One group of people are still depressed about not having a partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage. People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different when faced by one person than when faced b

2024/06/0921:35:33 emotion 1197

A group of people are still depressed because they have no partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage.

People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different between one person facing them and two people facing them. Married people envy single people. They are free and relaxed. Everyone yearns for it. Daily food, rice, oil and salt are not everyone's hope.

One group of people are still depressed about not having a partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage. People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different when faced by one person than when faced b - DayDayNews

In marriage, there are some factors that corrode the originally healthy family relationship like killers and become the end of marriage.

01Can’t see your best friend

If a man has a buddy who is unhappy, he will come to you for a drink when he is frustrated and confide his sadness to you. And if the goddess has a bestie who is unhappy, there is a high probability (note that it is a high probability) that when she goes shopping with you, she will intentionally or unintentionally stir up trivial matters between the husband and wife, causing the woman to be dissatisfied, and she will turn towards her husband when she returns home. Lose your temper. For a best friend like

, stay away from her because lightning will hit you.

One group of people are still depressed about not having a partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage. People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different when faced by one person than when faced b - DayDayNews

02 Immersed in short videos that provoke gender antagonism

Women and men like to watch short video platforms, videos about "suspiciousness", "suspiciousness", "egoism" and other themes when men and women fall in love. The video has a habit of using some people who don't happen often in life and "the best men and women" who are very difficult to meet to interpret a slightly exaggerated story, thus causing men and women to "check in" and make analogies to their own relationships and marriages. The

traffic password, in addition to showing the waist and legs, is the kind of content that looks "pleasant" and "intriguing". Women tend to watch videos of men showing no effort and being lazy; men tend to watch videos of ordinary women on a blind date asking for a car or a house, and then being beaten up by the rich second generation and enjoying themselves.

How can we live a good life if we are immersed in such things that provoke gender antagonism?

One group of people are still depressed about not having a partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage. People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different when faced by one person than when faced b - DayDayNews

03 Ma Baonan and Fu Di Mo

formed a new family, but they cannot remain indifferent to their original family. However, the problem with some families is that they are too closely connected to their family of origin, or even inseparable.

A woman who supports her younger brother believes that as the eldest daughter in the family, helping her younger brother is what a sister should do. In terms of scale, while contributing his few resources, he also gave his husband's share and shared share to his younger brother, which caused conflicts between the couple. Men know men, how could another man not despise an adult man who has been helped by his sister?

Men who are mama's boys will be more serious in comparison. I have always been in a state of not growing up. Under the protection of my mother, I have to ask for instructions on everything I do, or simply leave it to my mother. On the surface, the couple does everything in the family well, but in reality the wife does her part, and her mother does the part that the husband should do. The reason why it is more serious than to support the younger brother and is because the baby boy's giant baby mentality caused him to lose many key decision-making rights, causing the whole family to change from "living together with two people" to "living together with three people" ".

One group of people are still depressed about not having a partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage. People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different when faced by one person than when faced b - DayDayNews

04 One party is infinitely accommodating, and the other party should be taken for granted.

Two relatively independent people have fewer family problems. But there is also a hidden killer that slowly gnaws away at the relationship between husband and wife.

has a docile personality, and often has an attitude of "it doesn't matter" and "forget it" about other people's mistakes. The other party has a willful and egoistic personality, and will find someone who tolerates him/her and bully him/her to the end. It is true that

believes in "mutual compensation", but the original meaning of mutual compensation is compensation that comes and goes. It is not that one party outputs unlimitedly and the other party gives away unlimited lives. When the one who always gives finally becomes unbearable at some point and divulges the past one by one, the other party will be surprised and confused about the reason for this sudden conflict.

"You have always been like this before, why can't you do it this time?"

When the recipient of the contribution takes his enjoyment for granted, that is when the conflicts between husband and wife really begin.

One group of people are still depressed about not having a partner, while another group of people are struggling within the walls of marriage. People who are not married envy those who are married. The problems in life are much different when faced by one person than when faced b - DayDayNews

05 Countermeasures

① Sort out interpersonal relationships and slowly marginalize trouble-provoking and unreliable friends.

②Watch less "cool articles" and videos that provoke confrontation, and pay more attention to your mortgage and salary card balances.

③When encountering problems, suppress your temper and communicate, especially for boys, control the frequency and depth of preaching.

④ "Fall down" a few times, so that the other person will gradually understand that you have a lot to bear without you. As for how to "fall down", you can figure it out yourself.

⑤Don’t tell others about your marriage story. If you tell it, tell only the good ones and don’t expose the family scandal, because the listener will only feel happy secretly and will not bear your pain with you.

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