also abnormally cold. The stew on the table can be served again. The stew has soup and vegetables. After a big meal, the whole body is warm and warm, which is in line with the appetite of the appetite. Moreover, when the stew is cooked, the temperature does not exceed one hundred degrees in the whole process, which can well retain the nutrition of the ingredients. The key is that the method is also very simple. Today I will share with you 6 recipes of homemade stews, which are delicious or easy to make.

1. Sauerkraut stewed bones

The sauerkraut used in this dish is Northeast sauerkraut , it should be washed a little when using it, one will remove the odor in the sauerkraut, and the other can reduce the sour taste, because I buy The one is packaged sauerkraut shreds. I have tried the unwashed sauerkraut. It's extraordinarily sour. I'm afraid you can't stand it.

It’s cold, these 6 stews are

Ingredients preparation: pork bones , sauerkraut, green onion ginger, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, edible oil, monosodium glutamate

  1. after washing the pork bones, add ginger The slices and the cooking wine are blanched, and the scum on the surface is removed and rinsed with warm water.
  2. In another pot, boil water, put the blanched big bones in the pot, add only the green onion and ginger, cover and simmer for 40 minutes.
  3. Wash the sauerkraut shreds once and squeeze out the water, add the scallion and ginger to the pot to boil a little bit more oil, then add the sauerkraut shreds and stir evenly, cook the light soy sauce along the side of the pan and stir-fry evenly before serving.
  4. After the big bones are simmered, add the sauerkraut, add salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasonings, continue to simmer for 15 minutes, and it will be ready to cook.

2. Tomato stewed frozen tofu

After the tofu is frozen, it becomes easy to absorb the soup, and it is delicious. You only need to buy a piece of fresh tofu and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Just take it out and defrost it in advance when you eat it. It feels like a perfect match with tomatoes. You can also try it.

It’s cold, these 6 stews are

Ingredients preparation: two tomatoes,One piece of frozen tofu, dried fungus, pork belly, green onion and ginger, light soy sauce, white vinegar, white pepper, sugar, salt, edible oil, MSG

  1. two tomatoes, peeled and cut directly into pieces for later use. After the frozen tofu is thawed, cut it into mahjong chunks for later use, soak the dried fungus, and slice into a small piece of pork belly.
  2. Heat oil in a pot, add pork belly and stir-fry to get the fat, then add green onion and ginger to burst the fragrance, pour the tomato chunks into it, pour the light soy sauce and stir-fry to make the soup.
  3. Add the right amount of boiling water, bring to a boil, add salt, sugar and white pepper to taste, put the frozen tofu and the soaked fungus together in a pot and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Sprinkle in monosodium glutamate to taste, and pour white vinegar before serving to increase the sourness.

3. Beef and cabbage stewed noodles

In this dish, I use cooked beef. If you have raw meat, adding boiled beef to the soup is more delicious. The recipe is very simple, the important thing is Add some dried chilies to make it spicy enough.

It’s cold, these 6 stews are

Ingredients preparation: cooked beef, Chinese cabbage, powder skin, green onion and ginger, dried chili, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, pepper, edible oil, salt

  1. cooked beef slices, After washing the Chinese cabbage leaves, tear them into pieces directly, and cut them into slices with a knife for later use.
  2. Heat oil in a pot, first add scallion ginger and dried chili to explode the aroma, then add beef, add light soy sauce and a small amount of dark soy sauce and stir fry evenly. Then add the cabbage and stir fry until it is slightly soft and broken.
  3. Add the right amount of boiling water, add salt and pepper to taste, put the powder into the pot, cover and simmer for 15 minutes, then it can be out of the pot.

4. Stewed noodles with radish ribs

In late autumn, eat more white radishes to moisturize the lungs and relieve .

It’s cold, these 6 stews are

Ingredients preparation: a white radish,Spare ribs, two star anise, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, MSG, salt, edible oil

  1. a piece of white radish washed clean and sliced ​​for later use, soak pork ribs in clean water for an hour, then cool under water Pot, add cooking wine and ginger slices to blanch water, remove and rinse with warm water and set aside.
  2. Heat oil in the pot, add green onion and ginger to explode the aroma, then add the ribs and stir fry, pour light soy sauce and dark soy sauce along the side of the pot and stir fry evenly to make it evenly colored.
  3. Add sliced ​​radish and stir fry a few times, add boiling water to cover the ribs, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. When the time is up, add salt and monosodium glutamate to taste, then add the soaked vermicelli, cover and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes.

5. Pork stewed vermicelli

A classic stew that belongs to Northeastern cuisine, but it originated in Sichuan. The legend is that of the Tang Dynasty and Xue Rengui spread it from Sichuan to the Northeast, regardless of Where does it come from? Just delicious.

Ingredients preparation: pork belly, sweet potato vermicelli, rock sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise, green onion ginger, cinnamon, bay leaves, cooking oil, salt

It’s cold, these 6 stews are

  1. , Add cooking wine and ginger slices to blanch water, rinse with warm water and set aside.
  2. Heat oil in a pot, add a handful of rock sugar, slowly fry over low heat until it melts, then fry it into sugar color, add pork belly and stir fry for color.
  3. Pour the light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, add green onion, ginger, 2 star anise, half a piece of cinnamon, and stir fry a piece of bay leaf for a fragrance.
  4. Add boiled water to soak the pork belly, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, add salt to taste, then put the soft soaked sweet potato vermicelli in the pot and simmer for about 20 minutes.

6. Stewed lamb with radish

It’s cold, you can eat some lamb to warm up,Pairing with radish can remove the mutton and increase the flavor, and it is a pleasure to eat soup and meat.

It’s cold, these 6 stews are

Ingredients preparation: lamb, a white radish, white pepper, coriander, salt, cooking wine, ginger slices

  1. white radish peeled and cut into hob pieces for later use. Add ginger slices and cooking wine in a pot under cold water, remove and rinse with water and set aside.
  2. Prepare a casserole, put the lamb in the pot, add a few slices of ginger, and add enough cold water.
  3. After the high heat is boiled, turn to medium and low heat and continue to simmer for an hour.
  4. When the time is up, add the radish cubes, add salt to taste, continue to simmer for about 20 minutes, and then sprinkle white pepper and cilantro chopped green onion to taste.

——Ahu has something to say——

As the weather is getting colder and colder, there should be an extra "stew" on the table to add warmth and flavor. This is also the time when you can really "autumn tonic" to provide autumn fat. Eat more stews, there are vegetables and soups, meat and vegetables, appetizing and nutritious, the above 6 stew recipes are shared with you, I hope you like them.

I am Ahu, a small eater who likes to study and make food. If you like the content of today, please give me a thumbs up. There will be more exciting content waiting for you tomorrow. Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.


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