When people reach middle age, they have experienced more things, met more people, their minds are becoming more and more mature, and they are living more realistically. When we gain wisdom and struggle through betrayal and pain, we suddenly realize: for thousands of years, human

2024/06/1910:35:32 emotion 1299

When people reach middle age, they have experienced more things, met more people, their minds are becoming more and more mature, and they are living more realistically.

When we gain wisdom and struggle through betrayal and pain, we suddenly realize:

For thousands of years, human nature has remained unchanged, such as hating the poor and loving the rich, pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and being selfish. , ingratitude, hypocrisy and cunning, greed and fear, etc.

And character is domesticated in the later period and is used to suppress the truth;

Whoever believes in feelings is easily kidnapped by morality and becomes a leek harvested by others.

In the end, people ask you to borrow money and ask you for help one after another, and endless losses are waiting for you.

Obviously, this result is not what we want to see, and it will also bring a lot of trouble to our lives.

Being a human being is a great subject. Psychologists even believe that "all troubles come from interpersonal relationships".

So how should we handle interpersonal relationships and get along with others correctly?

In fact, if we can live a more realistic life and think about the rules of human nature as " first principle ", then our interpersonal relationships will be much better, and our lives will reduce a lot of troubles and troubles.

Today I will tell you a truth about human nature, which can also be regarded as a tip for getting along with others: Pretend to be poor in front of acquaintances, and show off your wealth in front of strangers.

When people reach middle age, they have experienced more things, met more people, their minds are becoming more and more mature, and they are living more realistically. When we gain wisdom and struggle through betrayal and pain, we suddenly realize: for thousands of years, human  - DayDayNews

Interpersonal relationships are mainly divided into acquaintances (family, relatives, friends, colleagues) and strangers (customers, fans, passers-by, strangers, etc.). If we handle these two types of interpersonal relationships well, life will naturally go smoothly.

Why do you say "You should pretend to be poor in front of acquaintances, and you should show off your wealth in front of strangers"?

Because apart from your parents, few people in the world want you to live well, especially better than them.

People often can allow a stranger to prosper, but cannot forgive the rise of a person around them.

The greatest evil in human nature is not seeing those around you living better than yourself.

People who stab you in the back are often acquaintances, because they know your most secrets and know where to insert the knife to hurt you the most.

shares 2 human stories:

Story 1: The son was admitted to Peking University , but the mother did not say anything, let alone treat him. After graduation, his son made an annual salary of one million, but his mother said that he could barely make ends meet. The son spent 8,000 yuan to buy a down jacket for his mother. When others asked, the mother said that she only spent 200 yuan.

The son was a little puzzled, so he asked his mother: "Mom, why are you so low-key?" The mother said: "Did you know that Aunt Zhang upstairs is the mother-in-law of a big shot? People never mention it. I hope you can live well in this world. The only good ones are parents.”

Story 2: In the past, A liked to tell the truth and hurt many people. This time A was in Chongqing and bought a big house, but A did not post on WeChat Moments. A matured overnight. In 2012, A drank too much in the village and said that he made 10 million yuan a year, which was trivial. Half a year later, all the fish in A's fish pond were poisoned. Where there are no street lights, only animals wander around at night.

It can be seen that the people we should be most wary of are the acquaintances around us, because they are more likely to be jealous of us and make trouble behind our backs.

Even if it is not so serious, once acquaintances see us getting along well, they will ask us to borrow money or help;

When the time comes, it will be wrong for us to help or not, because if we help, it will be like "meat buns beat dogs and they will never come back." , if you don’t help, you will have another enemy.

Therefore, the wisest thing to do is to pretend to be poor in front of acquaintances.

For example, you can post negative news in your circle of friends from time to time that you cannot afford to pay off your credit card , that your business is not doing well, that you have lost money, etc.

Although these negative news about pretending to be poor will make acquaintances look down on you, or even stay away from you;

But they are actually very happy inside, because they can gloat and comfort themselves, and there are others who are worse off than themselves.

When people reach middle age, they have experienced more things, met more people, their minds are becoming more and more mature, and they are living more realistically. When we gain wisdom and struggle through betrayal and pain, we suddenly realize: for thousands of years, human  - DayDayNews

As a result, you have established a non-threatening interpersonal relationship with your acquaintances. At least they will not be jealous of you, ask you to borrow money, or ask you for help.

But secretly, you can make a fortune silently, boldly do what you like, go wherever you want, and enjoy any good things you can enjoy.

Some people may question: Isn’t it just for me to return home in glory after I’m done with life, so that I can show my relatives and friends around me and let them recognize me? If I was working as a jobber and always pretending to be poor, who would be willing to associate with me?

Please remember this sentence: Wild beasts always walk alone, while cattle and sheep only travel in groups.

In life, only the weak at the bottom like to hug together for warmth, while the strong disdain this kind of behavior, because they are strong enough to have no relatives or friends, and can solve anything by themselves and their own money. .

When we are full of fear about the future, the wisest thing to do is to make ourselves stronger, instead of pinning our hopes on others and blindly superstitious about the relationship and feelings with someone.

Generally speaking, acquaintance relationships are a kind of consumption, but stranger relationships are easier to create value.

Therefore, we must treat acquaintance relationships and stranger relationships differently.

You must know that it is the relationships between strangers that can bring us career success and financial wealth.

Therefore, we must understand the characteristics of human nature that dislike poverty and love wealth, try to show off wealth in front of strangers, let others recognize ourselves, connect with ourselves, and finally reach a certain deal.

For example, if you travel abroad, stay in high-end hotels, or buy luxury goods, you can post them in your circle of friends so that strangers can see them, but block acquaintances.

After all, your wealth-showing content will make many acquaintances intolerable, and strangers will also admire you more and have a good impression of you.

This is what people often say: Those who are close will be jealous, and those who are far away will be admired;

People who are good at avoiding the jealousy of acquaintances and taking advantage of the admiration of strangers are masters of human nature and masters of handling interpersonal relationships.

No wonder our ancestors have warned us a long time ago: You can still get close to a tiger, but you can't get close to an acquaintance.

This sentence seems to go against the common sense of ordinary people, but if anyone can understand the meaning behind it, he can gradually understand human nature and reduce a lot of troubles in interpersonal communication.

To learn more about the rules of human nature, everyone is welcome to subscribe to my column on human nature, which contains more than 40 articles explaining the rules of human nature.

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